O Dever de Declaração Inicial do Risco no Contrato de Seguro (Portuguese Edition)
Cypriot economic recovery through a reopening of casinos. The key role of innovation in the future context for energy. Detention of Teresa Strzelec in Belarus. Alternative living concepts — promotion and cooperation. Untreated pools for public recreational use — water resources planning. Threat of EU sourced lawful interception technologies to EU security.
Ban on the use of words associated with Christianity in Belgium. Strategies for preventing the spread of infectious diseases within the EU. Discriminatory initiatives by the UK authorities towards European citizens. Position of the Romanian authorities regarding the situation of Oltchim. Proposed restrictions on the acquisition of agricultural land by foreign nationals.
Invitation to tender for the drafting of the National Rural Development Programme for Romania Access to raw sugar for EU refiners after Alternatives to banning neonicotinoid insecticides.
Order from the Romanian Ministry of Health. Conclusion of sanitary-veterinary agreements with third States to support beef manufacturers and processors. Resumption of milk and dairy product exports from Turkey to the EU. The efficient exploitation of excess electricity produced in EU Member States. Fundamental challenges for food supplements. Public debt in Japan and its possible impact on the EU. According to the scientists, this device can be kept beneath the skin for months, making it possible to monitor chronic diseases. Innovative medical devices can bring major benefits to the patients.
The Commission is therefore committed to maintain a regulatory framework, which fully ensures the safety of medical devices in the European Union and stimulates innovation in this area, and to support scientific innovation and research. However, it is not the Commission's role to assess or comment on a particular medical device such as the one referred to by the Honourable Member. A group of researchers at the University of Coimbra is proposing a legal system that is less aggressive, more effective and more conducive to reducing medical error. The Scandinavian countries, Austria and France provide good examples of this type of system, which has proved to be much more effective in terms of damage reparation.
The European Commission is not aware of the study referred to, nor has the Commission carried out a comparative analysis of Member States' legal systems to address medical errors. This directive further requires Member States to establish national contact points which inform patients about complaints procedures and mechanism for seeking remedies. As regards addressing directly the Honourable Member's concerns on the doctor-patient relationship, this is a matter that falls under the responsibility of the Member States.
As stipulated in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the competence of the Union is limited to supporting, coordinating or supplementing actions of the Member States to protect and improve human health, in full respect of their responsibility for the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care. This new project aims to generate electricity directly from Douro vine branches and this new technology could be used to develop biodegradable batteries. From the point of view of EU environmental policy, does the Commission think that this research has potential?
Research and development into agricultural waste as a feedstock for sustainable bioenergy production has always been an important element of the framework Programme. For example, torrefaction is used to produce torrefied pellets and pyrolysis is used to produce bio-oil; both can be used in heat and power generation.
A number of these EU research projects specifically look at short rotation forestry and the use of residues from permanent crops such as vines. Finally, this type of research is fully in line with EU environmental agricultural and energy policy. However the commercial potential of developing closed cycle, low carbon vineyards depends upon research delivering a sufficient supply of high quality biomass with high conversion efficiency technology. A range of genetic tests, which analyse individual genetic characteristics, are currently available to the general public, mainly over the Internet, enabling them to find out whether they have any of a number of diseases.
These tests can be used for diagnosis or merely for predictive purposes. According to the Portuguese medicines agency, Infarmed, the tests raise ethical issues, since they need to be interpreted. In other words, a doctor has to prescribe these genetic tests and communicate their results. Predictive genetic tests are not covered by the definition of IVD in vitro diagnostics.
How can the Commission control, at EU level, the widespread availability of this kind of testing and unrestricted access to it? The Commission fully agrees that the issue of genetic tests, especially those made directly available to the public, is very sensitive and important. This proposal clarifies the scope of the legislation by indicating explicitly that it encompasses devices which provide information concerning the predisposition to a medical condition or a disease.
It also substantially strengthens many aspects linked to these tests. It classifies them in a high risk class, reinforces the conformity assessment procedures to be followed by the manufacturer before placing such tests on the market, introduces more detailed instructions for use and labelling requirements, and strengthens the requirements on clinical evidence. In addition, devices that are not placed on the market but are used in the context of a commercial activity for the provision of a diagnostic or therapeutic service offered by means of information society services or by other means of communication to a natural or legal person established in the Union will have to comply with the future Regulation.
The Commission's proposal does not foresee restrictions with regard to public access to genetic tests, which are however being discussed in the legislative process. A proposta encontra-se atualmente em fase de debate no Parlamento Europeu e no Conselho. The issue of cars bought abroad and the difficulty of driving legally in another country indicate that new rules on the functioning of the internal market are needed.
Stolen motor vehicles that are re-registered in another Member State are another problem; there is currently no database to show whether a stolen car has been registered in another EU country. How does the Commission propose to simplify the transfer of vehicles between the 27 EU Member States? Does it plan to create a database for motor vehicles stolen in one Member State and registered in another?
This proposal provides that a Member State may only require registration on its territory of a vehicle registered in another Member State if the holder of the registration certificate has his normal residence on its territory. The proposal also contains a provision that where the holder of the registration certificate moves his normal residence to another Member State, he shall request registration within a period of six months following his arrival.
The above is complemented by provisions simplifying the procedures for the re-registration of vehicles and reducing the administrative and bureaucratic formalities on citizens through an electronic system for the exchange of information between Member States. The proposal is currently being discussed in the European Parliament and the Council. The International Red Cross has requested permission to send its personnel into Bangui, saying it has had reports of many casualties.
At several times, she urged all parties to take concrete measures to protect the civilian population, to restore public order and security. The Commission monitors very closely the developments in the country, in coordination with the international community and the region. The terms of the Cyprus bailout, namely the special tax on bank deposits, have led to a huge loss of confidence in the banking sector.
How does the Commission view the loss of confidence among banks and citizens alike? Does it not fear a widespread banking collapse should citizens, believing their deposits to be at risk, resort to mass withdrawals? Cyprus is a unique case because of the size of its banking sector combined with its structure, level of risk-taking and suboptimal supervision. The Commission has been making efforts to simplify the regulatory and administrative environment for SMEs, identifying the legislation that is most burdensome for SMEs and microenterprises, so it can then set out its strategy for action.
The effects of political and legislative proposals on SMEs need to be identified and measured. The Commission has already taken steps to improve and simplify EU legislation in areas like professional qualifications, data protection and procurement. The areas of EU regulation concerned include: This review will include further analysis of the feedback from the TOP consultation. The results of the review are planned to be published around the middle of the year.
Incumprimento de Chipre do acordo de resgate com a Troika. Following tough negotiations, the Eurogroup has agreed on a bailout plan for Cyprus. What potential consequences could Cyprus leaving the single currency have for the euro area? The EU pharmacovigilance system aims to ensure a high level of public health protection. The system aims to ensure that medicines are safe. In the event of adverse side effects with an unacceptable risk level under normal conditions of use, medicines are quickly taken off the market. From what date will it be compulsory to use this symbol for medicines coming on to the market?
It should be pointed out that the inverted triangle is not a warning sign. Instead, it identifies products that are subject to additional monitoring. The symbol will raise awareness of patients and healthcare professionals to the concept of additional monitoring, which concerns medicinal products that are subject to more intensive post marketing monitoring, so that new emerging information can be immediately shared with the regulatory authorities, medical communities, marketing authorisation holders and patients.
In this context marketing authorisation holders are not obliged to recall or repackage products which have been already placed on the market without the symbol. We need a consistent approach to public investment in education and training; otherwise Europe will fall behind its competitors, with alarming consequences for unemployment. Although the Commission has been making a concerted effort to tackle youth unemployment, it should also prioritise investment in education and training, and improve quality and supply; otherwise we will not achieve the desired growth rates.
Direitos dos passageiros dos autocarros. These obligations correspond to a series of passenger rights. Before the Commission decided to table a proposal on bus and coach passenger rights five years ago, there was no international agreement applicable to the majority of Member States or any EU legislation establishing general rights for this mode of transport. In view of that, how will the Commission coordinate the effective implementation of bus and coach passenger rights legislation?
In order to ensure its correct implementation, the Commission first initiated pre-infringement proceedings against the Member States which had failed to nominate a national body responsible for the enforcement of the regulation and to adopt national legislation laying down penalties applicable to infringements of the regulation. The Commission is also currently checking the legislation of those Member States which have communicated it.
Secondly, the Commission will organise meetings with the national enforcement bodies on a regular basis to agree on a common understanding of the different provisions of the regulation and to ensure their coherent application and also to enhance cooperation between the national enforcement bodies. The EU in the demarche called on Iraq to make further efforts to prevent Iran support passing through Iraq, including by significantly increasing the frequency of the checks of Iranian flights to Syria. According to Associated Press AP online, EU leaders do not want trade negotiations to include talks on restrictions on genetically modified crops and other regulations that keep US products out of Europe.
To date, of the imported batches have been destroyed. The whereabouts of the remaining five are unknown. Investigations are ongoing in the concerned Member States to identify where and how the contamination took place. In an interview with the Lusa news agency, Abebe Selassie, head of the International Monetary Fund IMF mission to Portugal, has admitted that the rise in unemployment had been much worse than expected and said that the only lasting way to restore jobs was to end the adjustment programme as quickly as possible.
Abebe Selassie also mentioned that the consequences of unemployment were very unfortunate and much worse than expected. He said that that was precisely why the deficit targets were being revised, in order to try to avoid putting further pressure on jobs. In line with established principles, the Commission does not comment on statements of other institutions. As regards the labour market situation in Portugal, according to the Commission's Spring forecast unemployment in Portugal is expected to reach This is significantly higher than expected at the outset of the programme and mainly related to three factors.
First, overall economic activity as measured by GDP has fallen by more than expected. Second, the composition of growth has changed more strongly towards the externally oriented sectors which are in general less employment intensive than the domestically oriented ones.
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Third, the wage response to the increase in unemployment has been quite muted which indicates that, as a legacy of the past overregulation of the Portuguese labour market, rigidities continue to be high even though they have been partly alleviated by the policies adopted in the framework of the programme. Em caso afirmativo, quais? In an interview with the Lusa news agency, Abebe Selassie, head of the International Monetary Fund IMF mission to Portugal, has admitted that the rise in unemployment was much worse than expected and said that the only lasting way to restore jobs was to end the adjustment programme as quickly as possible.
If so, what are they? In this regards, action has been taken to devise common strategies to tackle high unemployment:. The Compact for Growth and Jobs, on the basis of which the Commission presented a wide range of growth-enhancing proposals and which implementation is regularly reviewed;. The Annual Growth Survey, which set five priorities for sustainable growth and jobs, including inviting Member States to pursue differentiated, growth-friendly fiscal consolidation;.
The Youth Employment Package, which includes a set of measures aiming at helping Member States to tackle youth unemployment and social exclusion;. The Social Investment Package, where the Commission urges EU Member States to put more emphasis on social investment and gives guidance to Member States on more efficient and effective social policies.
Portugal is implementing a wide range of reforms that are expected to improve the labour market functioning over the medium term. These reforms are being complemented with a reinforcement of Active Labour Market Policies to improve the employability of the unemployed and facilitate a faster return to employment. These measures include wage subsidy schemes to facilitate hiring of the most vulnerable groups, a programme targeted to tackle youth unemployment and an overhaul of the Public Employment Services to improve activation and facilitate the matching process between job vacancies and the unemployed.
All countries engaged in the negotiating process are fully supportive in the efforts to achieve a comprehensive solution to the Iranian nuclear issue though diplomacy. Is de Commissie het eens met de stelling dat recycling van afval in Europa belangrijk is en door moet gaan? De Europese recyclingbedrijven melden ernstige moeilijkheden te ondervinden als gevolg van de eisen die op grond van REACH aan hen worden gesteld. De Commissie is vast voornemens om een recyclingsysteem in Europa te bevorderen dat verenigbaar is met andere beleidsdoelstellingen, zoals, voor zover haalbaar, het afbouwen van het gebruik van schadelijke chemische stoffen en de vervanging ervan door veiligere alternatieven.
De Commissie overweegt op dit moment geen mogelijkheden zoals de vrijstelling van stoffen, mengsels of voorwerpen van de voorschriften van REACH, zoals autorisaties, beperkingen of andere verplichtingen. Zij werkt echter samen met belanghebbenden en vertegenwoordigers van de industrie om ervoor te zorgen dat de beleidsdoelstellingen van de afvalwetgeving en de wetgeving inzake chemische stoffen kunnen worden gehaald wat betreft gerecycleerde materialen. Does the Commission agree that waste recycling activities in Europe are important and should be continued?
Does the Commission recognise these difficulties and, if so, does it agree that the issue needs to be urgently addressed at EU level in order to facilitate the continuation of waste recycling in Europe? Does the Commission regard it feasible and justifiable to consider options such as temporarily exempting recycling activities from authorisation, subject to conditions yet to be identified, in order to help this particular industry? If so, what options is it considering? If not, why not? The Commission is committed to the promotion of a recycling system in Europe, which is compatible with other policy goals, such as, where feasible, the phasing out of harmful chemicals and their substitution by safer alternatives.
While it is true that these obligations do not apply to materials that are considered waste, the Commission considers that substances, mixtures or articles resulting from recycling or recovery that have ceased to be waste are subject to product legislation, such as REACH. The Commission does not currently envisage options such as exemption of substances, mixtures or articles from REACH requirements, such as authorisations, restrictions or other requirements. However, it is working with stakeholders and industry representatives in order to ensure that the policy objectives pursued by both the waste and chemicals legislations can be achieved in the context of recycled materials.
During this exercise, the Commission is taking into account the specific needs and challenges faced by the recovery and recycling sectors. Firstly, sow stalls were in use despite the ban on sow stalls that came into force in January of this year. Lastly, pigs seen on the farms had their tails removed, despite EU rules forbidding routine tail docking. How is the Commission going to improve the enforcement of the existing EU animal welfare rules in order to ensure that situations such as that identified by the CIWF do not recur in the future?
The Commission is still assessing the case against Spain on this issue. Such guidelines may assist both pig producers and Member States' authorities in their efforts to comply with the directive. For and , four such trainings are foreseen on animal welfare in pig production. When will these large volumes of European shale gas come to the market? The study Unconventional Gas: However, only further exploration projects enabling the scientific mapping of existing resources and related geological parameters would provide more information to which extent this potential is actually economically recoverable.
The scenario analysis in the JRC study estimates for the period to average annual shale gas production in Europe of bcm in an optimistic scenario and of 25 bcm in a pessimistic scenario. Based on these figures, the study also provides a preliminary indicative estimate of the number of European shale gas wells to be drilled with current technologies. Results range from wells per year in the pessimistic scenario to wells per year in the optimistic scenario.
Europos Parlamentas dar m. The written statement adopted was forwarded to the Commission, the Council and the parliaments of the Member States. What specific steps does the Commission intend to take as regards tackling multiple sclerosis in Europe? Is the Commission taking or does it plan to take action to promote, in the Reflection Process on Chronic Disease, equal access to treatment and flexible employment policies for people with chronic neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis?
Through the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, the Commission is investing significant resources into research aimed at better understanding brain and neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis. Such research should help develop better options for treatment and care, so as to improve the quality of life of patients. In the context of the reflection process on chronic diseases, the Commission is identifying ways to support Member States in addressing issues such as health promotion and disease prevention, disease management including ways to keep people with chronic illness longer at work, multi-morbidity and research.
Access to treatment, however, is a matter which falls under the exclusive responsibility of the Member States. Horizon will follow a problem-solving approach and will address improving diagnosis, understanding and treating diseases, and promoting integrated care, all areas fully relevant for research on brain disorders. Ongevallenstatistieken en onverzekerde wagens.
We zitten dus weer op koers om het aantal verkeersdoden te halveren tegen , zoals bepaald in het EU-actieprogramma verkeersveiligheid Het blijkt echter dat er nog steeds veel mensen zich in het verkeer begeven zonder over een dergelijke verzekering te beschikken. Beschikt de Commissie over gegevens met betrekking tot het aantal onverzekerde wagens die betrokken waren in ongevallen de voorbije jaren in de verschillende lidstaten?
Indien ja, kan de Commissie deze bezorgen? Welke acties onderneemt de Commissie om het aantal onverzekerde wagens in Europa te verminderen? De Commissie beschikt niet over precieze cijfers over het aantal onverzekerde wagens die bij verkeersongevallen betrokken waren. Zij beschikt evenmin over cijfers over het aantal onverzekerde wagens die een dodelijk ongeval hebben veroorzaakt. De nationale instanties zouden wel over deze gegevens moeten beschikken.
De Commissie is het er volledig mee eens dat de bestrijding van rijden zonder verzekering van essentieel belang is. Bovendien volgt de Commissie elke ontwikkeling op nationaal niveau op de voet, bijvoorbeeld door de lidstaten geregeld te vragen om schattingen van het aantal onverzekerde wagens te bezorgen. Dit is voor het laatst gebeurd in juli De Commissie werkt eveneens actief samen met verenigingen van verzekeraars en schadebehandelaars op EU-niveau en bevordert beste praktijken om rijden zonder verzekering in de lidstaten te bestrijden. It appears, however, that more and more people are driving on the roads without the relevant insurance.
Does the Commission have in its possession figures relating to the number of uninsured cars involved in accidents over recent years in each Member State? If so, could the Commission please provide these? What action is the Commission taking to reduce the number of uninsured cars in Europe? The Commission has no exact figures on the number of uninsured cars involved in road traffic accidents.
Neither has it figures on the number of uninsured cars which cause deadly accidents. National authorities should have this data. The Commission fully agrees that it is essential to combat uninsured driving. In addition, the Commission follows closely any developments at the national level by, for example, regularly asking the Member States to provide their estimates of uninsured driving.
Daaruit blijkt dat de bezuinigingen die in Europese landen in de crisis worden doorgevoerd dramatische uitwerking hebben op de volksgezondheid. En hoe vaak is dat de afgelopen jaren gebeurd? De Commissie is het eens met de conclusie van het artikel dat de volledige omvang van de gevolgen in zwaar getroffen landen pas over een aantal jaren bekend zal worden. Er zijn te weinig gegevens beschikbaar over de gevolgen van de crisis voor de gezondheid, wat een complex fenomeen is om te meten: De Commissie deelt echter niet het standpunt dat de Commissie wettelijk verplicht is voorafgaande beoordelingen van de gezondheidseffecten uit te voeren voor hervormingen van de gezondheidsstelsels van de lidstaten.
De Commissie zal blijven adviseren dat bij het streven naar hervormingen rekening moet worden gehouden met rechtvaardigheidsoverwegingen om de universele toegang tot gezondheidszorg te garanderen en de kwetsbaarste groepen te beschermen. De Commissie zal de situatie nauwlettend blijven volgen en heeft opdracht gegeven tot een studie van alle rapporten en gegevens over de gezondheidseffecten van de crisis.
Begin komt hierover een verslag uit. The study shows that the cuts implemented in European countries during the crisis have dramatic consequences for public health. If so, what action does the Commission plan to take with regard to the results of the study? How often has it done so in recent years? There is a lack of comprehensive data on the impact of the crisis on health, which is a complex phenomenon to measure: The Commission does not however agree with the view that it is the Commission's legal obligation to conduct ex-ante health impact assessments for health system reforms by the Member States.
Before proposing EU-wide initiatives, the Commission analyses their potential impact in impact assessments, which include an assessment of health impacts. There is, however, no overview of how health impact assessments altered policy options considered by the Commission. The Commission will continue to advise that, when pursuing reforms, equity considerations are taken into account to safeguard universal access to healthcare and sparing the more vulnerable. The Commission will continue to monitor the situation closely, and has commissioned a review of all reports and data on the health impact of the crisis.
A report is due to be adopted in early Este facto cria importantes oportunidades de desenvolvimento. According to a report on the Portuguese television channel TVI24, the largest emerging countries BRICS recently came to an agreement on the creation of a joint development bank for financing infrastructure projects.
Emerging economies, notably the BRICS, are becoming major players in developing countries and are playing an increasingly important role in shaping the global development agenda. This creates important development opportunities. The Commission welcomes the increasing contribution of BRICS to international development and supports a cooperative relationship between traditional and emerging donors in providing support for development.
At this stage it is not easy to assess the value added of this new initiative, since many issues regarding the functioning of the future bank are still open. Furthermore, no commitment on a timeline was reached. While it would take some time before the new development bank becomes fully operational, there should be a clear understanding from the beginning that its role should be complementary to the role of the existing financial institutions. The Commission is following the ongoing discussions and further developments closely. Sobre os efeitos positivos do resveratrol no vinho tinto foram financiados dois projetos: This study has also shown that resveratrol directly stimulates SIRT1, activating this protein in the presence of molecules naturally produced by living cells.
It is also a contributing factor to interpersonal violence. The Commission is aware that there are studies indicating that light to moderate drinking has a protective effect on ischaemic diseases. However, at population level this positive effect is outweighed by the negative health effects. In addition, no such protective effect exists for younger people, for whom any dose of alcohol increases the risk of ischaemic events. Funding research to identify and understand the role of bioactive compounds in foods has been one of the priorities of the EU-supported research through several Framework Programmes FPs.
Horizon , the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, will continue to explore food and diet as the main factors for promoting and sustaining health and for preventing diseases. Concerning the positive effects of resveratrol in red wine, two projects have been funded: According to Statistics Portugal one third of the Portuguese population will be classified as elderly in What action will the Commission be able to take in response in order to be more involved in solving this problem?
What EU-level mechanisms can be used to develop structures for supporting elderly people? The European Commission is not collecting information on the income situation of persons living in institutions neither on the fees to be paid for care in residential homes. Long-term care provision is a responsibility of Member States. The Commission is currently supporting the Social Protection Committee in preparing a report on long-term care. It will explore how the loss of autonomy can be prevented and how the capacity of older people to live independently can be preserved or restored.
The Commission is also working with Portuguese stakeholders under the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing to implement action plans on prevention and early diagnosis, care and cure and independent living and active ageing. Several actions are being implemented by the region of Coimbra and the universities of Minho, Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto. The draft regulation for identifies several measures for building community based services i. It is generally diagnosed in young women, aged 15 to A group of US and Canadian scientists have developed a new technique for treating anorexia which consists of using electrodes implanted in the brain.
This has produced very promising results. The Commission is aware of the study published last March by US and Canadian researchers in the medical journal Lancet on deep brain stimulation for the treatment of anorexia. However, this treatment was performed on a limited number of patients, and is still in an experimental phase and led to improvement for some of the patients only.
Those supported projects cover gene-environment aspects, imaging, neurobiology, food intake, behavioural aspects and links to addiction. The researchers report a well-documented case of functional cure in an HIV positive child and suggested that very early standard Anti-Retroviral Therapy may prevent the establishment of a latent reservoir and therefore that cure in children could be potentially achieved. This might lead to a change in current treatment practices in HIV-infected new-borns.
Clinical trials to investigate whether or not a functional cure is possible involving other infants are now under development. Baby food exceeding the acceptable limit for pesticide residues was found in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Hungary and Slovakia. Portugal is also one of six countries in which food samples were tested in non-accredited laboratories. Maximum levels for pesticides in food intended for infants and young children are set at the limit of quantification at 0.
This means that food intended for infants and young children has to comply with much stricter rules than food for the general population. While exceedances of the maximum residue limits have been identified in the EFSA monitoring report , this does however not mean that there is or has been a health risk to infants or young children.
Nevertheless, the Commission will follow up on the findings with producers of food intended for infants and young children to ensure that raw products are carefully sourced so as to guarantee that they do not lead to exceedances of the maximum residue levels set in EU legislation. Uma outra perda de energia ocorreu em 5 de abril de At that time, there were two explosions, there was fusion of nuclear fuel and there was a radiation leak.
This problem caused a blackout and affected critical cooling systems at the NPP's spent fuel storage pools. According to the Japanese Nuclear Safety Regulator, this blackout caused the leakage of pumped water to the spent fuel storage pools at Units 1, 3 and 4 of the NPP. According to TEPCO, it would take four days without pumped water before the temperature in the pools reached safety limits.
In the present incident, power was restored to all spent fuel pools after 29 hours. TEPCO concluded that the blackout was due to a short-circuit caused by a rat climbing across live terminals. The investigators found no anomalies in the other switchboards. These key devices remain outdoors and were reconnected to rat-proof, indoor switchboards.
It was reportedly caused by workmen who were putting up a protective mesh around a power distribution switchboard. According to a recently published US study, a new experimental treatment used to combat acute lymphocytic leukaemia has been able to send the cancer into remission in adult patients. According to the researchers who conducted the study, the new treatment has the potential to save lives. It is yet premature to ascertain which could be the specific research issues addressed. Novo modelo de resgate aplicado em Chipre. With the approval of the bailout programme for Cyprus, the euro area and the International Monetary Fund IMF have introduced a new model for saving banks at risk of collapse.
Can the Commission guarantee that this model will not be applied in other countries, specifically those where there is already a bailout programme in force, such as Portugal? Can the Commission guarantee that this new model has only been applied in Cyprus because its financial sector was considered bloated and because of suspicions of money laundering by Russian oligarchs? This demonstrates that we need to consolidate public finances and reduce public debt through economic growth. We will not succeed with such a recessionary policy.
Has the Commission ever considered the possibility of implementing the same solution as that hit on by Germany which, by pegging debt servicing to a given percentage of exports, made it compatible with economic growth? Suicide is most often the result of these psychological disorders, depression in particular. What steps has the Commission taken or does it plan to take following the publication of the EAAD study?
The report refers to Eurostat data showing that Portugal is one of three EU-countries in which the number of suicides rose between and by 9. Portugal had its highest rate of suicide One of the reasons for the increase in official suicide rates in Portugal is the improvement of statistical instruments in the years , when the tenth revision of the international classification of diseases was introduced and the quality of causes of death statistics was improved following specific recommendations and tools developed to that end.
