Ten Women
It is the focusing and prioritization and equipping of the plan to make it happen.
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As we become stronger and express ourselves in the world, a sister organization is supported as well. Clean Birth Kits provide sterile, disposable tools for safe birthing, protecting mothers and newborns from deadly infections. Saving mothers lives — misoprostol is an inexpensive generic drug that prevents and treats post-partum haemorrhage, the cause of the majority of maternal deaths worldwide.
Ten Female Innovators to Watch In 2018
Portable solar LED lamps and lanterns are increasing affordable replacements for kerosene, providing superior light while eliminating health hazards and fuel costs. Rain saucers are used for collecting and storing rainwater. Surplus water can be used for irrigation. Biking is much faster than walking and allows riders to transport heavier loads.
Though bikes save people time and money, the poorest cannot afford them. Lightweight, affordable wheelchairs for mobility impaired children expand their access to education and social connection. Mastering reading, writing, and arithmetic is perhaps the most powerful poverty alleviation tool that exists. Sex trafficking must be stopped through international enforcement and prevention; decreasing demand and increasing education are important eradication strategies.
With your critical support, our programs are delivering cost-effective, high-quality interventions in underserved communities across Asia and Africa. The proven impact of our work has inspired governments to start adopting our approach at scale, leading to systemic educational change that will benefit generations of students to come. On behalf of the Room to Read family and the children and communities around the world whose lives you are transforming — thank you! Erin Ganju, Room to Read. We appreciate your support that helps farm families here to grow more food and earn better incomes this coming cropping season.
You have made birth safer for moms and babies in Laos.
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Your donation will do directly to ensuring that every mother has a birth kit and that every Lao nurse is trained to ensure safe birth. This requires your full authentic, creative and expressive self — committed, dedicated, purposeful.
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She is an engaging and highly talented coach, facilitator and presenter. Visionary, enthusiastic, and grounded in results, Carolyn works with clients to understand their goals and then creates programs to deliver results. As the oldest of three sisters, a graduate of an all-girls high school St. Following the process of 1 start authentically, 2 explore creatively, and 3 live expressively, this program has helped dynamic and inspiring women to lead their life on purpose — and we are ALL dynamic and inspiring!
Carolyn is an MBTI certified practitioner and a professional life coach. Lyssa is a bolt of inspiration — always sizzling with split seconds of brilliance. She is a passionate, articulate, insightful and spirited leader. She creates transformation and accelerates change for the betterment of each person around the world. Lyssa can sing — literally. Her creative talents include music, dance, art and play.
She brings together others to create a chorus singing from the same playbook. Lyssa listens — really listens. Her connection and her response to those she serves is both heartfelt and thoughtful. Her facilitation skills stretch from the wonder and beauty of nature to the tangible details found in textbooks — or her own book Coaching Agile Teams , which is still a top Agile book years after publication. Lyssa is a renowned leader in the Agile community. She spearheaded the emergence of Agile Coaching as a profession. She is trained as a Co-Active Coach and Leader and is currently engaged in an intense certification program in Integral Facilitation.
Serving as our Agile Community Leader — bringing both virtual and in-person programs to the women in Agile. Lyssa is a strong voice for women and transformation in the world. She is dedicated to creating opportunities for women to focus, investigate, commit and lead on purpose. Deborah brings joy to the work of leading change. She is committed and provocative, kind and wise. She helps leaders make more satisfying choices, that reflect their own core values, while also crafting a joyful and sustainable life balance.
Her specialty is coaching and mentoring everyone who dreams of more and is ready to make those dreams come true, personally and professionally. Deborah creates magical learning spaces full of daring and celebration, vulnerability and curiosity. Deborah knows what it is to lead change: Find out more about her services at abiggergame. Paula is a dedicated and engaging guide for women embarking on a journey to rediscover, reimagine and redesign their lives. Her style is open, honest and assured as she helps women build their confidence and connect with their personal passion and goals.
Paula loves building community. Her circles of women are encouraged and supported as they transform their lives — becoming more authentic, creative and expressive. Leading their life on purpose — connected and fulfilled. Her business experience includes marketing and development in consumer products and technology companies, such as:. Paula recently completed certification in Positive Psychology through the Wholebeing Institute. Founded by Harvard faculty, Wholebeing Institute is an educational organization focusing on scientifically researched-based courses that help people live life to the fullest — spiritually, physically, intellectually, relationally and emotionally.
She works closely with our clients providing 1: Ines is an insightful and strategic relationship coach and leader. She has an uncanny ability to simultaneously expand the forest while attending to the individual tree. She does powerful work with individuals, couples, partnerships, teams and organizations. Ines puts spiritually creative intuition into play with pragmatic, results-focused action to bring about personal and professional success. She is a trusted ally, a supportive advocate and a committed resource for those wishing to take their life and leadership to the next level.
