The Men of Pride County: The Rebel
As for Noble, Juliet is everything he believes would make a bad lawyer's wife, but he can't help falling for her either.
County nicknames are weird, wonderful...and a bit absurd
I loved Noble - he was so torn about making the wrong choices, but he never tried to pass the responsibility or stand accountable for the consequences. Juliet's confusion over her attraction for Noble, and her willingness to stand with her father and take care of him no matter what the cost was touching.
And her realization that she and her father were both hiding behind their respective duties to each other hit close to home for me.

A shining star in a series that has been somewhat frustrating so far. View all 4 comments.
Apr 03, Cassie Cakes rated it really liked it. Not just a romance trust me!
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Set in civil war era, after the fall of confederacy, Noble Banning and his men were taken prisoners by the union army after a failed operation due to a traitor in their own army, he and his men were offered to fight for a common cause in the west. Noble decides to have his men wear the darned union blue rather than seeing them die everyday in the camp. Also, he wants to know the traitor who have divulged their mission to the union army that killed cou Wonderful book! Also, he wants to know the traitor who have divulged their mission to the union army that killed couple of his men and their downfall.
In the mean time, Noble falls in love with the union general's daughter! Other than that and the whiny climax, nothing in this book is usual. Bernadette rated it liked it Jun 11, Ann rated it really liked it Jun 02, Jake rated it really liked it May 04, Lauren rated it really liked it Oct 04, Patchworkpenguin rated it really liked it Apr 07, Cyndy rated it it was amazing Aug 11, Darla rated it it was ok Oct 16, Amy Alvis rated it it was amazing Jul 10, Cindy Bolen rated it it was amazing Apr 13, Priscilla rated it really liked it Nov 19, Amy Gideon rated it really liked it Jan 15, Camie rated it it was amazing Jul 29, Carol rated it really liked it Jan 02, Kendra marked it as to-read Apr 14, Kristiej marked it as to-read Feb 28, Aliyah Burke added it Mar 22, Lee added it Nov 06, BookLuva28 marked it as to-read Dec 10, Sandy added it Feb 03, Leslie marked it as to-read Jun 18, Andrea marked it as to-read Jul 25, Leigh Hunter marked it as to-read Dec 15, Alison Lamarche added it Dec 22, Candace marked it as to-read Jan 30, Grace added it Feb 26, Teazia Cockburn marked it as to-read Jun 23, Susan Shay marked it as to-read Aug 20, Jessica marked it as to-read Oct 03, Priscilla marked it as to-read Nov 18, Torrie added it Jan 25, Brie marked it as to-read Jul 16, The site has a list of all the county nicknames and some of them, as well as the well used nicknames, have some fairly far-out names.
The aforementioned names, along with Roscommon being known as the 'Sheep Stealers', have their origins in the time of the Famine, when desperate measures were the dish of the day. Dublin's nickname 'Jackeens' comes from their propensity to fly the Union Jack, even after independence. Galway's nickname The Tribesmen evokes images of big rough Celtic mountainy men firing spears at their rivals and playing hurling from one end of Connemara to the other. It seems the Tribes were English merchants who ruled the area in the 12th century.
They are also known as the Herring Chokers, which is just local slang for fishermen. Tipperary is known as the Premier County, basically because they have a superiority complex and feel that they are the best at everything.
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- The Men of Pride County: The Rebel by Rosalyn West on Apple Books.
- County nicknames are weird, wonderfuland a bit absurd -
Wexford are the same - they call themselves the Model County, because they feel their way of life is an example to all of us. Although in fairness to him, he looks well next to Spillane.
Wexford are also known as the Yellow Bellies, on account of the traditional yellow stripe across their purple shirts. Similarly, other counties have names based on their colours - Kildare are the Lilywhites, Sligo are the Magpies or the Zebras. Shouldn't Carlow be known as the Fruit Pastilles?
As far as Final Whistle was always aware, the name Culchie applies to someone from outside of Dublin.
- The Rebel (The Men of Pride County Series, #3) by Rosalyn West!
- The Men of Pride County: The Rebel - Rosalyn West - Google Книги.
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A misguided colleague from Bray claims to be neither Jackeen or Culchie when he is clearly the latter! But the origins of the name came from Kiltimagh in Co. Mayo, and so Mayo claims The Culchies as their county name. They also have The Maritime County and the Heather County - just about any county in Ireland could be called one or the other of these really.
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Longford are known as the 'Slashers' after the local football team and they are near neighbours of the Wee County, Louth. Do I sense a trend here?
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One of the most famous county names is Kilkenny and the Cats, which comes from the Limerick - there once were two cats from Kilkenny. The story we found for this is that two cats were hung by the tails on a washing line. Some British soldiers came and cut their tails to free them - when the locals saw what was left of the tails hanging on the line, they assumed the cats had eaten each other.
Meanwhile, the herrings get another couple of mentions too. Sligo are the Herring Pickers. Donegal are the Herring Gutters. It strikes you that if a crowd of Galway men, Sligo men and Donegal men ever happened to get together in one place, all the herring for miles around had better watch out! Carlow also has another one - The Fighting Cock County - a name that has died out due to the sterling work of animal rights groups.
Ahead of this eight round match in the All Ireland League Division 2B the casual observer may have decided the result would be a foregone conclusion with a comfortable win for the visitors expected, what with the hosts Dungannon lying second from bottom playing league leaders Greystones.