As a consequence, more undetermined deaths were identified as suicides. Between and , the suicide rate remained stable in Portugal, with only a slight increase from 7. As unemployment rates are rising further in Portugal and other countries, strengthening social support is more important than ever. One of its objectives is to develop and endorse a common framework of action against depression and to help prevent suicide.
JO L de Following the ECJ judgment, this proposal is intended explicitly to classify pollen as a special component of honey, rather than an ingredient. Nevertheless, this proposal for a directive has still not been adopted and nor will it be, at least for the moment: The result of the ECJ judgment is, of course, that other cases could emerge of honey contaminated with GM pollen, like that which led to the complaint by Bavarian beekeepers. Can the Commission say what immediate action it plans to take to deal with this situation? Furthermore, will it take steps to take all honey containing unauthorised GM pollen off the market?
Detection methods validated in the framework of submitted GMO applications can be used in connection with the extraction method to check the presence of non-authorised GM pollen in honey. Methods for quantification of GM pollen in total pollen are not available. A revised version of the Best Practice Document should be published in the coming weeks. The European agricultural model is based on a competitive, market-oriented sector, which also fulfils other public functions, such as protecting the environment, providing more convenient residential settlements for the rural population and integrating agriculture with the environment and forestry.
The Romanian rural economy, mostly dominated by agriculture, is still poorly integrated into the market economy. As such, what does the European Commission have in mind to support the efforts of the competent authorities and agricultural producers in applying marketing techniques in order to integrate into the European single market system? The NRDP addresses the needs of rural areas by targeting support towards improving the competitiveness of agriculture and forestry; the environment and the countryside; the quality of life in rural areas and the diversification of the rural economy.
The NRDP also includes measures aiming to protect the environment and to improve the quality of life and the economic development of Romanian villages e. As regards rural development, for the proposals seek, for example, to promote innovation, increase cooperation and value-added in the food chain. According to a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, Member States can now be forced to pay compensation to citizens adversely affected by projects built without an environmental impact assessment EIA. Such a ruling sets an important precedent whereby EU citizens can claim damages for loss of property value under the EIA Directive.
In the United Kingdom, national governments and local authorities are currently dealing with an overwhelming number of planning applications for wind farms, ranging from proposals for one turbine to large-scale developments with hundreds of turbines. If citizens can now claim compensation for loss of property value where no EIA was conducted, or where an EIA was conducted improperly, then it is logical and necessary for potential impacts on property values to be assessed either in the EIA or elsewhere.
Could the Commission outline what steps will be taken to ensure that both national and local authorities in Member States assess and evaluate all potential impacts on property values prior to giving consent for planning applications? It has also ruled that the competent authorities are obliged to take all necessary measures for remedying the failure to carry out an EIA. As regards pecuniary damage for loss of property, the Court clearly states that the EIA does not include the assessment of the effects which the project has on the value of material assets.
Pecuniary damage is covered by the EIA Directive only if it is the direct economic consequence of the effects on the environment of a project. The fact that the EIA Directive is breached does not, in principle, by itself, confer on an individual a right to compensation for purely pecuniary damage caused by the decrease in the value of his property as a result of the environmental effects of that project.
It is for the national court to determine whether the conditions applicable to the right to compensation, including the existence of a direct causal link between the alleged breach and the damage sustained, have been satisfied. For example, mobile operators now provide per-second call billing, the option of transferring unused minutes and payment for the number of SMS messages actually sent, rather than for a prepaid package. Customers thus pay only for the services that they actually use. When they wish to cancel this service, however, customers must wait until the end of the billing period, and so in principle they pay for the service even if they do not use it.
Is it possible to modify conditions legislatively so that customers can terminate an unused service as of a precise date as happens when commencing the use of a service without having to wait until the end of a given billing period? It is important that consumers make informed choices with regard to electronic communications services, including mobile Internet services.
Moreover, information on duration of a contract and the conditions for termination of services and of the contract has to be specified in the contract in a clear and comprehensive manner. Operators may thus wait until the expiration of a given billing period to terminate a service. Water is a public good, not a commercial commodity. Water supply and the administration of water sources should not become an item of commerce. What concrete steps does the Commission intend to take towards draft legislation supporting and defending the human right to water and sanitation, so that access to water and sanitation is ensured for all without distinction, as a basic public service?
What efforts does the Commission intend to make in order to ensure universal access to water and sanitation? Some components of the right to safe drinking water and sanitation are already covered by EU legislation. It recognises that water is not a commercial product like any other and that Member States, in their water pricing policies, may have regard to social effects.
The Commission is also aware of a European Citizens' Initiative that deals with this issue. Once the Initiative is submitted, the Commission will take a position on it. Widespread fraud involving horse meat has been discovered in Ireland in recent days and weeks through random checks. This widespread pan-European scandal unequivocally points to the need for a greater number of more stringent checks in order to minimise the threat to European consumers.
The Commission must ensure that all food is supplied to the market and labelled in accordance with the applicable legislation. It is also appropriate in case of infringement to impose higher penalties. The Commission cannot be satisfied with the current situation where food safety depends only on deficiencies being discovered by chance, as it were. What concrete steps does the Commission intend to take to push for the introduction of more effective control mechanisms, so that food inspections may prevent similar cases of fraud from happening again?
The recent food scandals over horse meat have led the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament to call for stronger independent controls directly linked to compliance with food hygiene regulations. Two years ago, the European Parliament voted for stricter food labelling rules, and in this context it is still necessary and important that the commitments adopted are complied with. Retail firms should take responsibility for their own supply chains. At present, however, there are too many legislative gaps as meat progresses along the supply chain from the slaughterhouse to the final consumer.
It is very important, in the interests of health protection in particular, to close these legislative gaps. The Commission is proposing a review of food hygiene regulations. Does the Commission regard this step as sufficient in terms of the effort to end our reliance on self-regulatory measures alone for the monitoring of meat and meat product hygiene? Despite recent incidents like the fraud on unlabelled horsemeat in beef products the Commission considers that EU legislation on food safety is fundamentally sound and that Member States' control and enforcement systems are capable of identifying and handling food concerns arising along the food chain.
However the Commission is aware that lessons must be learnt and, if necessary, appropriate changes are to be made in the light of experience gained and is actively considering how to further strengthen EU rules and controls in future. How does the Commission plan to achieve greater interaction between the various jurisdictions in this area in order to improve the comprehensibility and accessibility of the administration for the general public? In this context, the Commission regularly asks the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks to provide an independent update of the latest scientific evidence to make sure that the exposure limits of the Council Recommendation provide the necessary high level of health protection.
All assessments to date have concluded that there is no scientific rationale to revise the exposure limits presented in the recommendation.
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Many EU citizens work in a Member State other than their own. Cross-border workers can nevertheless also receive medical treatment in the country in which they live. This is covered by the European form S1. In genetic counselling, informed patient consent and the protection of sensitive personal data are among the key elements and measures that help protect human rights in relation to genetic testing.
O Dever de Declaração Inicial do Risco no Contrato de Seguro by Luis Poças on Apple Books
Genetic tests can be helpful in the identification of risk factors, allowing us to react to them in good time, and they can also facilitate diagnosis. In any case, however, it is essential to ensure the protection of human rights and of personal data. With regard to DNA tests, what measures can the Commission take to prevent infringements of rights and inadequate data protection? Health data may be processed with the consent of the data subject except if this is excluded by Member State law, or if a number of other criteria are satisfied, such as if the vital interests of the data subject are at stake.
As genetic data are considered health data, it would fall within this category. All associated costs should be borne by the operators, not taxpayers. MEPs also approved an addendum to the resolution in which the tests were considered incomplete because they did not take into account matters such as possible faults due to human error, faults inside reactor vessels, material wear, and the like.
Among other things, however, the stress tests have shown that a large majority of power plants should make efforts to improve safety. It is within the means and powers of the Commission to ensure the improvement of the safety of individual power plants? Alternatively, in this context, can we count on the stress tests being repeated, this time including and taking into account the secondary risks referred to above that had previously been overlooked? According to the existing EU legal framework Member States need to ensure that licence holders, under the supervision of the competent regulatory authority, assess and verify, as well as continuously improve, the nuclear safety of their nuclear installations regularly and in a systematic and verifiable manner.
The implementation of the nuclear safety improvements identified in the course of the stress tests is a national responsibility. The stress test recommendations are currently being implemented in the Member States. Based on the valuable experience gained from the stress tests, the Commission is currently examining, in the context of its ongoing effort to revise and strengthen the provisions of the current nuclear safety directive, to propose the conduct of peer reviews on selected topics of nuclear safety in nuclear installations, including on topics which have not been dealt with in the stress tests process.
