The Turner Erotica: A Biographical Novel
Janette Turner Hospital Biography - Janette Turner Hospital comments:
I've completed the first two books in the series. Book 1, Cassandra's Unveiling, has been beta-read and edited. Book 2, Safe and Sane, is with the editor now and the beta readers love it! I'm more than halfway through writing the final book, The Dom's Destiny. All of these books will be published later this summer, but I've got a wonderful.
These short reads are doing remarkably well! Have you checked them out yet? You can purchase or read for FREE at https: Only a couple of days are left for me to try to win this. It would be greatly appreciated if you could take a moment to vote. Check it out at http: The Rescue Me Series. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we either don't know how to handle, don't know how to get out of, or don't even realize they're wrong for us.
Enjoy these easy reads about women who are rescued from their own choices by men who would give them the world. As It Should Be blurb When Jacqueline walked out of the apartment she shared with Michael, it was because she was ready. Moving into the Erotic Romance World! The beta copies of my first erotica book have been sent to readers and the editor.
These books are definitely steamy! Coming Later this Year. The Best Laid Plans. I'm doing research on the plight of black veterans after World War I and gaining a greater appreciation for the secrecy in the South. My book about the reason my great grandfather, William Thomas, deserted and stayed hidden, and why our family fiercely protected the secret until nearly 20 years after his death, is going to have as much historical accuracy as possible. Consider the high rate of lynchings and other violence directed at black men, veterans who had proven their worth but returned to.
A Peek at What's Coming.
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Cassandra's Unveiling will be the first book released as part of the Club Starburst series. I'm plugging right along with it, at a word count of 17, I'm estimating that over one-third of this book is complete. While it's part of a series, it will still be a stand-alone novel -- so I want to make sure readers get a detailed story. I'm having a ton of fun writing it. Who knew that research could be so interesting? When people say that you can find almost anything online, they're not kidd. Introducing Josie Carver, the erotica pen name of award-winning romance author Brynette L.
Three books are being released by Josie Carver this summer in a sex-filled debut Club Starburst series. Fun Things are Coming in February. The first is the release of THREE short reads about sassy, black, career women who find love in interesting ways. The links are posted with the blurbs, so enjoy! Let me know what you think. Recognition for a Great Beginning. So, when I visited my Twitter account on January 2nd, and saw that it was selected as the Book of the Week by ChatEBooks, the honor was a beautiful surprise and a wonderful beginning to this new year.

One goal of mine for is to enter my works into contests and hopefully win recognition, and here the dream was coming true all on its own. I want to be abl. I'm really excited that my first post of is announcing the release of a wonderful book by another amazingly talented African-American author. Chelle Ramsey just keeps bringing the successes with the House of Bejeweled series, so check these novels out! Standing Strong, the fourth book in the series, will release on January 14th, and there will be a huge party on Facebook!
Erotic literature
Look for the invitation on my pages and plan to attend because Chelle prom. Leave a comment under the reviews for this series before midnight on October 24th and you will have a chance to win! That's all that's required. As you can see, the readers on Amazon agree with me. I gave the books 4. There's a new tab on the site with a review you won't want to miss!! Starting today, I'll be highlighting sexy series and hopefully introducing you to some amazing authors you might not have already known about.
It's the first novel in the Love Always Series that will be featured this month on this website. Just click on the tab that says "A Special Spot for Serial Seduction" to read what I have to say about this intense r. Amina's Adventure Has Begun!
The Turner Erotica, by Robert Begiebing
Amina is flattered by the attention of the young, sexy electrician, Jason. Her grown daughter thinks Amina has lost her mind! Wesley, the boss, who has been a not-so-secret admirer for quite a while isn't sitting quietly on the sidelines any longer. The best friend, Tracy, is the greatest cheerleader in the world, but should she really encourage someone to be a cougar?
September 1, http: It always seems like we wake up one day and our spirit is younger than our body, but life isn't anywhere close to being over. In fact, with 50 right around the corner, so is the start of the the next wonderful season. Something for the Mature Readers. When she meets year-old Jason at a graduation party, sparks fly instantly, but Amina rules out dating him because of his a. This excerpt is the first chapter of my first interracial romance. Ramona Adams is in for a huge shock when she's sent to a conference for her job and nothing is like she expected.
I'm planning to release this novella within the next month. Of course, the cover art hasn't been finalized but I'm too excited to know what you think about this project to wait for that. An Unexpected Twist Ramona stared at the itinerary for the conference she was sche. I can't believe how long it's been since I updated this page! Please accept my apology for neglecting you. This past winter was pretty rough, but it's spring and everything looks brighter.
