David Mitchell: Back Story
Mitchell seemed to have a bit of a defensive attitude about certain parts of his life. If you're from quite a comfortable background, there's not shame in being honest about that.
Back Story
The "yes-I-went-to-private-school-but-it's-much-more-expensive-these-days-so-I-probably-wouldn't-have-gone-if-it-were-now" argument is just a bit unnecessary I think; just say it as it was. Also, he made a comment about A Levels now being easier than when he did his - to anyone who holds this view, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. All in all, it was an enjoyable and easy read that I would recommend if you're a fan of DM. Jan 08, Diane rated it really liked it Shelves: I laughed out loud several times throughout my reading.
David Mitchell is hilarious, whether in print or on my TV screen and I'm glad to have read his memoir. He's still pretty young so I imagine he'll write another one eventually. I thought the mushy chapter about falling in love and getting married was a little bit strange as it didn't really fit in with his persona throughout all the rest of the book, but it still made me tear up and feel very happy for him. I would definitely recommend this b I laughed out loud several times throughout my reading. I would definitely recommend this book to any other David Mitchell fans.
Which is why, when finding myself feeling rather down, I chose to read his autobiography. But he has gone on to be a successful comedy writer and actor, and Back Story charts how that came about. Feb 14, Guna rated it really liked it. I really love David Mitchell, the comedian I am partial to David Mitchell, the novelist, as well, but that's another story , although I discovered this brilliant man rather recently and I can't seem to get enough of him, so I was hoping that his memoir would resemble his comical persona.
And it did - it grabbed me from the very first page I counted that I laughed out loud five times while reading this particular page. It wasn't a piss-myself-from-laughing kind of book for me although David, I really love David Mitchell, the comedian I am partial to David Mitchell, the novelist, as well, but that's another story , although I discovered this brilliant man rather recently and I can't seem to get enough of him, so I was hoping that his memoir would resemble his comical persona. It wasn't a piss-myself-from-laughing kind of book for me although David, or so he claims, has been known to make at least one person do that , but it was very amusing and entertaining, so this aspect was not lost on paper, and his fantastic ironic sense of humour was there to everyone's pleasure.
Back Story was, of course, personal it is a memoir after all , but not in a very sentimental and obnoxious way that would be off-putting; on the contrary, I was rooting for him the whole time, and his getting the happy ending which he oh so deserved restored my faith in humanity, so to say. I was relieved, though, that there was no mention of a bucket named Stephen Tatlock, so hopefully he really lied about that on Would I Lie to You?
This is also an educational book, for example, for people who want to learn the proper smoking technique remember, it's sucking, not just breathing , and let's not forget it being a tourist AND a weight-loss guide. So three for the price of one - not a bad deal at all.
The chapters about Cambridge came as a big surprise, as I could never have imagined that it was possible to get a degree from this university without doing any actual studying. Well, that is just great to hear, thank you for enlightening us, David. View all 5 comments. Nov 22, Simon Howard rated it liked it. The structure of this book is slightly novel, in that it follows Mitchell on a walk around London, with reminisces and comic riffs inspired by things he sees along the way. That said, I like David Mitchell, so I enjoyed the book. And I found the last chapter, in which Mitchell discusses his relationship with Victoria Coren, genuinely heartwarming.
Others have described it as overly syrupy, but I disagree - I thought it was lovely.
See a Problem?
Mitchell comes across as a thoroughly likeable guy, and this is a highly readable but equally forgettable walk through a life that has been lived without all that much trauma, distress or heartache. Audible's relatively spotty collection has led to me buying a few titles that I would never ever otherwise consume. David Mitchell is a likeable, middle-class, small c conservative British comedian. I enjoyed his book, in no small part because it's read by the author and I find his voice reassuring I usually find middle class British accents reassuring, a fact that I find strangely disconcerting.
Mitchell grows up the eldest son of two former hoteliers turne Audible's relatively spotty collection has led to me buying a few titles that I would never ever otherwise consume. Mitchell grows up the eldest son of two former hoteliers turned polytech lecturers, goes to a small independent school, is accepted to Cambridge, joins footlights, puts in some hard work and becomes a moderately successful and well know comedian. It's not very interesting.
