Positionierung eines innovativen Typen auf dem Weltmarkt (German Edition)
Dynamic loads, however, are characterised by the distribution of masses and stiffnesses. This paper aims to present an approach to adaptronically compensate for static and quasi-static displacements while, at the same time, showing how a component can fulfill the functions of a sensor and an actuator. In order to achieve this, an intelligent adaptronical strut was designed for which the piezoelectric transducer can fulfill actuated as well as sensoric tasks at the same time. Based on the principle of vibrating strings, a vibrating string is used to induce vibrations which allow for the static, quasi-static and dynamic machine displacements to be recorded using the developed integrated sensors and actuators.
A first prototype was integrated into a machine tool to verify the concept. Static and dynamic measurements endorse the functionality of this approach. Machining trial runs show the effectiveness of this approach in a parallel kinematic machine tool with regards to adaptronically compensating for geometrical machine errors. Dies stellt sowohl Betreiber als auch Hersteller von Produktionsanlagen vor Herausforderungen. In the future automotive market an increasing number of lightweight constructions like space frame structures in multi material design will be used.
For this purpose, new lightweight suitable joining methods are needed. In the paper an innovative joining method is presented, which is based on the filament winding process. The article describes the developed winding process and the validation and characterization of the connected components. Further the paper describes the possibility to give the joint specific targeted properties like stiffness and strength which are dimensioned by the use of a simulation tool. There is also a production solution for automated winding of components by industrial robots presented.
Daher sind eine systematische Vorgehensweise und eine Charakterisierung der Batterien als Handhabungsobjekt erforderlich. Handling of battery cells To realize a cost-efficient production of lithium ion battery systems an automated production is necessary. For the automation of the production of battery modules, new handling systems need to be developed.
Therefore, a method for an efficient selection and the characterization of the batteries are needed. In the assembly, efficient part feeding is a decisive factor for a successful automation. Therefor an automated modular and part-flexible feeding System for micro parts on the basis of piezoelectric vibratory conveyors has been developed at the wbk Institute of Production Science.
Very different parts can be conveyed, positioned and partly be rotated around their vertical axis by the system. The sliding conveyance offers also the possibility to feed extremely delicate parts. In this article the design and the commissioning results of the system are presented. In the end an outlook is given on future work to increase productivity and Efficiency of the system.
During scaling of cutting processes size-effects occur due to not similarly scalable input parameters, e. These effects not foreseen by conventional similarity mechanics result in altered behaviour regarding cutting forces, sensitivity for various parameters, chip formation, surface texture and surface layer. This paper identifies effects associatedwith the transition frommacro to microcutting by means of a turning process.
Different available models for macroprocesses have been analysed and one has been extended by a term for the cutting edge radius. This results in a significantly better prediction of the acting forces and an enhanced understanding of the process. The manufacturing of lightweight shafts, pipes and profiles often uses hollow structures made from fiber reinforced plastics FRP due to their better density related properties. For applications with locally high tribological stresses, the use of FRP is not yielding proper results.
In terms of lightweight construction, a hybrid design with a hollow FRP basic structure and local metallic elements in areas of high tribological stress is ideal for these applications. A promising approach for the production of these parts is rotational molding. Rotational molding for FRP— metal profiles is understood as a manufacturing process where machined, metallic elements and dry continuous fiber structures will be assembled and laid in a closed mold.
Afterwards, the liquid matrix will be casted and the mold is then rotated at high speed until the fiber structure is fully impregnated and the matrix is cured. As there are short flow paths, this process is offering the potential to realize short cycle times of only a few minutes. Within this paper, the manufacturing of polygon profiles via rotational molding is described. These profiles can be produced by using centrifugal cores which were developed at the wbk Institute of Production Science. These cores are made of an elastomer composite material and they expand during the rotational molding process.
The modeling of these cores and their impact on the impregnation pressure is shown here as well as their contribution in achieving higher fiber volume fractions.
Veröffentlichungen von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer
Light-weight aluminum space frame structures are frequently used for small-volume products, suchas sports cars. The assembly of these products has so far been mainly manual and requires the use ofcomplex and expensive fixtures. To increase the profitability the research conducted at wbk Institute ofProduction Science is aiming to achieve an automated, fixtureless assembly of such structures by the useof industrial robots.
To achieve the required accuracies regarding the alignment of the joining partners, anew approach based on component-inherent markings has been developed. Different tests have alreadybeen conducted in order to validate the approach. The test results demonstrate that the approach issuitable for the spatial alignment of components. This article describes the theoretical foundations of the required measurement approach as well as theexperimental results. A broad variety of materials can be found in modern machine tool structures ranging from steel and cast iron to fiber reinforced composite materials.
In addition, material combinations and hybrid structures are available. Furthermore, innovative intelligent and smart materials which incorporate sensor and actuator functionality enable the realization of function integrated structures. Consequently, material design and application discloses manifold degrees of freedom regarding a sophisticated layout and optimization of machine frames and components.
This keynote paper presents the current state-of-the-art with respect to materials applied in machine tool structures and reviews the correspondent scientific literature. Thus, it gives an overview and insight regarding material selection and exploitation for high performance, high precision and high efficiency machine tools. Due to economical, ecological and functional reasons, lightweight-construction is continuously gaining importance. Today, the lower limits of the production range of lightweight space frames are set by joining processes that require jigs.
For a flexible variation in a small-scale production, the use of latching elements for the pre-attachment in the jig-free assembly of frame structures serves as a good approach. In consideration of the analysis of the actual situation this article takes up this approach and points out the potential enabled by latching elements. Subsequently, the implementation of laser cutting will be motivated and the results of the first experiments on reinforced and unreinforced profiles will be discussed. To conclude this article, the challenges and approaches for the integration of this procedure to an existing handling and machining kinematics will be pointed out, and finally the implementation potentials of the procedure within an entire process-chain will also be mentioned.
The innovative process of curved profile extrusion facilitates the cost-effective production of lightweight structures with spatially curved profiles even for small series. The profiles have to be separated reactionlessly during the extrusion following the complex trajectory of the cut-off point in space.
This paper discusses the challenges for a flying cut-off device. In addition to a concept to generate the trajectories and control the movements, the main parameters for dimensioning a cut-off device are presented.

A specially designed clamping device permits to generate high accelerations. Further on, cutting results are shown especially for extruded sections with continuous reinforcing elements of steel. The profiles resulting from this process give proof of the potential involved in both, the novel curved profile extrusion CPE and the automatic supporting and cutting device.
For subsequent automated processing to become possible, however, the reliably achievable accuracy of extruded profiles needs to be further improved. By the example of the extruded profiles produced so far, this article discusses potential factors that may impair profile accuracy and presents approaches and methods for the improvement of accuracy.
The combination of construction parts made of fibre-reinforced plastics FRP and metal holds great lightweight design potential but places high demands on the necessary joining technologies. Metallic load introduction elements that are embedded in the manufacturing process of FRP components are a promising joining technology. In order to fully exploit the potential of this technology, approaches to increase the load bearing capacity of inserts, particularly under pull-out loads, have been missing.
The aim is therefore to derive a method for the simulative structural optimisation of embedded inserts. The increase of the load bearing capacity of the optimised insert geometry is confirmed through experimental validation. The use of topology optimization is helpful to obtain "systematic and proper" solution variants for a given static and dynamic design problem. Those solutions, which can be generated automatically provide the designer with new, previously unknown proposals of machine part structures. Up to now, the static and dynamic behaviour of the workspace was not recognized in such an optimization.
