Using an engraving done 50 years after Leonardo started his project on the Battle of Anghiari, Rubens did a masterly drawing of the Battle which is now in the Louvre in Paris. Paintings from Rubens' workshop can be divided into three categories: He had, as was usual at the time, a large workshop with many apprentices and students, some of whom, such as Anthony van Dyck , became famous in their own right.
He also often sub-contracted elements such as animals or still-life in large compositions to specialists such as Frans Snyders , or other artists such as Jacob Jordaens.
Peter Paul Rubens | Biography, Style, & Facts |
Rubens is known for the frenetic energy and lusty ebullience of his paintings. The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus , c. Jupiter and Callisto , , Museumslandschaft of Hesse in Kassel. The Education of the Princess , from the Marie de' Medici cycle. King Solomon , The Fall of the Damned , ca. Helena Fourment in Wedding Dress , detail, the artist's second wife, c. At the end of this remained the record auction price for an Old Master painting. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Rubens disambiguation. Self-portrait , , Royal Collection. Antwerp , Spanish Netherlands.
Marie de' Medici cycle. Venus at the Mirror , Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia — , Portrait of Elisabeth of France. Portrait of Ambrogio Spinola, c. Miracle of Saint Hubert , painted together with Jan Bruegel, Ermit and sleeping Angelica , The Three Graces , , Prado. Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. Retrieved 2 February Peter Paul Rubens and the Dedicated Print".
Jun 28, 1577 - May 30, 1640
Archived from the original on 31 May Retrieved 15 October Retrieved 8 June Pickering, The Gentleman's Magazine vol. Retrieved 7 June Retrieved 26 September Palazzi di Genova Rubenshuis family home Poussinists and Rubenists Rubens film Rubenesque. Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. This page was last edited on 10 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Isabella Brant - her death Helena Fourment - his death Wikimedia Commons has media related to Peter Paul Rubens. In the second scene Peace embraces Abundance, while in the third a figure representing both Temperance and Modesty subjugates a Vice that is identified is Immodesty in the accompanying iconographic programme. In Philip IV commissioned the now elderly Rubens to paint more than 60 mythological scenes to decorate a hunting pavilion known as the Torre de la Parada on the outskirts of Madrid.
The artist designed all the scenes in small oil sketches, only painting a few of the final works himself and entrusting the execution of most of them to other painters. They clearly reveal his creative process: Other smaller lines and incised marks along the edges of the panels relate to the transfer of these small images to the final, large-format works.
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- Education and early career.
- Rubens, Peter Paul.
Sperling fund, Rubens Oil on panel, Rubens Oil on panel, 58 x 38 cm ca. Rubens Oil on panel, transferred to canvas, Rubens Oil on canvas mounted on panel, x Waller Memorial Fund, inv Rubens Charcoal, pen and ink, heightened with white on yellow paper, x mm Cambridge, Lent by the Syndics of the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge. Rubens Pen and brown wash on paper, x mm ca.
Rubens Oil on panel, 50 x 66 cm ca. Rubens Oil on panel, 44 x 50 cm ca. Rubens Oil on panel Rubens Oil on panel, 32 x Rubens Pen and brown ink on paper ca. Copy by Francesco Primaticcio, retouched by Rubens Red chalk, red wash, heightened with white gouache and oil on paper, Rubens Oil on panel, 64 x 50 cm ca. Rubens Oil on panel, 64 x Rubens Oil on panel, 27 x 16 cm ca. Rubens Oil on panel, 26 x 41 cm ca.
Peter Paul Rubens
Paulus Pontius, with possible corrections by Rubens Pen and brown ink over black chalk, brown wash on paper, Rubens Black chalk with touches of white and grey, Rubens Oil on paper, mounted on canvas, x mm ca. Rubens Oil and black pencil on paper transferred to canvas, x mm ca. Rubens Oil on canvas, mounted on wood, 33 x 26 cm ca.
His interest in sculpture was not limited to collecting. He designed monumental sculpture for the facade and interior of the magnificent new Jesuit church now St. Charles Borromeo in Antwerp, which was dedicated in The widow of Henry IV sought to promote, in 21 huge canvases —25 , her life and her regency of France in epic fashion. His Adoration of the Magi for the Abbey of St. Michael was crowned by three monumental sculptures of his own design.
Nor did Rubens neglect private patrons.

In the s he executed masterly portraits of his physician and friend Ludovicus Nonnius c. His Landscape with Philemon and Baucis c. In the infanta Isabella commissioned from Rubens a vast tapestry cycle, the Triumph of the Eucharist — For these 20 separate hangings, which form his most elaborate and complex program of religious art, Rubens invented a two-tiered architectural framework featuring tapestries-within-tapestries, an unprecedented display of Baroque illusionism. In the course of their meetings, Rubens tried to convince the skeptical Buckingham that England should cease supporting the Dutch in their struggle against Spanish rule in Flanders.
Initially, the Spanish king, Philip IV , was aghast that such diplomacy be entrusted to a mere painter. By April , England was ready to negotiate, and Charles I sent for Rubens directly, indicating his eagerness to meet a man with his international reputation for intellect and artistic genius. In London, Rubens encountered a maze of factions and intrigues through which he had to negotiate.
Yet he prevailed, and it is to him personally that the peace treaty of between England and Spain can be attributed. He was awarded an honorary master of arts degree from the University of Cambridge. Awaiting the arrival of the Spanish ambassador, he painted his effusive Allegory of Peace and War —30 as a memento of his successful diplomacy and gave it to the admiring English king.
In turn, Charles awarded Rubens a long-coveted commission to decorate the ceiling of the royal Banqueting House, which had recently been designed by the architect Inigo Jones as part of the Whitehall Palace complex of buildings in London. On the eve of his departure from England, Rubens was knighted by King Charles. In December he married the year-old Helena Fourment, youngest daughter of the silk and tapestry merchant Daniel Fourment.
Rubens often identified Helena with the goddess Venus , as in his glowing Venus and Adonis c. Having lost all taste for politics, Rubens finally retired from his diplomatic career. In his Garden of Love c. For his new father-in-law, Rubens designed his fourth and final tapestry cycle, the Life of Achilles c.
In December the infanta Isabella died. Her nephew and successor, the infante Ferdinand, was welcomed as the new governor by a series of triumphal arches and stages designed by Rubens and erected along the processional route through Antwerp. These temporary monuments of architecture, sculpture, and painting required a virtual army of carpenters, sculptors, and painters all working under Rubens as impresario. This grandest, though somewhat ephemeral , of all his undertakings was later preserved in a volume of etchings by Theodoor van Thulden.
On a smaller scale, Rubens continued to design book title-pages for the Plantin-Moretus Press in Antwerp, owned by his childhood friend Balthasar Moretus. At his country estate, Het Steen in Elewijt, which he purchased in , Rubens painted his glowing Landscape with a Rainbow and its pendant Landscape with Het Steen These complementary views of a countryside teeming with life celebrate the natural order of creation and present an Arcadian vision of humankind in harmony with nature.
His stately Self-Portrait c. By contrast, Het Pelsken c. Despite the rejuvenated visage Rubens here gave himself, death was not far away. After a severe attack of gout, he died in May and was buried in the Jacobskerk in Antwerp. The art of Peter Paul Rubens is a fusion of the traditions of Flemish realism with the Classicizing tendencies of the Italian Renaissance.
Rubens was able to infuse his own astounding vitality into a powerful and exuberant style that came to epitomize the Baroque art of the 17th century. The ample, robust, and opulent figures in his paintings generate a pervasive sense of movement in vivid, dynamic compositions. Rubens was one of the most assimilative, versatile, and productive of all Western artists, and his almost limitless resources of invention enabled him to become the master of the greatest studio organization in Europe since that of Raphael in Rome a century before.