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Mitchell tells it well and I've spent a pleasant weekend listening to it. This chapter it has to be said is quite lovely and occasionally adorable. I cannot imagine that anyone who doesn't already like David Mitchell would read this book. But if you do, and haven't got anything else on, your expectations will probably be pleasantly met.
Sep 18, Oda Renate rated it it was amazing. Fun memoir about a funny guy. The pictures that are included are a nice touch, and the way he navigates the book through his walk is a interesting and fun detail. View all 3 comments. I have been meaning to listen to this book for years and for some reason have only just got around to it.
Unfortunately I didn't enjoy this book as much as I thought I would. It wasn't bad by any means, I just think that my expectations were very high and I was slightly disappointed in the end. I found that the 'story' hooked me at the beginning and the very end but there was a section in the middle that didn't really keep my interest. I loved hearing about David's childhood and university expe I have been meaning to listen to this book for years and for some reason have only just got around to it.
I loved hearing about David's childhood and university experience, though when he got to his career in television the pace lost a bit of steam. David Mitchell's narration is glorious; there's something about him and his style of comedy that I can really get on board with. The cynicism is great and I think throughout most of the book I couldn't fault the humour and anecdotes.
It was more the storytelling itself that I struggled with. Overall I think that if like me you are a huge fan of David Mitchell, this may be worth picking up, but it's not something that greatly impressed me unfortunately. His childhood seemed more amusing than adulthood via his memoir. But this is probably the case with anybody going into adulthood. Best if you know the Author so you can hear his voice as you read it. As entertaining on the page as he is on telly. I'm such an American. Mar 04, J.
I watch and listen to a lot of British comedy, and David Mitchell is wonderful.
I much enjoy his logical rants. This is a very funny memoir.
David Mitchell: Back Story (Audiobook) by David Mitchell | www.newyorkethnicfood.com
Isn't that just the most disappointing thing, to read a really depressing memoir by a comedian. This is definitely not one of those. That's not to say that David Mitchell hasn't had hard times just like the rest of us, but he always manages to write them with humor and irony. I just, I just find it incredibly awkward… I don't dislike being single enough to put myself through the pain," he said in a Guardian interview only three years ago.
It turns out he wasn't entirely telling the truth. It wasn't that he didn't know how to have a relationship; he was heartbroken. In , he went to a film premiere and met "funny, bright, sexy, nervous and confident" Coren and, "pretty instantly", he knew. After a few dates, though, she ended it: For the first time in his life, being alone made Mitchell feel lonely. As chance would have it, this period coincided with his rocketing public profile and interviewers began asking questions about his love life.
So he played up the persona of the "dysfunctional loser" to keep enquiries at bay. But playing that role became, he admits today, "increasingly painful". And then Coren came back. I can't explain it other than to say I couldn't do anything else," he writes. On an overcast afternoon in a photographer's studio in east London, I find Mitchell munching, without much enthusiasm, on a shop-bought sandwich.
While every other male in Hoxton seems to be wearing a vintage T-shirt and jeans, Mitchell, 38, sports a defiantly untrendy jacket-and-trouser combination.
Book: David Mitchell: Back Story
He looks, in short, exactly how one would expect. With his slightly nervous manner, his sentences starting off hesitant as he mentally constructs a perfectly crafted argument or self-deprecating joke, he comes across in person just as he does on the many panel shows he populates.

Except that now there is an air of contentment, a sense of comfort in his own skin. But he is so obviously a man in love that it is frankly distracting. Every time he says Coren's name, which is often, his face pinks. He was amazed, he says, that anyone took any notice when they announced their engagement, but relieved that everyone has been so nice about it. I say I think people were rather charmed at the idea of the nerdy loner winning the gorgeous blond, and realise, too late, just how rude that sounds. He is quite ridiculously happy, and equally happy to talk about it. This is surprising, because he writes at some length about how uncomfortable he has been about media interest in his personal life.
Heat — of all publications — once papped him — of all people — kissing a woman in the street, an experience he describes as "humiliating". The book received generally positive reviews. The Guardian stated that it was an honest memoir, different from other celebrity memoirs and one that would resonate greatly with readers.
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