The paper introduces the topology optimization of machine tools applying the finite element method FEM coupled with the multi-body simulation MBS. So parts of machine tools can be optimized while taking different critical workspace positions into account. Furthermore changes of the loads and the system behavior can be considered during the optimization process.
The potentials of this new optimization method will be shown on the example of a machine tool with hybrid kinematics. Every company uses knowledge management tools - but only some of them are able to determine their effectiveness. This approach based on a survey method was developed in order to fill this information gap. By means of a three way survey, managers and non-managerial personnel were interviewed about the actual employment of knowledge management methods and tools.
This information was assessed and in a further step aggregated into one radar diagram per company. Carried out in several companies, it allows the detection of best-practice knowledge management tools among them. A main tendency in technology is the miniaturization of devices and components. Micro-cutting has the potential to overcome restrictions other operations are limited to.
When the cutting-depth decreases to the order of micro-meters some unexpected phenomena appear. These phenomena, not foreseen by conventional scaling used for dimensioning in cutting, are called size-effects. Machine tools with parallel kinematic structures pose extraordinary challenges for component optimization, since their static and dynamic properties depend on the kinematic's position within its workspace.
Loads and thus stiffness properties are strongly inhomogeneous. Simple load case assumptions do not suffice for realistic modeling. Due to the highly complex problem formulations, the design engineer needs support of more easy-to-use modeling approaches. These should assist him to derive suitable component geometries, while working on the most automated basis possible.
Hence, the efficient use of analysis and optimization tools is required to guarantee excellent product quality even though product development time is decreasing. It is presented how a method for topology optimization of machine components in combination with hybrid multi-body simulation has successfully been applied to the optimization of components of a hybrid kinematic machine tool. The optimization results of both conventional topology optimization and the newly adopted method are compared.
Potentials and limits of the new method are discussed, as well as its applicability for machine tools with parallel kinematic structures. Diese Potentiale werden ebenfalls aufgezeigt. The use of optimization methods is helpful to obtain "systematic and proper" solution variants for a given static and dynamic design problem. These solutions can be generated automatically and provide the designer with new, previously unknown proposals of machine part structures. This paper introduces the topology optimization of machine tools applying the finite element method FEM coupled with the multi-body simulation MBS.
Thus, parts of machine tools can be optimized while taking into account differenrcritical workspace positions.
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- Goût des mots (Le) (Sciences Humaines) (French Edition).
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Furthermore changes of the Ioads and the system behavior can be considered during the optimization process. Various computer-based technologies have found their way into the design process of machine tools because manufacturers are increasingly under pressure to increase their product quality while reducing time-to-market and production costs. Besides CAD, finite element analysis FEA and topology optimization are the most frequently applied CAE computer-aided engineering technologies throughout the machine tool industry.
The road to even better machine tool designs, however, leads beyond analyzing given part structures and optimization of their stiffness and mass properties within a pre-described design space. During simulation, these factors are taken into account through physical parameters: There are numerous applications of sensitivity analysis and parameter optimization in engineering, but especially machine tool design shows a lack of use of these convenient methods.
This paper will show how parameter optimization can be efficiently used in wider applications to identify and optimize geometrical, stiffness and damping parameters during the conceptual and embodiment design stages of both parallel kinematic and conventional machine tools.
The reason is an incessanlly growing product range with conslantly decreasing life cycles therefore ramp-ups have to become more efticient and faster. Characteristic for nunp-up processes are instable business pwcesses, leading to a! The approach of Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE simulation presented in this paper allows simulating the inslabte state of a procluction system during ramp-up. Thus, tbe production planncr is supported cluring ramp-up planning and the actual ramp-up period.
Using OEE Simulation the planner can identify deviations from the target ramp-up cprve at an early stage. Saturated markets with increasingly customer specified products, services and solutions require a more customer centred behaviour. The tendency to concentrate on core processes within companies can realize advantages compared to competitors due to know-how, a head start in information and resources is the expression of a global change in generating value added.
New forms of cooperation are coming into existence by combination of different abilities business capabilities in co-operations and value added networks. This article presents a concept for configuration and evaluation of value added networks on the basis of business capabilities and value added modules by using the transaction cost theory. One of the most promising production technologies to fabricate micro-mechanical parts in wear-resistant materials like metal or ceramics is Powder-Injection-Moulding PIM.
The paper presents an approach of the complete process chain from the manufacturing of micro molds by micro-end-milling and energy-assisted technologies as well as the automation of the process chain. Within the automation critical processes like separation and demolding and the process-chain with material flow and handling are described and evaluated by the production of micro toothed wheels. The paper presents an approach of the complete automated process chain. Saturated markets with increasingly customer specified products, services and problem solutions require an increasingly customer focused performance.
The trend to concentrate on core processes wherein companies are able to realize advantages compared to competitors due to know how and a head start of information and resources is the expression of a global change in gaining added value. New variations of cooperation are created by combining different Business Capabilities in value added networks.
The increasing competition requires the companies to rethink their previous strategies and to implement partly radical changes. In the first instance there are rising invisible values mainly of the requirement oriented provision of information and communication support which are expressed through the organization and the cycle of comprehensive business processes. Hierbei ist speziell die Kompensation von statischen und quasistatischen Verlagerungen durch Piezowandler als besondere technologische Herausforderung zu sehen.
Auf dem vorgestellten Ansatz aufbauend, wurde ein erster Prototyp einer adaptronischen Strebe konzipiert, konstruiert und umgesetzt. Machine tool operators increasingly specify availability levels as precondition for purchase. Even after designing a machine type, such availability levels can still be achieved by appropriate selection of optional machine elements and product-accompanying services.
Machine manufacturers face the problem to configure their product-service systems in order to meet availability specifications at lowest cost across the lifecycle. Existing methods for availability analyses, however, do not deal sufficiently with administrative and logistic aspects of the operational availability. Therefore, a method has been elaborated, which calculates the availability contributions of alternative equipment elements and product-accompanying services with the resulting lifecycle costs.
The core challenge for manufacturers of machine tools is to offer complete, client-specific manufacturing systems as a system supplier. Consequently, the requirements with regard to automation and handling technology are constantly increasing. Usually, several suppliers are involved in the development of flexible manufacturing systems. Therefore, each supplier optimizes its own part of the system in terms of costs, cycle time and availability and it is difficult to achieve the overall optimum. The approach is focused on the function chains in AMS consisting of conveying, clamping and gripping functions and the Iayout of AMS, but not on the optimization of machine tools themselves.
The semiautomatic and supported choice of technical components fulfilling the function chain enables an overall optimum concerning output, utilization of machining cells and costs of an AMS. Growing globalization caused by booming markets with good prospects, often in combination with local content requirements and different wage level in individual regions, faces enterprises to organize their value added within global networks.
A method to reconfigure value added networks regarding performance, costs, efficiency and constraints i. Following fast reconfiguration considering competences and costs is possible. In order to comprehensively investigate size-effects occurring in the miniaturization of cutting processes, material science, simulation and experimental testing are combined. The ratedependent material model used, leads to size-effects like an increase of the specific cutting force while reducing the depth of cut.