Slovensko tomuto kroku vyslovilo podporu. Slovakia expressed support for the step. Other countries, such as Germany, Finland and the Netherlands, are opposed. The reasons they gave related in particular to a lack of progress in the fight against corruption and organised crime. Is it possible for the Commission to take concrete steps towards the achievement of a unified position of the Member States on this issue? Bulgaria's and Romania's Acts of Accession determine that the provisions of the Schengen acquis shall fully apply in these two Member States only following an evaluation and a Council decision to that effect, after consultation of the European Parliament.
The Commission has no formal role in this process. The Commission continues to support the two Member States' accession to the Schengen area and will continue using its role as facilitator to reach an agreement among Member States. The practice is carried out for various cultural, religious and social reasons on young women aged 15 and older.
In the past few days, the Commission has reiterated its intention to put an end to this cruel practice. Has the aforementioned strategy for equality resulted in any progress being made on this issue? The results of a public consultation launched the same day will feed into the Commission's policy development on FGM.
The Commission will also support Member States' information and communication activities aiming at ending violence against women including FGM through the Progress program and grass-root level organisations for projects aiming at fighting FGM and other harmful practices through the Daphne program. In its external assistance to third countries, the Commission adopts a two-pronged approach. It also supports capacity-building initiatives for government officials and advocacy and awareness-raising for all sectors of society.
The Commission also funds projects in the poorest countries with civil society often playing a crucial role. For instance, an innovative EU and Unicef project has contributed to change attitudes and to progress towards ending female genital mutilation in Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Senegal and Sudan. The fight against all forms of violence against women and girls will remain among the priorities of the future cooperation programme. Does it support the opinion of the Rapporteur in terms of reducing biofuel production? A greater share of renewable energy and improved energy efficiency represent key aspects of the transition to a low carbon energy system.
It will be necessary to restrict the use of oil and coal substantially, since these are highly polluting fuels. The analysis is based on illustrative scenarios, created by combining the four main decarbonisation routes energy efficiency, renewables, nuclear and CCS in different ways. One of the key outcomes of the Energy Roadmap and the Low Carbon Roadmap is that decarbonisation of the energy system is both technically and economically feasible.
Moreover, all decarbonisation scenarios enable the achievement of the emission reduction target. In the past two decades, there has been a sharp rise worldwide in the number of diseases related to hormonal disorders. The healthy functioning of the endocrine system is seriously disrupted by, for example, various chemicals, steroid hormones, pesticides, dioxins and hormonal drugs for the treatment of cancer. It is extremely important to implement measures for the protection, in particular, of children, young people and pregnant women.
Is the Commission considering the introduction into current legislation of testing methods for the detection of the presence of these substances? The review will also look into the issues raised by the Honourable Member, as adequate and sensitive test methods for detecting endocrine disrupting properties are a prerequisite of identifying endocrine disruptors and for protection of human health, as well as the environment from exposure to these substances.
He went on to say, however, that the aim was not some kind of common European army. It was simply a matter of allocating sufficient capacities for EU operations. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union guarantees freedom of research, but it also enshrines the protection of human dignity. However, research relating to the use of embryonic stem cells, for example, sets these two concepts against each other.
Although questions relating to bioethics are largely the domain of the Member States, European institutions are often also called upon to adopt a position on the issue. This is particularly the case where the status of the human embryo is concerned. Is it possible to create a clearer legislative framework covering the issues relating to the right to freedom of research as well as the defence of the right to human dignity? The Commission takes fundamental rights considerations into account in the inception, conception and development of EU policies.
It assesses the impact of each of its proposals on fundamental rights. In the case of a measure which has an impact on several fundamental rights, it needs to be stressed that this measure must respect all the fundamental rights concerned. In this case, the assessment of the impact of a legal text on a fundamental right has therefore to be done for each fundamental right that might be affected and not by assessing whether the restriction of one fundamental right can be justified by another fundamental right.
It should be noted that there is no specific EU competence to determine the legal framework for embryonic stem cells research in the Member States. The approach to stem cells research varies considerably between Member States. It depends mainly on the legal status of the human embryo in the legislation of each Member State. However, a very firm distinction should be made between tax evasion and tax avoidance. Tax evasion is an attempt by an individual or a company not to pay taxes, using illegal instruments.
Tax avoidance is the lawful use of the tax system by an individual or a company seeking a lawful reduction in tax amounts. If we wish to strengthen tax regulations, we will also have to take the needs of the taxpayer into account. How, specifically, does the Commission intend to use them to combat tax fraud? The Commission agrees on the importance of taking into account the needs of taxpayers. A public consultation was launched on Information technologies play a key role in the action plan and the objective is both to rationalise IT instruments and to reap the maximum benefits from such instruments in the fight against tax fraud and tax evasion.
The Commission is analysing how it can build on information technologies in order to ensure effective and cost-efficient systems. The Commission intends to play an active role in these developments to ensure a coordinated vision among all actors at EU level. The financial resources should be used to provide food, clothing and other necessities to homeless people and children from deprived backgrounds.
How does the Commission intend to ensure that the funding is redistributed for these purposes as effectively as possible? Is it possible to guarantee that help will be given to precisely those people who need it? On the contrary, for the first time ever, a smaller budget compared to the preceding period was approved. Parliament rejects this reduction of funds and asks that the budget be more flexible. The Commission understands that the question relates to the payment of eligible payment claims at the end of and possibly at the end of Through this proposal and after a detailed analysis of the situation, the Commission requested the additional resources the Union needs in Kindle e-book reader — deletion of purchased e-books on closure of an Amazon account.
Presence of pesticide residues in olive oil exported to the USA. Pay discrepancies between men and women. Labour market flexibility and security flexicurity. Possible haircut on deposits and increase in corporation tax in Cyprus. Black market in human bodies: Possible new governance standards and models for European museums. Radioactive traces in the meat of some wild boar.
Cost of national mobile services compared with the Eurotariff for roaming services. EU budget — Clarification of funds allocated to Portugal. EU budget — Clarification of Cohesion Policy funds. EU budget — Stimulating economic growth and job creation. EU budget — European Territorial Cooperation. EU budget — European Territorial Cooperation: EU budget — Common Agricultural Policy. EU budget — Negotiations with the European Parliament. EU budget — Budget allocation for each Member State. European budget — Less funding for the Connecting Europe Facility. EU budget — Budget cuts for trans-European policies.
Systematic delay in tax rebates to companies. Members of the Commission and Working Time Directive rules. Fish discards in waters covered by the CFP. Functions hosted in Brussels for the benefit of EU diplomats. EU military staff posted to non-EU headquarters. EU decision-making under qualified majority voting.
EU employees claiming diplomatic immunity. Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission. Initiatives to support speech and language therapy. Final allocation of funds to Greece under the general programme entitled Solidarity and management of migration flows Solid. Merkies to the Commission. State of the shipbuilding industry in the EU. Chemical weapons dumped in the Baltic Sea.
Impact of the climate and energy package on the mining machinery industry. Debate on the climate and energy package. New case of violence against women in the Maldives. The tax evasion of large companies once again. Catalogue of old trees and other forest-related measures. Positive action plan to counter discrimination against people on grounds of their sexual orientation or gender. New multiannual financial framework for and youth unemployment in Europe. Protecting democracy and fundamental rights. Re-examination of the decision for closure of unit 3 and unit 4 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant.
The effect of electrosmog on bee behaviour. Child labour in the Uzbek cotton industry. Hezbollah on EU list of terrorist organisations. Public consultation by the Commission on the extraction of shale gas. Alleged presence of foreign jihadists in Syria. Harmonisation of the laws on the disposal of asbestos and on compensation for individuals with severe asbestos-related diseases. Restructuring of tax services in Greece and European best practices.
Timing and other provisions related to the new carbon leakage list. ETS for greenhouse horticulture businesses. EU funding available to alleviate the costs of immigration from other Member States. Review of the European Disability Strategy. Free trade agreement with Thailand and child labour in the canning industry. Costs incurred by the Greek Government for the construction of the mosque in Athens. European Commission investigation into possible state aid for Dutch clubs and the situation in Spain.
European Commission investigation into possible state aid for Dutch clubs. Clarifications regarding Transparency Register review. Inclusion of persons with disabilities in EU external action. Presence of caesium in boars in Valsesia and the European Union's nuclear policies. Vaccination against infectious diseases.
Exclusion of biologists from the field of human genetics. Barriers to free competition between various clinical genetics and human genetics professionals. Legal situation of Alevi assembly houses in Turkey. Tackling unemployment at a time of crisis.
O Dever de Declaração Inicial do Risco no Contrato de Seguro
European Tourism Indicators System and animal welfare. Cost-effectiveness of investments in energy efficiency projects in public buildings. Changing the tax system to encourage supermarkets to redistribute food. Combating the problem of food wastage — VAT. Joint investment in the technologies of tomorrow. Possible funding for companies active in the road transport, removals and warehousing sector. Possible funding for the creation of a refuge for women who are victims of violence. Application of the modulation of direct payments in the transitional period.
