
YoungStart.Org: How To Publish, and Get Paid From, Your Own Neighborhood Newsletter

Registration is free, and takes less than a minute. Solar System Shield January 14, Water vapor in planet-forming disks may block ultraviolet radiation from destroying water and other important molecules for life, according to new calculations. Adjust slider to filter visible comments by rank. Raises some interesting questions, doesn't it: Just how does water vapor and dust coalesce into a comet, all on its own, without some outside interference? If you think it only takes time, please explain the physics involved.

Given that all the basic ingredients will be in place, just how does life suddenly get started all on it's own, without any outside interference? How does cell membranes form and stay in place at the right temperatures, all by themselves? How does the ports in the cell-wall get to form with the right signalling pathways - all by itself. Come to think of it, those ports consists of some amino acids - just where do those come from all on their own? How does the horrendously complex DNA and RNA molecules get started, all on their own without some outside protection or manipulation?

Say nothing about the enzymes required to perform the vital functions of life. Just how does water vapor and dust coalesce into a snowflake, and build up mile-thick glaciers, without some outside interference? Given that all the basic ingredients will be in place, just how does any physical process whatsoever get started all on it's sic own, without any outside interference? Modern, sophisticated cells didn't just pop into existence ex nihilo, replete with RNA, DNA, cell walls, ion channels, signalling pathways, enzymes, and all manner of organelles.

What you fail to understand because you fail to perceive basic facts due to your chronic state of denial is that it took life about 3 Billion years of evolution to progress to a point where the first primitive multi-cellular organisms could emerge. That's 3 Billion years of simply building up single-celled sophistication. How many generations does that amount to?

Thanks for the story and the picture. Water consists of two elements, H and O, that are dominant in the outer and inner layers of supernova debris. That is why the outer and inner parts of the solar system are made of a. H, He, C, N made giant gaseous planets and carbonaceous inclusions of diamonds. These two layers were not completely separate, but water consists of elements from each.

Kevin isn't really interested in the answers to these questions, he just wants to stick his desert God in there and be done with it. H, He, C, N made giant gaseous planets and carbonaceous inclusions of meteorites - graphite and diamonds. Kevin, the physics you're asking for are a combination of time and gravity to the tune of many many many years. Imagine each particle is like a miniature magnet due to its own gravitational pull. Eventually many magnets come together from different directions and velocities to form celestial bodies like comets, moons, planets, etc When many bodies are flying around they inevitably fly into eachother creating more mass from the sum of the individual colliding parts or in extreme cases additional celestial bodies break off from the larger body like the the case of our moon.

Hmm i'd like a small addition to the opening sentence: There is nothing wrong with the believe in God I believe in God, and I believe all of our science, our research is a part of Gods work because it explains to us the mystery of the universe I am not sure God plopped adam and eve here I do believe god made it so evolution, science, chemistry, physics could create God or no god the universe, its creation are amazing and it needs to be studied further than the bible or any religious belief. Believe in God's glory not your own interpretation of who and what god is Sure does , eg: What is of particular interest is that this is current information.

What we are seeing happening only happened years ago. In other words what they are observing is happening NOW not millions or billions of years ago as is the case with most of such observations. Just how does the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit coalesce into a single god, all on its own, without some outside interference? Given that all the three basic god ingredients will be in place, just how does life suddenly get started all on its own, without any outside interference? How does the horrendous god of the bible get started, without some outside protection or manipulation?

Say nothing about the magic required to create life and the world in its current form years ago. Oh, and so by the way, those need magic to exist - bummer! Did he just spontaneously pop into existence? JSY is a local charity that has been set up in Jersey to provide support for vulnerable and at risk young people in the Island.

All money we raise is used locally to directly fund targeted projects for young people. We are also looking to support further projects where young people will benefit directly from any funds received.

MN Rep. Jim Knoblach ends campaign ahead of MPR abuse allegations story | MPR News

Our response will depend on what is needed at the time so may focus on helping young people who are lacking in confidence or self-esteem, misuse drugs or alcohol, are caught up in the criminal justice system, are long term unemployed etc. We want to make a difference and give the young people of Jersey the very best start in life. Jersey Trees for Life is the only charity entirely devoted to protecting the Island's trees and woodlands. Their work includes woodland restoration and the planting of many thousands of trees each year in woods, copses and hedgerows.

Trees for Life have created several new community woodlands and often work closely with other conservation groups to aid the survival of threatened local species. Whilst also continuing to campaign and lobby for preservation orders on trees in peril and running a busy community environmental education programme.

Please join us today! The Refuge offers safe and secure temporary accommodation to women and children suffering physical, verbal, mental and sexual abuse in the home. It is a 24 hour service providing advice and support. Jersey Youth Trust aims to provide a high quality information, advice and support to young people aged 14 - 25 years through the Youth Enquiry Service YES and the 1: Jersey Youth Trust receive financial support both from the States and various charitable trusts.

To provide a safe and caring environment for children after school and during holidays as their parents work. Educational and fun playcare, outings, games, outdoor play, stimulating activities and development. They believe they do this best by labouring actively towards the establishment of Christian standards in the world today and serving others. Organised in Councils there is one in Jersey each local council chooses the means suitable to its own locality, capabilities and resources to achieve its aims.

We are also affiliated to similar organisations in the English speaking world. Locally, we assist with the Catholic Clergy and liaise with other Christian organisations i. We assist with fund raising activities at many school fetes, church fairs and bazaars, sponsored walks etc.

Individually most members are, amongst other duties, actively engaged in the mission of the Catholic Church as Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers, visitors to the sick, and the Apostleship of the Sea. To provide an opportunity for brass, woodwind and percussion players to meet together in a spirit of friendship for the rehearsal and performance of concert band music in order to improve the quality of performance and positively contribute to the musical environment of the island.

To advance the education of students in the school, including the development of relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school. Engaging in supportive activities and providing facilities or items for the school. Voluntary Services throughout the hospitals and day centres, with all money raised going to purchase items within the Hospitals Group.

Our main objective is to offer care and support in residential settings to adults with learning difficulties. Our philosophy is to offer homely environments where people feel free to express themselves and make real choices that effect their lives. This is acheived through empowering residents by helping them to gain the necessary skills to participate and contribute to their local community as equal and valued members.

We have branches in Jersey and Guernsey, serving islanders in both Bailiwicks. The Lions Club of Jersey is one of the thousands of Lions Clubs situated all over the world, known collectively as "Lions International". There are over 40 members in the Lions Club of Jersey of differing ages and professions. The Lions prime call is to serve and help the local community and to participate in Lions International projects at the club's discretion.

Committee and Dinner Meetings are held regularly in order to discuss and debate the various requests for help and action needed in raising both large and small sums of money from various organisations and individuals. The boxes are filled with practical gifts to help parents during their stay including a special baby comforter which can be used in incubators, baby clothes, toiletries for mum, sweets, a laundry bag, pillow case, pen, eye mask and ear plugs.?? We have been providing these boxes to families in SCBU since April and have had very positive feedback. Little Oaks is a fully registered day care provider.

Our aim is to provide high quality, affordable term time care to all sections of the community. We ensure that all children from the age of birth to five years have access to a wide range of play experiences, in a safe and peaceful environment. Through shoreline cleanups we are able to collect data on the state of coastal pollution, strandings, skate and ray populations through egg case collection and educate the public on the importance of coastal protection both for the benefits of our Island but also on a global scale.

Love Thy Neighbour Jersey is a fully registered Jersey-based charitable organisation which embraces Christian values. Founded upon the principle of Alms giving, the charity is committed to providing long term care and support to the homeless, the poor and those in need in the island. Love Thy Neighbour opened two Almshouses in Jersey in to provide long term accommodation for individuals who would otherwise be unable to create a permanent home and has been awarded membership of the National Association of Almshouses.

The charity has also established a healthcare support service for islanders in need and additionally continues to help many individuals and families in crisis that fall within the remit to provide love, care and support wherever it may be needed. Lymphoedema is a condition which causes chronic swelling in the body but mostly in the arms and legs. This condition develops when the lymph system, which drains away fluid from the tissues of the body, has become damaged or does not function normally.

Lymphoedema, which can be primary or secondary, cannot be cured, but it can be treated. As the Jersey Health service does not provide treatment for this problem, the Support Group run a clinic for non-cancer Lymphoedema patients. The clinic has a professional therapist and is on a weekly basis at the Island Medical Centre, 14, Gloucester Street, St.

Referrals to the clinic must be made by a suitably qualified health care professional. Enquiries concerning lymphoedema and its treatment should be directed to our therapist, Mrs. Associate membership is open to anyone who wishes to promote the aims and objectives of the Support Group. Full membership is mandatory, but following a policy change, there are presently no fees payable for either full or associate membership. Macmillan Cancer Support Jersey Limited is a local charity which aims to help people to live well and take back control of their lives through their experience of cancer.

We also want to make sure that those supporting you get the support they need too. Our services are run from The Oasis, Suite 2. Anyone touched by any type of cancer and at any stage can access our services, including family and friends. We offer practical information, emotional and social support to people in Jersey touched by cancer. We also provide a wellbeing service offering free complementary therapies, relaxation groups and information about exercise and healthy eating.

You can drop in or make an appointment. You do not need to be referred to us and all our services are free of charge. We also host the Prostate Cancer Support Group. The meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month between 5. For more information about our services please go to www. The Methodist Homes for the Aged are a non-profit organisation providing homely and caring accommodation for elderly folk of all denominations and beliefs.

Maison la Corderie, St. Helier 30 residents was opened in and Stuart Court, St. Lawrence 26 residents in Both homes have a qualified matron and other care assistance providing 24 hour staffing. Residents each have their own room and are well cared for in pleasant surroundings. Short stay facilities are also available. Milli's Separated Family Centre is a community organisation that works with everyone affected by family separation in order to bring about better outcomes for children.

Our services are available to parents who are caring for their children alone, those who are sharing care and those who are not able to spend time with their children. Parents, carers, grandparents or anyone else with concerns about family separation are welcome. Our child focused work is designed to help parents: Understand and deal with their own and their children's experiences of the separation. Make private arrangements for how their children will spend time with both of them.

Work out how to provide financially for their children and Improve communications so that they can manage the transitions that come with separation in the years to come. We can help with funding specialist equipment and services to meet the needs enabling patients to remain in their own home for as long as possible. We also help fund research into MND to learn more about the disease and help find treatments and hopefully one day a cure.

Move on Youth Projects is a charity which supports the development of youth work opportunities for young people who live in the Parish of St Helier and the surrounding area. Our aim is to provide: A safe, warm, well equipped and accessible venue for young people to meet at times when they are needed, giving them the opportunity to participate in a broad youth work programme which meets their needs.

A range of youth work opportunities to support young people's personal and social development, including art, music, drama, sport and outdoor activities to develop new skills, to build self-confidence and explore issues that impact on their lives. Access to information and advice on a variety of issues that impact on their lives from trained and experienced youth workers who they trust and feel comfortable with, knowing they will be non-judgmental and supportive. Providing a voice and to be heard on issues that they feel strongly about both by having representation on the projects advisory group and through other creative methods of participation.

The society was established in and the aims of the society are to support those on the Island with Multiple Sclerosis and their families, emotionally and financially, whilst searching for the cause and cure of the disease. For any member currently needing extra assistance on a more practical level, please get in touch with our Outreach Team. We can help with a vast array of things such as aiding you in reaching your doctor's appointments, or Social Security etc, getting you appropriate aids into your homes, and can also arrange to take you out for coffee or lunch so that you can enjoy going out for a chat.

Should you wish to find out more about the MS Jersey branch then please have a look at our website. If you wish to make a donation to our society, it will be very gratefully received. G Grants to help our members adjust their day to day lifestyle to accommodate living with MS.

R Research — donations to projects, which are propelling the treatment of MS forward and working towards a cure. It is the most common disabling condition in young adults. Help us to stop MS. S Support — monthly support in the form of exercise classes, massage and dietary supplementations. P Positivity — helping those who live with or love someone with MS stay positive as they live with the condition.

