My Name is Noir (Sanguis City)
The story was written so well the characters sort of floated off the page.
- Sanguis City Series!
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Noir was a mess and had so much going wrong with her life that you felt her pain and struggles. There was also a variety of sexy men to root for. Morgan done an amazing job of keeping you on the fence concerning who's side you where on. There where so much going on in this story but it flowed together so flawlessly that you didn't get overwhelmed. I was so engrossed in what happens next that the story was over before I even realized.

While the book did end in a cliffhanger it wasn't one that made you want to murder the author.. View all 5 comments. Wow, sexy vampires galore! There is so much about this book that I loved, I don't even know where to start with this review. Holy hottness there are so many sexy men in this book! Who to choose, who's my favorite? There was something I loved about each character, so it is so so hard pun intended to choose just one. The sex in this book was fangfuckingtastic. And yeah I said fang, because the vampire sex has left me with a feeling of whoa!
There is a new vampire series in town and I am getting on the bus to Sanguis City! This is a must read! This book releases soon and trust me when I say you don't want to miss it! Sanguis City takes place three years later and Noir has adjusted to the new life in a new city. But there is much that she has yet to discover in her three years.
Did she pursue a relationship with Tombs? Did she ever find Crow, is he dead? What is the deal with Sander? These are questions that are answered and so much more. No I am not telling you, I don't want to be a spoil sport. So much happens in this book that has left me eagerly awaiting what Noir will face in the next book. And which hot piece of vampire will she be with???
Now getting back to sexy town. And a few others. I know who my favorites are but I can't give it all away you will have to read to find out! Lilanoir Noir was raised with humans although she is not quite human herself. The world as we know it has ended, and vampires are primarily ruling the cities. Noir never fit in with the human colony she was raised in because of her fangs, but in the city- she is what is known as a "bleeder" something between human and vampire. She is enjoying her new life working her way through college in the healthcare profession when she starts learning things about the world that make her question everythi Lilanoir Noir was raised with humans although she is not quite human herself.
She is enjoying her new life working her way through college in the healthcare profession when she starts learning things about the world that make her question everything. Noir is struggling with her strong attraction to certain vampires and another bleeder. She isn't sure where her feelings really lie, and what is due to her reaction to pheromones. Her boyfriend turns out to be not quite what she thought, and as she learns too much about herself and the world she lives in she has to decide who she can rely on and who she can trust.
We are left after some pretty exciting revelations are made, and I am eager to find out more about all the characters, and learn more about the world they live in and how Noir is going to use the new information she has about herself and deal with some of the predicaments she finds herself in when this installment ends. The author does a great job of building a world that is unique, and has a pretty fresh and interesting spin on all the vampire stuff.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how this story continues when the next in the series comes out. Morgan Jane Mitchell has made a serious impact with her debut, full-length novel. It's always great to see a new author come along who actually knows how to write. Some may laugh that I take note of how an author writes, but with the substandard writing that is currently on the market, I must compliment Ms.
Mitchell for her professionalism and abilities. That said, the story itself was superb as well.
My Name is Noir by Morgan Jane Mitchell
I confess that the sex scenes were the highlight for me. Not only for the obvious Morgan Jane Mitchell has made a serious impact with her debut, full-length novel. Not only for the obvious reasons, but I also feel that was where she excelled as far as interaction between the characters. A fair amount of the book focuses around Noir giving details of how the mechanics of being a vampire or bleeder in a strange environment works, and I accept that was a necessary part of the story so the reader can understand how things are in her strange world.
She kept it interesting and I enjoyed it. What a great imagination to pass along to the reader! To give five stars on her debut novel suggests that she can't or won't do any better. This is a great start to her career, but I think the best is yet to come and I anxiously await more novels from her. Sanguis City is an extremely entertaining and gripping read. I can see she is a dedicated writer and has much more to offer the writing and reading world.
Sanguis City is unlike any other paranormal, suspense romance I have ever read. The pace is flawless and even with all of the information you are given, it's presented in such a way There are characters you will love. There are characters you will hate. There are characters you will feel for. There are characters you'll want to just go away. But they are so well developed, you can't help but want to know more.
I'm trying to be spoiler free, but there's so much I want to ta OMG! I'm trying to be spoiler free, but there's so much I want to talk about. Sanguis City is captivating, intriguing, sexy, and heart wrenching at times. Vampires, zombies, shifters, witches, bleeders, and humans all collide in Sanguis City. If you are a paranormal fan, you do not want to miss this amazing kickoff to what is certain to be a thrilling series.
My only complaint is when the hell do I get book 2?!?! A whirlwind of awesome awaits you! Sanguis City is different from nearly all of the vampire books I have read lately in a very good way. A paranormal romance with a dystopian feel but different still The simple fact is I have not been able to put this book down. I loved that this book had a lot of everything.
Mystery is the number one thing I liked about reading this. It was odd that being raised by humans was, on average, OK and then she was completely shun! I am wondering if her mother knows something that everyone else doesn't. I would like to find out more information on that background. Also, I was blown away with her finding out a personal secret about herself.
I saw it coming but I loved it anyways. I am certain it will play a huge role in the ne I loved that this book had a lot of everything. I am certain it will play a huge role in the next book. Looking forward to more.
- My Name Is Noir by Morgan Jane Mitchell.
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This book is a must read if you love vampires and urban fantasy. Where can I sign up to move to Sanguis City. Noir has a lot of things she is juggling in her life, and there is no shortage of hot men either. I was not sure who was what or who they said they were.