Additionally, no cases have been reported to the Commission […]. Moreover, as the Commission has admitted that there is no monitoring system and that the aid recipients themselves do not report issues that might call their aid into question, can it explain what measures have been taken in order to ensure that the countries benefiting from development aid are in fact on the road towards institutional stability, better access to education and a level of freedom of speech or expression that is at least on a par with that of the EU?
The Commission regularly monitors the progress of its partner countries in areas such as good governance and financial management. It has a comprehensive programme of independent evaluation of its programmes and the final reports of these strategic evaluations are published on its website at http: Hat die Kommission in der Zwischenzeit weitere Untersuchungen vorgenommen oder plant sie dies? Die Kommission gibt ebenfalls an, dass sie bereit sei, diese Informationen zeitnah mit dem Parlament zu teilen.
Wann wird die Kommission dies tun? Juni mitgeteilt wurde. Daher wurden auch keine weiteren Studien zu dem Thema in Auftrag gegeben. Quand la Commission compte-t-elle le faire? Informatie over en onderzoeken naar ecocombi's LZV's. Heeft de Commissie in de tussentijd aanvullende onderzoeken uitgevoerd, of is zij dat van plan?
Beschikt de Commissie nu over informatie die haar in staat stelt een grondiger inzicht te ontwikkelen in de effecten van ecocombi's op de infrastructuur, verkeersveiligheid, het milieu en de verschuiving tussen vervoerswijzen? Voorts zegt de Commissie dat zij bereid is dergelijke informatie te zijner tijd met het Parlement te delen. Wanneer gaat de Commissie dit doen? Aangezien in deze bepaling de bestaande betekenis van de richtlijn wordt behouden, heeft ze dus geen economische of andere gevolgen. Derhalve is geen opdracht gegeven tot aanvullende onderzoeken over dit onderwerp.
De Commissie blijft bereid informatie over ontwikkelingen en ervaringen op het gebied van proeven met lange vrachtwagens met het Parlement te delen, zodra zulke ervaring beschikbaar wordt. Has the Commission undertaken any further studies in the meantime, or does it plan to do so? Does the Commission now hold information that allows it to develop a more in-depth understanding of the impact of LHVs on infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift? If so, what are the expected impacts on infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift?
When will the Commission do so? As requested by the Parliament on numerous occasions over the past year, the Commission did however take the opportunity to clarify the text of Art. Since this provision merely preserves the existing meaning of the directive, it has no economic or other impact. Therefore no further studies on the subject have been commissioned. La Commissione vieti l'utilizzo dell'aspartame. It therefore appears that aspartame, already accused of causing cancer, is also responsible for other illnesses.
Based on the conclusions of this full re-evaluation, the Commission will, if needed, take appropriate measures to ensure that the use of aspartame as a sweetener remains safe for the consumer. La Commissione provveda a risolvere il problema dei ritardi di pagamento della pubblica amministrazione in Italia.
In Italia occorrono giorni per saldare una fattura, in Germania 37 giorni, in Gran Bretagna 43, in Svezia La Commissione intende aprire una procedura di infrazione nei confronti dell'Italia per correggere questa situazione? Nei mesi di dicembre e marzo la Commissione ha scritto al Ministro dello sviluppo economico, delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti chiedendo delucidazioni in merito ad alcuni aspetti della normativa italiana. La Commissione ha indicato al governo italiano di essere disposta a discutere riguardo agli ulteriori aspetti tecnici con gli enti nazionali competenti.
The difference between Italy and other European countries in terms of the time taken by public administrations to pay their suppliers is constantly increasing. Does the Commission intend to initiate infringement proceedings against Italy to remedy this situation? The Commission is currently undertaking a legal analysis of the clarification received by the Italian Government, to verify whether the national measure conforms with the directive.
The Commission has also informed the Italian Government about the Commission's availability to further discuss any technicality with the competent national authorities. Should the legal assessment reveal non-compliance with the requirements of the directive, the Commission, in its role as Guardian of the Treaty, may take the necessary action, including where appropriate infringement procedures.
La Commissione protegga il miele europeo. Quali controlli sanitari impone la Commissione a tali importazioni e con quali risultati? La Commissione ritiene che le norme di etichettatura per gli organismi geneticamente modificati autorizzati nell'UE sancite dalla relativa legislazione.
Regime jurídico do capital de risco, do empreendedorismo social e do investimento especializado
Recent decisions on the labelling of honey, and the decision to review the proposal for a directive — following the impact studies undertaken by the Commission at the request of the European Parliament — highlight the need to apply rules to protect the European honey sector. What public health controls does the Commission apply to these imports, and what have the results been? Does the Commission not believe that more restrictive labelling is needed for imported honey, to ensure full and complete visibility in cases where it includes ingredients containing GMOs?
Traceability rules apply to honey as to any other foodstuff. Chiusura di stabilimento a Bari, iniziative europee per il suo rilancio. Un noto produttore giapponese di pneumatici ha comunicato pochi giorni fa la sua decisione di chiudere, entro il , la sua fabbrica a Modugno, in provincia di Bari Italia , dove lavorano attualmente persone. Proprio questa svolta nella strategia di fabbricazione, insieme alle perdite di bilancio, starebbe alla base della decisione di chiudere l'impianto di Modugno.
Qualsiasi aiuto concesso all'impresa cui fa riferimento l'onorevole deputato costituirebbe un aiuto di Stato ai sensi del trattato e dovrebbe essere autorizzato dalla Commissione. In view of the competition from producers in the emerging countries in the premium tyre sector, the company has switched its production priorities to concentrate on different product segments. It is this change of manufacturing strategy, together with the loss of profit, that appears to lie behind the decision to close the Modugno plant. What other measures does the Commission intend to take to revive industrial activity and employment in the industrial zone of Modugno?
Any aid to the company to which the Honourable Member refers, would constitute state aid in the sense of the Treaty and would have to be authorised by the Commission. Prior to such authorisation, no EU funds can be allocated. As far as the European Social Fund is concerned, the ESF programme can intervene through measures aimed at fostering the requalification of workers in mobility or at adapting their skills to possible changes in the production system.
In line with the shared management principle used for the implementation of cohesion policy, the selection of individual projects to be co-financed by the ERDF or the ESF is the responsibility of the managing authorities of the aforementioned programmes, at regional and national level. Caso di sottrazione internazionale di due minori. In seguito alla separazione di un cittadino tedesco, residente in Belgio, e di una cittadina olandese, due minori di 9 e 6 anni sono stati portati via dalla madre dal luogo di residenza abituale in Olanda.
A conclusione del procedimento svoltosi dinanzi al tribunale competente in Olanda, la sentenza ha stabilito il divieto per la donna di lasciare il paese senza il previo accordo del padre, avendo i genitori l'affido congiunto dei figli. Following the separation between a German man, resident in Belgium, and a Dutch woman, two children aged 9 and 6 were taken away from the mother from their place of habitual residence in the Netherlands.
At the conclusion of the proceedings before the competent court in the Netherlands, the woman was prohibited from leaving the country without the prior consent of the father, given that the parents shared custody of their children. Despite the ban imposed on her by the judgment, the mother took the children, presumably to France, since when the father has not heard from them.
The Commission is therefore not in a position to advise on concrete measures that could be taken to resolve the case in point. To this end, it provides for a maximum period of six weeks for obtaining a decision from the court on the return of the child, starting from the lodging of a return application, and a one-month deadline for the transmission of documents to the court with jurisdiction or the central authority in the Member State of origin of the child after a non-return order is issued.
Un cittadino italiano e una cittadina britannica hanno contratto matrimonio in Italia, ivi stabilendo la residenza coniugale. In effetti l'articolo 8 del regolamento CE n. An Italian man and a British woman were married in Italy, establishing their marital residence there. A son was born to the couple.
This has led to a conflict over the applicable jurisdiction. In this case, the child has never been in Italy, is a British citizen and has his habitual residence in the United Kingdom, where he has lived ever since birth. Based on this assessment, the Commission will examine the need of any further legislative action. What does it think the new conditions for the financial assistance programmes should be? Large financing needs in single years can be a source of vulnerability for market access at reasonable terms, especially when debt levels are already high as it is the case in Ireland and Portugal.
Re-establishing private funding is a key objective of both programmes. Both countries are currently subject to an economic adjustment programme. The programmes aim at restoring fiscal sustainability, enhancing economic growth and safeguarding financial stability. The Greek army has reportedly promised not to intervene, and the Greek Government has turned to private security firms rather than trust the underpaid Greek police to keep order.
It should be noted that as regards the visits of the Troika, the Commission is responsible for ensuring security of the Commission representatives within the Troika. In order to ensure their security when travelling or staying in Greece, security measures are carried out by the competent Commission services in close cooperation with the Greek police authorities and with the security departments of the other Troika members on the basis of security assessments conducted in view of each particular mission.
Depending on the identified safety and security threats, security measures can range from discreet monitoring actions up to a more visible close protection scheme. This increase in borrowing in an election year when they should have used State grants, subject to credit criteria, to service their loans is a violation of the very essence of the democratic process.
With their loans from the banks which were totally dependent on the State and funding from European funds , the two parties enjoyed a financial advantage in the elections not only in terms of advertising but also in providing transport for their voters. They were thus able unfairly to influence the free expression of the will of the Greek people. Does the Commission consider that it has honoured the commitment referred to above? Regarding the expected recapitalisation of banks, the European Commission has followed up on its commitment to put measures in place to ensure that the principles of fair treatment, impartiality and independence from political influence are observed.
The measures put in place in the context of the recapitalisation of core banks, according to the memorandum of understanding, Paragraph 3. Safeguards to ensure stability and viability of the financial system , include the appointment of monitoring trustees in all banks under restructuring the major part of Greek banking system.
Even in the absence of an approved restructuring plan, the trustees are currently verifying proper governance and the use of commercial basis criteria in key policy decisions including lending. This includes also monitoring lending transactions with political parties. The case has raised a storm of controversy, so it must be clarified as quickly as possible. In this connection, could the Commission please answer the following questions:. What scale of irregularities does the Commission suspect in this case?
The Commission has no information on the details of the ongoing Central Anti-Corruption Bureau investigation or on the specific projects, which — potentially — may be affected by irregularities. It is therefore impossible to indicate in monetary terms any sums affected.
The Commission expects to receive this information from the managing authority, if made available by the investigating authorities. The Commission recommends not certifying expenditure related to projects, which — potentially — may be affected by fraud or irregularities.
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Due to the recent refusal of the prosecutor to provide the managing authority with more details about the ongoing investigation, the certifying authority itself decided to withdraw the most recent payment claim. The programme authorities should liaise with the relevant national authorities to obtain the information necessary to identify the projects concerned.
Under EU legislation, the certifying authority is responsible for certifying that expenditure declared complies with applicable EU and national rules. Therefore, the Commission has to carry out additional verifications. Until these verifications are completed, the Commission will not process future applications for interim payments.
The Commission has at present no information on the details of the specific projects, which — potentially — may be affected by irregularities. According to the latest information available to the Commission, the investigating authorities refused to share any detailed information on the ongoing investigation with the managing authority. In these circumstances it is not possible to indicate precisely when such information will become available to the Commission. El plomo y el polonio son elementos de radiotoxicidad muy elevada, que se acumulan en el organismo y pueden suponer un riesgo para la salud de las personas que los ingieren.
Lead and polonium are highly radiotoxic elements which remain in the body and pose a health hazard if ingested. Dicalcium phosphate, an additive used as a calcium supplement, is present in the food chain because it is used to feed animals intended for human consumption. Nevertheless, Ercros will continue to run the plant in Flix to produce dicalcium phosphate for animal feed. Is the Commission aware of this situation? Is the Commission going to ask the Catalan Government and the Spanish Government to launch an investigation with a view to eliminating any potential risk to human health posed by allowing dicalcium phosphate manufactured by Erkimia to enter the food chain?
If it is proven that the dicalcium phosphate contains radioactive elements, will the Commission charge Ercros with committing a crime against public health and failing to comply with the relevant legislation? The Commission is aware that the processing of identified, specific source material may result in significant levels of radio nuclides in effluents, residues, waste materials and products. The Commission is also aware that dicalcium phosphate which can be used as food additive and feed material may contain traces of the radio nuclides present in the original phosphate ore.
EU food law requires feed and food to be genuine and safe. There is no specific legislation on the presence of natural radionuclides in feed and food. The safety of phosphates as food additive was assessed by the Scientific Committee on Food, resulting in no specific concern. The directive requires that authorisation of consumer products containing radioactive substances is subject of prior justification and entrusted the regulatory control to Member States.
The company is also going to close a plant in Cartagena, Murcia, and carry out further restructuring. Ercros has issued a labour force adjustment plan and is due to begin negotiations. Ercros is going to continue to run the plant in Flix that produces dicalcium phosphate for animal feed, despite the fact that tests carried out by the laboratories of the Commission for Independent Research and Information on Radioactivity CRIIRAD in Valence, France, and the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety IRSN in Paris have shown that the phosphate produced by Ercros contains radioactive elements, with the result that the nearby river and the surrounding area are now contaminated.
Does the Commission believe that any EU funding should be strictly conditional on the industrial reconversion of the company in order to prevent further environmental pollution and ensure that the company stops manufacturing radioactive phosphate? The Commission is not aware of the redundancies in Ercros' plants. While the Commission is deeply concerned with their social and economic consequences, it has no powers to interfere in company decisions to close plants but it urges companies and stakeholders to anticipate restructuring as far as possible and to manage it in a socially responsible way.
This includes the objective to enhance the support to SME and innovation and entrepreneurship competitiveness and access to financing. The Commission is not in a position to comment on the remuneration of directors in individual cases. The Commission also considers that executive pay restraint is important when companies face challenging economic conditions.
Social housing, as a tool for tackling poverty and social exclusion, comprises a series of measures that offer access to housing for those of our fellow citizens who would not normally be able to afford any. Such schemes exist in most EU Member States as a social investment helping to boost growth and employment. In this context and in the light of the exceptional social conditions facing Europe, will the Commission say:. As regards exchanges of best practices, how does it view the adoption of such schemes in Member States that are subject to a fiscal adjustment regime and report alarming social indicators, such as Greece?
How compatible are cuts in social investment sectors, such as social housing, with the objectives of the EU strategy for reducing poverty and social exclusion? Are any appropriations available from the European Structural Funds to boost funding for social housing schemes, given the rapid increase in the number of households that cannot afford housing? The size of social housing stocks is different in the Member States but they all have supported housing schemes. Member States have the primary competence for implementing housing policies. The Commission supports them addressing housing problems through its general social inclusion strategy and monitors the implementation of relevant actions as well as housing market imbalances.
The Package explores a set of good practices how Member States may improve access to affordable housing and thus preventing homelessness. The EU Funds can finance social housing investments for marginalised populations, homeless services, deinstitutionalisation and reintegration programmes.
The seller must give consumers information about the goods or services that they are thinking of buying. This includes a description of the goods or service, the price of the goods or service, delivery and any cancellation rights, and information about the seller. However, what is the situation when an online company such as Amazon acts as a service provider and not the seller, and the seller is outside the EU?
What obligations does the service provider have to consumers, who are not always made aware that they are buying goods or a service from a seller outside the EU? The suppliers must comply with the information requirements provided in the Distance Selling Directive also where they use an intermediary for marketing their products to EU consumers. Member States have transposed the Distance Selling Directive into their national laws and are responsible for ensuring adequate and effective means for enforcement of the consumer rights under the directive.
These will normally provide for the identification of the supplier of a good or a service that is subject to the contract. Following the recent horsemeat scandal which has caused outrage across Europe, it is clearer than ever that consumers should have better information about the meat products they buy, including how the meat is produced.
Given that the Commission places great emphasis on animal welfare and the role of consumers, can the Commission state what actions it will be taking to ensure that full traceability information is available in meat production for the benefit of the consumer? To date, there is no indication on the subject which raises a safety issue, as horse meat can be destined for human consumption. However, the falsification of labels misleads the consumers as regards the content of foods and therefore constitutes fraud in food labelling.
Indeed, under existing rules,. A comprehensive system of food safety rules is already in place at Union level, including traceability requirements for foods of animal origin;. Food business operators are primarily responsible for ensuring that the products placed on the market comply with Union food law requirements, while national competent authorities are responsible for enforcement by conducting appropriate controls and imposing dissuasive and effective penalties.
The Commission has been active both on political and technical levels in coordinating the pending investigations in the Member States concerned. Depending on the assessment of the findings, the Commission will decide on an appropriate course of action. Zelfmoorden na huisuitzettingen in Spanje. In sommige lidstaten, waaronder Spanje, komt de tragische situatie voor dat mensen zelfmoord plegen nadat zij uit hun woning zijn gezet. De Spaanse overheid neemt geen enkele maatregel tegen dit probleem, en de Raad heeft Spanje er geen specifieke aanbevelingen over gedaan.
Ondanks het Commissievoorstel voor een richtlijn over woningkredietovereenkomsten COM , waarover momenteel wordt onderhandeld, zijn veel gezinnen met een hypotheek het slachtoffer geworden van oneerlijke gedwongen verkopen. In afwachting van de goedkeuring van de richtlijn zou een bijzondere procedure moeten worden ingevoerd om de woonrechten van woningeigenaren in de hele Unie te waarborgen.