The influence of rounded cutting-edges on the chipping process and the characteristics of the generated surface were investigated in 2D-simulations. Rounded cutting tools are shown to produce severe plastic deformations of the generated surface and deep plastically deformed surface layers. In recent decades, finite element method has become a powerful tool in simulating the important physical phenomena in cutting process, such as chip formation, heat transfer, etc.
Various cutting process variables can be predicted by using FEM, including those difficult to detect by experimental methods. The prediction of tool wear is of great significance in manufacturing because it affects machining quality, tool life and machining cost. According to the past research, tool wear is dependent on cutting process variables such as normal pressure on tool face, sliding velocity of workpiece material and cutting temperature on tool face. Many tool wear mathematical models describe their relationship. By integrating such tool wear mathematical models with finite element simulation of cutting process, a method to predict tool wear progress in turning operation is developed.
This paper will cover the entire modeling process, from continuous chip formation simulation, heat transfer analysis to tool wear estimation and verification. Dazu ist es notwendig, die Entwicklung und Verbesserung von Modellen und Methoden voranzutreiben sowie die Zerspanungsprozesse und ihre Wechselwirkungen mit den Bearbeitungsmaschinen korrekt abzubilden. Production ramp-up has become one of the most decisive factor influencing profit and market share of a new product. The big challenge in production ramp-up is to reach the planned output by reducing time and costs.
Over the last years product range is increasing and life cycle of the products is decreasing. This circumstance makes a controlled production ramp-up more difficult and therefore more and more ramp-ups are running out of their financial budgets and their time schedules. One of the most important influences on time and money is the quality development during production rampups.
The ability to control the quality while increasing the output is the key success factor for an effective ramp-up [1]. In this paper a method is introduced which allows a quality prognosis during production ramp-ups by using simulation methods. This simulation model is based on business-processes and supports the ramp-up manager to forecast qualityrates and machine availability during the production ramp-up.
Thus this tool can support the ramp-up team to stay within their financial budgets and time schedules. Geometric faults in parts of machine tools with parallel kinematics lead to stresses in the structure and deflections of the tool center point, reducing the quality of the workpiece. Improving the design of machine tools can reduce these influences. In this paper an approach to compensate the influence of geometric faults in parallel kinematics based on the design of an adaptronic strut is introduced.
The strut is divided in two halves and two piezoelectric transducers are implemented in between them, used as sensor and actuator, respectively. A preliminary design of the adaptronic strut is presented. The problems of measuring low-frequency signals using piezoelectric transducers are considered in the design. Finally, a primary analytical model of the dynamical behavior of the adaptronic compensation unit is presented. The strut and its connection to the surroundings are regarded as a flexible multibody system, the equations of motion are derived using linear graph theory.
Some simulation results are presented. Whenever specific standards of accuracy, stiffness and damping must be met for guidances, hydrostatic guiding systems are preferably used. Thereby, the features of conventional systems in use can not be influenced by external factors. The adaptronical pressure pocket unit allows for the construction of an active hydrostatic guiding system which permits an intelligent leveling system and a high level of system integration.
The basic feature of the unit is the adaptronical sensor-actuator integration which permits the elimination of hitherto necessary additional position encoders. The resulting potentials and requirements for the development of the necessary control technique will be discussed during the lecture, considering as example the implementation of the adaptronical pressure pocket unit. The bmbf-project SindBap, consisting of customers, machine tool manufacturers, tool manufacturers, software developers and research institutions, has been founded to work in the field of simulation of industrial machining processes.
To realize a continuous methodology for the simulation-based manufacturing, the integrated simulation of machining processes is required. This includes the need to take into account the influence of preceding and following manufacturing steps by considering the process conditions at the workpiece, the properties of workpiece, tool and device and their static-dynamical interactions.
To evaluate the process simulation models, which are developed within the SindBap project, selected examples with the main focus on turning, milling and drilling will be tested and simulated. An introduction to basic methodologies for the simulation of metal cutting processes with the finite element code ABAQUS is given. The process simulation requires the determination of material specific parameters as well as of mayor modeling influence parameters with the help of parameter variations.
Therefore the influence of the mesh fineness on the simulation results is discussed for the example of a turning process. Finally the example of a milling simulation is presented. The verification of the simulation is done by comparison with experimental results with a special focus on the cutting forces.
Direct pose measurement aims to increase the accuracy of parallel kinematic machine tools. By rearranging the measurement system to the end effector, geometric deviations of the machine structure can be considered within the control circuit. The modified structure of the machine tool will entail reduced machine dynamics. These models were used to demonstrate that machines with direct pose measurement are able to compensate geometric failures within the mechanical chain. Further investigations determined how stiffness and damping parameters have to be adapted to the concept to increase machine dynamics.
In the field of simulation of metal cutting the coupling of the cutting process and the dynamic behaviour of the machine tool becomes more and more a great challenge nowadays. Interactions between the machine tool and the cutting process can e. To investigate this effect a coupled simulation is needed. In order to ensure the coupling of cutting processes and machine tools it is necessary to identify the influences on both sides and to analyze their sensitivity.
A lot of research activities were done in recent years in simulating both the cutting process and the machine tool behaviour and a lot of new research questions have resulted from that research. When simulating a cutting process with the finite element method it is necessary to analyze not only the influence of process parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate or tool geometry but also the influence of modelling parameters such as mesh fineness, material failure modelling, etc.. Results of parameter studies, which show the influences of different modelling parameters, are presented.
To verify the simulation the results in terms of cutting forces and chip shape are compared with the results obtained from experiments. The core challenge of an industrially applicable and economic production of wear resistant micro components and systems is the establishment of both robust and flexible manufacturing process chains.
In order to guarantee those stable micro chains manufacturing processes have to be controlled and continuously improved by an effective and fast interfering operational quality assurance. The key instrument of an operational quality assurance consists in controlling the manufacturing processes via control charts. Due to the stochastic performance of micro process chains new types of quality control charts adapted to micro production constraints such as measurement uncertainty have to be developed and are discussed in the following.
In dieser Genauigkeitsklasse kann die Messmaschine nicht entkoppelt von deren Umgebung betrachtet werden. Miniaturization and mechatronics are important technological trends of the lastyears and will be gaining importance in the future. The micro-mechatronicalproducts which have already been put on the market are currently designed tomeet the abilities of existing production techniques and are manufactured asmass products in specialized and capital intensive plants.
In order to makeminiaturized mechatronical systems more attractive for the market, theirproduction must be made possible in small and medium volumes at acceptablecosts. A holistic approach for the conception of a scalable micro productionwhich consists of the development of an integrated planning process as well asthe creation of a flexible production platform with general process modules ispresented and demonstrated considering as example the realization of ascalable production for a micro-mechatronical actuator. The approach ischaracterized by a high level of flexibility considering joining technologies aswell as small space requirements.
A reduction of capital costs for productiontechnology and a stepwise extension of the production are achieved. Miniaturization and mechatronics are important technological trends of the last years and will gain importance in the future. Micro-mechatronics offers the advantage of increased function density on smaller space and enables new product ideas. Some micro-mechatronical products have already been put on the market but they are designed to meet the abilities of existing production techniques and are manufactured as mass products in specialized and capital intensive plants.
In order to make miniaturized mechatronical systems more attractive for the market their production must be made possible in small and medium volumes at acceptable costs. The paper presents a holistic approach for the conception of a scalable micro production which consists of the development of an integrated planning process as well as the creation of a flexible production platform with general process modules.
