Soul Beauty - Beauty for the Inner You
All of these qualities are parts of our inner beauty. Another important quality of our inner beauty is radiance - or we should say the possible radiance of our soul, our light, our beauty. For really, it is this possible radiance that wishes to come out. It longs to come out.
It needs to come out. So all of this needs to be considered, because it is essentially about you. It is about your light, your inner beauty, your inner soul becoming radiantly expressive and manifest. May all of this become real for you; but you have to make it real.
Quotes On Soul and Inner Spirit
What can happen is that the light and beauty of our inner soul radiates into all three dimensions of our personal self. These three dimensions are the mental, emotional, and physical. Thus, the light of our soul can radiate into our mind and thoughts, bringing greater light and beauty into our thinking and higher spiritual ideas into our mind. This light of the soul is the key to having greater spiritual intuition; for the soul brings spiritual intuition into the faculty of mind. Second, the light of our soul can radiate into our emotional being, bringing greater light and beauty into our emotions, uplifting our emotions to higher vibrations and higher qualities.
Then, our emotional experience in life and with others becomes more filled with beauty, with joy, and with love. Third, the light of our soul can radiate into our physical body, bringing purification, strength and healing to the physical body. Remember that our inner soul only wants health for the body; our soul wants a healthy body to experience life with. Sickness comes from faults in the world and from errant energies of the outer world. In contrast, our inner soul radiates and brings light energy into the physical body; it brings us strength and healing.
It brings us good health and protects us. Now let us add one more dimension to this. The above discussion focused a lot on our inner beauty emerging out and into radiance, and how our inner soul can radiate into all parts of our personal self and then into the world around us. Yet there is also beauty in repose and quietude. There is also beauty in just being , or in just being inward and in the peace of one's inner being.
So our inner light does not always have to be outwardly radiant and manifestly expressive. It is wonderful to be radiantly bright and expressively joyful in the world, being a bright light that uplifts others around us. But there are also times to be more inward and quiet in our light, to just be in the light of our inner soul, being consciously at peace and resting in our inner beauty.
This quietude and repose, within our own being, is also important. So our inner light does not have to be bursting out into the world at every moment. There are times to be just inwardly quiet and in the peace of our inner being. Beauty gives us delight and joy, and it uplifts our emotions to a higher resonance. Real beauty has this power. Beauty can come from within us, but of course beauty can also be experienced in the world around us, especially in the natural world. Beauty experienced in the outer world nourishes our soul. Maybe this is because our soul recognizes beauty. Imagine for example, a beautiful rose, or imagine anything beautiful, or any beautiful experience.
Maybe our soul recognizes this beauty because it too is beauty.
Maybe it recognizes beauty because it and the seen beauty are both gifts from the Beauty of God. Maybe it is because any outer form or expression of beauty uplifts one's emotions to a higher resonance - which then awakens our soul and gets our soul singing with this beauty. Maybe, when we perceive and feel beauty, it is because our inner soul is feeling a beauty-resonance with this. Maybe our inner soul comes more alive and resonating when in the conscious presence of beauty.
Maybe, very simply, the power of beauty nourishes our soul, awakens our soul, and inspires our soul to express its own unique beauty. Many claim this or that to be beautiful; but the real test of anything having beauty is if it gives us delight and joy, and uplifts our emotions to a higher resonance. If something does not do this, or worse, if the opposite occurs, then it has no beauty. The same goes with people, their qualities and actions. If we do not experience any delight or joy or emotional upliftment, then beauty is not there.
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This does, of course, sound like a subjective sense of beauty, dependent on one's own emotional reaction; yet we can only trust our own self to discern what is beautiful or not. Thus, we have to trust our own sense of beauty, our own feel for it, our own experience of it; otherwise, we would merely be left to believe others or some fixed definition of what beauty is, or of what is beautiful.
Therefore, our knowing of what is beautiful depends on our subjective experience of how we are actually affected. So the degree of beauty in something, someone, or in an activity or event is known by how much joy, delight, and emotional upliftment is evoked in us; and according to this, we are grateful for that particular manifestation of beauty.
Yet since our knowing and experience of beauty depends on our emotional response of joy, delight and upliftment; we need to be ready and open for this to occur.

For instance, one will not likely experience any emotional upliftment or joy, if one is stuck in a gloomy mood or if closed down emotionally, even when in the presence of extreme beauty. So the very possibility of experiencing any degree of beauty depends a lot on our emotional readiness and openness. Thus, we need to have a favorable aesthetic attitude , in order for beauty to 'reach us' and evoke some joy and delight in us.
It's similar to how an experience of love depends on our own receptivity and attitude; for it could be that a person is present with love for me, but I won't feel anything if I'm emotionally shut down and not open to this. Also, in addition to this needed subjective aesthetic attitude, one also needs to have the objective senses open and ready, In other words, one's perceptive abilities need to be working well.
Simply put, we need to have our eyes open for beauty, in order to create a possibility of actually seeing beauty. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass.
You are a Divine Being. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was. Real beauty, the interesting, truly pleasing kind, is about honoring the beauty within you and without you.
You pretty, but pretty alone is not what people see.
Inner Beauty Sayings and Inner Beauty Quotes | Wise Old Sayings
You the kinda pretty, the kinda beauty, that's like a mirror. Men and women see themselves in you, only now they so beautiful that they can't bear to see you go. No one and nothing can alter that. Your skin took a while to deteriorate. Give it some time to reflect a calmer inner state.