Decreto-Lei 201 (Portuguese Edition)
As a general notion, vulnerability consists of a degree of susceptibility of people to acquiring health problems 3 3. Vulnerability is distinguished from risk, as it refers to probabilities or chances of someone becoming ill or dying as a result of a health problem.
Understanding vulnerability does not mean quantitatively observing statistical and probabilistic aspects, but rather analyzing in a broad and universal way which social or individual issues affect health and how to address them 4 4. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem ; 16 5: According to Nichiata et al.

It is possible to observe that vulnerability in health is related to elements such as age, race, ethnicity, poverty, schooling and social support. These minority groups are in line with the research developed by the Institute of Applied Economic Research - Ipea 5 5. Jun [acessado Jun 23]. This consisted of a study on national minority conferences and their impact on both Executive and Legislative actions.
The study concluded an existence of 9 nine minority groups, such as the elderly, people with disabilities, LGBT lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite, transsexual and transgender , women, children and adolescents, black people and other minority ethnic and religious groups, young people and Brazilians abroad.
Therefore, the minority groups described by Ipea 5 5. The analysis of vulnerability is very broad, as it may occur in several spheres, including labor relations, public policies, access to health and education. According to Bertolozzi et al. Thus, punctual actions and tasks are insufficient to solve the problem.
It is also intended to categorize and establish degrees of legislative protection to these groups, seeking to recognize some of their idiosyncrasies. It is a qualitative research in which a documentary analysis of thirty 30 federal laws was carried out. These laws were identified after consultation with Vade Mecum 6 6.
It should be clarified that the Vade Mecum is a collection of major federal laws, periodically updated, developed and recognized by law scholars and published by various editors. The laws were then organized and grouped into five categories: These categories of laws were chosen because they are the basic laws in the national legal system and used as the basis for other more specific laws.
Roads in Portugal - Wikipedia
Therefore, other areas of law, such as environmental, financial, tax, social security and others were not considered in this study. The first category, civil, included the set of devices that are present in the Civil Code CC 7 7. In criminal law, we have: In the administrative area, the laws: In addition to the laws mentioned in Chart I , those of popular action 19 Then, each of the laws was accessed on the official Union website planalto. Direct access to the internet site was performed in order to obtain the updated version of the legislation. Next, the law was read while search for standards referred to the seven minority groups were conducted.
Only those norms and provisions that gave specific protection to the seven minority groups were considered. Specific protection includes a norm that assures legal prerogatives for certain people because they belong to a minority. Although the present organization of the laws in the five areas was adopted for the purposes of the present study, it is emphasized that the Federal Constitution has other legal provisions of different areas. Institui o Estatuto da Igualdade Racial.
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At first, the articles of law related to the rights of minorities in the five legal areas civil, criminal, administrative, procedural and labor adopted for analysis in this study are presented below, in Chart 1. It was initially observed that the elderly have their own legislation, the Statute of the Elderly, which already includes standards that meet the five categories listed.
In addition to having its own law, this category has full priority in the progress of judicial and administrative proceedings 25 It is possible to order the criminal custody of the accused, in order to guarantee the right of those who are sixty years old or over article , section III, CPP 33 Besides, many institutions have legitimacy to act in the defense of the rights of the said minority group in collective, diffuse, and other lawsuits article 81 and 82 25 Regarding the MP's performance, the 87 art. In the criminal aspect, it also highlights the existence of more severe penalties when a crime is committed against the elderly.
In the labor sphere, arts. It is also worth mentioning, in the procedural sphere, that a preventive detention order can be issued to ensure women's rights article , section II of the CPP 33 Regarding civil right, the protection of pregnant women is highlighted, especially through gestacional alimony 24 In the criminal sphere, crimes are more severely punished when committed against women, in which feminicide stands out article ,IV , the frustration of labor law article of the CP , enticement of workers to work in another locality article of the CP 34 In addition, Law Lastly, in the labor sphere, there are legal norms for the protection of women, respecting their physical limits limits on weight bearing , prohibiting discrimination, protecting pregnancy and also breastfeeding at the workplace articles et seq.
As for children and adolescents, they have a specific legislation, Law 8. However, in the procedural sphere, the possibility of decreting pre-trial detention to ensure the right of the children and adolescents is highlighted article , CPP 33 In the criminal chamber, notably in the CP, some crimes receive more severe penalities when committed against members of this minority group, such as those typified by arts. In addition, there isa proper regulation at the workplace for the protection of children and adolescents. The disabled, in turn, have a specific law, number Disabled Persons Statute with legal norms of several areas.
Therefore, it has a superior status when compared to the other norms of the Brazilian legal system. These laws alone already meet the five categories listed in this study. It should be noted, however, that in the criminal sphere, some crimes receive more severe penalties if they are committed against disabled persons Articles A, and 34 In the procedural sphere, preventive detention can be performed to ensure the right of the disabled article , inc.
In the labor area, protection is guaranteed to avoid discrimination in the workplace and also encourage the employment of this minority group 35 Finally, in the administrative sphere, the existence of vacancies in public competitions reserved for physically handicapped persons 12 The indigenous population also have their own legislation, the status of the Indian, which includes the five categories analyzed.
