Resist (The Silo Archipelago Series Book 2)
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This Silo Cap is one of many top quality items in our Not suitable for children under 3 years. You can now pour out the perfect portions every time with Silo. Simply fill one of the three Silo containers with dry ingredients and each pour will measure out exactly what you need. With a simple fo Mulder is a believer in the paranormal, while the skeptical Scully has been assigned to debunk his work. Events covered in the episodes include the assassination of a secretive informant, Scully's diagnosis with cancer and Mulder's apparent suicide.
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Production for many of the episode's included in the collection required extensive effects. The titular black oil's on-screen appearance was achieved through visual effects; the shimmering oil effect was digitally placed over the actors' corneas in post-production. Steven Williams , William B. Davis , Mitch Pileggi and Laurie Holden all play supporting roles in the collection. Released on August 2, , the collection received mostly positive reviews from critics. The collection opens with the two-part episodes " Nisei " and " ". Investigating evidence of an alien autopsy , FBI special agent Fox Mulder David Duchovny infiltrates a secretive government train carriage carrying an alien-human hybrid.
Mulder is almost killed by a Syndicate operative guarding the hybrid, but is saved by his informant X Steven Williams. Scully, meanwhile, meets a group of women with abduction experiences similar to her own , and meets another member of the Syndicate known as the First Elder Don S. Williams , who claims during her abduction she was placed on a similar train car and experimented upon by the Japanese scientists. The crew of a French salvage ship trying to raise a World War II—era submarine from the sea floor are stricken with massive radiation burns—except for one, who has been infected with a parasitic black oil discovered on the submarine.
The oil, controlling the crewman's body, passes into the crewman's wife and travels to Hong Kong in pursuit of a middleman selling government secrets, who Mulder has also been pursuing. The infected Krycek makes his way to a missile silo used to hide a UFO, and the oil escapes his body to board the craft.
Meanwhile, Scully has tracked down Luis Cardinal , the man responsible for killing her sister. When the Syndicate suspect that one of their members is passing information to Mulder and Scully, they organise a canary trap to find the leak, using information about the safety of Mulder's mother as bait. X's role as an informant is discovered, and he is shot dead, although he is able to pass along the name of another informant who can be of use to Mulder— Marita Covarrubias Laurie Holden , the Special Representative to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Whilst there, Mulder is held in a gulag and used as a successful test subject for a black oil vaccine. He escapes and is able to return to America, having found that Krycek is working with the Russians. Having been diagnosed with cancer, Scully is unsure of her future with the FBI. Mulder is convinced that her condition is a result of her earlier abduction, and is prepared to make a deal with the Syndicate to find a cure.
He is dissuaded by Walter Skinner Mitch Pileggi , who secretly makes such a deal instead. He uses the distraction this offers to infiltrate The Pentagon to find a cure for Scully's cancer, while Scully is able to uncover and reveal a Syndicate connection within the FBI. During the third season the black oil was introduced, an alien entity that invaded bodies and made them into living hosts.
The black oil was able to enter through a victim's mouth, eyes or nose; it would leave a victim's body to revert to its original form or find a new host. The oil is revealed to be a tool used by the Colonists , brought to Earth by meteorites to create hosts of the human population living there. The fourth season episodes " Tunguska " and " Terma " were conceived by the writers when they were trying to conceive a "big and fun canvas" to tell stories. The modern situation may even reflect the process by which each moiety was originally formed on the puna from a flexible micro-federation of churi ayllus.
Fixing the number of precisely five churi ayllus in each moiety may reflect Inka intervention; but the moieties themselves are almost certainly pre-Inka, in spite of their attribution today to the rising of the Inka-Christian Sun Platt, Bouysse-Cassagne and Harris ; Platt a. It seems likely that the ancestral huaca of each group of patrilines within the Inca hundredth pachaqa has been replaced under the Spanish by a Calvary Cross.
Hence pressure towards segmentary alliance can also come from the lowlands to the puna, rather than vice versa. For example, the maize harvest of San Marcos is a moment of maximal fusion for the whole Macha ayllu, expressed through the tinku in which, on each side, puna llameros participate in alliance with valley maize-farmers. We have seen that, in the valley town of Carasi, and at a higher level of segmentary alliance formation, Machas and Pocoatas unite to confront Laymis and Puracas both part of the Laymi upper moiety of Chayanta, historically part of the Qaraqara federation and dependent on Macha.
These higher-level alliances in the valleys can even propel similar alliances in the highlands, where allies may live much further away from each other and would otherwise have less incentive to enter into an alliance Nevertheless, we have seen that there are also intermediary positions between the polar categories of ayllu-mate expressed ideally by commensality and enemy or potential object of cannibalism. The ayllus probably constructed their segmentary system under the protection of the divinities of above janajpacha and those within the earth ukhupacha , forces which dominated, sacralized and defined the contours of their social world.
But this has not prevented people from constructing and shifting local loyalties and devotions, restructuring their federations, and moving their land-limits and even their cult centres, according to new demographic and political pressures. Social affiliations make people, but they are also constantly remade by them. Conflict and warfare are vehicles for this remaking. The relation between shapeshifting, predatory warfare and shamanism among the people of mythic time is well-known in the modern Amazon; and our analysis has reminded us that similar themes have been played out at different times among Andean vertical societies.
The transformation of shamans and warriors into wild beasts and back again is a deep-seated Andean theme, reiterated from the jaguar priests of Chavin Burger to the military squadrons of Huari, each associated with a particular animal or bird transformation Ochatoma Paravicino and Cabrera Romero The highland use of masks and skins may recall times when the upward geographical reach of the jaguar was higher then it is today Even now, chullpa lunar time irrupts into our own solar time whenever the sudden, uncanny appearance of an omen, in the form of an animal or bird, is interpreted as the persistent presence of the shapeshifting chullpas on the unstable edges of present time Cereceda This other time, the time of the berserkers, also awaits us at the wild fringes of a social order constructed to tame those wild origins.