Thanks for hanging in here with me. There is good news to report!! I've hired a Personal Assistant and we're planning some amazing changes to how we promote my books. More about that is coming within the next week or so. My next book is almost finished, but a release date ha.
I loved writing the Dream Catcher Series and have been very excited about releasing it as a complete box set!
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Not only was the story of undeniable love between Stephanie and Chaz one of my favorites to write, I fell in love with a few of those supporting characters, too. You can see from the first chapter through the last that love, trust, and admiration are woven throughout each story line and into every relationship. I couldn't imagine these amazing people facing true danger without those trai.
As of today, you can purchase all of my books directly from me as either autographed paperbacks or e-books formatted for Kindle and Nook. There are two stores on my website. Grab the E-Books Here allows you to download books compatible with both Kindle and Nook for one low price. If you purchase from other sites, you'll only get one version.
- Glimpses Through The Dream Catcher.
- See a Problem?!
- Charlie's Books?
- Erotic literature - Wikipedia.
Brynette's Book Boutique is where you can order autographed paperbacks. Do you like to hold a book in your hands? Have you figured out yo. Let's Thunderclap the Dream Catcher Series.
- What to read this summer: 75 best books, from novels to biographies.
- Knisterpulver (German Edition)!
- Achieving In Spite of Limitations.
- The Turner Erotica, a biographical novel.!
- The Turner erotica : a biographical novel, Robert J. Begiebing.
- How I Taught Myself to Fall Asleep Within 10 Minutes Without Drugs?
September 15, is going to be an amazing day! We've been designing and collecting all types of beautiful swag and, of course, we'll give away gift cards and books. We even have a few guest authors of romance series who will pop in from time to time to help kee. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Shelter in the Storm Nov 07, Available for download now. Available to ship in days. Newer Post Older Post Home. These themes and the way they influence almost every character elevates the novel from a simple story of murder and revenge. I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Why the hell isn't Stella on every mystery lover's must-read list. This taut, tightly presented story of misplaced loyalties and retribution is nicely tied up in a fast-paced tale that, once you get used to the rhythm of the dialogue, just begs you to turn the next page. Higgins and Elmore Leonard at the beginning of his career, but now the world of East Coast gangster fiction is all his. Mob hit man gets into a snafu. This novel is only pages long. Since this is a Stella novel you can bet it's pages of greatness.
Even the mob guys think it makes the cops look bad. There's a lot going on in Tommy Red, and big props to Stella for wrapping it all up in about trade paperback pages. Good stuff and highly recommended. Higgins , who can write mob dialogue as well as Charlie Stella … Charlie makes navigating my way though the plot fun. How can you not laugh at this line. It was a little after one o'clock in the morning when he was thinking he'd like to bite the ass of that Mother of Dragons broad about to take a bath.
White Sort of like Goodfellas meets Fargo. I very much look forward to reading his next book — in the meantime, chase this one down, it works like a beaut. Though complex, the plotlines are deftly managed and everything dovetails towards its satisfying conclusion. Stella has a great ear for dialogue, with the New Yorkers clearly speaking a different vernacular to the Dakotans. This is one of those books that you rip through, eager to see who'll be the last man standing, as you never know who'll get the next bullet.
Big, grim, boisterous, funny, and frightening all at once. This is one of the leaner crime novels currently out there. What seems like true dialogue spews from mouths, FBI and locals alike. I found it very hard to put this book down, even to eat a meal. Author Charlie Stella has a way with words that makes him a master at his craft. Don't miss this one. Rotating between the northern Great Plains and the New York area, fans will enjoy this action-packed noir although the Feds are too scandalously uncaring about collateral damage or simply deadly avarice. Stella is a natural. As soon as I finished Johnny Porno I gave the book to my son so we could both be wiser-guys.
This is the seventh novel from Stella Mafiya, , who has made the underside of the New York underworld his home. Higgins will be happy. He drops you in the middle and lets the reveals of the narrative come naturally through the dialog Stella never goes for the cheap outs, letting these characters develop over the course of his story Not only is it a throwback to the s generation, but one that blows away most set in the present day.
He's a natural wordsmith, putting down the way people really talk in a way that still reads smoothly — not an easy task. The fact that Stark House Press, who previously focused on reprinting "lost" pulp novels, chose Stella as their first original author — after author Ed Gorman recommended him upon reading the manuscript — says a lot about his peers' respect for him. This book's got 'em all and more , and all so well-drawn that they seem like real people.