Some crimes are also more severely punished when committed against Indian people, such as those foreseen in arts. In the administrative sphere, Law No. The black population also have their own specific legislation, the Racial Equality Statute 31 The National Roads Statutes were subsequently approved in In , separate legislation Law No.
Roads in Portugal
The Main Roads could be, by law, upgraded to 4 lanes with central separation , if necessary. The first urban highways were built in the s. Neverthless, most motorways built before had no number at all. The road classes were distinguished using colour codes: These colours were applied as the basis of the location markers and occasionally in the background of the road numbers. The numbering distribution for main roads was according to the importance of its route in the network, and for N and over were numbered in a north-to-south fashion.
The original route became an extension of the N The N1 classification for the referred branch of A1 had been kept until , thereafter the N1 road had its starting point at the level of km Some sections which aren't common with IC2 are intended for local traffic, or are parts parallel to auto-estrada sections of IC2.
It aims to promote the past part of Portugal's inland crossed by the road for its importance to tourism, culture and gastronomy. It was renamed as R From the s, the road was considered obsolete due to several kilometres of congested traffic on the approach to the border. As an alternative IP5 was built between and , but this road proved to be highly dangerous and was converted into an autoestrada , also known as A Many branches were included on IP2. However, the whole road network was seen to be increasingly inadequate to properly serving the whole country. The road network would again comprise the Rede Fundamental English: In the late s, although the background of the direction signs continued to be green, the IPx road numbers started to be put on red background rectangles.
In practice, the "other roads" continued to be signed as estradas nacionais N or EN. The non-motorway roads of the Rede Complementar were signed with white background direction signs. In practice, most of them continued to be managed by the national road agency, JAE, and continued to be designated estradas nacionais.
Some of them were transferred to the management of local municipalities. Until the early s, the Portuguese motorways did not have a proper number, each being referred to by a name with some sections that were part of an estrada nacional also using the respective Nxx number. The existing motorways at that time all of them managed under concession started to receive a proper numbers of the type Axx. So, although all motorways were part of an IP or IC, only concessionated ones received the Axx number whether tolled or not.
This number was signalized and the IPxx or ICxx number was disused in the motorway signage.
The other motorways — non-concessionated, and therefore, always non-tolled — were signalized with the IPxx or ICxx number. Until the s, almost all motorways under concession were tolled, so during that period a signed Axx number helped drivers know in advance whether a motorway was tolled. All motorways were signed with blue background direction signs, independently of being part of the Rede Fundamental or the Rede Complementar. A new kind of road, the estradas regionais regional roads was also introduced.
It should be noted that IP and IC roads may have other designations, especially those integrated in the National Highway Network, where the " A " designation is preferred on traffic signage , except for some city or suburban highways. Autoestrada is the Portuguese-language word for "motorway" or "freeway.
Several autoestradas are linked with the Spanish motorway system and, through Spain, to the rest of Europe. During the s and early s, Portugal was the country with the greatest development in the motorway network in the European Union. In addition, many of these roads are part of the European road network , and so also carry an "E" designation, which may serve as reference for non-Portuguese drivers.
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Tolls charge drivers by the distance they travel. Almost all motorways are managed by private concessionaries, such as Brisa and Ascendi. However, due to economical and political reasons, the shadow toll concept was abolished between and , with electronic toll equipment being installed in these motorways, to charge their users. Having only electronic tolls, former SCUT motorways can now only be used by vehicles equipped with electronic payment devices or vehicles registered in the system.
In the s i. Since there is an electronic payment system for tolls in Portugal called Via Verde. Since the payment is electronic, it is quick to enter or leave the motorway, avoiding payment lines which are still available for drivers without Via Verde. This system has won several prizes for its innovative form of paying for services. IP1 and IP2 form cross-national north—south routes. All other routes follow a west—east course, with the exception of IP3 which runs mostly north—south. Estradas Nacionais national routes belong to the Complementary Network. They have three main functions: Examples for each of these functions can be made: National roads kept the same numbering they had in the Plan, with the prefix N , and are administered by the agency Estradas de Portugal.
In the Plan, these were generically referred as "other roads". Many of the Plan's estradas nacionais were not included in the post highway plans, and were declassified from the National Road Network in anticipation of their transfer to municipal authorities. Although some were transferred, many municipalities did not assume responsibility for the management of these roads; a number of them continue to be administered by the national roads agency. Despite being declassified, most of the roads retained their designations, keeping their old numberings and N prefixes, including those that are administered by the municipalities.
Estradas regionais regional roads integrate the Regional Network. This road class was created in , with the approval of the National Roadway Plan. According to Law No. Each regional road maintains the number of the national road or municipal road that originated it.
Regional roads are represented by the letter R. Because, in , it was rejected in a referendum , a reform which consisted of the creation of eight administrative regions in mainland Portugal , nowadays, some regional roads are administrated by Estradas de Portugal , while others are administrated by Portuguese municipalities.
Estradas municipais municipal roads are represented by the letter M and are administrated by Portuguese municipalities. These routes were created in , since which time many branches of national routes had been municipalized. Some municipal routes created by the Plan were renamed as "national roads" or "regional roads" in the Plan.
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