In the Shadow of My Father
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See 1 question about Shadow of My Father…. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jul 13, Michael Martino rated it did not like it. Wouldn't recommend at all!! Reads like a court transcript. Mar 14, Mrs Edith A Rutledge rated it did not like it. A slog to read The telling of a tale in which the 'goodies'appear to be 'baddies' and vice versa.
Gottie jnr tries to paint his infamous father as a man of abiding honour and himself as someone who, having made a plea agreement and served the reduced jail term that brought, appears to feel he paid in full for his life of crime, to that point. This book merely emphasisies that demolishing the Mafia was often as dirty a business by law enforcement as it was for the criminals.
Perhaps the end did jus A slog to read The telling of a tale in which the 'goodies'appear to be 'baddies' and vice versa. Perhaps the end did justify the means but it's hard to see how anybody mentioned in this memoir was anything but soiled and diminished by their involvement in these events Aug 22, Bob rated it it was ok. I have been an avid reader for many, many years but until my early teenage years my mother could not get me to read any book for pleasure.
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Finally, she told me to just find a topic I found interesting and read whatever I want about it. Taking her advice, I started on my path to being a non-stop reader by choosing to read a slew of biographies of various Mafia figures and about organized crime. To this day, I still read biographies on these figures -- a number of which have been about J Just Okay! To this day, I still read biographies on these figures -- a number of which have been about John Gotti.
So, I decided to read John A.
See a Problem?
Gotti's book because I thought it would be interesting getting a perspective on what it was like being the son of the Godfather, as well as of Junior's own role as the heir apparent to his father. Gotti does a very good job during the first third of Shadow Of My Father in conveying his perspective of what "The Life" was like for the senior Gotti, as well as his own while following in the footsteps of his father. To be honest, however, Gotti not surprisingly reveals very few specifics about his and his father's exploits in "The Life" that haven't already been written about, and in more detail.
Nonetheless, I still found this portion of the books to be interesting.
'Gotti: In The Shadow Of My Father' Adds Chaz Palminteri To Cast
Where my interest in Shadow Of My Father began to increasingly fade was during the last two-thirds of the book that was heavily dominated by Gotti providing his version of why he and father were haunted -- and very often badly mistreated -- by the government throughout their many courtroom trials and long periods of incarceration.
Based on Gotti's perspective, the reader is, at times, likely to agree with Gotti's version. But, then again, remember, whose perspective this is!

Regardless of the veracity of Gotti's perspective on this matter, my own perspective is that the book increasingly read like one long "rant" and, thus, increasingly caused my attention to dissipate. As such, I often found myself skimming through passages of the book. So, bottom line, while I didn't dislike Shadow Of My Father, it is not a book I'd recommend fans of this genre rush out to read. Feb 12, Chris Kasparoza rated it it was amazing. Shadow of My Father came from the heart.
It felt real, like John Gotti Jr. Not like it matters, though. Shadow of My Father was touching, especially towards the end when Mr. Gotti goes through his four trial Shadow of My Father came from the heart. Gotti goes through his four trials, parole hearing, diesel therapy and all the ways the government tried and failed to break him. Some people will say he was a criminal and deserved it, but those who hear his side of the story will be rooting for him and when this memoir is released in paperback I hope Mr.
Gotti adds to it, and maybe one day when the old gang is dead and gone he can come back and tell a fuller tale without ratting anyone out as this has the potential to be one of the all-time great autobiographies. What really hit me was the story of how in his fourth trial, he had several prisoners testify on his behalf, all serving long sentences with nothing to gain and everything to lose by helping him.
I believe his dad would be proud of him. May 21, Royce Ratterman rated it liked it. A good book for those seeking alternate views of the events detailed within this literary account. As when two individuals view the same coin from opposite ends of a room At pages long, it could have been more concise. Read for personal research. Overall, a good book for the researche A good book for those seeking alternate views of the events detailed within this literary account.
Overall, a good book for the researcher and enthusiast. I found this book's contents helpful and inspiring - number rating relates to the book's contribution to my needs. Jun 20, Roxanne rated it really liked it. I picked up this book because all I knew about John Gotti was he the head 0f a Mafia family. He finally got convicted and went to prison. His son also went into the life but did not like it.
Shadow of My Father : Junior Gotti book finally released
He asked for permission to get and live a real life. Apr 05, Lawrence rated it it was amazing. I have been a longtime admirer of Barry Levinson and am looking forward to working with him. Although being very prominent in the s, Palminteri has been starring in particurlarly mediocre films as of late which is a shame due to his considerable talent.
Never before has there been such an inside look at the Gotti family and their world of danger, betrayal and redemption. John Gotti was head of the Gambino crime family, which in its time was the largest and most powerful crime organization in the country. In , at the age of 24, Gotti Jr.
The script is being co-written by James Toback and Barry Levinson. Are you a fan of Chaz Palminteri? Do you think he will make a worthy addition to the film? The Best of Chaz Palminteri , Gotti: