Ethan (The Sinclaire Family Redemption Series Book 1)
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Opal begs him not to be mad at her and insists she did it because she is a great mother. Later, Opal receives a phone call from the police and asks Ethan to be her alibi when she meets with them for questioning.
Ethan agrees to tell the police that she was with him all night, as long as she promises to move out and leave his life, he is tired of lying for her and covering for her, he is tired of carrying around her secrets. Opal shows up to the hospital with a bouquet for Marisol, who is in her wedding gown. She announces to Marisol that she is moving out tonight, but she wants Ethan to stay at the house, Marisol says that will be fine. Ty calls a meeting with Ethan and the rest of their friends.

Ethan says he met a special girl and he doesn't want to ruin it, and their friends Jason and Carter both got accepted to college. Ty shows up and says that he is just picking up his text book and heads to his room.
Ethan (The Sinclaire Family Redemption Series) by Yvonne Ray
Outside, Ethan and his two friends put on their ski masks and prepare to head into the house. While Carmen is cutting the cake, the three masked young men barge in with guns. Ethan hits Spence and takes Carmen hostage. However, before Ty can be the hero and save her, the young boy falls on the ground and Carmen stabs Ethan in the stomach with a cake knife. Carter and Jason drop Ethan off outside of the Powell's home.
Valentina finds Ethan bleeding and nearly unconscious when she is taking out the trash. Valentina drives quickly to her house. Once she arrives, she helps a injured Ethan get out of the back seat of her car. While she leads him to the inside, Valentina asks Ethan to let her take him to the hospital. The boy refuses and then asks where they are.
Valentina tells him it is her mom's house; then, she asks what happened to him. Ethan tells her he was in a fight at a bar drinking, and some guy stabbed him. He adds he cracked a bottle over the guy's head but the cops won't care who started it so he can't go to the hospital. At this moment, they hear a car in the alley.
Valentina tells Ethan he passed out on their way over there, so she called someone.
Linnea Sinclair
Ethan is shocked and asks who she called. At this moment, Remi enters in the house; Ethan does not look happy to see him. Remi is next seen stitching Ethan's wound. The latter teases Remi, asking him if he missed the class on stitches. Remi replies by saying what he meant to say was "thank you for saving my life". Ethan thanks him reluctantly, but Remi adds he did not do it for him. Then, Valentina says to Ethan he should go lay down in her room.
The next day, Valentina confronts Ethan about the home invasion's article. Valentina walks out on him and drives home. Ethan meets Jason and says he needs to borrow money so he can get out of town. He confesses that Valentina knows that they robbed the houses and killed Alejandro , so he prefers to leave just in case. He advises Jason to leave town as well. That night, at Nick 's house, Opal pulls a gun on Marisol , saying she kept taking everything she had.
At that moment, Ethan walks in and he yells at his mom, and asks her what she is doing. Opal tells him Marisol knows she ran over Nick, and Ethan asks her if her solution is to kill her. Then, he wrestles the gun out of Opal's hand and apologizes for his crazy mom.
Ethan Sinclair
Then, Ethan asks Marisol to bring him a big red book, and she agrees. Opal says Marisol is gonna call the police but Ethan puts her mother on the couch, telling her he does not have the time for her B. Then, Marisol gives the book to Ethan and the young boy takes Nick's emergency money out of it and says he has to leave town because he has gotten into some trouble.
However, before he goes, Marisol asks him why Nick let Opal live in his house, and Ethan confirms his mother has something on him. He adds he doesn't know what Opal was blackmailing Nick with, but he does know that Opal pushed Dahlia off the bridge the night she died. Then, Marisol asks Ethan what he did, but he replies she will discover it soon enough, but he would appreciate if she did not tell the cops he was here.
Opal tells Ethan she is so sorry, but he replies he does not care, and he leaves the house and the city. Sign In Don't have an account? Colin Woodell Ryder Norris 4 years old. Unnamed Father Opal Sinclair - Mother. You know, I've got to be honest Doesn't seem like such a good guy. Contents [ show ]. I've been lying for you since I was five. I'm tired of being your accomplice. We were just four stupid teenagers bitching about life and how unfair it is, and then we had this idea to steal from the rich and give to the poor.
It sounded so simple. No one was supposed to get hurt. Retrieved from " http: Remi Delatour , " Betrayal ". Ethan Sinclair , " Night, Mother ". Ethan witnesses Dahlia 's death. Ethan watches the crime scene. Theresa rated it really liked it Feb 18, Whitney Curtis rated it it was amazing May 14, Kuina siddique rated it it was amazing May 04, Lkinn rated it it was amazing Apr 13, Ranishia rated it it was amazing Nov 26, Tasha rated it really liked it Dec 24, Trina rated it it was amazing May 08, Leonel Flores Jr rated it it was amazing Feb 26, Henrietta Hudson rated it really liked it Mar 16, Robert Rowland rated it really liked it Jul 09, Mercedes rated it it was amazing Dec 29, Lokman Hakim rated it it was amazing Jun 13, Stephen Johnson marked it as to-read Jan 11, Lila marked it as to-read May 20, Marla Williams marked it as to-read Oct 15, Deepali Pawaskar marked it as to-read Nov 08, Cinnamon marked it as to-read Nov 21, D J marked it as to-read Mar 26, Jolene Smith is currently reading it Aug 21, Jackie Campbell added it Oct 27, Michelle Johnson added it May 21, Readers can find her perched on the third barstool from the left in her Intergalactic Bar and Grille at www.
This exquisite anthology, crafted by the peerless editing team of George R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, is sure to leave you under its spell But time has done little to dampen his ardor for the beautiful take-charge pilot Award-winning author Linnea Sinclair brings her special sizzle to science fiction with this action-packed blend of otherworldly adventure and sexy stellar romance Admiral Philip Guthrie is in an unprecedented position: Now she's a fugitive from the justice of a corrupt Empire Beagle , Tanith Lee , Marjorie M.
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