La caja equivocada (Spanish Edition)
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Iran seeking to legalise marriage for girls as young as nine years old. EU support for post-authorisation studies. Attualmente si distinguono in Europa forme diverse di collaborazione tra Stati o parti di essi. Indicare quali sono e in cosa si distinguono le fonti di finanziamento destinate alle Euroregioni e quelle invece a disposizione delle Macroregioni?
Le Euroregioni sono indipendenti dall'Unione europea. Esse possono beneficiare di finanziamenti UE, ma secondo le procedure usuali. The territorial dimension is one of the founding principles of the Community project and is meant to facilitate, in various possible ways, working groups at local, regional, national and transnational level. At present in Europe there are various forms of cooperation between Member States or parts of states. These include the Euroregions and, more recently, the Macroregions, which are defined as strategies for improving cooperation between neighbouring states which have common interests.
Euroregions are independent of the European Union. They are open to benefit from EU funding, but in accordance with the usual procedures. In instances where an EU Strategy for a macroregion is implemented, in order to achieve the agreed objectives funding from all sources is aligned, public including EU as well as private. Evoluzione del ruolo delle Euroregioni nell'ambito della politica di coesione economica sociale e territoriale europea.
Quali sono i passaggi istituzionali che devono essere necessariamente compiuti per la costituzione di un'Euroregione riconosciuta ufficialmente a livello europeo? Quale ruolo la Commissione intende attribuire loro nel futuro periodo di programmazione ? Non esiste una procedura ufficiale per il riconoscimento delle Euroregioni. Coerentemente con il principio di partnership, le Euroregioni hanno fornito un contributo significativo nel periodo insieme ad altri soggetti amministrativi. La Commissione continua a considerarle controparti importanti nell'ambito della preparazione e dell'attuazione dei programmi.
Since the European Communities were founded, cross-border areas have generated a large number of entities. Euroregions are areas which have similar features and have therefore decided to work together to achieve common goals and to solve shared problems. What is the institutional procedure that has to be followed for the establishment of a Euroregion that is officially recognised at EU level?
What role do the Euroregions play in regional policy for the programming period ? What role does the Commission intend to give them in the next programming period, ? There is no official recognition procedure for Euroregions. In line with the principle of partnership, Euroregions provided significant input for the period, together with other actors. The Commission considers that they play a valuable role in European territorial cooperation programmes in particular within EU cohesion policy, given their overall aims of having common goals and resolving common problems.
The Commission expects that Euroregions will continue to play an important role as motors for conception, development and implementation of high quality cross-border projects and programmes in the period. The Commission continues to consider them as important partners in the framework of programme preparation and implementation.
Esse presentano le stesse caratteristiche e hanno gli stessi obiettivi dei GECT? Di conseguenza, le Euroregioni sono indipendenti dall'UE e sono state in gran parte istituite prima e senza riferimento a un gruppo europeo di cooperazione territoriale GECT. Can the EGTC be considered an instrument that can be used for the purpose of establishing a Euroregion? If not, what are the differences between the cooperation entities established through the EGTC and the Euroregions? Are the Euroregions that were formed under the Interreg Community Initiative still operational?
Do they have the same features and objectives as the EGTC? The EU is not involved in the establishment of Euroregions, since the concept has been developed in the framework of the Council of Europe. However, since the objective of an EGTC is to facilitate and promote territorial cooperation with the aim of strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion, an EGTC could indeed be a suitable instrument for the establishment, or further development, of a Euroregion.
Many Euroregions which are part of former Interreg programmes are still operational. An example is included in the cross-border cooperation programme, Euregio Maas Rhein. However, it is necessary to bear in mind the differences referred to above: Euroregions are essentially cross-border administrative areas; territorial cooperation formerly Interreg programmes are programmes containing policy objectives; the EGTC is an instrument to establish a legal entity — albeit all with the objective of improved cooperation. Le vittime vengono ingannate con finte offerte per poi scoprire che le condizioni di lavoro sono peggiori di quelle che si aspettavano.
Ha intenzione di indagare direttamente sul fenomeno e mettere in luce: Per quanto riguarda il genere, gli stessi dati dimostrano che le donne e le ragazze sono le principali vittime: La strategia prevede l'istituzione di una coalizione europea delle imprese contro la tratta di esseri umani, che dovrebbe collaborare con la Commissione per sviluppare modelli e orientamenti sulla riduzione della domanda di servizi forniti da vittime della tratta di esseri umani, ad esempio nell'industria del sesso, nell'agricoltura, nell'edilizia e nel turismo. According to data released by the International Labour Organisation ILO , some citizens in Europe are undergoing forced labour.
Victims are lured with false job offers only to find out that conditions of work are worse than they anticipated. In view of the economic crisis, which will surely make the problem dramatically worse, can the Commission answer the following questions:. Will it directly investigate the issue and highlight which Member States are the most affected and what methods of deception and abuse are used, and in what way, in the sectors that are the most vulnerable to such trafficking?
Such a register could enable European consumers to know whether they are purchasing products from a company that uses, or has used, people working in conditions of slavery, be it directly or indirectly, through practices such as unregulated outsourcing and social dumping. The Commission will publish more detailed data later this year. The strategy envisages the setting up of a European Business Coalition against trafficking in human beings which should work together with the Commission to develop models and guidelines on reducing demand for services provided by trafficking victims, including in the sex industry, agriculture, construction and tourism.
The implementation of those metering systems may be subject to an economic assessment of all the long-term costs and benefits to the market and the individual consumer or which form of intelligent metering is economically reasonable and cost-effective and which timeframe is feasible for their distribution. Can the Commission say whether the abovementioned assessments have been conducted or are under way in all Member States and whether their results will be publicly available, thus facilitating the exchange of best practices between Member States in relation to the implementation of intelligent metering systems?
More than one third of the Member States have already conducted the economic assessment of the long term costs and benefits CBA to the market and individual consumers of the roll-out of smart metering systems. The Commission will comparatively evaluate the Member States' CBAs and their roll-out plans to assure an aligned approach as regards the methodology of assessing costs and benefits.
The Commission would like to clarify that its proposal does not foresee a harmonised five-year training requirement. Can the Commission indicate which private or public bodies were involved, to any degree, in the drafting of the European Stability Mechanism ESM Treaty, how they were chosen and what the terms of their contracts were? Drafts of the Treaty were discussed by a dedicated task force of the eurogroup working group, which included the Commission and the EFSF. Members of the Task Force have sometimes taken the initiative to consult other national authorities, and in particular their parliaments because they would be responsible for ratifying the Treaty, but the Commission does not have an overview of consultations carried out by individual members under their own responsibility.
Within the Commission, the Directorate General for economic and financial affairs was responsible for coordinating the work on the ESM Treaty. Pero no podemos olvidar que, sean tradicionales o no, implican un sufrimiento y una tortura hacia estos animales hasta causarles la muerte. Este asunto compete exclusivamente a los Estados miembros.
Pigsticking, as it is known, involves hunting wild boar on horseback with a spear. The practice inflicts unnecessary suffering on the wild boar, which dies a slow death. Those in favour of legalising this previously obsolete practice cite tradition, in the same way that others do for bullfighting or the traditional Toro de la Vega tournament in which mounted horsemen hunt a bull to death in the meadows of the river Duero. However, it should not be forgotten that such practices, whether traditional or not, are so cruel that they cause the death of the animals involved.
What is the Commission's stance on pigsticking? What is its view on the legalisation of the practice? What does it think about the fact that people have been regularly involved in pigsticking, even though it is still not legal? Does the European Union give subsidies or public support of any kind to the Pigsticking International Club or others involved in this type of hunting? Does it believe that tradition can be used as a basis for justifying an act which causes an animal to suffer and die? Does the Commission intend to recommend that such cruel practices be banned in Spain?
The welfare of wild boar in the context of hunting is not covered by EU legislation. This matter remains under the sole competence of the Member States. Hence, the Commission does not envisage initiatives in this field. The European Commission has formally requested Spain to change the way in which it taxes leased or rented vehicles from another Member State, as well as company vehicles, in order to ensure its rules comply with EU legislation. According to EU rules, a Member State can only levy a registration tax on a leased or rented vehicle from another Member State in proportion to the duration of the vehicle's use in its own territory.
This means that a Member State may only levy a full registration tax on a leased or rented vehicle from another Member State if it is used or intended to be used on a permanent basis in the levying Member State. Similarly, a vehicle that is registered by a company in one Member State and used by an employee resident in another Member State cannot be taxed unless the vehicle is used on a permanent basis in the resident's country.
A Member State can only require registration of the vehicle and levy a registration tax if it is proportionate to the duration of the vehicle's use on its territory. The Commission took the view that Spain does not properly comply with the above EU rules. Currently, it is examining the explanations furnished by the Spanish authorities in the framework of the aforementioned infringement procedures. Finally, the Commission would kindly ask the MEP to provide a reference to the ruling mentioned in the parliamentary question, in order to give more details on this issue.
When customers actually buy the tickets, at what appears to be a fixed price, on the Internet they are then made to pay a mandatory surcharge for the use of a credit card. Does the Commission not think that this automatic price rise, when the customer has no choice but to pay by credit card, should be included in the initial price of tickets displayed before customers purchase them?
What is more, the price again rises if the customer wishes to bring a suitcase on to the plane. Does the Commission not think that the initial price should also include the right to bring a suitcase? Unavoidable booking fees or credit card fees should be included in the indicated final price to be paid by the consumer. If fees differ for different payment modes, then the lowest fee should always be included in the price. Damit wird der klassische Bestellprozess umgangen und dem Nutzer gar nicht bewusst, dass Geld ausgegeben wird. Ein Spiel, das als kostenlos beworben wird, kann so schnell zur Kostenfalle werden.
This circumvents the traditional ordering process and the user is unaware that money is being spent. A rude awakening then follows when hundreds of euros are deducted from the mobile bill. A game which is advertised as being free can quickly become a price trap. It is standard practice for blocks preventing in-app purchasing to be deactivated. Furthermore many parents do not even know that this possibility exists.
Until early , games currencies could be purchased without entering the user password: However, this does not put off children, who want to get on quickly in a game and in any case do not understand the value of money. Is thought being given at EU level on how to improve consumer protection for in-app purchases? The Commission is aware of the phenomenon of in-apps puchases.