The approach is demonstrated considering as example the realization of a scalable production for a micro-mechatronical actuator. An integrated planning process provides methodical assistance in process- and handling-tool selection, in development of a micro-assembly precedence graph, as well as in selection of linkage concepts. Thus different production concepts can be evaluated by their economic performance, flexibility and capability of quality in the planning process.
To realize the production a modular assembly platform and a construction kit of process- and linkage-modules was developed. Due to the modular design a high level of flexibility considering joining technologies as well as small space requirements are achieved. Furthermore the reduction of capital costs for production technology and a stepwise extension is enabled.
The competitiveness of manufacturing companies depends on the availability of their production facilities. The equipment of highly integrated production facilities with robust components and surveillance functionality combined with the right service elements contributes significantly towards securing this availability.
In this context there exists an urgent need for research to develop methods allowing the determination of an optimal combination of machine equipment and service elements ensuring defined availability levels. The article describes the development of an integrated approach to determine the complex interdependencies between machine equipment and service levels. Furthermore, the achieved availabilities as well as the resulting costs are displayed. Based on these results, the choice of a machine is equipment and of service levels shall be harmonised.
The main focus of this article is the development of a suitable reliability model combined with the identification of relevant model parameters. Due to dramatically reduced development times and product-life-cycles the control of production ramp-up isan important criterion for the companies' success. The aim of the shown research project sponsored by theGerman Research Foundation DFG is the optimization of ramp-up, by developing a solution method whichallows a quality-simulation of the instable production processes during ramp-up.
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To achieve this, the expecteddevelopment of the quality-capability of the instable production-processes will be anticipated by the exampleof metal cutting manufacturing. Based on standardized elementary processes, the developed simulation forecaststhe capability of the production-system and the variable needs of resources during ramp-up.
Electro discharge machining represents a very important procedure for the micro production technology and is used today in a lot of areas successfully [1]. A barrier for this procedure is the wear of the electrode and the resulting inaccuracies at the workpiece. A compensation of the wear during the process is of crucial importance [2].
In the course of the research works at the Institute of Production Science wbk, a new electrode with the purpose of control and compensation of the wear has been developed together with an industrial partner. The experimental setup is comprised of a non-conductive capillary made of Al2O3 through which different electro-conductive materials ranging from dissolved salts to gallium are transported.
The choice of the appropriate planning tasks to set up the project - scope planning and definition - is nowadays mainly based on experience. Hence, the Institute of Production Science wbk shows in this contribution a systematic approach for scope planning in plant planning projects to fulfil the requirements of IPS and VAN. Hybrid Kinematics possess inhomogeneous stiffness behavior in the workspace. This is because the couplers encounter different loads resulting from the different poses in space in each working position. As a result the process stability and the displacement of the tool center point while chipping are workspace-dependent.
Therefore the target is the reduction of this inhomogeneity to achieve better machining results. In order to achieve this, a weighting of load cases to control the material clustering of the couplers in different workspace positions while topology optimization is necessary during the construction process. Accordingly, the article describes a new methodology for improving inhomogeneous stiffness behavior of machine tools considering a bipod kinematics as example. Due to their high dynamics, piezoceramic materials are widely used for sensing and actuating.
Recently there have been developments to use piezoelectric transducers in an adaptronic sense, as self-sensing actuators, combining these two functions. Thus, they are very interesting for the use in machine tools, e. However, force controlled correction of static or quasi static deflections resulting from production tolerances, installation faults and process loads is rather problematic since the discharging resistance of the ceramic material strongly reduces the measuring signal, making measuring of low-frequency signals Abstract: Due to the complexity of micro scale effects, major problems have to be solved to ensure a stable production of sub millimeter parts.
Those problems include the clean separation of sprues and parts, the gripping technology for fragile parts, the continuous debinding and sintering furnace ensuring stable production conditions and the complex process of stacking small parts outside an air-conditioned clean room. As a solution a complete production cell for bevel gears has been realized at the wbk Institute of Production Science of the Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany. In order to facilitate also the assembly of micro parts the thermal micro-sinter-joining is introduced as add-on automation using PH parts adding complexity to the process.
The increasing interest in active solutions for thecompensation of static and quasi-static displacements attooling machines, like mechatronics and adaptronics forexample, must be looked at with regard to high dynamics andaccuracy. Mechatronical systems for the compensation ofdisplacements allow for high manufacturing accuracy and atthe same time high machine dynamics. The high system costsmake an application in industrial environments impossible.
Besides mechatronics the area of adaptronics shows a highpotential for cost reduction and system integration with acomparable functionality. This article describes thecompensation for piezoelectric transducer stacks in the staticand quasi-static range in particular.
The piezoelectrictransducers stand out for their excellent properties as actuatorssuch as positioning accuracy and dynamics. The multifunctionalproperties of piezoelectric transducers allow for thespatial and functional integration of sensor and actuator forthe realization of active components. Due to a limited timeconstant for the use of piezoelectric transducers as sensor,static loads must be transformed into a dynamic input signalfor the transducer.
The interdisciplinary design of the overall system is of vitalimportance. It is described and discussed by the example of therealization of an adaptronic strut with controllable elongationfor parallel kinematics and an adaptronic hydrostatic pressurepocket unit for an intelligent hydrostatic leveling system. High precision engineering has a great technological potential regarding the manufacturing of micro technical products.
In this field micro cutting is due to its flexibility and the possibility to produce complex three dimensional geometries in a broad variety of different materials of special importance. However, milling and turning in micro dimensions follow special rules caused by size-effects. Successful micro cutting depends on reliable processes and therefore on the knowledge about parameter adjustments and process characterization. By means of micro cutting test series and statistical analyses effects and interactions of process parameter variations for work piece material, cutting edge radii, cutting speed, and depth of cut were identified and mathematical quantified.
The results show a significant influence of the mentioned factors on the response variables. Therefore, a linear model for specific cutting force and surface roughness is proposed. Furthermore, the findings are compared to the empirical cutting model of Victor-Kienzle in macro dimensions. Einen neuen Ansatz stellt die Adaptronik dar, welche im Vergleich zur Mechatronik Potenziale einer integrierten Nutzung von Systemteilen bietet.
Des Weiteren wird ein Ausblick auf Ansatzpunkte zur weiteren Optimierung gegeben. Jm Bereich der Simulation von Bearbeitungsprozessen gewinnt die Kopplung des Zerspanprozesses und das dynamische Verhalten der Werkzeugmaschine heutzutage immer mehr an Bedeutung. Um diese Effekte zu untersuchen, bedarf es einer gekoppelten Simulation. Schnittgeschwindigkeit, Vorschub oder Werkzeuggeometrie auch Modellierungsparameter wie beispielsweise Netzfeinheit oder Werkstoffversagen zu analysieren.
In diesem Beitrag werden Ergebnisse von Parameterstudien vorgestellt, die den Einfluss verschiedener Modellierungsparameter zeigen. Zur Verifikation der Ergebnisse aus der Sinmlation werden diese mit Ergebnissen aus dem Experiment verglichen. By laser ablation with ultra short laser pulses smallest microstructures with sizes in the micrometer region can be manufactured in hardened steel. However, machining times are slow if good surface qualities are required. Micro-EDM electric discharge machining is also capable of removing material without any process forces but with a higher processing speed if the structure sizes exceed a certain value.
