
My Redeemer Lives

Is there one thing they all have in common or any one thing that sets them apart? And, it's glaringly obvious. Look at that list at the top of the page again, the one that compares the different religions. Do you see it? All but one, that is They all start with the belief that you're basically good and if you work hard enough, you can eventually achieve that state of perfection or excellence or holiness where you're finally declared "good enough. They all require you to work your whole life without ever knowing if or when you've done enough.

The founders of the different world religions are all dead and decomposed in their graves. All but One , that is He was born to die , but is now risen and alive forevermore!

Nicole C. Mullen - My Redeemer Lives (Lyrics)

And of course, I'm talking about Christianity! I'm not talking about people who say they "believe in God" or who believe Jesus really lived and died. I'm not talking about church attendance or baptism or confession or penitence or fasting or even tithing or good works. Christianity is the only religion that says we cannot save ourselves, no matter how hard we try.

Mormon Hymns Highlight: I Know That My Redeemer Lives

Why can't we save ourselves? Because we aren't perfect.

  1. My Redeemer Lives!?
  2. Life, Death and Representation (Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies);
  3. I Know My Redeemer Lives;

We do things everyday that we know we shouldn't do, or we don't do things we know we should do. The Bible calls this "sin". We're not sinners because we sin. We sin because we're sinners! Think of it this way: A dog isn't a dog because he barks; he barks because he's a dog. And I'm not talking about " big " sins, either. I'm talking about everyday things like lying to make yourself look better or to cover up something you shouldn't have done , cheating on your taxes or keeping extra money the cashier incorrectly gave you , taking something that isn't yours a pen from work, for example , being selfish or holding a grudge "I'll never forgive them for what they did to me!

Then, who can be saved?! Even though the Bible teaches we're not able to save ourselves, God offers salvation on the basis of His outrageous love and grace alone and not anything we do or don't do. Christianity is the only religion that says stop striving, stop working, stop worrying, stop fighting, stop judging Him by the actions of others who claim to know Him, stop making excuses. It's the only religion that's based on relationship , not rules and rituals, whose "founder" died and then rose again from the grave so that we too might live!

  1. Hymnary Friends,!
  2. Leopardi e Poe (Gli emersi narrativa) (Italian Edition).
  3. Blended Learning in der Lehrerbildung: Grundlagen für die Konzeption innovativer Lernumgebungen (German Edition).
  4. User Links.
  5. Nicole C. Mullen - My Redeemer Lives Lyrics | MetroLyrics!
  6. Fortune Cookie Fortunes.

It's the only religion whose "founder" loved us so much that He did the work for us! Some opponents of Christianity claim that it's being exclusive in saying that Jesus is the only way to know God or to be saved. You are just as worthy of God's free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as anyone else! Almighty God, who said we can't save ourselves no matter how hard we try or how sincere we are, chose this way for you. Notice in that verse, it doesn't say you must "get right with God" or "clean up your act" or do anything before coming to Him.

That would be like taking a sponge bath before you take a shower! It says that Christ died for you and for me.

My Redeemer Lives!

Before you were ever born, He had already died in your place! That's a fact of life that none of us can deny or escape. Then, and only then , can you be assured of exchanging one life for another. That's what death means for those who belong to Christ, those who can really call God "Father".

Death is merely a change of address, an exchange from imperfect to perfect, from sorrow and fear and struggling to unimaginable joy and freedom! Which path will you choose? Here is how we really know, and know that we know. We have the testimony of the scriptures. For a consideration of some of those witnesses, see 1 Corinthians The second issue is this: Is there a sufficient body of evidence that demonstrates the Bible documents could not be of human origin, and therefore, by default, must be divine?

Thousands of prophetic details that no human could possibly have predicted are fulfilled with precision. These areas of evidence, and many others, buttress our faith.

Job But I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last He will stand upon the earth.

True faith is not a blind leap into the dark. It is grounded in solid history. For a consideration of some of these matters, see our little book, Fortify Your Faith in an Age of Doubt phone toll free — for information. Scripture References Proverbs

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