However, it has so far not received any complaint about bill shocks resulting from purchases made while using smartphone applications. In relation to the second question raised by the Honourable Member, the Commission believes that in most occasions, these content services are billed directly by application providers and therefore do not appear on mobile phone bills.
Although the above requirement applies to electronic communications services it implicitly ensures that consumers should be able to identify clearly from their phone bill also other charges included in the bill, such as those for content services. In any case, consumers should be made aware and asked to give their explicit consent before any new credit or points' purchase through smartphone applications. Parents should also be responsible in defining their mobile devices' settings before letting their children play with them.
Diese werden von den wichtigsten Spielekonsolenherstellern Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo etc. How does the Commission view the problem of Apple circumventing age limits for games? Is any joint action at EU level envisaged in this area in the interest of child and youth protection? The Commission agrees that age-rating is important in order to protect children from seeing inappropriate content online. PEGI is a voluntary, self-regulatory system, designed to ensure that minors are not exposed to games that are unsuitable for their particular age group and it has been successful so far in most European countries when it comes to rating video and computer games sold in retail shops.
Apps are one of the focus areas of the work of the Coalition. The Coalition decided to analyse again good practices such as PEGI in search for solutions before the end of the year. The communication adopted in May points out that in case of failure of self-regulatory measures in this area, the Commission will look into possibilities for regulation. The users of apps can also receive requests from network services asking to obtain their location data.
Tunnel segreto dall'Ucraina all'UE per traffico illegale di sigarette e forse anche per tratta di persone. Per il ministro delle Finanze, Peter Kazimir, il contrabbando illegale di sigarette attraverso questo tunnel avrebbe causato alla Slovacchia un danno di circa 50 milioni di euro. All'interno del passaggio sotterraneo la polizia ha rinvenuto 13mila pacchetti di sigarette. The entrance to the tunnel on the Slovak side was inside an office building, while the entrance on the Ukrainian side of the border was in a private house in the city of Uzhhorod.
The police found 13 packets of cigarettes inside the tunnel. Is the Commission aware of the discovery of this tunnel and the uses to which it was put? What action does the Commission intend to take to protect the citizens of EU Member States by preventing smuggling, crime and people trafficking? The Commission is aware, from media reports, of the discovery of the smuggling tunnel by the Slovak authorities.
The Commission has no competence to intervene in individual law enforcement cases. Fighting human trafficking is a key priority for the European Commission, and it recently adopted an integrated EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings Fighting cigarette smuggling and contraband cigarettes is also a priority for the European Commission.
In the framework of this Action Plan the European Anti-Fraud Office posted a liaison officer to Kiev and is negotiating a cooperation arrangement with the Ukrainian Customs in order to strengthen the cooperation. I udkastet til aftalen jf. Can the Commission state whether any citizen of the Union or legal person in the Union will have the right to bring a case before the future EU Patent Court, irrespective of whether the person in question has the nationality of or is resident in a country which was not among the first group of countries to accede to the agreement on the Patent Court e.
The draft agreement text cf. The question of the Honorary Member is thus to be answered in the affirmative. Therefore, the determining factor for the competence of the UPC would not be the nationality or residence of the parties, but the territorial coverage of the European patent concerned. This implies that the European patent in question must either have unitary effect or be valid in at least one of the Member States which has signed and ratified the UPC Agreement. Conseguenze giuridiche a livello comunitario della possibile indipendenza scozzese.
Ritiene sia necessario il ricorso all'articolo 50 del TUE e la presentazione di una nuova domanda di candidatura? Quinta relazione sulla coesione economica, sociale e territoriale della Commissione del novembre e Strategie Macroregionali. Dall'analisi della Quinta relazione sulla coesione economica, sociale e territoriale della Commissione, del novembre , si evince che: Si tratta dei tre paesi baltici, Yugozapaden Bulgaria , Kozep-Dunantul Ungheria , quattro regioni polacche e due regioni slovacche. In particolare, va sottolineato che tutti questi territori partecipano a Strategie Macroregionali: La Commissione ritiene che l'adesione di queste aree alle Strategie Macroregionali possa essere considerato il fattore chiave che ha influito positivamente sulle performance economiche favorendo l'aumento del PIL e la crescita di questi territori?
Con la nuova programmazione della politica regionale la Commissione intende diffondere queste strategie trasformandole in un nuovo futuro modello di governance europea? Gli effetti delle strategie macroregionali per le regioni del Mar Baltico e del Danubio sui risultati economici saranno presentati al Consiglio nel giugno , nell'ambito di una valutazione generale a cura della Commissione. Tali strategie sono state redatte e attuate dalla Commissione in base a richieste del Consiglio rispettivamente del e The Commission's analysis shows, therefore, that even in the midst of a financial and economic crisis these areas have managed to maintain a good GDP growth rate.
In particular, it should be stressed that all these territories take part in macro-regional strategies: The aim of the macro-regions is to promote cooperation between countries that share common challenges, especially with regard to economic development. Does the Commission believe that the participation of these areas in macro-regional strategies can be regarded as a key factor in having had a positive effect on economic performance by encouraging the increase in GDP and the growth of these territories?
