The Goat, the Sofa & Mr Swami
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There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Indo-Pakistan relationships have always been a matter of interest , and when it comes to Indo-Pak test matches, the interest level soars to a peak among cricket fans. Combining both these, with the visit of the Pakistani P. Chandrasekhar has come up with an innovative and humorous novel.
It was fortunately not oneo f those long novels, which takes ages to complete reading, because the story line is so interesting, that I had a tough time putting it down, till I had completed reading it. A very funny and witty take on cricket and Indian politics. The book offers many laugh out loud moments, with an interesting climax. Get to Know Us.
- R. Chandrasekar has his digs in order, as he weaves a fine, if not unusual plot..
- The Goat, The Sofa, and Mr. Swami: a breezy read - News18.
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Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? See our Returns Policy. Perhaps I could make sure these got offices somewhere in Delhi. Not that Mr Swami suffers from any noble intentions. Every move of his is aimed at furthering his own career and he often uses the current political crisis to settle a few of his own personal scores. And when Mr Swami finds himself in trouble, he is sent off to hospital to find a cure for fictitious illnesses!
The complicated and absurd twists and turns of politics and the bureaucratic fondness for obscuring the issue make for a book that is both funny and a sad statement on India today. The story is crowded with characters — there is even the ubiquitous Sadhu on a tiger and a urine drinking politician which were once staple images offered on foreign channels when talking about India.
Mini Book Review:The Goat,the sofa and Mr Swami
But despite the many characters, it is Sikander, the goat, a present from the Pakistani Prime Minister to the Indian government, who brings about a suitable ending to the book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Apr 29, Mohammad Moonis rated it it was amazing. What the hell of a laugh riot by presenting the satirical side of Indian bureaucracy. There interdepartmental tussle with other departments and fear of being transferred to alien place like Mogadishu have been depicted superbly.
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I got to know how they manage to save the day from stupid actions of those who are in parliament and power. The story becomes hilarious and crazier when Indian PM bets Kashmir o What the hell of a laugh riot by presenting the satirical side of Indian bureaucracy. The ramifications of each action taken by PMO are presented in news paper clippings which were again funny to read. Dec 12, Vaarun Dhingra rated it it was amazing. Mar 08, GS Nathan rated it really liked it.

Hilarious, and a riot of a book. The story of the goings on in Indian politics makes for a zany, laugh-a-minute, story. It was such a smooth and easy read, very well written, and the Yes Minister touches are just too good. How the resourceful personal secretary to the PM pulls the PM out of self wrought troubles through some good old fashioned politicking, influence peddling, and arm-twisting, makes up much of the story.
Inter-departmental rivalries and oneupmanship, pedantic rules and procedure Hilarious, and a riot of a book. Inter-departmental rivalries and oneupmanship, pedantic rules and procedures, babu-speak that is just one level above gibberish It is a book that can be relished by teenagers as well as adults. Chandrasekar's relentless parodying of our ministers, and swamis and cricketers and babus makes us chuckle throughout and it as a bonus, it is a rollicking good read too! Oct 12, Marcy rated it really liked it. This novel is as hilarious as Chandrasekar's second novel.
I'm so happy to have stumbled upon such a delightfully funny author. The satire is often so absurd it's fantastical, and yet at the same time even those outrageous episodes are plausible.
The novel centers around a test cricket match between India and Pakistan. The Pakistani Prime Minister wants to come to Delhi to view it and a myriad of snafus occur along the way--too many and too much of a spoiler to give away. You'll have to read it This novel is as hilarious as Chandrasekar's second novel. You'll have to read it to believe it. Aug 23, Ishrat rated it it was amazing. An absolute laugh-out-loud read!