Race, Ethnicity, and United States’ Demographics
The United States census is held once every ten years, to count the number of people in the country along with gathering basic information, including age, sex, and race. The last census was held in , and the next census will be held in The information collected in the census is used for many purposes. The first purpose is to ensure that each seat in Congress represents roughly the same amount of people. National and State governments also use the information to plan services - for example, if they know that the population in an area is growing rapidly, they can plan to build more housing, schools, and hospitals.
Every year, the Census Bureau also releases annual population estimates. Statistical modelling methods are applied to the most recent census data to give an up-to-date picture of how the population of America changes between censuses. Nobody is sure what the population of the Americas was before Columbus arrived in Estimates vary wildly, but it is commonly accepted that the indigenous population of the Americas the continents of North and South America combined was between 50 million and million in the s.
That includes approximately 15 million people living in the Aztec Empire and around 6 million Inca. The population of North America at the time is equally uncertain and has been estimated to be between 5 and 15 million. Indigenous populations were hit hard by the arrival of European settlers. Additional native populations were killed by wars, massacres, and resettlement programs. The Native American population of the United States reached a low point in the early 20th century but has since been gradually increasing. Formal censuses were not carried out during the colonial era, but records show that the colonial population grew from a shaky start of just 3, in to over 1 million in The population grew rapidly moving forward, and when the first official census was held in shortly after independence, the population had grown to nearly 4 million.
The population of the US continues to grow today, driven by a high level of immigration. The latest data from the Census Bureau shows that US population growth is running at between 0. A Census Bureau Report suggests that growth will slow somewhat, and projects a population of million, with the country crossing the million threshold in The United Nations projects a lower total, estimating a population of just over million in The country's racial profile will be vastly different, and although whites will remain the single largest racial group in the the US, they will no longer be a majority by according to Pew Research Center.
Growth in the Hispanic and Asia n populations is predicted to almost triple over the next 40 years. Nearly 39 million immigrants have come to the US since , with most coming from Asia and Latin America.
- Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity;
- Tomorrow Were All Going to the Harvest: Temporary Foreign Worker Programs and Neoliberal Political Economy (Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and L).
- More Than a Fling.
This increase in the foreign-born population will account for a large share of the overall population growth. The average US citizen of is likely to be older than the average citizen of today, and almost one in four people will be 65 or older. This will have huge implications for society as younger people work to fund the pensions and healthcare of the older generation. The average life expectancy of a person born in the United States in is As is common in most countries in the world, US women have a higher life expectancy than men - women born in live for Compared to the rest of the world, using data compiled by the United Nations, the United States is only 39th in the world when it comes to life expectancy.
Hawaii is the state with the highest life expectancy Although the United States has the largest overall economy in the world, it does not have the highest GDP per capita. The language most commonly spoken in the United States is English, which is the main language of Spanish is the main language of Native American languages are the main language of 0. There is a wide variety of different Native American languages, many of which are on the endangered list. The most widely spoken is Southern Quechua, used by around 7 million people.
Although legal documents are normally written in English, the United States has no official lanaguage at the federal level. At the state level most, but not all states have English as their official language. It is home to half of the , Navajo Nation members. Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders numbered , in , or 0. More than half identify as "full-blooded", but historically most Native Hawaiians on the island chain of Hawaii are believed to have admixture with Asian and European ancestries.
Some demographers believe that by the year , the last full-blooded Native Hawaiian will die off, leaving a culturally distinct, but racially mixed population. Throughout Hawaii, they are working to preserve and assert adaptation of Native Hawaiian customs and the Hawaiian language.
Map of Race and Ethnicity by State in the Northeast
They have cultural schools solely for legally Native Hawaiian students. There are an estimated 1. Census, [69] including both Arab and non-Arab Americans, [70] comprising 0. Census population estimates are based on responses to the ancestry question on the census, which makes it difficult to accurately count Middle Eastern Americans. The expert groups, including some Jewish organizations, felt that the earlier "white" designation no longer accurately represents MENA identity, so they successfully lobbied for a distinct categorization.
Self-identified multiracial Americans numbered 7. While the colonies and southern states protected white fathers by making all children born to slave mothers be classified as slaves, regardless of paternity, they also banned miscegenation or interracial marriage , most notably between whites and blacks.
This did little to stop interracial relationships, except as legal, consensual unions. Demographers state that, due to new waves of immigration, the American people through the early 20th century were mostly multi-ethnic descendants of various immigrant nationalities, who maintained cultural distinctiveness until, over time, assimilation , migration and integration took place.
According to James P. Allen and Eugene Turner from California State University, Northridge , by some calculations in the Census, the multiracial population that is part white which is the largest percentage of the multiracial population , is as follows:. A study found an average of Meanwhile, in a sample of European Americans from State College, Pennsylvania , there was an average of 0.
In Robert Stuckert produced a statistical analysis using historical census data and immigration statistics.
Ethnicities in Amerika: population by ethnic groups 2015 and 2060
He concluded that the growth in the White population could not be attributed solely to births in the White population and immigration from Europe, but was also due to people identifying as white who were partly black. He concluded that 21 percent of white Americans had some recent African-American ancestors. He also concluded that the majority of Americans of known African descent were partly European and not entirely sub-Saharan African.