In its new regional policy programming, does the Commission intend to disseminate these strategies and transform them into a new future model of European governance? These strategies have been prepared and implemented by the Commission on the basis of Council requests in and respectively. In the proposals of the Commission for cohesion policy for the period, macro-regional and sea-basin strategies will play a role, where appropriate, in the Partnership Contract, in which the main priority areas for cooperation are set out.
In addition, it is proposed that programmes shall set out, where appropriate, the contribution of the planned interventions towards macro-regional and sea-basin strategies. La normativa europea sulla sicurezza dei giocattoli si applica a tutti i giocattoli, indipendentemente dalla loro origine, commercializzati dagli operatori economici dell'UE e di paesi terzi. Spetta principalmente agli Stati membri assicurarne la corretta applicazione. In Italy, soap bubbles from China, which have been sold illegally, have been discovered. In Liguria, in particular, 35 packets of soap bubbles made in China and containing an antibiotic-resistant bacterium have been seized.
The EU toy safety legislation applies to all toys, regardless of their origin, placed on the market by EU and non-EU economic operators. It is, in the first place, for Member States to ensure its proper application. The most effective way to avoid the import of dangerous toys is to perform adequate checks at the border. To facilitate Customs tasks in this regard, Guidelines for import controls, including for toys, have recently been developed. Furthermore, close cooperation between market surveillance and customs authorities is taking place.
Additionally, the Commission ensures a coordinated approach amongst market surveillance authorities via the Toy Safety Administrative Cooperation Expert group. To improve Chinese manufacturers' compliance with applicable EU toy safety legislation, effective cooperation has been in place for several years with the Chinese authorities. The Jugendamt is vested with extremely far-reaching powers, and, according to experts in the field, including legal specialists, the exercise of those powers is not subject to sufficiently close scrutiny by the national authorities, to the detriment of parents across the European Union.
Parents are in an extremely weak position in their dealings with the agency, whatever their nationality, and Poles number among those who have fallen foul of the draconian methods it employs. Parents who have had children taken away from them by the agency do not see them for years, are unable to speak to them freely in their own language and, if they are allowed to see them, may do so only under strict supervision. What steps is it taking to protect the rights of parents from both within and outside Germany who, as a result of decisions by the agency, are being denied normal contact with their own children and thus have no influence over their upbringing?
EU family law relating to children is limited to common rules on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of existing judgments in another Member State. For these reasons the Commission is not in a position to monitor the functioning of Jugendamt. The child's right to maintain direct contact with both parents is enshrined in the Charter. When applying substantive family law it is for Member States to ensure that their obligations regarding fundamental rights — as resulting from international agreements and from their internal legislation — are respected.
Therefore, the Commission is not in a position to comment or intervene on the respect of fundamental rights by German authorities when they apply substantive German family law. At a more general level, the Commission is currently analysing ways of reinforcing mutual trust in child custody cases. Komisja nie planuje aktualnie harmonizacji tych zasad. However, according to information from various NGOs, there have been cases of the scheme being misused by people who are not entitled to a card.
This generally involves people using cards issued to someone else or to someone who has since died, or using cards that have been forged.
Product description
In order to help ensure that the cards are used only by disabled persons, a bill has been brought before the Sejm with a view to:. Attention should also be drawn to the fact that the rules governing the use of parking spaces still differ from one Member State to another. Does it intend to issue recommendations to the Member States with a view to streamlining the use of the European Parking Card within the EU? The annex to the recommendation provides for a number of standardised details of the card like format, layout, and additional information about the owner.
The rules governing the use of parking spaces can indeed differ between Member States that also remain responsible for issuing the card. In deciding the conditions for granting of the card, national authorities use their own definitions of disability. They also define the procedures for granting, have the final word on the information displayed on the card and on other conditions for use of the card.
The Commission has currently no plans to harmonise those rules. The recommendation also provides that the Member States should introduce certain security features to prevent forgery or counterfeiting of the parking card. Both security features and methods of prevention differ between the Member States, who decide on them. The Commission supports cooperation between the Member States in this area, in particular to promote new technological solutions to combat fraudulent use.
Cloud computing makes it possible to achieve enhanced performance in the field of information technology, both in the public and private sector, reducing data processing and storage costs. Is it possible to ensure that both the strategy and plan of action contain the following essential elements: Cloud computing can contribute to the achievement of a Digital Single Market.
The European Cloud Strategy will contain a set of key actions to make Europe cloud-active as well as cloud-friendly in order to stimulate the uptake of cloud computing solutions for the benefit of customers and suppliers alike. These actions have been identified during the public consultations with the stakeholders as the most important to enable and facilitate faster adoption of cloud computing throughout all sectors of the economy in order to boost productivity, growth and jobs.
The formal adoption and publication of the European Cloud Strategy is expected soon after summer The document stressed the need to protect the transport sector from cyber attacks. What specific measures are being envisaged by the Commission to prevent cyber attacks, and in particular ensure the security of the transport sector? In this connection, how will the ENISA and the ECC be involved in efforts to prevent cyber attacks and in particular ensure the security of the transport sector?
Such incidents might be caused by criminals but also by natural events, human errors or technical failures. To address this issue, the Commission, with the European External Action Service, is currently working on a joint European Strategy for Cyber Security planned for Private stakeholders, including in the transport sector, should play an active role in this strategy and may be asked to address the risks on their networks and information systems and report significant incidents.
In the light of this, if an exemption has been made for products such as railings, window bars and grilles, chandeliers, brackets, fireplaces and partition screens, can the Commission confirm whether there is a possibility of extending that exemption so that it also covers balustrades for staircases and balconies? Pursuant to the European regulatory framework in place for the commercialisation of construction products, standards for these products cannot foresee exemptions from the general rules in force.
Moreover, EN does not contain any clauses for exemptions concerning the product groups mentioned by the Honourable Member. In these circumstances it remains unclear what would be the source of such eventual exemptions. In light of this, can the Commission confirm whether it is aware of this case? Furthermore, would the Commission consider liaising with other partners involved in the situation to attempt to resolve the matter?
As regards the Galician fleet, the decision to exclude the cephalopod fishing fleet from the agreement did not take due account of the scientific data available. As regards the Dutch fleet, statements have already been made to the effect that economically in particular the new agreement will prove too burdensome for it to continue operating in Mauritanian fishing grounds. Should this occur, could the agreement be rejected and cancelled? In the Commission's view, the new protocol to the FPA with Mauritania is sustainable and economically viable.
They are motivated by control objectives, by the need to protect species which are overexploited and by the objective to limit impact on the sea bed. By doing so, if the state of this stock improves in the future and there is updated scientific advice confirming this, the Commission will be able to use the review clause that was agreed in the Protocol and request fishing opportunities in this category. Re-negotiation is not on the agenda and the Commission considers that the initialled Protocol is the best deal in given circumstances and is by far preferable to having no protocol.
It allows for technical adjustments to be agreed in the context of the upcoming Joint Committees with Mauritania. In addition, in the action plan annexed to the communication, the Commission explicitly mentions the actions to be taken including the timeframe for each of them. More details of their implementation will be defined by the tripartite High Level Forum which is also announced in the communication which will be set up before the end of Hazardous cargoes are frequently transported by inland waterway, often through or near urban areas.
What measures are being envisaged by the Commission concerning EU inland waterway transport safety and does it intend to propose an EU strategy for this sector? Tranport by inland waterways is one of the safest ways of transport with only few accidents incurred. Import krzemu metalicznego do Unii Europejskiej. Zdaniem OLAF import ww. The OLAF report had a direct impact on the activities of firms importing silicon metal from Taiwan, as it resulted in the import duty on that raw material being raised from 4.
The customs authorities also started to demand payment of outstanding anti-dumping duties. The complex processing operations included both mechanical and chemical treatment resulting in fundamental alterations to the silicon's properties. The checks carried out by the BoFT therefore show that the silicon metal imported by CWB was in reality of Taiwanese, not Chinese, origin and should have been subject to a 5.
It was only then that such an initiation was warranted. It is therefore not possible to comment further on the quality of the Chinese silicon metal at the time of importation into Taiwan. A constituent has brought to my attention the fact that, unlike with cars and trucks, the engine in a boat requires no regular inspection. Legislation to support such inspections could encourage owner registration and traceability, and therefore responsibility, which could also reduce pollution from boats as well as improving disposal methods.
These pollutants are considered as the most important of the emissions from these craft from a health and environmental point of view. The ongoing revision of the directive proposes more stringent global limits for these pollutants. Compliance with the instructions will ensure that the engine exhaust emissions will stay within the limits foreseen in the directive throughout the normal life of the engine and under normal conditions of use.
The RCD harmonises safety and environmental requirements that boats must meet in order to be placed on the market but it does not deal with the use of boats. Issues such as owner registration or regular inspections are hence not subject to the directive. In fact, recreational craft are used during a limited number of hours per year. Member States' market surveillance authorities have the possibility to carry out checks of compliance of the engines with the provisions of the directive. A constituent has brought to my attention the fact that motor vehicles that have been converted for wheelchair access are not yet required to pass sled test safety checks.
Disabled Monitoring UK notes that: It is when the constituent parts are put together as a complete system that they fail. In light of this, can the Commission confirm whether the current roadworthiness requirements for vehicles that carry wheelchairs only concern the wheelchair fittings? Can the Commission clarify whether the sled test is required, and, if not, whether it might be possible to make the sled test compulsory for all converted vehicles and include it in future roadworthiness tests for wheelchair-accessible vehicles?
During periodic inspection the condition of these components is assessed. However, the Commission wishes to underline that periodic roadworthiness test cannot replace vehicle approval test procedures. A major fire broke out on This destruction was caused by the utter lack of planning and appropriate infrastructures to prevent and stamp out fires at an early stage.
This is the result of the policy of successive Greek governments, the commercialisation of the mountains and the CAP at the expense of small stockbreeders. In view of the above, will the Commission say: The municipality of Viannos should be declared a fire-stricken area and emergency financial assistance granted to the municipality of Viannos to address the increasing infrastructure problems and the payment by residents of the municipal irrigation and water supply charges should be suspended;.
The recruitment of firefighters, permanent contracts for seasonal fire-fighting personnel and an increase in the number of helicopters on the island together with the construction of flood and fire prevention schemes;. The creation of a uniform State agency for the overall management and protection of forests, backed up with sufficient resources, personnel and adequate funding?
