
Religious Education in the Family (Annotated)

A Guide for Orthodox Jewish P arents is also available as a supplement to this u nit curriculum. Part of a comprehensive lifespan sexuality education series developed jointly by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries. Material for grades K-1 support parents in educating children about birth, babies, bodies and families.

Call for prices for each level. Preventing Child Sexual Abuse: A Curriculum for Ages Five Through Twelve Package provides information about sexual abuse and prevention to children Grades in the context of a religious education program. Kathryn Goering Reid draws on excellent secular materials while using basic biblical resources.

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse confronts misinterpretations of biblical passages that have been used to support abusive relationships. And the Two Shall Become One: This session curriculum begins by identifying misconceptions about sex and sexuality; breaking down stereotypes of men and women; and naming sexuality as a God-given aspect of who we are as human beings.

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The series engages teenagers through discussion, case studies, and role play, and encourages teenagers to ask the Church their questions. Students explore the Orthodox marriage ceremony, discuss a holistic understanding of loving relationships, and commit to their own personal boundaries.

Orthodox Church in America. Healthy Sexuality and the People of God. This guide follows biblical texts with a specific focus on topics that are of particular concern to youth, including body image, attractions, and sexual boundaries. Primarily for high school students, the guide can also be adapted to middle school students. A biblically based reference book for children ages 10 to Children will learn what is happening to them physically, emotionally, and sexually—and that sexual decisions are also spiritual decisions.

It discusses the changes that are happening as tweens proceed through adolescence including likeness and differences of males and females and a step by step guide through puberty. DVDs, CDs, and parent guides are available. Free in Christ to Care for the Neighbor: Lutheran Youth Talk about Human Sexuality. Sessions use current media such as film clips and popular songs to spark discussion.

Each session includes a take-home sheet for use by parents that summarizes what was discussed in class with the youth and gives suggestions for conversation started in the home. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. From the Fast Lane Bible Studies series, this five session course is for junior high students. It follows traditional bible study format with additional skits that address respect for sex role differences, consent, dealing with negative sexual experiences, and how present personal identity affects future sexual happiness. Church of the Brethren and the Mennonite Church.

For 7th to 12th graders with a younger and older youth two stage series. The younger student curriculum establishes fundamentals while the older offers a more in depth, nuanced view of sexuality.

  • Annotated Bibliography of Sexuality Education Curricula?
  • Works of Epes Sargent!
  • Annotated Bibliography of Sexuality Education Curricula | Religious Institute.
  • How to Deliver a TED Talk: Secrets of the Worlds Most Inspiring Presentations, revised and expanded new edition, with a foreword by Richard St. John and an afterword by Simon Sinek (Business Books).

The curriculum is geared toward supplying information and is activity centered. A non-denominational Christian based high school sexuality program. In seven sessions, the curriculum covers communication, sexual identity, intimacy, desire, boundaries, and responsibility. This curriculum engages popular culture, uses realistic skits, and provides reflection activities. No longer available on YouthSpecialties, but still available on Amazon. A series of programs for Jewish children and teenagers to examine and talk openly about the dynamics of their social lives, empower them to build healthy relationships, and prevent dating abuse.

Jewish Women International offers a number of age-specific programs to build self-esteem and explore relationships through a Jewish lens: The length of programs range from one-and-a-half hours to 12 hours. This is an online curriculum for youth from 6th to 12th grade. Youth progress through three levels: The youth remain with the same group until senior year.

The two year curriculum cycle includes Sunday school and retreat material, parent meetings, movie lists, service projects and fundraisers. The program offers a comprehensive approach looking at self-society, spirituality, and sexuality. Specific to sexuality, the Rite 13 material focuses on gender issues and identity formation, while the high school material focuses on relationships and sexual behavior.

In its fifth edition, each level of the series is gender-specific, with separate books for boys and girls The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. A non-denominational Christian curriculum designed for adolescents in middle school and high school.

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It consists of six sessions: The curriculum is divided by ages for audiences from 6th through 12th grade with a learning sequence chart that helps leaders understand developmental needs. There are two other supplementary offerings. Other resources in this series include: Two separate eight-week curricula for middle school girls and boys. Designed to be used separately, the sessions address gender specific issues.

The Church of All Ages Annotated Bibliography

Topics include masculinity, faith-based identity development, relationship-building, and spiritual growth. The material focuses on developing healthy relationships that value mutual equality and respect as well as help teens recognize abusive relationships. Box , Oakland, CA , phone; Website: Part of the comprehensive lifespan sexuality education series developed jointly by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries.

The junior high and high school curricula include lessons on positive and negative limit setting, development of moral decision-making, and address disability and sexual identity differences. Further information about the program, planning guides, and advocacy initiatives can be found at the web site of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Topics include the mystery of marriage, birth control, holiness and purity, abortion, homosexuality, co-habitation, and the difference between lust and love Antiochian Christian Archdiocese of North America. Teen boys who participate in Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood explore what masculinity and being Jewish means to them along with deep discussions of what Judaism has to say about the ethical challenges of their every day lives.

Sessions cover topics such as sexual development, peer pressure, and assertiveness. The curriculum is designed to be flexible enough to use with congregations of varying sizes. Union for Reform Judaism. The twelve session curriculum can be used in high school religious education settings.

Religion: Crash Course Sociology #39

This revised and updated edition addresses the experiences of date rape, stranger rape, and incestuous abuse. Fortune also look at the cultural context in which these experiences occur — with a special emphasis on the media, especially music video television. This curriculum includes six, one to one and one-half hour sessions, each carefully designed to facilitate an honest, respectful, Christian response to the sexual abuse of young people.

From the Fast Lane Bible Studies series for middle school students, this five-session study helps youth better understand, celebrate and care for their bodies. The units deal with issues of self-esteem, sexuality, physical fitness, and the pressures of alcohol, drugs, and an unhealthy diet from a Biblical perspective.

The Church of All Ages Annotated Bibliography

This curriculum explores why students are turning to the false gods of addiction. Comedies, dramas, music videos, documentaries, and mockumentaries help students in large and small groups alike think clearly and deal successfully with pride, food, romance and sex, social life, and dangerous fads.

A Spanish section is also included. The United Methodist Church. The curriculum covers eleven specific issues with an appendix addressing another nine issues. The issues range from divorce to drug and alcohol abuse to capital punishment; of particular interest are the sections on abortion, homosexuality, sexuality, child abuse and domestic violence.

How to Report Suspected Abuse. Donate to the CMA. Please take advantage of the Links page to locate websites for many Catholic parishes, dioceses, organizations and other interesting online resources for Catholics. Our website continues to evolve and we need your feedback. Leave a comment using the Contact Us link and let us know what you think Many blessings to you. The goal of the Religious Education Program is to provide a quality education.

Religious Ed classes will not meet on the following days in February, March and April: The Season of Lent is Coming. Check out the "For Catechists" page created to provide our religious education instructors with valuable information and tools. Cathy Weiss, Administrator Email: Confirmation Sponsor Forms, or a Mass Reflection worksheet, click here: Holy Family Religious Education Publications.