Die besten 5 In-Ear-Kopfhörer: 1hourbook (German Edition)
Harezm, Kpcak Ve Cagatay Turkcesi uzerine Arastrmalar Osman Fikri Sertkaya, Janos Eckmann | FB2
I work for a large cleaning company, but these days Im mostly a personal assistant to an elderly lady! How often do you upload? Thank for reading the video description before asking your questions - it helps me a lot! As most of you know, I try to read and answer all my comments, and hopefully this will help make that task less repetitive.
Were Happy Toy Time! Welcome to our channel! Thanks for taking the time to watch one of our DIY videos! But theres so much more!

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If you have any suggestion feel free to ask on the comment section below. This Video is original creation of Top 5.
Connect With Us Facebook: Photos all are taken from Google Image search and using advanced image search option. Before proceeding to the next step, just for some psychological reason, I like to know how much material I actual have to now go through. So I ripple delete the spaces on all the timelines, so I can write a time next to each person's name. My yellow lined paper now looks like this:. With everything chopped up, I now go back to actually listen to the material and make notes. On yellow lined paper, I write the person's name and then a few words for each unedited chunk of interview:.
After this step, I now have a few sheets of lined paper. Now to select my, er, selects. I do this on paper, placing a check mark next to the clips I want to use. I go through each timeline, and just eyeballing the clip number, move the selects to a higher track. With this done for every speaker, I then copy and paste the selects to a new timeline, and watch it all in order.
I save this timeline as edit 1. Now I save as edit 2, and start weeding out the, er, weeds? My goal is as short as possible to get the message across. The goal was stated as between 3 and 20 minutes, whatever works. I wrote on my yellow paper:. As the amount of material is reduced it becomes increasingly more difficult to make cuts.
I got to about edit 5 and maybe 7 minutes of really good gems. The page down - spacebar to play - delete to delete keys makes things a bit easier in this process, although you need to use the mouse anyway. Now for about three weeks 3 months I had been brainstorming ideas on how to actually cut this together. The brainstorming started before we actually shot anything, but not knowing if we had a chance to get the kind of material I was envisioning. The plan came together - somebody call Howlin' Mad Murdoch. With my shortest-humanly-possible-without-losing-some-nice-moments version in front of me, I came up with an editing format I was happy with, and realized I need to add some more time in the form of b-roll, SOT and some more interview segments from a second set of questions.
Time rose back to about 15 minutes. Some efficient use of the three camera setup for one SOT sequence and some thoughtful cutting of the interview segments got me down to about 11 minutes. I next added a title sequence and conclusion and hit 12 minutes and change. I recently added a bunch of new CDs to my Firstcom contract, so I grabbed a few of the new titles, and found some contemporary sounding music. I decided there should be music under the whole program, including the interviews and SOT segments.
Since there is no 12 minute track in the Firstcom library I know, Sonicfire Pro could do it I decided to use different tracks based upon the mood of the music and the subject matter being discussed someone call Steven Shmeeldurg, maybe he can use that technique! Some of the Firstcom discs include just the audio CD, so you need to rip the music.
The separate tracks makes things more fun and you have more control over the mood. This also helps transition from one piece of music to another - you can bring in the drums or piano before the previous song fades out - hopefully this makes it less jarring. But kids these days are used to quick changes, right? With the music added, I spent a few more hours perfecting the mix, and then time to render out to FLV for web viewing. Oh wait, have to color correct the multiple cameras, right. Premiere has numerous color correction tools, and it took a little while to find the right combination or 3-way color correction, Proc Amp, HSL, Levels and Equalize not all of those and not the same cobination on all clips.
Not bad for a first pass, we can tweak it on the final edit. Remember this is for the firtst edit. I posted it online before heading home for the evening incidentally, all of the above took about 4 days of focus. Once at home, I watched the full video over my DSL - always a good idea to check out your work via a home computer setup. Although we have cable modem attached to our network at the office, the home DSL experience is a good test.
The next day most of the feedback was very good, a few comments about music choices and some of the interview clips, but these things are very easy to fix. I was also asked for a script. I quickly made a two page Word doc listing the times and brief summary of each sound bite, just so people could refer to this while reviewing.
Once we lock things down for the final, a full transcript will be needed for approval. It is a good idea to have a transcriptionist in your rolodex what's a rolodex? I should add that during the final day of editing, I was getting the inexplicable "Sorry, a serious error has occurred, Premiere needs to close.
Not good when you are almost done with a project. On a few occasions I lost about 10 minutes of work. It seemed the faster I worked, the less frequent were my manual saves, and Premiere's auto saves were set to 20 minutes. After a few frustrating incidents, I set auto save to 1 minute intervals - a little annoying, but even with frequent crashes I did not lose too much work. I dealt with this hassle so I could finish the project. Once the video was online for client viewing, we determined a few things about my computer. First, someone had installed AOL instant messenger without permission - whether or not this was the culprit, it wasn't helping.
Next we tested the RAM and that checked out. So next was a reinstall of all Adobe products. This seems to have fixed the problem, although I have still had a few Serious Error crashes, but nothing like before. I'm sure we will figure out the problem eventually. And so my Spring travel season comes to a close. Like the annual monsoons in India, my Spring travel takes me to conferences and various shooting locations, as recounted in previous posts. The only problem with so much travel, is one needs to get into the swing of things to actually cut the videos and move toward project milestones and eventual completion.
I have blogged before about project management, workflow and organization, but I feel it necessary, especially for independent contractors and some of the younger folks who read these blogs to reiterate the importance of being organized. Getting organized can be easier than staying organized. I tend to change up my methods periodically. Whatever method I use, I follow one maxim: Perhaps it was the late 90's MS Project experiment that had me spending more time managing the MS Project file than actually completing the tasks which ruined it for me.
So I call this a linear calendar. Rather than using a standard blocky calendar, or any of the online google-type calendars, I like a simple linear representation of about 2 months, all on one sheet of lined paper, with plenty of room to estimate time to dedicate to tasks. This is an alternative to my usual sticky note lists of tasks to do. Simple lists of tasks are ok unless you have some specific deadlines. The linear method is flexible and shows me where I will have some free time, breathing room or bottlenecks. We will see how this works anyway.
Actually getting the work done, regardless of the method, is of course the key goal. Write your tasks on toilet paper if it works for you. After days and weeks of travelling, collecting spent tapes in my satchel, I am always faced with a week of digitizing. Technically it is capturing, since DV tapes are already digital, but digitizing is the word everyone seems to use. Here is the importance of having 2 workstations - one for digitizing and one for working in the meantime.
For this particular project, I will take a deck home for the weekend, and once every 83 minutes or so I will look up from my latest issue of Creative COW Magazine and change tapes. As pictured here, I use a generic label, making the added Sharpie text look much nicer than it would on a completely blank disc.
Once the editing actually begins, workflow is ever important. In the case of medical topics, we often shoot with 2 or 3 cameras.
Setting up my Premiere sequence with the video synced up but visible like so helps expedite the initial edit. Sleeping past 7am can be a real treat. Make a cup of coffee as much as I like the convenience of highway gas station coffee, making it at home is so much nicer , eat breakfast whenever, and plan out my day.
Now certainly weekend time is valuable and precious, however it is also an opportunity to be productive without working too hard.
Here's my home office setup for the weekend. The morning sunlight casts a comforting glow on my workspace, normally provided by fluorescent lights:. This gives the phrase Capture Window new meaning - it is nice to be able to capture video while looking out the window, reading, eating or catching up on a week of TiVo recordings. Other exciting tasks for the day include cleaning the kitchen, recycling cans and bottles and trudging out to my local grocery store for leeks and some cheap wine for cooking forgot them yesterday - so much for saving gas, although I suppose I could ride my bike.
So how does this fit into Workflow, or the COW in general? In my opinion, anything that increases efficiency, such as digitizing video while wearing my pajamas and watching the latest Dr. Who episode is a desirable workflow improvement. The COW is, after all, about combining the knowledge and experiences of thousands of media professionals for the greater good.
What is this a Barack Obama speech? No, what I mean is that our goals as media pros include making our businesses profitable, and if capturing video over the weekend, a task which requires almost no effort, can increase throughput of project work by a modest amount of time, then it is time well spent. After all, the video deck sits idle most weekends and evenings. Now if there were only a dishwasher that loads and unloads itself - I'm on my second load of the day already Mind you I do plenty of editing, but depending upon the project I am in fact managing, sometimes more sometimes less.
But the particular responsibilities are no less important than the others. At the time, we had about 3 times as many employees, so I was also a department manager. There was some resentment, such as "can you do my job as the web master? As it turns out, in addition to learning how to evaluate the performance of others, I also had to learn how to fire people, not an easy thing to do. Given a leaner crew, I could focus less on personnel issues and more on figuring out how to juggle multiple projects and manage a few others, and delegate work to everyone, including to myself.
I have blogged previously about making lists and using the right tools to keep track of a project's process, milestones and deliverables. My favorite tool is a great new application - a calendar! Another tool I use a lot is the yellow sticky note pad - brilliant! We tried using MS Project and various other free and non-free pieces of software, but in a small organization you can easily devote hours per week just managing the tools you are trying to use to manage your work. Alas, every organization is different and has different needs.
What has worked the best is relative autonomy. Give someone a task and a deadline, and they generally only seek help when absolutely necessary. Everyone, however, has interruptions - many of which are unavoidable - and these lead to missed deadlines. We can all improve in that department. Project management, thus, includes a heavy dose of time management. Time management is an acquired skill and perhaps the most difficult one to master.
In summary, project management can take many forms. Personnel management, time management, even equipment management all play a role in moving forward toward deadlines. Some deadlines are a day or two, a week or two, a month or two or years in the making. Nevertheless, the benefits outweigh this technique. If you are explicitly interested in these models in this segment, you should try out the best in the local retailers before buying. LCD projector Many will know this technology from their televisions.
It is characterized by high-quality images and the sharp demarcation of graphics and texts. All in all, high-quality images are made possible. However, the lampsa limited life of about 2, hours. In addition, continuous operation can be very costly. LED projector This technique convinces with its many advantages.
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The LEDs used here generate little heat, so that complex fan systems are not necessary, eliminating annoying fan noise. This results in a low power consumption: LEDs consume around 10 watts. Thus, the projector can also be operated with a battery when needed. Furthermore, these projectors often convince by their very compact design.
In addition, LED projectors have a long life of more than 20, hours. Another disadvantage is that the projector preferably has to be used in darkened rooms because the light intensity is not sufficiently high. Which technology is recommended for which user?