The Commission does not share the Honourable Member's description of how regional policy funds are being used. Both the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund can be, and are being, used to support a variety of measures in the areas of risk prevention and environmental infrastructure.
The specific questions raised by the Honourable Member fall within the competence of the national authorities. Preference shares are one of the financial products sold by banks in Spain. They are, moreover, perpetual shares which are bought and sold on the derivatives market, so it is advisable for holders to know a certain amount about finance before purchasing them. Bankia was also a leading figure in the biggest stock market float in the past five years as it sought to make itself self-financing.
With complaints being received from people in various parts of Spain, it seems clear that marketing in the preference shares case was dishonest. In a majority of cases, their marketing did not comply with conditions regarding provision of necessary information on the product. Does the Commission believe that controls exercised by the European Central Bank, the Bank of Spain and the CNMV have failed in regard to the purchase of financial products with dubious liquidity?
One of the solutions being considered is recourse to an arbitration procedure. What would this involve? Does the Commission believe that the marketing methods employed in this case have breached consumer protection laws in force in the EU? As far as the sale of financial products by Bankia is concerned, it is for the competent Spanish authorities to ensure that all the relevant consumer protection legislation was adhered to when these sales were carried out.
This document will have to be produced by investment product originators in order to aid ordinary investors in understanding and comparing the risks of different investments. This new legislation should ensure that all retail investors are sufficiently informed about the potential risks of different financial products being offered to them. Regarding the interaction between the restructuring of Bankia and the situation of preference shares holders, the Commission cannot comment on ongoing cases. More generally as far as the application of EU state aid rules are concerned, such aid can only be granted subject to certain strict conditions, notably the need for a credible plan for returning to viability and the need to reduce the costs for the State to the minimum necessary.
These are usually out of all proportion to the administration costs involved in changing association and are often significantly higher than the fees charged for changing association within a country. Moreover, unlike professional sportsmen and women, amateurs do not, as a rule, derive any economic benefits that could possibly justify such a fee. Does it have any detailed knowledge of the fees charged in the cases described above?
How does it view the permissibility of charging such fees in view of the aspiration for increased mobility among EU citizens? Pertanto, la Commissione non vede nessun motivo per raccogliere ulteriori informazioni. Tutti gli Stati membri dell'UE hanno posto in atto un quadro normativo almeno equivalente al livello di protezione preconizzato nella raccomandazione.
Near the town of Niscemi, in the protected nature reserve of Sughereta, a site of Community importance SCI , a MUOS installation has been set up, consisting of three high-frequency tilting satellite dishes and two UHF helicoidal antennas, connected by a satellite device.
The new terminal will have a severe impact on air traffic in the Sicilian skies, particularly on the Sicilian airport of Comiso. The measurements have shown in particular that there is an intensive and constant electric field near houses, which means that the safety limits for the population will have most certainly been reached and quite likely been exceeded. In one case the value detected was close to the legal upper limit.
The compatibility of such a development with the conservation objectives of the concerned sites needs to be determined on a case by case basis. It is up to the competent national authorities to assess whether such a project could cause significant negative effects on the relevant species and habitats and on the integrity of the concerned SCI. The information available to the Commission does not indicate any potential breach of the abovementioned provisions by the Italian authorities. Therefore, the Commission does not see any reason for gathering further information.
Regarding protecting citizens from the potential effects of electric and magnetic fields, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union confers the responsibility to the Member States to legislate. All EU Member States have put a regulatory framework in place at least equivalent to this framework of protection. So gibt es zahlreiche Beschwerden von Herstellern von Fotovoltaikanlagen gegen das chinesische Dumping. Die Vorreiter bei erneuerbaren Energien werden auf diese Weise jedoch durch illegales Preisdumping Chinas am eigenen Markt geschlagen.
Wie gedenkt die Kommission zu reagieren, damit sich dieser negative Trend nicht fortsetzt? Wie beurteilt die Kommission diese Handelsbeschwerde? Many complaints about Chinese dumping have been filed by manufacturers of solar equipment. Europe has a strong and highly technologically advanced solar industry of its own, yet these leaders in the field of renewable energies are being beaten on their home market because of the illegal dumping of Chinese products.
An industry which is important for Europe's future is, consequently, steadily collapsing due to unfair competition from China. Factories are closing down all over Europe, and jobs are being lost. What action is the Commission considering taking to make it possible to maintain a sustainable solar industry in Europe, thereby safeguarding jobs, growth and innovation as well as protecting the environment? The Commission is responsible for investigating allegations of dumping by exporting producers in countries outside the European Union EU.
Given that this proceeding has just been initiated, it is premature to speculate on its outcome. Cartels of tour operators result in the creation of a collective dominant position on the part of some of the big operators and in cases of abuse, reflected in refusal to sell and in obliging hotels to accept lower rates or all-inclusive practices. As a side-effect, the phenomenon of last-minute tourists receiving very poor-quality services is becoming more and more common.
This situation is clearly affecting the survival of these hotels, which are mostly SMEs, and can also lead to refusal to sell a destination should the hotel owners refuse to reduce rates further or to accept excessive requests. Will the Commission consider opening a comprehensive investigation of this situation under the competition law rules?
Will it consider undertaking an initiative to regulate and limit the all-inclusive practices that have repercussions on all the other services provided at the selected destinations, recalling that these affect restaurants and small traders, as well as cultural services, as tourists can end up being.
In this period of worsening climate change, has the Commission taken account of the disproportionate carbon footprint arising from charter flights and the artificial market for tourist services created by tour operators under the conditions described above? Will the Commission consider allowing state aid to SME hotels, to enable them to survive and improve their services, given the gravity of the ongoing economic crisis? The Commission has no evidence of a violation by tour operators of EU competition rules.
It therefore does not plan at this stage to open a formal investigation of business practices in the package travel market. Nevertheless, the Commission will remain attentive to information it may receive on market developments. The EU has adopted a comprehensive approach to address the climate impacts of aviation, including those of charter flights. This includes a major modernisation of air navigation to improve the fuel efficiency of flights and the inclusion of aviation in the EU's emissions trading system. The Commission has already started developing a consolidated policy framework for European tourism.
Allarmante fenomeno di bracconaggio ai danni di molte specie di uccelli migratori nell'isola di Cipro.
Nell'isola di Cipro continua un allarmante fenomeno di bracconaggio ai danni di molte specie di uccelli. Il CABS, Committee Against Bird Slaughter, insieme all'associazione Friends of the Earth Cyprus, ogni primavera e ogni autunno conduce a Cipro campi anti-bracconaggio, soprattutto nella parte orientale dell'isola fra Larnaca a Famagosta, area di transito per numerose specie di uccelli migratori. Durante i campi condotti dal CABS, vengono sempre rinvenute moltissime trappole costituite da bastoncini ricoperti di vischio i cosiddetti limestick , i quali vengono nascosti tra gli alberi e utilizzati per catturare e uccidere gli uccelli migratori che vi si posano.
Nonostante le continue denunce in diverse sedi, la Repubblica di Cipro non ha infatti ancora approntato nessuna strategia per porre sotto controllo il bracconaggio: On the island of Cyprus, the poaching of many species of birds continues to be alarmingly widespread. In the course of the camps organised by CABS, a very large number of limestick traps are always found; these consist of twigs covered in a glue-like substance and hidden in trees and bushes as a means of catching and killing any migratory birds that perch on them.
Other methods of capture which are prohibited under the Birds Directive are also used in Cyprus; these include mist nets and electronic decoys. This situation is exacerbated by the infrequency of the checking and patrols organised by the authorities on the island, which enables the poachers to carry out their operations undisturbed. Despite the continual complaints made by various bodies, the Republic of Cyprus has not yet produced any strategy to bring poaching under control.
The use of limesticks is tolerated locally, the anti-poaching enforcement unit is understaffed and, during the migration season, enforcement officers are assigned duties outside migration areas. In view of the foregoing, does the Commission agree that the Republic of Cyprus, by failing to combat — and, in effect, tolerating — poaching, is in flagrant breach of the directive on the conservation of wild birds? The Commission is aware of the latest reports on illegal trapping activities in autumn in Cyprus and of more recent data, and is seriously concerned about the still extremely high numbers of birds affected.
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After inquiring again with the Cypriot authorities, who provided detailed information on measures taken, the Commission is of the opinion that these measures go in the right direction as they aim at improving coordination with stakeholders. Since significant illegal trapping activities also occur in the area of the Sovereign British Bases, the Cypriot authorities referred to cooperation with those authorities as well.
In the meantime, the Commission has also raised the matter with the United Kingdom authorities. The Commission continues to monitor closely the efforts deployed and the results achieved by the Cypriot authorities to effectively tackle the issue. The list of possible actions covers areas such as monitoring of illegal activities, information exchange, raising-awareness, prevention, enforcement improvements and coordination.
Gli investimenti territoriali integrati ITI possono essere uno strumento destinato ad attuare strategie territoriali in modo integrato nell'ambito della politica di cooperazione territoriale, anche nel contesto delle strategie macroregionali, delle strategie relative ai bacini marittimi e simili. Un organismo intermedio competente per la gestione e l'attuazione di un ITI potrebbe essere, ad esempio, un gruppo europeo di cooperazione territoriale o un altro organismo giuridico pubblico creato in base alla normativa di uno dei paesi partecipanti.
Gli ITI possono pertanto fornire un quadro di attuazione nel contesto della politica di cooperazione, comprese le strategie macroregionali, per coordinare progetti finanziati da programmi di cooperazione territoriale e incentrati sui singoli paesi. The ITI Integrated Territorial Investment instrument is supposed to enable across-the-board territorial investments to be made more efficiently in a given geographical area.
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Will it play a role also in the macro-regional and Euro-regional strategies? If so, what role will it play and how? Integrated territorial investments ITIs can be a tool to implement territorial strategies in an integrated way in territorial cooperation policy, including in the context of macro-regional, sea-basin or similar strategies. An intermediate body to carry out the management and implementation of an ITI could, for example, be a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, or another legal public body established under the laws of one of the participating countries.
ITIs will allow increased coordination between different programmes and funds by bundling funding from several priorities in one or more programmes funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund or the Cohesion Fund for the purposes of multi-dimensional and cross-sectoral intervention. An ITI can be set up on any sub-regional or interregional level.
It is important however, that the area covered by an ITI is a functional territory with shared characteristics, problems, opportunities. It could therefore be used for cross-border functional regions cross-border urban conurbations, mountainous areas, sections of river basins as well as for facilitating macro-regions, which could also cover several functional areas in a number of Member States. La Commissione lo definisce come strumento efficace per fornire un meccanismo flessibile per la formulazione di risposte integrate alle diverse esigenze territoriali.
Non esiste dunque alcun finanziamento specifico assegnato agli ITI.
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The Commission describes this as an instrument that will prove effective in providing a flexible mechanism for formulating integrated responses to diverse territorial needs. ITIs can be set up below priority level by the managing authority or authorities of the programmes that provide support for an ITI.
The managing authority bears the final responsibility for managing and implementing the projects of an ITI. However, managing authorities may designate one or more intermediate bodies, including local authorities, regional development bodies or non-governmental organisations, to carry out the management and implementation of an ITI. An ITI is not a programme, but an instrument set up under the priority level to address the specific needs of a given territory. Therefore there is no specific funding allocated to ITIs.
Tutela del diritto all'autodeterminazione dei popoli in Europa. Entrambi i documenti, all'articolo 1, sanciscono il diritto all'autodeterminazione dei popoli. In base ai presupposti di cui sopra, come garantisce, tutela e integra nella propria legislazione il principio ex articolo 1 della Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell'uomo e del Patto internazionale sui diritti civili? Come intende includere nel processo di integrazione europea anche le prospettive di popoli come quello scozzese, catalano e del Nord Italia, che aspirano all'indipendenza e al riconoscimento?
Intende aprire un tavolo permanente di confronto con i rappresentanti di queste aree? Tali questioni rientrano infatti tra le competenze degli Stati membri. The right of peoples to choose the form of governance which corresponds most closely to their conception of the relationship between state and nation must be safeguarded. At the same time, peoples must be protected from any form of state interference that limits their freedom and their economic, social and cultural development. It is on the basis of these principles that the Scottish people is determined to call for independence from the United Kingdom and the Catalan people aspires to separate nationhood, particularly in the light of the unsustainable tax burden imposed by the Spanish Government which, after decades of indebtedness, is unable to cope with the current economic crisis.
There is a similar situation in Northern Italy, whose productive sectors are being held back by the record levels of taxation imposed by the Government. How does the Commission intend to include in the process of European integration the views of peoples such as the Scottish, Catalan and Northern Italian peoples, which aspire to independence and to recognition? Does the Commission intend to set up a permanent forum for discussions with representatives of those areas?
Does the Commission agree that it should pay renewed attention to these areas and offer the possibility of interacting directly with it, through new forms of governance, to regions whose productivity rates are among the highest in Europe and which, therefore, play a key role in ensuring the competitiveness of the Community system, but are now at risk because of the indebtedness of the nation states?
In particular, the Commission has no competence over matters concerning the definition of what is a national minority, the recognition of the status of minorities or their self-determination and autonomy. Those matters fall under the responsibility of the Member States. Nuova programmazione della politica di coesione Le proposte legislative della Commissione in merito alla politica di coesione per il periodo assicurano il pieno allineamento della politica di coesione con la strategia Europa Per porre in atto la politica di coesione sono essenziali il partenariato e la governance multilivello che pertanto sono stati chiaramente radicati nei regolamenti proposti.
Le proposte della Commissione intendono rafforzare l'orientamento della politica in direzione dei risultati. With reference to the new cohesion policy programming for , does the Commission think it is necessary to strengthen the ties between this policy and the Europe strategy, especially with regard to its development between the Community, national, sub-national and local levels? What top priorities does the Commission believe should be met to ensure that the new cohesion policy can achieve results that are even more tangible than those achieved in the programming period which is about to end?
Partnership and multi-level governance are essential to the delivery of cohesion policy, and have therefore been clearly enshrined in the proposed regulations. The Commission proposals aim to reinforce the result orientation of the policy. This would be done through: The legislative proposals also include a possibility to make use of an output based payment system, where payment is conditional on the delivery of outputs and results of projects, not on the submission of expenditure documents.
Pescherecci italiani sequestrati in Egitto. Risulta alla Commissione che natanti appartenenti ad altri Stati membri abbiano avuto problemi simili? In linea di principio gli altri Stati non possono interferire con tali questioni puramente nazionali, a meno che la definizione delle acque in questione non sia contestata a norma del diritto internazionale del mare applicabile. Thanks to the intervention of the Italian Foreign Minister on an official visit to Egypt and the Italian Embassy in Cairo, the boats were released after a few hours.

The Master of Ballantrae, in particular, is a study of evil character, and this study is taken even further in The Strange Case of Dr. From there they set out for the South Seas in Except for one trip to Sidney, Australia, Stevenson spent the remainder of his life on the island of Samoa with his devoted wife and stepson.
Estadística, 9na Edición - Mario F. Triola | JoSee Erxzo -
He also worked on St. Ives and The Weir of Hermiston, which many consider to be his masterpiece. He died suddenly of apoplexy, leaving both of these works unfinished. Both were published posthumously; St. Stevenson was buried on Samoa, an island he had come to love very much. Although Stevenson's novels are perhaps more accomplished, his short stories are also vivid and memorable. All show his power of invention, his command of the macabre and the eerie, and the psychological depth of his characterization.