Sixties Shockers: A Critical Filmography of Horror Cinema, 1960–1969
Nickwalt- marked it as to-read Jul 17, Paul Bauer marked it as to-read Nov 02, Jamie Rosen marked it as to-read Oct 23, Lisa added it Nov 09, Rodney Blair marked it as to-read Feb 21, Susan marked it as to-read Mar 15, Anthony Rogers marked it as to-read Apr 01, Stephanie McGarrah marked it as to-read Jun 11, Matthew marked it as to-read Jul 20, Noah marked it as to-read Dec 15, Erika marked it as to-read Jan 20, Stephen Sipila marked it as to-read Mar 03, Emily marked it as to-read Dec 15, Fleet Sparrow marked it as to-read May 01, Sarah Scott marked it as to-read Jun 12, Nicole Wright marked it as to-read Sep 12, Rebecca Woolston marked it as to-read Nov 14, Thinking Horror marked it as to-read Dec 29, Court marked it as to-read Mar 02, Kirsi Mannonen marked it as to-read Mar 03, Michael marked it as to-read Apr 05, Art marked it as to-read Apr 06, Igrowastreesgrow marked it as to-read Jul 06, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
Sixties shockers : a critical filmography of horror cinema, 1960-1969
Books by Mark Clark. Trivia About Sixties Shockers No trivia or quizzes yet. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Sound Technology and the American Cinema. A Short History of the American Navy. The Columbia History of American Poetry. The History of an American Idea.
Sixties Shockers: A Critical Filmography of Horror Cinema, 1960-1969
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