Presidential Trivia
Kennedy, who played on the freshman and junior varsity teams despite chronic back problems. Who was the shortest?
James Madison, at 5-foot Then he pardoned his predecessor, Richard Nixon. How much did his approval rating fall in a month? And it continued to fall to as low as 37 percent. You are leaving AARP. Please return to AARP.

Madison was sworn in at the U. The price of admissions was four dollars per ticket. Four hundred tickets were sold, and so began a Washington tradition. Today the Presidential Inaugural Committee plans all the official inaugural balls.
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Gerald Ford was a fashion model in his youth even appearing on the cover of Cosmopolitan. Brown persuaded Ford to invest in a modeling agency and to do some modeling himself.
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Together they appeared in ski resort spread of Look magazine and on a cover of Cosmopolitan Ultimately, the pair broke up. She wanted to continue modeling in New York and he decided to forego the runway and begin his law career. Harding wore a size Unfortunately, those big feet did not ensure that his administration would be on firm footing. He died before his term was complete, and his wife burned his potentially incriminating correspondence.
Did You Know? Fun Presidential Trivia to Share for Presidents' Day!
However, his stately slippers and sporty golf shoes survive at the Smithsonian. Which president holds the record for the most vetoes? Which president had the largest shoe size? Roosevelt received his in for his many efforts toward international peace, including his role in formulating the peace treaty between Russia and Japan.
Presidential Trivia including physical characteristics, habits and other interesting facts
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