¡Presenta!: Guía para exposiciones efectivas (Spanish Edition)
A magazine describing progress made and challenges ahead in implimenting the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action by Un guide de formation 6-day training curriculum to strengthen practical skills of health workers working in the community. A set of seven briefs, available in English, French, and Spanish, that outline challenges and solutions for increasing the availability and use of three essential maternal health medicines oxytocin, misoprostol and magnesium sulfate , drawing on lessons and experience from reproductive health supplies.
Designed for use by policymakers, civil society groups, and advocates, Focus on 5 details why the world needs to invest now in maternal, newborn, and reproductive health and the strategic actions needed to improve vital health services for mothers and their newborns in the developing world. These briefing cards, published in by FCI and Population Action International as part of The Integration Partnership , provide information on integrating AIDS, TB, and malaria services across the reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health continuum of care.
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Available in both English and French, they highlight how integration can strengthen health and community systems, save money, and empower women to access the services they need and deserve. Designed for use by health workers and others who provide information and counseling to women at the community level. This infographic highlights the critical role that midwives play in improving maternal and newborn health around the world. Midwives have a powerful voice in changing policies and practices that support the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of health services.
A government budget must be comprehensive and transparent to allow citizens to hold government accountable for managing public funds. This budget cycle calendar shows the key dates for the Kenyan Annual Budget Cycle at both the national and county levels and highlights the opportunities where citizens can be part of formulation and priority setting as well as the accountability processes.
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Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici. In , Family Care International FCI launched the Mobilizing Advocates from Civil Society MACS project in Burkina Faso and Kenya to bring together civil society organizations working in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health RMNCH and to strengthen their capacity to advocate powerfully and effectively for health policies and programs that meet the needs of women and children.
These case studies from Kenya and Burkina Faso detail the experiences and challenges the MACS alliances faced, while sharing lessons learned from the project overall. This toolkit, available in English, French and Spanish, is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and capacity of midwives, and of their national midwifery associations, to conduct advocacy for positive policy change. Developed jointly by FCI, QAP and the Minister of Health of Ecuador, this manual intends to help health care managers facilitate a dialogue with mothers and traditional birth attendants to identify changes that can make facility-based delivery more acceptable to expectant mothers.
In , Family Care International conducted a mapping analysis in Uganda to gather information on the maternal health policy environment; the organizations, partnerships, and networks currently and potentially engaged in maternal health advocacy; and the advocacy goals, strategies, resources, and core messages being used. Through desk research, in-depth interviews with key informants, and focus group discussions, the mapping identifies advocacy priorities, challenges, and opportunities for collaboration.
In , Family Care International conducted a mapping analysis in Zambia to gather information on the maternal health policy environment; the organizations, partnerships, and networks currently and potentially engaged in maternal health advocacy; and the advocacy goals, strategies, resources, and core messages being used. Through desk research and in-depth interviews with key informants, the mapping identifies advocacy priorities, challenges, and opportunities for collaboration. In and , Family Care International conducted mappings in five regions: Each document is available in English; when relevant to the region, they are available in French and Spanish as well.
These seven cards were designed to enable indigenous women in Bolivia to know and understand the new legislation that protects their sexual and reproductive rights and ways to promote its application. To target the most affected populations with life-saving maternal health policies and programs, governments need accurate information about maternal mortality in their countries.
Unfortunately, measuring maternal deaths is not a simple task. National statistics on maternal mortality vary considerably from internationally published maternal death estimates. This paper, available in English and Spanish, seeks to explain and compare the various approaches to measuring maternal mortality in Latin America and the Caribbean and the reason behind the different results.
The report includes key presentations and statements as well as the final declaration. All publications are available in English, French, and Spanish. Misoprostol for Postpartum Hemorrhage: This publication, available in English and French, presents case studies from three countries — Bangladesh, Nepal, and Zambia — that have introduced and scaled up the use of misoprostol for postpartum hemorrhage PPH.
These country examples highlight the essential role of high-level commitment and support in initiating and implementing national programs, and provide inspiration and guidance for policy makers and partners seeking to expand access to misoprostol for PPH. It includes causes of deaths, sexual and reproductive education, abortion, and availability of health services in nine different regions of the country.
FCI Ecuador and partners developed this publication to analyze maternal mortality from the perspective of gender inequity, social injustice, and poverty, and propose effective mechanisms and strategies for its reduction. Nearly 16 million girls between 15 and 19 give birth annually, almost all of them in developing countries. Designed for advocates, the toolkit encourages and enables evidence-based action among decision-makers, opinion leaders, medical personnel, researchers, and affected communities to prevent early pregnancy and poor reproductive outcomes among adolescent girls.
Sexual and reproductive health is crucial for the achievement of the MDGs. In , the Kenya Constitution introduced a devolved system of government that aims to enhance access to health services by all Kenyans, especially those in rural and hard-to-reach areas. Within this new context of devolution, the implementation of health policy commitments will shift: Focuses on care during pregnancy, delivery, and the post-partum period, as well as signs of complications.
Each of the 15 illustrations is accompanied by key information points and questions to encourage discussion. For use in face-to-face counseling and group education settings. Highlights the role of safe motherhood within the reproductive health framework and summarizes global commitments to safe motherhood from conventions and international conferences held in the last decade. What progress has the Safe Motherhood Initiative made since it was launched 20 years ago? These 2 reports a full review and an executive summary provide an overview of the positive trends and achievements of the last 20 years as well as challenges and opportunities which exist today in the field of safe motherhood.
FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Available to ship in days. Saber hablar Mar 26, Only 1 left in stock - order soon.
Spanish | World Gastroenterology Organisation
Imagen verbal en 5 sencillos pasos Spanish Edition Jun 16, Available for immediate download. Las claves para cautivar a la audiencia Coaching Spanish Edition Jan 6, Read this and over 1 million books with Kindle Unlimited. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Impacta, enamora y marca la diferencia con tu oratoria Spanish Edition Sep 12, Pido la palabra Spanish Edition Oct 20, Como Comunicarnos en Publico [Public Speaking]: Camilo Cruz and Inc. Unfortunately, measuring maternal deaths is not a simple task.
National statistics on maternal mortality vary considerably from internationally published maternal death estimates. This paper, available in English and Spanish, seeks to explain and compare the various approaches to measuring maternal mortality in Latin America and the Caribbean and the reason behind the different results. The report includes key presentations and statements as well as the final declaration.
All publications are available in English, French, and Spanish. This publication, available in English and French, presents case studies from three countries — Bangladesh, Nepal, and Zambia — that have introduced and scaled up the use of misoprostol for postpartum hemorrhage PPH. These country examples highlight the essential role of high-level commitment and support in initiating and implementing national programs, and provide inspiration and guidance for policy makers and partners seeking to expand access to misoprostol for PPH.
FCI has released an Advocacy Toolkit for Programme Managers that carefully lays out the steps in designing and launching an advocacy strategy to ensure that existing government commitments are translated into concrete programs and services. The Advocacy Training Guide, a companion piece to the Toolkit, was developed to strengthen the skills of grassroots community-level groups, networks, and organizations to design and plan an advocacy campaign.
The New York Call to Commitment: FCI Ecuador and partners developed this publication to analyze maternal mortality from the perspective of gender inequity, social injustice, and poverty, and propose effective mechanisms and strategies for its reduction. Designed to enhance post abortion client counseling and community education related to unsafe abortion in English-speaking Africa, this set of materials includes: Nearly 16 million girls between 15 and 19 give birth annually, almost all of them in developing countries.
Designed for advocates, the toolkit encourages and enables evidence-based action among decision-makers, opinion leaders, medical personnel, researchers, and affected communities to prevent early pregnancy and poor reproductive outcomes among adolescent girls. Sexual and reproductive health is crucial for the achievement of the MDGs.
This document demonstrates the importance of expanding prevention efforts to underserved areas in the Amazonian District of Pando, located in the Bolivian lowlands between Brazil and Peru. In , the Kenya Constitution introduced a devolved system of government that aims to enhance access to health services by all Kenyans, especially those in rural and hard-to-reach areas. Within this new context of devolution, the implementation of health policy commitments will shift: Focuses on care during pregnancy, delivery, and the post-partum period, as well as signs of complications.

Each of the 15 illustrations is accompanied by key information points and questions to encourage discussion. For use in face-to-face counseling and group education settings. Highlights the role of safe motherhood within the reproductive health framework and summarizes global commitments to safe motherhood from conventions and international conferences held in the last decade. What progress has the Safe Motherhood Initiative made since it was launched 20 years ago? These 2 reports a full review and an executive summary provide an overview of the positive trends and achievements of the last 20 years as well as challenges and opportunities which exist today in the field of safe motherhood.
Actividades comunicativas para enseñar competencia oral (Spanish Edition)
Pocket card; describes the Safe Motherhood Initiative, introduces the problem of maternal mortality, and reviews essential issues for policy-makers. A report of an international conference held in Tunisia, November This policy brief, available in English and French, explores strategies to help governments and partners improve maternal health by expanding access to misoprostol for treatment and prevention of postpartum hemorrhage PPH , one of the leading causes of maternal death. These briefing cards, produced by FCI on behalf of the Universal Access Project and a range of partners, detail the linkages between sexual and reproductive health and rights SRHR and other key development issues including environmental sustainability, gender equality, economic growth, educational attainment, and broader health goals.
They present key facts about the impact of SRHR on the broader development agenda and make recommendations for inclusion of SRHR in the post development framework. Set of 9 easy to use reference cards covering key issues in sexual and reproductive health and rights. A comprehensive resource for individuals and organizations working to ensure that every woman has access to skilled care during childbirth. Newsletters, programming resources, project descriptions, and other documents sharing the progress of the Skilled Care Initiative.
Available in English, French, and Spanish. Focuses on strengthening key skills such as active listening, using visual aids, and developing a client-responsive approach. Uses role plays and other practical approaches adapted to adult learners.
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- www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Spanish - Public Speaking / Words, Language & Grammar: Books.
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Evidence shows that investing in the capacity of midwives to provide high quality skilled delivery care translates into positive health outcomes for women, newborns, families, and communities. The report is also available in Spanish. Skilled maternity care throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period is recognized as a critical key to reducing maternal mortality.
Today in many developing countries, however, more than half of women go through childbirth without such care and these women suffer disproportionately from pregnancy and childbirth complications that, far too often, lead to death or serious disability. The Lancet, a premiere health journal, produced two special editions in on the important topics of Maternal Survival and Sexual and Reproductive Health. This document is a detailed report of the technical meeting Integrating Cultural Pertinence to Maternal Health Norms , held in Quito in September The meeting aimed at analyzing how recent culturally-pertinent maternal health norms issued by health authorities in Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, as well as by Guatemala, Honduras and Panama, have contributed to improve access among indigenous women seeking maternal care in public health services.
The manual has been developed in fivelanguages and six different versions reflecting the regional contexts and the unique challenges facing adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Full color, page flipchart covering a wide range of safe motherhood, reproductive health, and gender topics, accompanied by a set of five brochures. This advocacy publication, produced in by FCI and UNFPA for the Campaign to End Fistula, presents promising practices and strategic recommendations for policy makers, programmers, and researchers seeking strengthen fistula prevention and treatment programmes in affected countries.
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Kit du Responsable de programmes. A Price Too High to Bear: Instrumentos para presentaciones sobre salud sexual y reproductiva. Advocating for Maternal Health: The Power of Alliances for Maternal Health. Analyze the maternal health environment in order to decide if working with an alliance is advantageous; Work with an alliance by either joining an established alliance or creating a new one; and Plan advocacy activities taking into account the political context and ways an alliance can effectively reach decision makers.
A Tool for Systematizing Experiences]. Camino al Buen Trato. Changing Lives, Saving Lives.
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All. Curriculum de Formation des Parents: Emergency Contraception in Latin America and the Caribbean: En la intimidad del buen vivir In the intimacy of healthful living.