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Phone us on our Outreach Number: NCT is here to support parents. We give them accurate, impartial information so that they can decide what's best for their family, and we introduce them to a network of local parents to gain practical and emotional support. We are the UKs largest charity for parents, and campaign as the voice for parents on the issues they care about.

Our vision Our vision is a world where parents are valued and supported to build a strong society, believing that a child's early years significantly impact upon the future they help to shape. Our charitable purpose We offer information and support in pregnancy, birth and early parenthood We campaign to improve maternity care and ensure better services and facilities for new parents We aim to give every parent the chance to make informed choices We want to make sure that everyone has access to our services and activities.

We are delivering cutting edge services to protect children, prevent abuse and give children the help and support they need.

MN Rep. Jim Knoblach ends campaign ahead of MPR abuse allegations story

We believe in a society where every child is happy, fulfilled and free from fear. Letting The Future In LTFI is a therapeutic service for children and young people age 4 to 17, who have made a disclosure of sexual abuse. Many children and young people feel confused and upset by what has happened to them, so a wide range of approaches are used by the workers at the one to one sessions including talking, play and creative activities, which gives children and young people an opportunity to explain how they are feeling.

The service is designed to work with children, young people and the safe parent and or carer. This service is designed to work with both children and parents. The 9 week programme starts before birth and is designed to support parents with the transition to parenthood in a fun, meaningful way and helps them engage positively with their babies.

A group for 11 to18 year olds, meet at The Gower Centre every month and engage in Regional Participation events nationally. We are keen for young people to have an opportunity to voice their say on the services available to children and young people in the Island and to discuss the issues affecting young people. Speak Out and Stay Safe: A programme launched so that a generation of children have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse and neglect.

The programme provides child friendly, interactive assemblies and workshops in all Channel Island primary schools to help all children aged 4 to 11 learn essential safeguarding information in a lively, interactive and memorable way. Our primary purpose is to provide High Dose Oxygen Therapy, an incredibly versatile natural therapy which has huge potential for many. We are shortly rebranding to the Jersey Oxygen Therapy Centre in order to recognise how inclusive our service is. Beyond Oxygen Therapy, the Centre offers complimentary therapies, has a Cyclossage massage mattress, a Eurotherapy hand held massage machine, and offers social meetings and dinners.

Even if you just want a chat, the Centre is the place to come. We also house the most comprehensive range of literature on MS, Arthritis, Parkinsons and Oxygen Therapy on the island. Jersey was formed in and changed its name to Pain Support Jersey in It is a self-help group run by Chronic Pain sufferers and their families for the mutual help and support in the promotion of active self-management skills.

To try and improve the quality of life of those suffering from Parkinsons and their carers. To educate and raise awareness of the public and to support research into Parkinsons. PATHWAYS is a non-profit organisation, passionate about encouraging, equipping and empowering children and young people in recognising their potential and self worth by providing a range of opportunities that inspire, foster active involvement and engagement, build self confidence, share responsibility and commitment and provide experience and skills for life.

To collect handmade blankets and quilts made in Jersey and the other Channel Islands and distribute them to children who 'need a hug' whether that be physically or emotionally. All items are distributed locally. Following the death of Colonel Hall in the co-trustees will continue to support charitable casues both locally in Jersey and throughout the UK and overseas.

The Rotary Club of Jersey's purpose is to provide service to its community and internationally and fellowship to its members who are business and professional people. To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. To foster comradeship and where necessary, offer support, financial or otherwise, to past and present members of the Royal Air Forces of Great Britain and the Commonwealth.

The Safer St Helier Community Partnership and the initiatives it implements is owned and run by members of the community. SSHCP focuses on issues that are most relevant to the communities in St Helier and seeks to implement solutions that are both practical and sustainable for those communities. Every initiative is based upon an in-depth study of the particular issue.

Whether it is late-night transport or under-age drinking SSHCP will conduct its own research in order to understand the scale of the problem, understand the impact that it has on the local community and inform interventions. Each initiative will be monitored and evaluated to ensure that it is working as intended and the outcomes are those the SSHCP are seeking to achieve. Our initiatives are all sustainable long-term programmes aimed at making effective long-lasting changes.

Sanctuary Trust was formed in under its original name The Caring Hands Charitable Trust to provide services for homeless men in Jersey. The Trust is a charity offering shelter, support and a way forward for homeless men to enable them to re-integrate back into Society. We also provide an outreach service for those of our residents who have moved on to independent living. In addition we provide a weekly soup kitchen at All Saint's Church in the Parade in St Helier offering food and hot drinks. To assist those who find it difficult to walk to get around Town. We supply, for a small charge, powered scooters, chairs, manual chairs and walkers from the lower ground floor of Sand Street car park.

Daily use is from 10 to 4. Dedicated parking is available for all users of the scheme at no extra cost and with no time limit whilst using the equipment. This car park has a 3 hour limit for all other users including blue badge holders. Shopmobility is also available at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Jersey Zoo where the number for booking a scooter is or Also at the Jersey War Tunnels. Booking is essential on We will deliver to hotels which have been approved by us as suitable for use and with safe, dry storage. Silkworth Charity Group runs a States of Jersey registered, bed residential treatment and rehabilitation centre at Silkworth Lodge, for sufferers of drug and alcohol addiction.

The treatment programme is proven to be very successful in helping clients achieve and maintain abstinence, regain self-esteem and develop healthy, contented and fulfilling lifestyles. A free assessment and consultation is available within 48 hours to anyone concerned with their addiction to drugs or alcohol. We also run a week-day community drop in centre for anyone who wishes to seek support in a non-judgemental, safe environment.

We offer a dedicated Family Programme which supports family members or loved ones living with someone addicted to alcohol or drugs. To promote and encourage the study of the history, archaeology, language and many other subjects of interest in the Island of Jersey and conservation of the environment.

  • Big Lottery Young Start funding | Bridge of Allan Community Council.
  • Sweet Melody.
  • Nearby planet-forming disk holds water for thousands of oceans.

Soroptimist International of Jersey was chartered on 9 December It is a service club for women, who join together to serve their local community and who raise awareness and fundraise on issues that effect women and girls worldwide. New members will be made very welcome. Through adversity of war in , Hitler ordered the deportation to internment camps in Europe of British-born Channel Islanders and their families. In the ensuing years, friendships forged across barbed wire endured.

Sadly, twelve individuals did not return and are interned in a well maintain cemetery in Bad -Wurzach. The reconciliation between former enemies is not just confined to cultural, working and sporting exchanges between the town and the parish. We maintain a close relationship with the Red Cross who provided so much support during the period of internment. To assist persons living in Jersey and in particular the parish of St Helier who are in need of support. This support can be financial or otherwise, as deemed necessary.

Support the teaching and learning at St Lawrence School for the benefit and advancement of the children. Its principal function is as a Youth Club catering for young people living in the Parish of St. It is non-denominational and is divided into junior and senior sections. The affairs of the centre are directed by a Management Committee. Finance is raised by means of entrance charges, annual Youth Service grants, grants from the Parish and by fund-raising events.

Supporting the children and the families of the children that attend S Luke's School. Fostering and supporting the links between parents, the community and the school and to support projects and initiatives to purchase equipment that will benefit the pupil's social and academic growth that is not met by the responsibilities of the statutory authorities.

To run the Community Centre for the benefit of the Parishioners of St. Mary and the island community. To maintain the running of the centre throught self sufficent means and fundraising events. To maintain the property internally and externally, its equipment and the surrounding grounds in good order.

The raising of funds for the restoration and repair of St Matthew's Church so as to preserve this unique building of architectural significance for the enjoyment of future generations. Street Pastors Jersey Objective is initially to provide trained pastoral teams to work on the streets of St. All Street Pastors are in uniform and have received extensive training in caring, listening and helping, particularly in the context of the night-time economy.

Street Pastors work in partnership with other agencies as appropriate. To Promote dental health awareness to children and to deliver a clinical prevention programme to help create sustainable good dental health. This is an important life skill which provides a holistic approach to healthy living. Talent Trust is a Jersey based charity set up in with the aim of feeding children and alleviating their suffering in any part of the world. Our work is focused primarily in the Philippines.

