Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4
Rock engineering investigation and remediation for unstable hill rock slope: A new approach R. The analysis of geotechnical properties for civil engineering and technological project of natural underground gas storage near Sanok SE Poland Z. Landslide geotechnical investigations and monitoring along Szymbark-Szalowa public road Polish Carpathians Z. Shear wave profiles in tertiary marine sediments in west central South Carolina T. Geophysical surveys in shallow water for near shore bridge project K. Rock slope stability and rockfalls at Werka descent mountainous road west Saudi Arabia B.
A useful tool for the detection of rock and soil instability zones 1 W. Effect of variability of soil properties on consolidation settlement 1 D. Non-invasive method of estimation of stiffness of near surface material using surface wave A. Use of GPR to identify metal bars and layer thickness in a rigid pavement L.
Use of geophysical techniques for the localization of the restricting zones of permeability in the bottom of basin: Forecast the zones of clogging I. The use of geophysical methods to investigate a contaminated site with organochlorine O. Application of the GPR in real-life situations in geotechnical engineering D. Combined use of geophysical tests for the characterization of a pyroclastic slope R. Application of electromagnetic techniques Georadar to investigate Burgos Cathedral subsoil and foundation A. Laboratorial S-wave measurements with buried geophones in a large calibration box F.
Round Robin Test for comparative study of in-situ seismic tests D. Subsoil caves characterization by means of the interpretation of electrical resistivity tomography: Application to Clunia and Atapuerca archaeological sites J. Lab-scale study of salient characteristics and assessment of borehole-based detection using resistivity tomography E. CPT evaluation of liquefaction mitigation with stone columns in interbedded silts and sands K.
Joint application of low-cost, fast executable and non-invasive geophysical techniques during emergency and microzonation study: In situ evaluation of K0 using piezocone tests for bridge foundations L. Investigation of vibratory compaction effect: A case study in China Y. S-wave velocity structure of Mexico City obtained from three-component microtremor measurements and microtremor array measurements K. The potential of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading in Erbaa Tokat-Turkey M.
Railway earthwork stability assessment using geophysics S. Characterization of soft organic subgrade using Piezocone penetration testing K. Investigations on stiffness anisotropy of soft clay with electro-osmosis chemical treatment F. Geotechnical site characterization for reservoir sediment C. Geotechnical model development for a very soft estuarine clay with MASW geophysics, in-situ and laboratory testing R.
Geotechnical properties of soft to very soft clays of the left bank of the Port of Santos C.
1st Edition
Soil microscopy by nano technology of vertical geodrain reinforced coastal soil mass in accelerating road embankment construction M. In situ and laboratory parameters of extremely soft organic clay deposits M. Evaluation of sample quality and correction of compressibility parameters results to account for the effects of sample disturbance: Experience at Suape in Pernambuco R. Undrained strength and overconsolidation ratio parameters of suape soft clays, Pernambuco R. Shear strength modeling of gravel formation using distinct element method S. An overview on existing dynamic cone penetration test research related to the Central Area of Brazil L.
Swell—shrink behavior of expansive soils stabilized with eco-cement M. Geotechnical characterization of inert debris fills D. Refining estimates of foundation settlements due to consolidation of fine-grained tailings deposits E. Bending fracture behavior of ductile-fiber-reinforced cementitious composites K. Detecting the presence of cementation structures in soils, based in DMT interpreted charts N. Dewatering of a bauxite tailing using electrockinetics phenomena L. Experience in the work rehabilitation of National Route No 7—Section: Crossing La Picasa Lagoon through existing road J.
Environmental characterization and extended geotechnics M. Site investigation of a pesticide contaminated factory based on in-situ resistivity piezocone tests in Southeastern China S. Geophysical site characterization for a large landslide 3-D modeling R. Interpretation of in situ and laboratory thermal measurements resulting in accurate thermogeological characterization P.
Combined field and laboratory experiments for the characterization and monitoring of hydrocarbon pollution A. Variation of in situ parameters with change of gravimeter water content J. Testing block samples from silty deposits J. Characterization challenges for analyses of single piles under lateral impact loading C. Evaluation of the collapsibility of soils in the semiarid region of Pernambuco, Brazil S. Effect of uncertainty in soil and structure parameters for buried pipes S.
Recent developments in deepwater investigations using a seafloor drill P. Geotechnical laboratory tests on soil samples recovered from eastern Nankai Trough S. Learn More about VitalSource Bookshelf. CPD consists of any educational activity which helps to maintain and develop knowledge, problem-solving, and technical skills with the aim to provide better health care through higher standards. It could be through conference attendance, group discussion or directed reading to name just a few examples.
We provide a free online form to document your learning and a certificate for your records. Already read this title? Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Exclusive web offer for individuals. Add to Wish List. Toggle navigation Additional Book Information. Description Table of Contents. Summary Site characterization is a fundamental step towards the proper design, construction and long term performance of all types of geotechnical projects, ranging from foundation, excavation, earth dams, embankments, seismic hazards, environmental issues, tunnels, near and offshore structures.
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The books are divided into 11 general themes: Direct-push and Borehole-type in-situ test; 2. Development of new equipment and methods; 3. New approaches for interpreting data; 4. Applications to shallow and deep foundations; 5. Special uses of in-situ tests; 6. Site investigation for infrastructure projects; 7. Seismic ground hazards; 9. Investigation in very soft to extremely soft soils; Non-textbook type geomaterials; Interpretation of in-situ tests—some insights P.