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This book kept me guessing and I loved every second of it. This was action packed and the author did not skimp on the hot sexy scenes, I felt like I was in the moment with Noir, the scenes played out so vividly in my head as I read. I c This book is a must read if you love vampires and urban fantasy. I can not wait to see where the author takes Noir in the next installment. I'm so mad that I read this so far in advance before the next book comes out.
I absolutely loved this book. Some more description on the guys wouldn't hurt. Depending on whats really going on with Sander he sounds like a nice catch and an even better lay. I'm dying to know the truth about Aubrey and whats really going on with Quixon. I had never heard of this series, or the author, and I was skeptical about whether or not I would like it.
I was pleasantly suprised. I really enjoyed the characters and the story line. I hope to read the predecessors to this book soon. And I cant wait for the next one! Jul 27, Stephanie rated it liked it. Had a hard time with the beginning and all the different characters. I'm going to give book 2 a try. Sanguis City is on Amazon, BN and itunes! Noir lives a pretty complicated life.
Raised a bleeder among humans, she never really learned how to be like the vampires that run her world. But Sanguis City was the opportunity she needed in life, the chance to be around other bleeders who are valued for their ability to function during the day while the vamps have to hide from the sunlight. There, she was making a life for herself and even enjoying the excitement of her steamy relationship with professor and boyfriend Aubrey, an older vamp who both fascinated and baffled her.
With an intriguing urban fantasy feel, Sanguis City takes the reader to a world that is as unforgiving as it is laden with lust and primal needs. I liked the concept, but not the way it was just tossed into the mix without any clarification of what was going on. Noir was a difficult character for me as well; generally speaking, I prefer there to be a clear love interest for the main characters so I can grab on to the emotions they feel. Morgan has a good writing style, and sets the scene wonderfully to draw the reader into the book.
If you are into Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance- open this one up, it is an enthralling read. The story is descriptive, funny and 'vamp sexy hot'- with 'bleeders' and 'fangs'. I can say without doubt, it kept me hooked! Although, it is short- it will leave you wanting for more. A supernatural 'must' for the hot vamp addicts with page turning action throughout! I was honored with an ARC from the author! This takes place months after The Education of Lilanoir Rue. There were some hot moments that take place, they left me wanting MORE! Can I just say that Tombs is sexy.
There were twist and turns that I never saw coming. The world Morgan Mitchell has created has me drawn in. I am anxiously awaiting the release of Sanguis City so I can find out what happens next. Noir discovers that ap I was honored with an ARC from the author! Noir discovers that appearances aren't always what they seem and so much more. My feelings for certain characters have me torn one minute I want to smack Tombs and the next I want to hug him.
I can not wait to see where this story goes. View all 5 comments. Jun 10, Mallory Bookprincess rated it it was amazing. Loved this so much, I really love the relationships Noir is forming in this new city. My Name Is Noir sets up the main characters life as she begins anew in a different life far from what she left behind on the reservation she came from in the first book. I hope this author releases Sanguis City soon, as I am anticipating to continue where this one leaves off. Great new vampire series! I hope she doesn't mind me saying I am a big Morgan Jane fan fic fan and I felt like I was reading one of her wonderful stories with this one!
I enjoyed the first too but am more used to this style of writing. MorganJane never fails to write crazy twists and turns and hot love scenes. I know this is only a taste and can't wait to read the whole book! This is the second prequel to Sanguis City..
My Name is Noir
I'm not normally a vampire reader, but was willing to try something new.. Although at times this short gets a little choppy, I absolutely love the characters and can't wait to see what happens with Noir and her new Cat friend in Sanguis City!! Wow, I really loved this second one! I loved the first to but this one was great.
Looking forward to a full novel. Morgan Jane's writing style captivated me!
See a Problem?
My name is Noir is a perfect prequel to Sanguis City! We learn more about Noir's journey from the reservation to the city along with the recounting of her first run in with Tombs. This series is very unique, introducing us to a new "breed" the Bleeders. A product of the vaccine utilizing vampire DNA to cure the epidemic that is ending the world as they know it. Noir is quickly lea Captivating! Breeders are in high demand as the vamps need them to run their city during the day, but at what price does this come to them?
Grab your copy today to find out! Apr 30, Meigan rated it liked it Shelves: This is the second prequel to the Sanguis City series, but I feel as if maybe this one should be read after starting the series as opposed to before. There were some instances where I felt a bit lost such as the many mentions of Jack, or the fact that she stayed with him for 6 months before coming to the Big City. Regardless of not fully "getting" some things from this story, it does make me want to move to the actual series.
Morgan Jane's writing style captivated me! My name is Noir is a perfect prequel to Sanguis City! We learn more about Noir's journey from the reservation to the city along with the recounting of her first run in with Tombs. This series is very unique, introducing us to a new "breed" the Bleeders.
A product of the vaccine utilizing vampire DNA to cure the epidemic that is ending the world as they know it. Breeders are in high demand as the vamps need them to run their city during the day, but at what price does this come to them? Grab your copy today to find out! This is the second prequel to the Sanguis City series, but I feel as if maybe this one should be read after starting the series as opposed to before.
There were some instances where I felt a bit lost such as the many mentions of Jack, or the fact that she stayed with him for 6 months before coming to the Big City. Regardless of not fully "getting" some things from this story, it does make me want to move to the actual series.
There's something interesting to be had - bleeders, vampires, the fact that Lily is still running despite the fact she thought this place was safe. And there's a potential love interest, I'm always a sucker for a bit of romance: This was a great read. It has a very interesting story line. I have read a lot of vampire stories but none like this one. This is a must read.