More recently, many different DNA studies have shown that many African Americans have European admixture, reflecting the long history in this country of the various populations. The Race, Ethnicity, and Genetics Working Group of the National Human Genome Research Institute notes that "although genetic analyses of large numbers of loci can produce estimates of the percentage of a person's ancestors coming from various continental populations, these estimates may assume a false distinctiveness of the parental populations, since human groups have exchanged mates from local to continental scales throughout history.
In the census, the non-standard category of "Other" [3] was especially intended to capture responses such as Mestizo and Mulatto , [17] two large multiracial groups in most of the countries of origin of Hispanic and Latino Americans. However, many other responses are captured by the category. Due to this category's non-standard status, statistics from government agencies other than the Census Bureau for example: The ancestry of the people of the United States of America is widely varied and includes descendants of populations from around the world. In addition to its variation, the ancestry of people of the United States is also marked by varying amounts of intermarriage between ethnic and racial groups.
While some Americans can trace their ancestry back to a single ethnic group or population in Europe , Africa , or Asia , these are often first- and second-generation Americans. Generally, the degree of mixed heritage increases the longer one's ancestors have lived in the United States see melting pot.
In theory, there are several means available to discover the ancestry of the people residing in the United States, including genealogy , genetics , oral and written history , and analysis of Federal Population Census schedules. In practice, only few of these have been used for a larger part of the population. According to the — American Community Survey , the twenty largest ancestry groups in the United States were see above for the OMB self-designation options: These images display frequencies of self-reported ancestries, as of the U.
Regional African ancestries are not listed, though an African American map has been added from another source. Frequency of American ancestry. Density of Asian Americans. Percent of Asian Americans.
- Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
- Map of Race and Ethnicity by County in the United States.
- Climate Change Geoengineering: Philosophical Perspectives, Legal Issues, and Governance Frameworks.
- Race and Ethnicity in the United States.
Density of African Americans. Percent of African Americans. Density of Native Hawaiian Americans. Percent of Native Hawaiian Americans. Density of Native Americans. Percent of Native Americans. Density of White Americans. Percent of White Americans. Density of Hispanic ancestry. Percent of Hispanic ancestry. These images display frequencies of self-reported European American ancestries as of the U.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hispanic and Latino Americans. Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islands Americans. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. United States Census Bureau. Retrieved April 16, Office of Management and Budget. Retrieved May 5, Retrieved January 30, Retrieved February 28, Hispanic or Latino By Race. Retrieved February 19, Retrieved August 8, Retrieved March 1, Retrieved January 2, Census Bureau; Department of Commerce. Retrieved April 19, Archived from the original on May 9, Archived from the original on November 27, Retrieved November 2, Retrieved May 16, Retrieved April 2, Retrieved April 6, Race and Hispanic origin are two separate concepts in the federal statistical system.
People who are Hispanic may be of any race. People in each race group may be either Hispanic or Not Hispanic.

Each person has two attributes, their race or races and whether or not they are Hispanic. Jones, and Roberto R. Retrieved September 8, Retrieved March 10, Archived from the original on April 20, What Did It Tell Us? Waters, 'Ethnic Groups in Flux: Choosing Identities in America Berkeley: University of California Press, , p. Retrieved January 22, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.
Retrieved May 10, United States Department of Commerce. Retrieved September 11, Retrieved October 22, Retrieved December 9, American Community Survey Reports. Retrieved January 27, Archived from the original on October 12, Retrieved October 1, Retrieved October 19, Archived from the original on June 14, Exchanging Our Country Marks: University of North Carolina Press.
Blacks in the American Revolution. Volume 55 of Contributions in American history. National Archives and Records Administration. Office of the Clerk. United States House of Representatives. Implications for Affirmative Action". Retrieved April 8, Retrieved September 13, Hispanic population is changing". Archived from the original PDF on March 6, Archived from the original on March 13, Retrieved April 25, Retrieved June 7, Retrieved May 11, Archived from the original PDF on February 7, Retrieved December 12, Retrieved 6 February Patricia de la Cruz Retrieved February 9, From Margin to Mainstream.
Wayne State University Press. Michigan State University Press.
Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia
Published October 7, Accessed December 14, Census Category to Include Israeli' Option". Retrieved December 16, Retrieved December 13, The Census Bureau is undertaking related mid-decade research for coding and classifying detailed national origins and ethnic groups, and our consultations with external experts on the Asian community have also suggested Sikh receive a unique code classified under Asian.
The Census Bureau does not currently tabulate on religious responses to the race or ethnic questions e. Census Brief" PDF. Retrieved May 8, Archived from the original on October 2, Retrieved November 9, Retrieved 24 August Uses authors parameter link CS1 maint: Explicit use of et al. American Journal of Human Genetics. Demographics of the United States. Ideology and ethnic conflict. Retrieved from " https: Webarchive template wayback links CS1 maint: Uses editors parameter CS1 maint: Archived copy as title CS1 maint: Uses authors parameter CS1 maint: Views Read Edit View history.