Robertson Variable penetration rate cone testing for characterization of intermediate soils J. Wahl Combined use of geophysical methods in site characterization S. Lehane Site characterization in nearshore and offshore geotechnical projects J. Peuchen Beyond coefficient of variation for statistical characterization of geotechnical parameters K. Ching The mechanics of cone penetration: Salgado Workshop lectures Aspects on soil investigation for embankments on soft soil D. Kort The detection of hidden shear zones in clay: Urciuoli Application of in situ testing in tailing dams, emphasis on liquefaction: Puppala Cyclic sleeve friction test for the design of piles under cyclic loading P.
Ward SPT hammer motion and its effect on impact energy C.
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Lee Discrete element modelling of cone penetration tests in granular materials O. Schneider Application of piezocone tests in the determination of non-hydrostatic distribution of water pressure in mine tailings profiles W. Direct push-in in situ test Z. Kyung Comparison of predicted embankment settlement from piezocone penetration test with field measurement and laboratory estimated M. Yimsiri Measuring energy in dynamic probing S. Coutinho Site characterisation by in situ and laboratory tests of the sea bed in the Genova Harbour, Italy A. Arroyo Experimental study of drilling parameters using a test embankment G.
Fahey Two in one: Niederleithinger Geotechnical and geophysical characterization of a pile test site in post-glacial soil E. Tronicke Building a robust geological model to support geotechnical analysis M. Waterton Determination of hydraulic conductivity from piezocone tests Q. Marchetti Characterization of soft glacial soils: A tricky business W. Lefebvre The ability of in situ tests to detect the soil region affected by an embankment on soft clay G. Verbeek Wireless in geotechnical engineering: Development of new equipment and methods J.
Howie Profiling hydraulic conductivity in situ A. Moradi A push-in earth pressure cell for estimating soil properties A. Lehane Effects of time dependency on earth pressure measurements taken by inclinodeformometer M.
Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4
Puzrin Detection of ground movements using soil-embedded distributed fiber optic sensors D. Puzrin High yield electrical prospection for characterization of soil O. Marache Piezoball testing in soft lake sediments C. Ward The Geomechameter, an in-situ apparatus adapted to the suffusion measurement J. Monnet Determination of axial resistance of deep foundations using torque penetrometer test N. Bodenheimer Development and application of cone resistivity penetrometer H.
Lee A new coring method: Controlled penetration speed M. Magagnoli Cyclic multi-piezo-friction sleeve penetrometer testing for liquefaction assessment J. Togliani A submersible drill rig for coring soils and rocks M. Park Settlement calculation and back-analysis of soil properties for a test embankment on a soft clay ground improved by PVD and vacuum-assisted preloading at a site in Vung Tau, Vietnam N.
Seah A local geological-geotechnical classification for preliminary characterization of coarse grain alluviums A. Muzdybayeva Behaviour of reinforced beach sand under the effect of rapid impact loading F. Khaniki Shear wave velocity via inversion of full waveforms K. Hiltunen Quality assessment of soil-cement column using electrical resistivity M.
Cholho The use of trench cutter for diaphragm walls in urban applications and cut off walls in challenging ground conditions F. Gerressen Profiling subsurface stratigraphy using torque measurements from installation of a helical plate A. Seider A new Swedish large-diameter sampler for soft and sensitive clays R. Plotto Soil improvement using electro-osmotic chemical treatment with harmonic waves S. Teng An experimental study to understand the creeping displacement behavior of landslides soils in residual-state of shear A.
Yatabe Effects of curing time on the tensile characteristics of lightly stabilized granular base materials D.
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New approaches for interpreting testing data F. Gens Prediction of bearing capacity from steel piles using dynamic energy transfer measurements M. Schnaid Investigation on inherent variability of soil properties from cone penetration test R. Kenarsari Comparative study of the SPT penetration resistance measured in two seasons in a tropical soil S.
Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4 | Taylor & Francis Group
Hatipkarasulu Aspects influencing stiffness on a granite residual soil A. Danziger Experimental soil dynamic force: Esquivel Analysis of sampler-soil interaction mechanism on dynamic penetration tests B. Howie The joint evaluation of some pore water pressure and cone resistance dissipation test records L. Isaev Evaluation of shear wave velocities using SPT-based uphole: Topal Unit weight trends with cone resistance in soft to firm clays P. Peuchen Cluster analysis and pressuremeter survey—the Grays Harbor site J. Danziger The possibility for soil and layer boundary characterization with CPTu dissipation test in estuary environment D.
New approaches for interpreting data J. Kalantary Comparing the ground resistivity measured by DC and capacitively-coupled resistivity methods Q. Wang Predicting reliable soil profile using electrical resistivity survey M. Schlosser Deriving interval velocities from downhole seismic data E. Verbeek Penetration rate effects on cone resistance measured in a calibration chamber R.
Lee An estimate of young moduli in sands from N60 blow count A. Danziger Lithuanian approach to EN Eurocode 7 of the determination of characteristic parameters values S. Anilionis Comparative analysis of soils according to grain-size distribution, physical state and geotechnical investigation methods S. Applications to shallow and deep foundations P.
Eslami Case study of a micropiled raft foundation design in soft calcareous sandy soil in Kerman, Iran M. Salajegheh Numerical analysis versus in plate load tests on cemented soil layers overlaying weaker soil V. Consoli Pullout tests on plates backfill with sand and cemented sand C. Carvalho The use of standard penetration test for the characterization of North Central Nigeria soils K. Eberemu Site characterization based on micropile loading test in sandy and clayey soils M.
Elahi Undrained shear strength for foundation design at the Luva deep water field in the Norwegian Sea T. Editor Mayne, Paul W. Editor Published Boca Raton: Physical Description 2 vol. View online Borrow Buy Freely available Show 0 more links Set up My libraries How do I set up "My libraries"? This single location in All: Open to the public. This single location in New South Wales: None of your libraries hold this item. Found at these bookshops Searching - please wait We were unable to find this edition in any bookshop we are able to search. These online bookshops told us they have this item: Tags What are tags?
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