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Works of Franz Liszt. The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven. The Life of Johannes Brahms Complete. Its Origin and Development. Mozart decided to settle in Vienna as a freelance performer and composer.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Biography, Facts, & Works |
The quarrel with the archbishop went harder for Mozart because his father sided against him. Hoping fervently that he would obediently follow Colloredo back to Salzburg, Mozart's father exchanged intense letters with his son, urging him to be reconciled with their employer. Mozart passionately defended his intention to pursue an independent career in Vienna. The debate ended when Mozart was dismissed by the archbishop, freeing himself both of his employer and his father's demands to return.
Solomon characterizes Mozart's resignation as a "revolutionary step", and it greatly altered the course of his life. Mozart's new career in Vienna began well. He performed often as a pianist, notably in a competition before the Emperor with Muzio Clementi on 24 December , [47] and he soon "had established himself as the finest keyboard player in Vienna".
The work was soon being performed "throughout German-speaking Europe", [47] and fully established Mozart's reputation as a composer. Near the height of his quarrels with Colloredo, Mozart moved in with the Weber family, who had moved to Vienna from Mannheim. The father, Fridolin, had died, and the Webers were now taking in lodgers to make ends meet. Aloysia, who had earlier rejected Mozart's suit, was now married to the actor and artist Joseph Lange.
Mozart's interest shifted to the third Weber daughter, Constanze. The courtship did not go entirely smoothly; surviving correspondence indicates that Mozart and Constanze briefly separated in April Stephen's Cathedral , the day before his father's consent arrived in the mail. In the course of and , Mozart became intimately acquainted with the work of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel as a result of the influence of Gottfried van Swieten , who owned many manuscripts of the Baroque masters. In , Mozart and his wife visited his family in Salzburg.
His father and sister were cordially polite to Constanze, but the visit prompted the composition of one of Mozart's great liturgical pieces, the Mass in C minor. Though not completed, it was premiered in Salzburg, with Constanze singing a solo part. Mozart met Joseph Haydn in Vienna around , and the two composers became friends.
When Haydn visited Vienna, they sometimes played together in an impromptu string quartet. Mozart's six quartets dedicated to Haydn K. From to Mozart mounted concerts with himself as soloist, presenting three or four new piano concertos in each season. Since space in the theaters was scarce, he booked unconventional venues: Solomon writes that during this period Mozart created "a harmonious connection between an eager composer-performer and a delighted audience, which was given the opportunity of witnessing the transformation and perfection of a major musical genre".
With substantial returns from his concerts and elsewhere, Mozart and his wife adopted a rather plush lifestyle. They moved to an expensive apartment, with a yearly rent of florins. Saving was therefore impossible, and the short period of financial success did nothing to soften the hardship the Mozarts were later to experience. He focused instead on his career as a piano soloist and writer of concertos. Its reception in Prague later in the year was even warmer, and this led to a second collaboration with Da Ponte: These developments were not witnessed by Mozart's father, who had died on 28 May In December , Mozart finally obtained a steady post under aristocratic patronage.
Emperor Joseph II appointed him as his "chamber composer", a post that had fallen vacant the previous month on the death of Gluck. It was a part-time appointment, paying just florins per year, and required Mozart only to compose dances for the annual balls in the Redoutensaal see Mozart and dance. This modest income became important to Mozart when hard times arrived. Court records show that Joseph's aim was to keep the esteemed composer from leaving Vienna in pursuit of better prospects.
In , the young Ludwig van Beethoven spent several weeks in Vienna, hoping to study with Mozart. Toward the end of the decade, Mozart's circumstances worsened.
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Around he had ceased to appear frequently in public concerts, and his income shrank. By mid, Mozart and his family had moved from central Vienna to the suburb of Alsergrund. Around this time, Mozart made some long journeys hoping to improve his fortunes: The trips produced only isolated success and did not relieve the family's financial distress.
Mozart's last year was, until his final illness struck, a time of great productivity—and by some accounts, one of personal recovery. Mozart's financial situation, a source of anxiety in , finally began to improve. Although the evidence is inconclusive, [75] it appears that wealthy patrons in Hungary and Amsterdam pledged annuities to Mozart in return for the occasional composition. He is thought to have benefited from the sale of dance music written in his role as Imperial chamber composer.
He experienced great satisfaction in the public success of some of his works, notably The Magic Flute which was performed several times in the short period between its premiere and Mozart's death [76] and the Little Masonic Cantata K. Mozart fell ill while in Prague for the 6 September premiere of his opera La clemenza di Tito , written in that same year on commission for the Emperor's coronation festivities. Mozart was nursed in his final illness by his wife and her youngest sister, and was attended by the family doctor, Thomas Franz Closset.
Mozart was interred in a common grave, in accordance with contemporary Viennese custom, at the St. Marx Cemetery outside the city on 7 December. The tale of a storm and snow is false; the day was calm and mild. The expression "common grave" refers to neither a communal grave nor a pauper's grave, but to an individual grave for a member of the common people i.
Common graves were subject to excavation after ten years; the graves of aristocrats were not. The cause of Mozart's death cannot be known with certainty. The official record has it as hitziges Frieselfieber "severe miliary fever", referring to a rash that looks like millet seeds , more a description of the symptoms than a diagnosis. Researchers have posited at least causes of death, including acute rheumatic fever , [84] [85] streptococcal infection , [86] [87] trichinosis , [88] [89] influenza , mercury poisoning , and a rare kidney ailment.
Mozart's modest funeral did not reflect his standing with the public as a composer; memorial services and concerts in Vienna and Prague were well-attended. Indeed, in the period immediately after his death, his reputation rose substantially. Solomon describes an "unprecedented wave of enthusiasm" [90] for his work; biographies were written first by Schlichtegroll , Niemetschek , and Nissen ; and publishers vied to produce complete editions of his works.
Mozart's physical appearance was described by tenor Michael Kelly , in his Reminiscences: His early biographer Niemetschek wrote, "there was nothing special about [his] physique. He loved elegant clothing. Kelly remembered him at a rehearsal: Mozart usually worked long and hard, finishing compositions at a tremendous pace as deadlines approached.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
He often made sketches and drafts; unlike Beethoven's these are mostly not preserved, as his wife sought to destroy them after his death. Mozart lived at the center of the Viennese musical world, and knew a great number and variety of people: Leutgeb and Mozart carried on a curious kind of friendly mockery, often with Leutgeb as the butt of Mozart's practical jokes. He enjoyed billiards and dancing, and kept pets: Mozart was raised a Roman Catholic and remained a devout member of the church throughout his life. Mozart's music, like Haydn 's, stands as an archetype of the Classical style.
At the time he began composing, European music was dominated by the style galant , a reaction against the highly evolved intricacy of the Baroque. Progressively, and in large part at the hands of Mozart himself, the contrapuntal complexities of the late Baroque emerged once more, moderated and disciplined by new forms , and adapted to a new aesthetic and social milieu. Mozart was a versatile composer, and wrote in every major genre, including symphony , opera, the solo concerto, chamber music including string quartet and string quintet , and the piano sonata. These forms were not new, but Mozart advanced their technical sophistication and emotional reach.
He almost single-handedly developed and popularized the Classical piano concerto. He wrote a great deal of religious music , including large-scale masses , as well as dances, divertimenti , serenades , and other forms of light entertainment. The central traits of the Classical style are all present in Mozart's music. Clarity, balance, and transparency are the hallmarks of his work, but simplistic notions of its delicacy mask the exceptional power of his finest masterpieces, such as the Piano Concerto No.
Charles Rosen makes the point forcefully:. It is only through recognizing the violence and sensuality at the center of Mozart's work that we can make a start towards a comprehension of his structures and an insight into his magnificence. In a paradoxical way, Schumann 's superficial characterization of the G minor Symphony can help us to see Mozart's daemon more steadily. In all of Mozart's supreme expressions of suffering and terror, there is something shockingly voluptuous. During his last decade, Mozart frequently exploited chromatic harmony.
A notable instance is his String Quartet in C major , K. Mozart always had a gift for absorbing and adapting valuable features of others' music. His travels helped in the forging of a unique compositional language. Bach and heard his music. In Paris, Mannheim, and Vienna he met with other compositional influences, as well as the avant-garde capabilities of the Mannheim orchestra. In Italy he encountered the Italian overture and opera buffa , both of which deeply affected the evolution of his own practice. In London and Italy, the galant style was in the ascendent: Others mimic the works of J.
Bach, and others show the simple rounded binary forms turned out by Viennese composers. As Mozart matured, he progressively incorporated more features adapted from the Baroque. For example, the Symphony No. The influence of the Sturm und Drang "Storm and Stress" period in music, with its brief foreshadowing of the Romantic era , is evident in the music of both composers at that time. Mozart would sometimes switch his focus between operas and instrumental music. He produced operas in each of the prevailing styles: In his later operas he employed subtle changes in instrumentation, orchestral texture, and tone color , for emotional depth and to mark dramatic shifts.
Here his advances in opera and instrumental composing interacted: Mozart's most famous pupil, whom the Mozarts took into their Vienna home for two years as a child, was probably Johann Nepomuk Hummel , a transitional figure between Classical and Romantic eras. Ever since the surge in his reputation after his death, studying his scores has been a standard part of classical musicians' training. Ludwig van Beethoven , Mozart's junior by fifteen years, was deeply influenced by his work, with which he was acquainted as a teenager. For further details see Mozart and Beethoven.
Composers have paid homage to Mozart by writing sets of variations on his themes. Beethoven wrote four such sets Op. This is a unique number assigned, in regular chronological order, to every one of his known works. A work is referenced by the abbreviation "K.
It has since been repeatedly updated, as scholarly research improves knowledge of the dates and authenticity of individual works. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Mozart disambiguation. Anonymous portrait of the child Mozart, possibly by Pietro Antonio Lorenzoni ; painted in on commission from Leopold Mozart. Mozart's name and Mozart family. Mozart family grand tour and Mozart in Italy. List of operas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Haydn and Mozart and Mozart and Freemasonry.
Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. December Learn how and when to remove this template message. List of compositions by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Mozart's compositional method. Overture to Don Giovanni.
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Both performed by the Fulda Symphonic Orchestra, Conductor: Biography portal Classical music portal Opera portal. The many changes of European political borders since Mozart's time make it difficult to assign him an unambiguous nationality; for discussion see Mozart's nationality. The Cambridge Mozart Encyclopedia. Cambridge University Press, p. I do not know why, not believing that you have need for a composer or of useless people. In addition, if they are at your service, it degrades that service when these people go about the world like beggars.