To raise funds for Teenage Cancer Trust to help develop specialist facilities and services for young people with cancer which are provided in Southampton for young people in the Channel Islands. To raise funds by organising local events to which individuals and companies are invited. Also to raise the awareness of all to the dangers faced by seafarers daily. Variety, the Children's Charity is dedicated to promoting and protecting the health and well-being of children in Jersey. Tent 52 offers financial assistance and support to disabled and disadvantaged children and other organisations in Jersey, to give a wider range of opportunities to the children in their care.

Through hard work, thoughtful stewardship and single-minded focus on the needs of the young, Variety strives to make a lasting difference by bringing hope and comfort to the lives of the less fortunate children and their families in our Island. Victoria College is a selective, boys' fee-paying school that was founded in It provides an educational environment of the highest order offering boys the chance to thrive academically and to make the most of all the opportunities on offer to them.

Students are encouraged to set personal challenges, find solutions and help to make a difference as they venture out in to the world as well-rounded and balanced individuals. The Foundation was set up in as part of the th Anniversary of the founding of the College in order to support ever changing needs of school life and to help sustain the long-held tradition of providing quality education for all those involved with the College.

The Foundation plays an important role in communicating with students, parents and staff past and present, and by creating a range of opportunities from which alumni and the wider community can benefit. Our aim "To provide clean, sustainable water supplies to African communities" WellWater is partnered with the international children's charity, Compassion UK in the first instance to drill a well outside the town of Koudougou,Burkino Faso.

WellWater's first project involves drilling a borehole, capping it with a robust wellhead piping water to a 2, litre storage tank. This will provide fresh reliable water for the local school where children will receive hygiene education and washing facilities. Our intention is to provide more such wells by acquiring a technical technical understanding and learning efficiencies in providing further water projects to rural african communities. This is a very exciting opportunity for Jersey people to make a real difference initially in one of the poorest countries; Burkina Faso.

The objects of the Foundation Charity are: YouMatter works with young people to build their self-esteem and help them to develop an understanding of their true value and worth. We run workshops with thousands of young people in Jersey every year to inspire them to make healthy and positive choices about their lives and relationships.

We provide high-quality, interactive and engaging workshops for young people in schools, youth clubs and other community settings. We also provide sessions for parents and training for professionals. We have 9 key areas of work:. We also offer one-to-one and small-group work for young people identified as needing some additional support with any of the issues covered by our key areas of work. To support the development of arts based activities and opportunities for young people in Jersey, to promote their personal and social development and to enable them to have a voice which is heard across Jersey.

Safe Recruitment Keeping volunteers on board and motivated How to run a successful community fundraising event. Sample Constitutions Type of Charity. Donating Reclaiming Tax Payroll Giving.

It's Not all about Money! Jobs Paid or voluntary You'll find it here. Diary Check out What our members are doing. Members' Directory A list of all our members. AJC - Abbeyfield Jersey Society Abbeyfield is a federation of voluntary local societies each with charitable status, which set up and manage family sized houses, where seven to nine elderly people have their own bed sitting room.

Residents furnish their own room, lead their own lives and come together for the main meals of the day, which are prepared by a resident housekeeper.

8 times the size of Jupiter! A giant Hercolubus like planet breaks Science theories!

The aim is to give security and companionship to elderly people who would otherwise be living alone, who no longer feel able to lead the almost independent life of a private house or flat, but do not want or need the full support of an old Persons' Home. In providing these out of school' hour facilities it aims to promote the development of the child as a whole, and to advance the training of all persons involved in the provision of such care. The Club is a self-financed, non-profit making business. Affiliated to Amnesty International British Section, we are dedicated to uphold the Charter of Human Rights, to campaign for the release of prisoners of conscience in particular the monks of Drapchi Prison in Tibet and to oppose torture and the death penalty.

The Jersey Group raises awareness locally, as well as funds to assist the British Section: The primary focus of the trust will be to fund development of the medical support provided to patients in Jersey. From the very start, Art in the Frame Foundation had two main objectives: AJC - Arts in Health Care Trust The Trust was established to offer the benefits of the Arts, in their widest sense, to those people who would otherwise have limited access because of issues of health, mobility or special needs.