Her business experience includes senior executive organizational development, working with people from around the world to provide exceptional internal and external customer service. The focus on this relationship approach creates sustainable and resilient teams and partnerships.
She also spent 15 years of her career in the hospitality industry and excelled in this field as a hotel professional which is still a secret passion. She is a native of Germany and lives in Dubai with the loves of her life. She provides exceptional individual, partnership, couple, team and group coaching.
She is a Dubai-based program manager and curriculum co-lead. Meghan is a dynamic and inspiring woman coaching and facilitating the deeply rewarding work of growth and transformation. She is a feverish learner and her approach is an eclectic blend of her studies. By combining elements of applied neuroscience, somatic body based psychotherapy, positive psychology, Leadership coaching, solution based therapy, and many others, Meghan helps all her clients discover the internal resources necessary to improve their lives.
Meghan leads with heart and authenticity, knows who she is, and she holds space for others to be their complete and authentic self. Using her therapeutic toolbox and a strong, supportive relationship, Meghan works with clients to create possibilities and fully express themselves in their relationships, their work and their lives. Meghan is an integrative psychotherapist, life coach, mom, intuitive empath, hip hop dancer and leader.
For over 12 years, she has served the Asheville, NC community as a licensed psychotherapist, trainer, and workshop facilitator, and in expanded her practice to officially include coaching. Linda is an expert conversationalist, a creative being and a compassionate change agent for conscious and sustainable living.
She is grounded in the depths of ancient wisdom and earth language and is expansive in her ability to vision a better world. Linda believes we are all here to lead our own true purpose — to create something and to contribute something larger than ourselves. With her talent for facilitating communication, deep conversation and storytelling, Linda works with her clients to bring their purpose alive and with it their passion for leading their own, unique purpose-FULL life.
Kate is an inspiring visionary with the ability to see infinite possibilities, formulate strategy and to land the plane — precisely. Her wisdom and perspective support those wanting to identify their deepest desires, achieve their goals — and to follow a path of intentional living. Kate is a personal and professional leadership coach, media consultant and a volunteer on non-profit boards. Her style is inclusive and creative. She provides exceptional 1: All images of her as pharaoh showed her wearing a beard, the symbol of royal rule. One expedition returned with myrrh trees for making scent - the first recorded transplant of foreign trees.
Hear ye, all persons! Ye people as many as ye are.
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I have done things according to the design of my heart. Amanda Foreman explains the importance of Empress Theodora. World Made by Women. Theodora was a street performer who caught the eye of Byzantine Emperor Justinian. He changed the law to marry a woman of such lowly status. Theodora extended rights for women, passing laws that allowed them to divorce and own property and made rape a crime punishable by death.
Amanda Foreman examines the life of Emperor Wu. The only woman to have ruled China in her own right, Emperor Wu has gone down in history as a women who schemed and murdered her way to power. She was the second daughter of a lumber merchant, who entered the imperial court as the lowest ranking concubine to Emperor Taizong. Using cunning and murder, she married her son and when he died, ruled in her own right. She allowed women to use their own names for the first time.
Emperor Wu also gave women the political and legal power to advance in Chinese society. Having a woman rule would be as unnatural as having a hen crow like a rooster at daybreak. Helen Castor examines the life of Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Ten women who ruled the world
Eleanor was the wealthiest woman in 12th Century Europe and is the only woman to have been both queen of England and France. Heiress to the prosperous Duchy of Aquitaine, Eleanor ruled the whole of south-west France. She also accompanied Louis on the Second Crusade. When she failed to provide a male heir to the French throne her marriage was annulled.
Two of her sons became kings of England: Richard I and John I.
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Pitiful and pitied by no one, why have I come to the ignominy of this detestable old age, who was ruler of two kingdoms, mother of two kings? Amanda Foreman looks at how Elizabeth I used language. However she famously refused to marry and share power with a husband, claiming instead she was married to England. Elizabeth used her femininity to unite her supporters against Catholic enemies at home and abroad. In when the Spanish Armada threatened to invade England, she successfully rallied her troops to defeat it. Amanda Foreman explains the legacy of Empress Nur Jahan.

The 20th wife of Emperor Jahangir, Nur Jahan became his chief consort and issued royal decrees in her own name. Forced to live in purdah to keep her away from prying male eyes, Nur Jahan would whisper instructions to her incompetent husband from behind a screen. She used connections with noble women in other Asian countries as a new means of international diplomacy, building commerce and trade for the Mughal Empire.