Tobys Trek
Maguire has been a vegetarian since ; in , he became a vegan.
Tobey Maguire
Maguire met jewelry designer Jennifer Meyer in while he was shooting the movie Seabiscuit at Universal Studios , and they became engaged in April Their daughter was born in November In , Maguire took up tournament poker. He has finished in the money in several events and has been tutored by poker professional Daniel Negreanu.
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This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 15 December Maguire at the Toronto Film Festival. Santa Monica, California , U. Retrieved August 24, Retrieved August 11, Eyes right for a tired superhero" , Belfast Telegraph May 4, A tired superhero Archived April 29, , at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 18 June Archived from the original on October 15, Archived from the original on July 14, Archived from the original on January 18, Retrieved June 18, Archived from the original on March 30, Event occurs at 2: Retrieved November 25, Archived from the original on June 6, Retrieved April 22, Retrieved June 17, Archived November 21, , at the Wayback Machine.
Retrieved May 5, Retrieved December 2, Retrieved December 7, Retrieved September 8, Celebrity Performances in Poker". Retrieved December 29, Retrieved 10 July Awards for Tobey Maguire.
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Saturn Award for Best Actor. Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history.

In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. This page was last edited on 15 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Los Angeles, California , U. Best Actor in a Motion Picture — Drama.
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Favorite Celebrity of the Year. Favorite Male Butt Kicker.
Best Kiss shared with Kirsten Dunst. Best Fight shared with James Franco. Best Performance by a Male. Favorite Male Action Movie Star. When the trees thinned out, Toby ran. He hoped the Catonians would think he was one of the farmers and armed. They would never follow him if they did. Another bolt of light sliced through the darkness well behind him. When the trees thickened again, Toby angled toward the road, but kept to the trees.
He didn't bother stopping as he passed the second farmhouse, but made a beeline toward New Town. New Town, a row of buildings on each side of a hard-packed dirt street, stretched along the river for two blocks. Toby knew where he could find a raft, so he made his way through the darkness until he came out from behind the final building on the block. He saw a pair of Catonian soldiers patrolling and waited. When he thought they were far enough away, he scurried across the road and nestled in the grass which grew everywhere on the planet and here stretched down to the river's edge.
Toby's Trophy Treks — Water_Fowl
He sat calming himself and listening for the soldiers. This running away was more strenuous than he'd imagined.
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- Toby's Trek by John Paulits - FictionDB!
Finally, Toby scuttled to the water and searched along the river's edge for a raft. He found a small dilapidated one a short way up the riverbank. Toby crawled forward and put his shirt, shoes, and food bag onto the raft. Then he poked the raft into the easy current near the riverbank and began to drift.
His adventure had begun. Davis Michell Plested and J. Collected Short Fiction Stories is a collection of the author's fictional writing—his Retribution Lanyon For Hire: