Introduction to Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology
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General Issues Genetics non-medical Biochemistry. Tools for the New Biology. Liebler masterfully introduces the science of proteomics by spelling out the basics of how one analyzes proteins and proteomes, and just how these approaches are then employed to investigate their roles in living systems. He explains the key concepts of proteomics, how the analytical instrumentation works, what data mining and other software tools do, and how these tools can be integrated to study proteomes. Also discussed are how protein and peptide separation techniques are applied in proteomics, how mass spectrometry is used to identify proteins, and how data analysis software enables protein identification and the mapping of modifications.
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In addition, there are proteomic approaches for analyzing differential protein expression, characterizing proteomic diversity, and dissecting protein-protein interactions and networks. The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Product details Format Paperback pages Dimensions Looking for beautiful books?
Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Back cover copy Advances in genome sequencing, analytical instrumentation, and computing power have excitingly transformed the practice of biology by now making it possible to understand complex biological systems as collections of proteins-proteomes. In Introduction to Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology, Daniel C. Comprehensive, concise, and easy-to-read, Introduction to Proteomics: If the material has been adapted instead of reproduced from the original RSC publication "Reproduced from" can be substituted with "Adapted from".
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Introduction to Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology.
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Introduction to Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology - Daniel Liebler - Google Книги
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