However, the surface quality is worse than with laser ablation. With the combination of both processes specific advantages can be utilized while disadvantages can partially be eliminated. The wbk — Institute of Production Science in Karlsruhe, Germany examines the integrated machining by EDM and laser ablation without reclamping in a single machine tool.
YAG laser with a pulse duration of 13 picoseconds and a die-sinking-EDM-head Electric discharge machining are integrated in a five-axes machining center. With the combined machine tool, the manufacturing time can be substantially decreased, e. Also the worse surface quality of EDM-machined structures can be enhanced by post processing with an ultra-short-pulsed laser beam. The paper presents a holistic approach for the conception of a scalable micro-assembly containing the development of an integrated planning process.
This integrated planning process provides methodical support to the choice of process- and handling equipment as well as to conception and configuration of micro-assembly. The selection of processes and handling tools is essential for the planning of micro-assembly. Micro-assembly can be divided into the two basic operations like joining processes as well as the appropriate handling steps. Between each joining process, a handling operation comprising mainly gripping procedures, but also the transport of components from one process step to the next, is applied.
These handling operations should be integrated into the planning process due to complex handling operations of miniaturized components must be planned in detail. At present it is quite impossible to make exact predictions about the handling of micro components until it is tested in empirical studies. Thus, in the earlier phase, when physical micro components are not available, eact process- and handling-tool selection is impossible.
To plan the micro handling processes a method based on feature technology is developed which includes micro-specific information considering handling steps. Recently many researchers have focused substantial efforts on understanding the cutting process inmechanics, capability and design. Advances in machine performance with research towards highperformance cutting HPC and high speed cutting HSC have led to improved tool properties and applicationof advanced materials.
Because of that, primary processing time has been successfully reduced, which leadsto the need for re-focusing on reduction of secondary processing time. Minimizing the time for workpiece andtool changing, re-positioning, workpiece handling, and tool handling systems shift attention towardsimprovement of these systems which are currently installed in various metal cutting machine tools. This paperpresents an approach for the assessment of the technological effectiveness of workpiece and tool handlingsystems for metal cutting machine tools, gives an overview of the state of the art of these systems, surveysrecent developments and elaborates requirements for future systems.
Durch den Einsatz von Systemen zur Maschinendiagnose kann dabei ein entscheidender Beitrag geleistet werden, den aktuellen Zustand einer Maschine zu erfassen. In order to assess the quality of dimensional micro measurements it is essential to provide adequate geometrical standards. In micro coordinate metrology this need is especially valid for workpiece-resembling standards, which can be employed to estimate task-specific measurement uncertainties.
Regarding standard geometries research work to provide geometrical micro standards is known. However, this is not the case for micro gears with involute profiles, which are in particular industrially relevant among micro-mechanical parts. Therefore, a geometrical standard for involute micro gears has been developed, assembled, calibrated and applied on a coordinate measuring machine.
Tolerances of micro-structured parts are in the micro- and sub-micrometer range. Therefore geometric measurement results have to meet high requirements in terms of precision and reliability. As a result the precise estimation of measurement uncertainty is of foremost importance. Furthermore, the estimation has to be flexible, simple and reliable.
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This research investigates the characterization of dimension, shape, and position of workpieces in micro-dimensions, for which coordinate measuring machines CMM are mainly used. In order to determine the task-specific CMM measurement uncertainty the experimental approach offers the most viable method also for an industrial application.
The experimental method is based on the repeated measurement of one or more calibrated objects which resemble the actually measured workpieces. In order to estimate uncertainty as precise as possible, it is necessary to minimize the influences of calibration and the shape deviation of the reference object. Moreover, similarity of possible reference objects and actually measured objects is an essential issue. Therefore, similarity requirements for the experimental approach are discussed and a classification scheme is proposed. Additionally, different manufacturing techniques for calibration-adequate micro structures have been investigated with respect to their limitations in terms of producible geometries and their precision.
Besides, first results for process-characteristic influences on the shape of micro-structured parts are presented and validated by experiments with reference objects made by laser-ablation and micro milling processes. Recently the increasing customer demand for longer and more extensive warranties cause additional expenses to the machine building industry. Several risks arise from this situation especially because new warranty types are required such as Reliability-Improvement-Warranties RIW. In order to control these risks, it is necessary to quantify them first through the calculation of the warranty cost probability function.
Therefore deterministic as well as stochastic input elements need to be considered. Once quantified, the risks are reduced through two approaches: The presentation concludes with a critical reflection on the calculation accuracy and demonstrates the applicability of the procedure by its usage in a machine tool manufacturing company. This paper surveys and discusses high precision manufacturing and production technologies for an automated process chain of micro mechanical products according to their process boundaries and conditions.
The process chain of direct manufacturing of parts and indirect manufacturing via mold and tools and quality assurance is outlined. Therefore production ramp-ups are gaining more andmore importance. Production ramp-ups are characterized by new products, newproduction technology and instable business processes. One main problem toachieve planned output and efficiency targets is the availability of human andtechnical resources during production ramp-up.
In this paper, a new simulationbased resource planning method for production ramp-ups is introduced. Themethod supports resource planning during production ramp-up based on businessprocesses,quality of production processes and operational availability ofmachinery. Next to theory a prototypical implementation and simulation results arepresented. The Life-Cycle-Performance of machine tools is a key figure concerning aspects of cost and benefits such as ahigh reliability and availability [1]. The dependence of production facilities on a high and constant availabilityincreases with the degree of utilization.
Hence, the availability of machine tools is substantial for the economicsuccess of a manufacturer. The configuration of equipment elements in line with adapted productaccompanyingservices decisively contributes to the availability assurance. Thus, the aim of the article is topresent a comprehensive calculation model to optimize the Life-Cycle-Performance of machine tools by asuitable reliability and availability prognosis considering the availability contribution of alternative machineequipment options and product accompanying services.
Recently an increasing number of customers demands more extensive warranties from the machine buildingindustry. Based on the estimation of the failure rate distribution certain life cycle cost elements are quantifiedeither deterministically or stochastically depending on their characteristic. The Monte-Carlo simulation is usedfor the flexible consideration of the entire system and the estimation of risk figures such as the Value-at-Risk. By laser ablation with ultra short laser pulses, smallest micro structures with sizes in the micrometer region can be manufactured in hardened steel.
However, problems arise through the unknown ablation depth. The material is removed in layers and thus the focal plane has to be adjusted after each layer. Since the ablated volume can change due to inhomogeneities in the material and due to varying plasma shielding, it is likely that the focal plane will deviate from the surface of the work piece after several ablated layers. To avoid this problem an online ablation control, based on a white light sensor, is currently being developed at the wbk Institute of Production Science.
The sensor light is superimposed on the laser beam by means of a dichroic mirror, so that it becomes possible to measure in the time between two consecutive ablating laser pulses. The focal plane can then be readjusted during ablation. The experiments were performed with a Nd: YAG laser with a pulse duration of 13 picoseconds and a spot size of two microns.
Due to the ongoing miniaturization in industrial fields like automotive, electronics or medical the development of new manufacturing processes suitable for micro system technologies gains more and more importance. Especially ablating manufacturing technologies like laser ablation are well-qualified to process micro structures in wear resistant materials like hardened steels and solid carbide.
However, the surface quality of the manufactured parts depends strongly on machine tool and process parameters as well as on the applied material. As well as accessories that help you to see and protect your eyes from the sun, they are also made to be seen and to convey your personality at first sight. Either what we are or what we would like to be. The initial impact is undoubtedly strong, theatrical and ironic.
Referierte Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
The glasses are transformed into jewellery, adorned with stones, or actual works of art, at times featuring pop or punk influences. One thing is certain: They reclaim their symbolic meaning in order to leave space for dreams, becoming objects of desire that decorate the face, focusing attention exclusively on the gaze, on the eyes.
However, it is not just the decoration that takes on a fundamental role in these accessories, but also the unusual, neverbefore-seen shape, which is at times almost incomplete, bestowing the look with its strong character and rhythm. And, while on the subject of rhythm, it is no coincidence that some of these brands have been chosen by rock stars and famous artists.
Raffaella di Montalban Raffaella Lizambri approached the world of eyewear by looking at it through the eyes of an architect. This led her to deconstruct the temples, rebuilding them as pieces of genuine jewellery and taking advantage of a subtle play of balances. The exclusive Raffaella di Montalban line was created using this approach, and this model with quartz briolette and amethyst temples forms part of it. Theo A true piece of eyewear jewellery, created in four different versions, each one produced as a limited edition of only pieces.
Two models are coated in gold and two in palladium for a distinctly luxurious look. Called Hypnotic, it is an accessory that is destined to be noticed. For people who decide to dare, naturally. Their glasses are also works of art, whimsical and excessive pieces that are almost unique, such as this crystal-adorned model. An oversized transparent acetate shape is the starting point, leading the imagination to an enchanted forest, where precious and colourful flowers decorated by Swarovski crystals blossom.
Sonia Rykiel An asymmetrical, unusual, half moon shape has been chosen for this Sonia Rykiel model that features a modern look with a vague hint of ss vintage. Dsquared2 This limited edition Ophelia model fully reflects the ironic and transgressive character of the two Canadian twins, Dean and Dan Caten.
A cascade of topaz and crystal coloured leaf-cut Swarovski elements adorns the sides of the oversized acetate profile. Opulent and glamorous, Ophelia is also available in a Havana version with black lenses. Miu Miu The form of these sunglasses reinterprets the shape of a butterfly, which is broken abruptly by a sharp cut for a contemporary look.
They are made of acetate and feature a distinctly thick top bar, which is illuminated by rhinestones, while the lower part is rimless. This model is available in three other colour combinations. The INVU Premium collection has classic styles for both men and women, and uses premium materials such as TR 90, acetate and carbon fiber as well as temple embellishments and innovative frame treatments. The INVU premium collection also features the ultra polarized lens technology from Swiss Eyewear Group, which gives consumers crystal-clear, glare-free vision with improved color contrasts as well as a best in class UV absorber.
INVU ultra polarized continues to be one of the only, if not THE ONLY fully polarized global brand in the impulse segment targeted at young and young-at-heart customers, positioned on an average price of 49 Euro. Positioned for retail from Euro 79 the new INVU Premium styles are aimed at the more discerning customer wanting something special. To effectively support optical retailers, the sought-after INVU Collection is backed by a state-of-theart marketing program that includes an INVU ultra polarized campaign and new color lens tester technology as part of the sleek, modern merchandisers and head-turning window displays.
For the consumer, SEG has put a color lens technology tester into the attractive sunglass case to encourage word of mouth advertising with family and friends. Color, personality and an unbeatable price are key to describing the new brand. MyWoodi originated at WooDone, already widely-recognized around the world for its eponymous collection of wooden eyewear, and known for its superior quality and craftsmanship. With MyWoodi, entrepreneurs Klaus Tavella and Thomas Oberegger, and their new partner Alexander Fischnaller, intend to revolutionize the market for wooden eyewear, making it accessible to everyone.
A challenge that was successfully tackled. After a year of trials and prototypes, the MyWoodi team constructed a wooden frame crafted by machines custom-engineered for this job. Manufactured in Italy, using wood from around the world, MyWoodi eyewear features a clean, linear style that is ultra-modern and extremely cool. Featured in the first collection are 12 styles - 5 sun wear and 7 vision wear - in 6 different types of wood and colors.
Composed of eight layers of wood, their exciting chromatic nuances are fresh and fashionable. Sixtyprocessing phases, 15 of which are carried out by hand, yield a feather-light product that weighs in at 13 grams less than half an ounce. An invisible side hinge completes the whole. Have you heard the latest news?
Referierte Beiträge bei wesentlichen Fachtagungen
We dubbed them GenEYE but to all intents and purposes most know this brood as the coming of age Millennial Generation and, trust me; these young folks are intent on replacing the baby boomer as the focus of any and everything when it comes to demanding a position of power in the global economic scenario. And because of their enviable position you can be assured that even the baby boomer is going to be hungry for the products craved by this fastest growing demographic.
Want some added opti-insight? And then there are those of you dedicated to the global consumer bent toward designer and lifestyle brands as delivered quite profusely in the eyewear arena. W h a t y o u r e a l l y n e e d t o concentrate on is how you will approach what is likely to be the biggest issue facing the dispensing of eyewear now and well into the next few years. This new GenEYE demographic is huge and growing. They are looking for a spec-feast and you need to be ready for them. What about those baby boomers? There you have it.
They protect the eyes against dirt splashes, dust, wind, cold and harmful UV rays. There are also fewer high-impact risks from a squashball or striking stones. Through the use of contrast-enhancing tints, wrap-up glasses also enable optimum vision. And if the sportsperson is using prescription glasses, special lenses will ensure the best possible view in all angles.
Finally, many sportspeople simply also believe sports glasses are cool. Special sports frames and lenses help to achieve the best sportive results by providing optimal visual performance. In the field this trend has also spurred many sports lenses innovations. What are the demands for sports lenses? Wrap-up frames offer sportspeople many advantages. Curved frames provide protection while offering a good view on all sides. A frame which follows the contours of the face imposes specific demands on the lenses.
The high-base curve-wrap prescriptive lenses need to be able to translate corrections to vision deficiencies effectively into a sports lens. Certainly because athletes want to be able to see clearly from all angles, and want to perceive good contrasts. Distortion can also occur in the peripheral areas of the field of vision. The visual system is driven by the peripheral retina.
Large, curved lenses can influence the focus. A lens surface that is optimised to follow the rotation of the eye can prevent these deviations. Freeform design technology helps to improve the sharpness and prism balance. Optometrists and opticians measure an extensive series of details for this, like the position of the eye, left and right, the distance from the nose, angle etc. But to achieve an optimum lens, lens producers perform a recalculation. A computer recalculates the power of the lens at more than 1, places, thus ensuring the perfect shape and curvature, so that the athlete can always perform at his or her best.
What is the challenge in designing lenses for wrap-up frames? The dihedral angle effects influence the position of the lens in relation to the eye. Then the eye receives less light information, and performances can be influenced negatively. Special tests can determine the best tint colour per individual: What is the importance of the lens material itself? As I mentioned earlier, protection was one of the reasons for sportspeople to choose wrap-up frames. But along with impact resistance, the refraction properties are also important.
PNX, refined from Trivex, meets both demands. Comfort can be improved further with a good coating. This ensures extra protection against scratches, dust, water droplets and any disturbing dazzle from incoming light. This way sportsmen and women are assured of good and safe vision with maximum wearing comfort. This lets them concentrate fully on their sporting performance. In daily life the coordination between both our eyes is generally not an issue.
Research has shown, for example, that a clay-pigeon shooter with a right dominant eye and divergence excess in his right eye, and shooting from his right shoulder, will probably shoot to the right of the target. In many instances a prism for. Eye dominance is also important for the most important visual skills when aiming and anticipating in sport. The dominant eye is responsible for aiming. The position of objects is determined. Anticipating, catching or avoiding well requires a good estimation of depth.
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Then it will be possible to estimate the distance and speed. Ultimately this could mean the difference between winning or losing: Availability in single and multifocal lens designs Improved binocular vision performance through the Binocular Eye Model Freeform back surface power optimisation for individual position of wear Prism compensation for the FFFA Two base curves available to match the frame curvature Diameter up to 95 mm to fit every frame. How do contrast-enhancing tints influence performance? That means that not all the details are properly visible.
If the filter has not been attuned to the eye characteristics, weather conditions and the environment, a background haze might distract the athlete. His contributions continue in the reprinting of his work here. Describe the opportunities that free-form manufacturing has for future use in progressive lenses. A typical free-form surfacing process begins by generating the lens surface using a three-axis, computer-numericallycontrolled or CNC generator. With three possible axes of movement, the incredibly precise, single-point cutting tools of these generators can produce virtually any lens surface shape with a high degree of accuracy and smoothness.
The worked lens surface is then polished to a high luster using a f lexible polishing pad that is also dynamically controlled by a computer. With free-form surfacing technology, a prescription optical laboratory can now directly surface a variety of possible lens designs directly onto a semi-finished lens blank in addition to the prescription curves that are normally applied. With two separate surfaces to work with, the optical design and prescription components of a freeform progressive lens can be applied to the lens blank in variety of possible configurations.
Each type of free-form lens represents a particular combination of factory-molded and free-form-surfaced lens curves. The lens surfaces involved range in complexity from simple spherical surfaces to optically enhanced progressive surfaces that have been combined with the prescription sphere and cylinder curves Figure 1. Back-surface lenses employ a factory-molded spherical front surface and a free-form-surfaced progressive back surface that has been combined with the prescription curves; the progressive optics are directly surfaced.
Enhanced semi-finished lenses employ a factory-molded progressive surface on the front and free-form-surfaced. Dual-surface lenses employ a factory-molded progressive surface with a portion of the total addition power on the front and a free-form-surfaced progressive surface with the remaining addition power that has been combined with the prescription curves on the back; the progressive optics are split between both lens surfaces. Regardless of the type of free-form lens, the placement of the actual progressive optics, whether on the front surface, back surface, or split between both, has minimal impact on the magnitude of the inherent unwanted astigmatism of the lens design.
Consequently, the inherent unwanted astigmatism of progressive lenses is not significantly inf luenced by placement of the progressive optics Figure 2. This results in optical compromises for many wearers, preventing them from enjoying the best possible vision. Additionally, these compromises impose limits on the adaptation rates of traditional progressive lenses. Each prescription requires a unique optical design to fully eliminate lens aberrations, which represent power errors from the desired prescription.
Factors such as the position of the fitted lens can introduce additional power errors. Moreover, unless the corridor length of the lens design matches the ideal length associated with a given frame, visual utility is further compromised. Although certain wearers may enjoy the intended optical performance in traditional progressive lenses, many wearers must tolerate reduced optical performance Figure 3.
Although the inherent astigmatism may not differ appreciably, placing the progressive optics on the back surface can minimize unwanted magnification effects. Placing the progressive optics on the back surface of the lens eliminates the contribution of the front surface to these magnification changes.
Moreover, because the progressive viewing zones are brought physically closer to the eye, slightly wider fields of view may be obtained when the progressive optics are located on the back surface. Nevertheless, the inherent differences in optical performance due only to the type of free-form lens design—or the distribution of the progressive optics—are generally small. When free-form surfacing technology is utilized in conjunction with sophisticated optical design, it becomes possible to match the optics of each progressive lens exactly to the visual requirements of the individual wearer, prior to fabrication.
Given the inherent limitations of traditional mass quantity progressive lenses, which are generally produced from a handful of factory-molded semifinished lens blanks, free-form technology offers the most meaningful visual benefit to wearers. FIGURE 3 Plots of ray-traced optical astigmatism demonstrate that the optical performance of traditional progressive lenses is sensitive to the prescription and position of the fitted lens. Now, progressive lens designs can be fully customized to the visual requirements of individual wearers.
In the s, German lens designers first began customizing progressive lenses using free-form technology. They applied atoric lens designs to the back of progressive lens blanks using free-form surfacing. The final lens calculations are then transmitted directly to freeform surfacing equipment for fabrication. The ideal geometry of the lens design is first determined for the wearer, including the best corridor length and appropriate near zone inset.
Each progressive lens design is typically available in twelve addition powers per eye, in up to a dozen lens materials, resulting in hundreds of lens blanks for each base curve offered. Traditional, semi-finished progressive lenses necessitate massive product development and inventory costs.
Consequently, changes to the basic lens design of these progressive lenses are limited to subtle variations in optical design across a handful of base curves in order to work sufficiently well over the relatively broad prescription ranges associated with each. The optical effects of lens aberrations are exacerbated in progressive lenses.
Oblique astigmatism interacts optically with the surface astigmatism of the progressive lens design, causing the zones of clear vision to shrink. Lens aberrations can also cause the viewing zones of a progressive to become distorted and shifted from their ideal location as certain regions of unwanted astigmatism become more blurred while other regions of astigmatism actually become clearer.
With sufficiently advanced software and a free-form delivery system, it becomes possible to customize the progressive lens design based upon the unique prescription requirements of each wearer Figure 6. By fine-tuning the optical design of the progressive lens for the exact prescription using a sophisticated optical optimization process, residual lens aberrations are virtually eliminated.
Wearers can therefore enjoy the widest fields of clear vision possible, regardless of prescription. Furthermore, the binocular utility of the lenses is maintained with wide, symmetrical fields of view. FIGURE 4 In one application of free-form technology, a powerful optical design engine custom-designs each progressive lens online, in real time, before transmitting the final lens calculations to a free-form generator for fabrication. Lens aberrations such as oblique astigmatism create unwanted sphere and cylinder power errors in the periphery, which degrade image quality and narrow the field of clear vision for the wearer Figure 5.
Eliminating these aberrations entirely would require a unique base curve or aspheric design for each prescription. Traditional semi-finished lenses, however, are only available in a limited number of base curves. These lenses will deliver optimum optical performance only for sphere powers located near the center of the prescription range associated with each base curve. Other prescriptions, on the other hand, will suffer from residual aberrations, particularly when the prescription includes cylinder power, since conventional lens designs cannot eliminate the errors produced by the sphere and cylinder power simultaneously.
Lens tilt introduces oblique astigmatism, which results in an increase in sphere power and unwanted cylinder power. These unwanted power changes reduce the optical performance of a progressive lens, particularly the quality of vision through the central viewing zones Figure 7. With sufficiently advanced software and a free-form delivery system, it is possible to customize the progressive lens design based upon the unique fitting parameters of each wearer Figure 8. FIGURE 5 For many prescriptions, the field of clear vision may be significantly reduced and distorted in shape by uncorrected lens aberrations.
As a result, small differences from the original prescription are required at the distance and near verification points of the lens. These sphere, cylinder, axis, and addition power adjustments are supplied as a compensated prescription, which represents the correct lens powers to verify when using a standard focimeter.
If the corridor is too long for a small vertical frame size, reading utility is greatly reduced, since the near zone is essentially cut away. The corridor length of a progressive lens design should therefore be no shorter than necessary, within the limits of physiologically comfortable vision at least. Consequently, unless the corridor length of the lens design happens to coincide with the optimal length required by the size of the frame, the wearer must tolerate unnecessary optical compromises and reduced comfort Figure FIGURE 9 Although traditional progressive lenses are often designed to exhibit the specified optical powers only when measured using a focimeter, free-form progressive lenses customized for the position of wear provide the specified optical powers when the lenses are actually worn.
Wearers can therefore enjoy the best optical performance possible, regardless of their unique fitting requirements. Traditional progressive lenses are often designed to exhibit the specified optical performance only when measured using a focimeter, such as a lensometer Figure 9. FIGURE 10 Unless the corridor length of the lens design coincides with the optimal length required for a given frame size, the wearer must tolerate insufficient reading utility or smaller viewing zone sizes and higher levels of peripheral astigmatism. This maximizes the utility of the central viewing zones without unnecessarily compromising optical performance in other regions of the lens.
Wearers can therefore enjoy sufficient reading utility with the largest viewing zones possible, regardless of frame size. These progressive lenses represent just a few of the possible forms of optical customization for the wearer, which ultimately promise to close the gap completely between the unique visual needs of each wearer and the optical design of the lens. The ideal progressive lens design for a given wearer will depend in no small part upon the visual demands specific to his or her lifestyle. It has been demonstrated that preference for progressive lens designs can vary with the unique visual needs of the wearer.
If the relative visual demands of the wearer are first assessed using computer screening or a questionnaire, the ideal balance between the distance and near viewing zones of the lens design can be suitably tailored to the individual. Progressive lens wearers more frequently engaged in tasks associated with far vision may prefer progressive lens designs customized with larger distance zones, whereas wearers with greater near vision demands may prefer lens designs customized with larger near zones. It has also been demonstrated that individuals vary in their habitual head movement propensity.
Nevertheless, the use of free-form surfacing to deliver customized progressive lenses arguably represents the most meaningful visual benefit of this technology to wearers. In fact, because of the difficulties in maintaining accurate surface curvatures with the soft lap polishing process used in free-form surfacing, it is entirely possible to produce free-form lenses that fail to reproduce the desired lens design faithfully without extensive process engineering and ongoing quality control.
Free-form progressive lenses of this type essentially replicate the performance of traditional, semi-finished progressive lenses. Furthermore, free-form technology will not substantially improve a fundamentally poor lens design. If a given lens design offers only mediocre performance and wearer satisfaction, a free-form-customized version of that same design will only ensure that this mediocre performance is delivered consistently to all wearers.
Ultimately, an advanced optical design and free-form delivery system promises to minimize non-adapts and maximize patient satisfaction. For next level performance. The innovative measurement technology from Rodenstock set new standards right from the beginning — in the literal sense. It provides measurement results quickly and accurately via its three-dimensional comfort technology. The latest generation has been improved further and can be seen as of this spring. On the occasion of its birthday, the Rodenstock Consulting program will be installed as a basis version on the devices as a standard feature.
To the customer, it feels just like simply looking into the mirror. In reality, it is a complex, high-tech process that determines all the individual parameters and the unique Rodenstock design parameters with just one picture from two 3D highperformance cameras. They are the best prerequisites for the customer to choose the right lenses and design, because he is helped that way to have the best possible vision through the perfect spectacles.
All the relevant parameters are recorded at a distance of just one arm's length without any bothersome aids. There are now three product generations available in more than 40 countries. Rodenstock still continues to develop the high-tech devices, and they are manufactured in Germany. There will be a one piece only model which you can even win. Tell us your success story with Rodenstock and win this one piece only model. International Vision Expo East has evolved, and extraordinary fashion is the focus of your experience. The Galleria and The Underground have been reconceived and redesigned to deliver an unparalleled experience for high-fashion collections.
This show within a show is now located on Level 3 of the exhibition to accommodate the growing number of international companies who participate. Specialty attractions include the French Loft and Italian Pavilion. The TRK-2P combines a refractometer, a keratometer, a non-contact tonometer and a pachymeter in one compact instrument. The TRK-2P features a fully auto alignment system with auto measurement function.
The TRK-2P has a built-in function that allows measurement of patients who have a cataract or an opacity. This function works automatically or manually. Improved nozzle design and software control the optimal amount of air required for every IOP measurement. A softer air puff improves patient comfort and results in an improved measurement experience. The built-in pachymeter function can be used to adjust the measured IOP value, depending on the cornea: The integrated formula for IOP adjustment can be customized by the eye care practitioner.
Inside the anti-allergic silicone pad, there is a hollow chamber and an opening at one end. This creates an air cushion - the opening works like a valve enabling the pad to adjust itself automatically. Thanks to its typical stud this nose pad can be combined to all the System 3 pad arms, so that stylish frames made by chemical etching profit from this unique comfort as well. An overview on new products, equipment and technology developed from the leading companies of the market. The fusion 1day presbyo project grew out of a quest to craft a soft lens for presbyopes that could be changed daily and ensure clear vision.
They are available with 8. Innovative, time-saving Snapit screws — used in hinges and eyewires for repairs, assembly, and mounting — take the pain out of eyeglass repair. Optical professionals can now repair glasses including those with a spring hinge easily and quickly without the need for any tools. The company is already working with a number of optical chains, glazing labs and distributors and is starting to work with frame manufacturers who want to include the Snapit in their spare parts kit when distributing their products. Es ist nicht immer leicht, aber es sind die Herausforderungen des Lebens, die mich dazu gebracht haben, mich immer mehr zu engagieren.
Wir sind zu einer Familie zusammengewachsen. Diese Kombination ist eine Art magischer Mix. Entweder wir steigen gemeinsam hinauf oder ich bleibe wo ich bin, bis es soweit ist. Eine weitere Kultmarke ist Mykita. Ihr gelang es, sich innerhalb von 10 Jahren auf dem Markt zu etablieren, mit mutigen Designs und konstanter Forschungsarbeit, und sie bietet einen holistischen Rundumblick auf die Welt der Brillenmode. Somit bietet es ein Komplettprodukt mit hoher technischer Performance, das allen Anforderungen sowohl des Endkunden als auch des Optikers gerecht wird.
Aber eigentlich war die Geburt dieser Eyewear-Marke gar nicht geplant. Dann kam ich eher durch Zufall zur Optik. Und diese Denkweise ist auch der Motor moderner Technik. Erst vor Kurzem haben wir ein Verfahren. Wir sind transparent und wir zeigen reale Menschen, die mit uns arbeiten. Vor allem mit einem Ziel vor Augen neue Ideen umzusetzen.
Wie weit war der Weg vom ersten Prototyp bis zu Ihren neuesten Designs? Holz, reines Horn, Stein: Ihre Spezialisierung besteht in der Verarbeitung von Naturmaterialien. Daher fiel die Entscheidung leicht. Im Verlauf der Zeit wollten wir dann neue Trends schaffen sowie neue Materialien finden und so kam die Idee, Holz mit Stein zu kombinieren.
Wie positioniert sich das Material Holz auf dem heutigen Optikmarkt? Holz ist ein homogenes Naturmaterial. Die Designs inspirieren sich an Oldtimern. The future never waits!