Moreover, people regularly try to recover for society part of the creative energy of the unquiet dead through rituals, such as the tinku , or Carnival, necessary for good agropastural production Harris ; Platt a , or through their reincarnation as hungry devilish foetuses which are later transformed into little Christian babies Platt Aesthetic confusion is in constant dialogue with sociological confusion. Can the same be said of social organization?
Indeed, endocannibalism and exocannibalism become aspects of each other, since what is endo-warfare at a higher level of segmentation is exo-warfare at a lower. They clutch at possible resolutions of their situation, such as those demanded of them by their hosts, but are still forced to live on the ambivalent margins between the moieties, which at the same time they subvert. Only the vertical minor ayllu, and its component cabildos, reaffirmed at each semestral tribute-paying ceremony, persists through time as a relatively unambiguous site of belonging and loyalty.
We have seen how this situation was itself assimilated to the image of a weaving with broken threads, and how these threads had therefore to be reworked into line with the dominant power in each neighbourhood. Such expansions in the scale of violence may constitute historical interventions which change the life of the wider society.
The historical approach will surely be necessary also in the Amazon, and elsewhere How do the practices of negotiated settlement, which we have uncovered on a relatively small scale through local fieldwork, respond to greater, more distant projections of highland vertical reach? Ethnohistorically, some of the answers have been found for the 16th century maize-producers of Tarabuco and Cochabamba: The segmentary scale of the islands and their alliances, which we have already seen growing as we descend the east-facing slopes of the Andes towards Mizque, here becomes truly colossal, since the units of alliance and opposition become the local representatives of whole federations and chiefdoms.
Abercrombie Thomas Pathways of memory and power. Daillant Isabelle and Vincent Hirtzel s. Dransart Penny Earth, water, fleece and fabric: Flores Ochoa Jorge Pastoralists of the Andes: Godoy Ricardo Mining and agriculture in highland Bolivia: An inter-disciplinary perspective on Andean ecological complementarity , University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo.
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Mayer Enrique The articulated peasant. Household economies in the Andes , Westview, Boulder []. Multidisciplinary studies on ancient expansionistic movements, fortifications and sedentary life , Renvall Institute, Publications 14, Helsinki. An inter-disciplinary perspective on Andean ecological complementarity , University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, pp.
Mallku, Inka y Rey en la provincia de Charcas.
New approaches in the anthropology of knowledge and learning , Berghahn, Oxford. Cabildo names were first collected on the puna in , and have now been collated with the lists in Mendoza y Patzi Both sources are combined in the Map. The numbers refer to the numbered areas on the Map. The extent of each area is not precise, many cabildos have remained unidentified. Errors will no doubt be found. Macha lands in the Department of Chuquisaca Provincia of Yamparaes have been omitted; also those in Carasi.
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These still await investigation and detailed mapping. Further research is needed on this point. Choque churu 40 is unassigned. MP] Only one cabildo identified in the valleys, the rest by toponyms: MP] [ Cabildo Pastupampa: MP] [ Cabildo Phurki: MP] [ Cabildo Chayrapata: MP] No data for distinction by cabildos in the valleys, only toponyms: Waranqa 38 , Qatachilla See Renard-Casevitz , together with Daillant and Hirtzel s. They were probably incorporated into the Inca empire specifically to produce coca for the State. Different modes of incorporation of eastern tropical fringe groups into the Tawantinsuyu are reviewed in Saignes , chap.
See Platt, Bouysse-Cassagne and Harris part. Less common, however, are those societies in which it constitutes such an integral and strategic dimension that it constrains the entire course of their social development, including the development of the State.
The X-Files Mythology, Volume 2 – Black Oil - Wikipedia
The condor-like role of brothers-in-law is made explicit during the marriage ceremony, and signifies a recognition of the wild substrate of human sexual affairs, parallel to that of the fighting-bull: For condors and bulls as expressions of Andean masculinity, see Harris For the association of the mines with lightning and warfare, see Platt, Bouysse-Cassagne and Harris part. After the fiesta of the Holy Cross in San Pedro de Macha, the puna llama-herders begin their downward journey, strumming their charangos as they walk and accompanying their llamas as they follow along behind their lead-llama delantero.
For a full account of the seasonality of Macha music, with reference to the puna hamlet of Caanquira cabildo Titiri, ayllu Taphunata, moiety Alasaya , see Stobart The earliest explicit reference to cabildos as territorial groups comes from the Republican period.

Uncertainties remain, whose resolution will require Macha participation. It should also be remembered that satellite mapping totally ignores the traditional flexibility of ayllu land-limits in relation to local demographic variation see Platt b. See Harris for the Laymi, and Godoy for the Jukumani. See Fonseca ; Harris Some families own an entire chhuru, containing a range of different microclimates; it may bear their surname: Choque chhuru , Mamani chhuru , etc. Also Platt, Bouysse-Cassagne and Harris , where it is argued that the Laymi were part of the federation of Qaraqara in the 16th century, but were concentrated in the upper moiety of the Chayanta vertical strip, dependent on the dominant authorities in Macha and Pocoata.
They may have been Qaraqara colonists, sent to share access to the tin and gold-mines of Llallagua and Amayapampa with the lower moiety of Chayanta, who were dependent on the capital of the Charka federation in Sacaca. The legend here recounted would then reflect a historical situation, when Laymis, Pocoatas and Machas all belonged to the same jurisdiction, based in Macha. According to information given by the kuraka of Alasaya in , the order within Canton Macha Alasaya was as follows: