Fudesaki - My Writings
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I shall teach and caution you only by writing brush. However, this theory is difficult to accept. This just goes to show that it requires meticulous thought to support a theory or idea even when it is concerned only with a single letter. The meaning of the verse, then is that, although God will press, God will not physically point anything out to us or tell us by word of mouth.
Fudesaki - My Writings: My Writings: Mr. Nilo Rivera: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books
Instead, God will enlighten us with the tip of the writing brush. From Tenrikyo Resource Wiki. Miki Nakayama Date Published: The English translation below is the sixth edition translation. After what was to be done was finished, My hand became numb and it could not be moved. If You find something You cannot understand, ask Me.
Ofudesaki 01:022
That is the Fudesaki. These were the words Oyasama told to Shirobei Umetani in Her later years. Anecdotes of Oyasama , p. Update June 17, A tidbit of info I meant to add but forgot to in my haste to put this online. Anecdotes 22 is such a straightforward description of events that I question my ability to add commentary of any value here.
Until now, about everything, I taught by word of mouth. Because you forget, I have informed you with the tip of My writing brush. The tip of the writing brush may seem light but it is weighty. You must not take it lightly. It is the basis of My teachings.
Writing & Writings
It will not do to misinterpret it…. Concerning the truth I have taught you until now, the kana syllabary may feel soft, yet it conveys key teachings. The spoken word is easily forgotten. The written word is unlikely to be forgotten. Although Oyasama taught the teachings through word of mouth, God had her set them in writing as well since people tended to forget what was taught.
Followers were thus warned about taking the content of the Ofudesaki lightly because serious and intellectual writing were largely written in kanji through Japanese history, not kana. Interestingly, this is the deity worshiped by the New Religion Konkokyo. In some cases, her text was not written by brush, but by a nail on the walls of her home.
The Life of Oyasama also describes the writing of the Ofudesaki as follows:. In consideration for us human beings who are apt to forget what we hear and so that the will of God the Parent would be available for us in its exact form for all time, Oyasama recorded it with Her brush.
That Oyasama wrote in verse was also due to the deep parental love, so that anyone might find the divine will familiar, easily memorized, and easily acceptable. Oyasama took Her brush in hand and the brush sped on, during the daylight hours of course, and even in the dark of night, abruptly stopping when the revelation of God the Parent ended. Finally, I offer a short history of the Ofudesaki as a sacred text.
The Tenrikyo jiten mentions that Oyasama encouraged everyone who visited her to read and copy it p. However, in , the first Shinbashira, Shinnosuke Nakayama, lied to police that it had been burned so he could protect it from being subject to their examination.
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The Ofudesaki later became one of several texts that the military government ordered Tenrikyo Church Headquarters to recall in the s. In any case, since I brought up the subject of unnumbered verses, I present the ones that I happen to know; the original Japanese verses in addition to English translations.
I know of only seven, not ten. Deutschlandfunk Germany — Oct.

Kunststof — October 16th, Radio 1: Interne Keuken — September 3, Nieuwslicht — March 12, De Nieuws BV — January 27, Radio 5 — NTR: Bureau Buitenland — December 2, Radio 4: Portraits de justice — March 22, De avonden — june 11th Radio 1 — NTR: Kunststof — may 20th Radio 1 — NOS: Met het oog op morgen — may 17th Radio St.