It is a pioneering organisation which takes an holistic view of the healing process. The social purpose of Aspire is to respond to this by providing opportunities for people with learning disabilities to develop employability skills in a real workplace surrounded by other working people. A further goal is to support and educate the public regarding persons with learning disabilities, particularly in the workplace. Beresford Street Kitchen is a social enterprise, which means that all profits will be reinvested into the business to achieve our mission.

AJC - Autism Jersey Autism Jersey is the leading organisation in the Channel Islands dedicated to the assistance and support of people on the autism spectrum. They provide entertainment by marching and band concerts for private and official functions. AJC - BeachAbility BeachAbility provides manual, ballooned wheel chairs available for use on the beach for anyone that needs help with their mobility.

It is a Christian movement in discipline, and has a four sided principle covering the following aspects: Programmes are based on these four sides of a Boys' development and are designed to meet his progressive needs from childhood to young manhood in relation to his background at school and at work. Membership range is six to eighteen years divided into four age groups.

The object of the Boys' Brigade is: To support children, young people and families to engage in life changing opportunities, especially in time of difficulties and challenge. Outcomes Accessing services can be transformational for families; we see a variety of results such as: The support we offer Brightly offers wide-ranging support from birth to age 25, including: Financial or material help for care leavers with: AJC - Brook in Jersey To protect, promote and preserve the sexual and reproductive health of young people by educating them in matters relating to sexual behaviour, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy.

The Bukit Lawang Trust is a Charitable Trust that was established in response to the flood that hit the small village of Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra, Indonesia, in November , wiping out the village and killing at least people. In the Community Centre was built in partnership with Jersey Overseas Aid, with fourteen volunteers from Jersey travelling out to Bukit Lawang to help to build the Centre. The building is now used as an education centre with a free kindergarten running Monday - Friday 8.

Every afternoon from 2pm onwards there are free english lesson for children from surrounding villages. Two nights a week there are free english lessons for adults too. In response to the Tsunami affecting Ache and North Sumatra, and the subsequent earthquakes, the Trust assisted with further projects throughout the region. Supplying educational supplies in Nias, and building two water wells to supply two communities.

We also helped in Mentawai's in giving cash to families who had lost their home to aid them in the rebuilding - read more and watch the video on our website. The purpose of the Bukit Lawang Charitable Trust is to; 'Enhance the education, health and sanitation of communities affected by natural disaster'. AJC35 - Caesarean Muscular Dystrophy Welfare Society Founded in by parents of Muscular Dystrophy sufferers and well wishers, this Society exists to provide moral support and financial assistance to persons with all types of neuromuscular diseases and their families.

AJC12 - Cancer Research UK Jersey Undertaking research into the causes of, means of preventing or reducing the risks of suffering from cancer and developing new and improved ways of treating cancer. Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute, among others, have detected a stream of stars in one of the Andromeda Galaxy's outer satellite galaxies, For decades scientists have believed that galaxy mergers usually result in the formation of elliptical galaxies. Astronomers have studied the carbon monoxide in a galaxy over 12 billion light years from Earth and discovered that it's running out of gas, quite literally, and headed for a 'red and dead' future.

Where galaxies live has an enormous effect on how they form stars, a puzzle that a new Canadian study is helping to solve. The rings are being pulled into Saturn by gravity as a dusty rain of ice particles A team of astronomers has discovered the most-distant body ever observed in our Solar System. It is the first known Solar System object that has been detected at a distance that is more than times farther than Earth is In their search for life in solar systems near and far, researchers have often accepted the presence of oxygen in a planet's atmosphere as the surest sign that life may be present there.

A new Johns Hopkins study, however, The remarkable exoplanet discoveries made by the Kepler and K2 missions have enabled astronomers to begin to piece together the history of the Earth and to understand how and why it differs from its diverse exoplanetary cousins. On the night of December 13, into the morning of December 14, , tune into the night sky for a dazzling display of fireballs.