Pu Pu Hot Pot: The Worlds Best Restaurant Names
Avoid the Iceberg Lettuce.
Flame grilled and disastrously good. Chinese food guaranteed to put fire in your belly. The Lord grills in mysterious ways. For too long, restaurants have been judged on the quality of their food.
Brusey has scoured the globe to find the world's most amazing, dreadful, and utterly bizarre restaurant names. Breathtaking discoveries have been made, and new standards of culinary excellence have been set.
Pu pu hot pot? Now there's a mouthful
Gill, Restaurant critic, Sunday Times "Hilarious. Like you might find on the internet. I guess my point is, this is lazy publishing. Simply collecting a bunch of funny pictures is a waste of paper, unless some effort is put into making sure these are the funniest pictures you can find, with some really funny captions. Keep in mind that someone had to approve this project, and presumably review it before sending it to publish.
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Then it had to be designed and printed, and the copies then had to be made available. Oh, and some marketing was done on this, too.
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Instead, head on over to Engrish. It translates as Happy Buddha, but still …. Australian establishments get a guernsey in Pu Pu Hot Pot's pages, with the focus on a certain pun-prone cuisine prevalent in Sydney: Because it doesn't fit into Pu Pu Hot Pot's cheery, cheeky or bodily function focus, there are no examples in the book of the latest naming trend hitting Australian eateries. More and more establishments have drawn from the poetic, the personal and the abstract to stand out.
Pu Pu Hot Pot : the world's best restaurant names
Some names sound like a secret club where members wear fez The League of Honest Coffee , while others are so stripped back they have all the charm of a tax-form entry PM The Sydney-based director of RT Hospitality Solutions, Toni Clarke, says that in the past an establishment's name conveyed something about its style, cuisine, location or owner's name. Now, in Sydney, it seems, anything goes. The current trends in Sydney are to use street numbers 10 William Street, Bar , the owner's name Kitchen by Mike , or something off the wall Ching-a-Lings.
Few Sydney restaurateurs share the American and British passion for puns, she says.