Gaat de Commissie vooruitlopen op de goedkeuring van de voorgestelde richtlijn en snel maatregelen nemen om huisuitzettingen te verzachten en een groeiende maatschappelijke crisis een halt toe te roepen, onder meer door een einde te maken aan nationale regelgeving die op straat gezette mensen verplicht hun hypotheek door te betalen nadat zij uit hun woning zijn gezet?
Gaat de Commissie dit aspect opnemen in haar landenspecifieke aanbeveling voor het Europees semester? Schuldvereffeningsprocedures vallen in principe onder de bevoegdheid van de betrokken nationale autoriteiten. Het voorstel wordt op dit moment besproken in de Raad en het Europees Parlement. De Commissie wil hierbij een constructieve rol spelen. Het beter aanwenden van de woningvoorraad is een van de punten waar de Commissie rekening mee houdt wanneer zij huizenmarkten analyseert.
In eerste instantie blijven de lidstaten echter bevoegd voor het opstellen van een huisvestingsbeleid. Voor Spanje is in deze aanbevelingen eveneens verwezen naar de behoefte om het woningbezit fiscaal minder voordelig te maken ten opzichte van huurformules. De Commissie blijft in haar aanbevelingen een bijzondere nadruk leggen op de huisvestingsproblematiek.
Some Member States, such as Spain, face the tragic situation of people committing suicide after having been evicted from their homes. The Spanish Government is not taking any form of action on this issue, and the Council has not sent any specific recommendation to Spain with regard to it. While financial institutions that receive EU bailout funds own houses that are empty, neither the Member States nor the Troika are pushing to have these buildings put on the rental market or in the social housing stock.
While the real problem for the financial sector is the level of debt within the construction sector, several Member State governments have let households pay the heaviest price of the crisis. Notwithstanding the Commission proposal for a directive on credit agreements relating to residential property COM , currently under negotiation, many families holding mortgages have been the victims of abusive foreclosures. Will the Commission anticipate the adoption of the proposed directive and act urgently to mitigate evictions and stem a mounting social crisis, avoiding national legislation that would force those evicted to continue making mortgage payments even after they have been ejected from their former property?
Will the Commission include this aspect in its country-specific recommendation for the European Semester? Debt settlement procedures are in principle within the jurisdiction of the national authorities concerned. However, the proposal is currently under discussion in the Council and the European Parliament.
The Commission intends to play a constructive role in this process. Using the housing stock better is one of the considerations of the Commission when analysing housing markets. Still, the design of housing policies remains the primary competence of Member States.
Several Member States e. For Spain, the CSRs also referred to the need of reducing tax-induced bias towards home-ownership, as opposed to renting. The Commission will continue giving a special prominence to housing issues in its recommendations. Chiarimenti sulla normativa italiana in materia di OGM. Alcune notizie apparse sulla stampa italiana fanno riferimento a una richiesta ufficiale di informazioni della Commissione europea al Governo italiano e alla Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia in merito alle leggi nazionali e regionali sulla coltivazione di sementi geneticamente modificate.
Potrebbe la Commissione fornire un aggiornamento sullo stato della procedura, precisando in particolare:. La Commissione sta attualmente esaminando tale risposta. Se del caso si avvieranno i procedimenti appropriati. Reports in the Italian press refer to a formal request for information from the European Commission to the Italian Government and the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia regarding the national and regional laws on the cultivation of genetically-modified seeds.
In its request, the European Commission seems to be asking the Italian authorities to provide answers on the validity and applicability of certain rules concerning, among other things, national authorisation for the cultivation of GMOs and the regional ban on cultivation of GMOs in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Can the Commission provide an update on the status of the procedure, stating in particular:. If so, on the basis of the answers given, whether it deems it appropriate to proceed further and how? The Commission is currently assessing the reply. Appropriate proceedings will be initiated if and as necessary.
The proposed guidelines also seem at odds with the recent Council conclusions on the Multiannual Financial Framework, which state: Furthermore, does the Commission not agree that applying such rules to sparsely populated areas has not led to any market disturbances so far, and that this would be unlikely to be the case if such rules were applied tomorrow to islands whose economy is characterised by isolation, a very small proximity market and obvious shortfalls in economies of scale?
The Commission is aware of the Shetland Islands situation. El fraude en el etiquetado del pescado puede no estar ligado directamente a la pesca ilegal. Los productos de la pesca se caracterizan por una enorme variedad de especies. Los controles pueden mejorarse mediante requisitos de trazabilidad. Las pruebas de ADN son una posibilidad prometedora, especialmente para los productos que ya han sido transformados. Los controles corren a cargo de las administraciones nacionales competentes. In addition to raising awareness of fisheries crime, Project Scale will coordinate operations to target this criminal activity, disrupt trafficking routes and harmonise national and regional law enforcement efforts.
One fifth of the fish that come out of the water is believed to be illegal, unreported or unregulated, and the problem is getting worse because new technologies allow fishing boats to stay at sea longer and trawl ever deeper. What measures does the Commission deploy to detect fraudulent mislabelling of fish, which undermines consumer protection? In order to better tackle all the aspects of the phenomenon, the Commission has reinforced its cooperation with other intergovernmental organisations like Interpol. The Commission participates as observer to the Working Group that promotes actions against illegal fishing and all related criminal activities.
On the other hand, fraud on fish labelling may not be directly linked to illegal fishing. Fish products are characterised by a very large number of species. Traceability requirements can help to improve controls. DNA testing is a promising development in particular for products that have already been processed.
The Commission has included in its proposal for a new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund specific support to strengthen controls of the marketing chain and labelling obligations. Controls are conducted by relevant national administrations. Som led i at involvere borgerne mere i EU — citizens-dialogen — har jeg modtaget et forslag fra en borger. Hvad er Kommissionens opfattelse af den ide? The idea is such a good one that I am passing the question on to the Commission straight away.
The citizen asks whether there are any EU rules currently in existence or in the pipeline that lay down requirements concerning the packaging of medicinal products. Medicinal product packaging can at present be difficult for citizens with disabilities to cope with. For example, people with impaired vision can find it difficult to recognise the packaging and administer the dose, and people with other disabilities can find it difficult to open medicinal product packaging.
However, it is a good idea to consider common minimum rules for the packaging of medicinal products. This would enable us to ensure that all people with disabilities were able to cope with their medicines themselves. Are there any standards or rules in the pipeline at EU level?
Are there any guidelines in preparation? It provides that the name of the medicinal product must be expressed in Braille format on the packaging. In addition, marketing authorisation holders shall ensure that the package information leaflet is made available on request from patients' organisations in formats appropriate for the blind and partially-sighted. The Commission has to present a report to the Parliament and the Council on, inter alia , the package leaflet and how it could be further improved in order to better meet the needs of patients.
For that purpose, the Commission has commissioned a study on the assessment of the readability of the package leaflet which is ongoing and which should be available this autumn. Albania treats the Greeks living in Northern Epirus and the Roma harshly, while adopting an aggressive stance particularly towards Greece: Most Greek households are facing an extremely difficult economic situation. They are radically changing their consumption habits, since most are on a very tight budget and are barely able to survive. Many others have gone without heating altogether on account of the difficult economic situation.
Although the tax on heating oil has increased, the Panhellenic Federation of Fuel Service Station Dealers, drawing on official Ministry of Finance data, has noted in this connection that tax revenue from the State excise duty and VAT not only have failed to increase, but have decreased significantly due to the unprecedented decline in consumption. In view of the above, will the Commission say:. Does it rule out the possibility that a reduction in the tax on heating oil could have an equivalent effect, namely by increasing consumption and thereby revenue, while at the same time significantly reducing the burden on family budgets?
This difference in excise duties provoked an incentive for fuel fraud for heating oil to be used for transportation purposes. Un nuovo rapporto pubblicato questo mese dalla Open Society Justice Initiative denuncia l'ampiezza del ricorso da parte della CIA alle extraordinary renditions — la pratica di rapire sospetti terroristi e trasferirli in paesi in cui si reputa che si torturino i prigionieri durante gli interrogatori.
Secondo il rapporto, 54 paesi hanno partecipato al programma statunitense di detenzione segreta. Il Consiglio potrebbe organizzare audizioni con le pertinenti agenzie di sicurezza dell'UE, in particolare Europol, Eurojust e il coordinatore antiterrorismo dell'UE, per chiarire la loro conoscenza della partecipazione di Stati membri al programma della Cia, e la reazione dell'UE?
Esiste un dialogo regolare tra i consulenti giuridici UE e USA sugli aspetti della lotta al terrorismo relativi al diritto internazionale, nel cui ambito sono discusse questioni quali l'arresto, la detenzione, l'interrogatorio e il trasferimento di terroristi sospetti.
Le due parti accolgono con favore la determinazione degli Stati Uniti d'America di chiudere il centro di detenzione assieme ad altre iniziative intraprese, fra cui l'approfondito riesame delle politiche USA in materia di detenzione, trasferimento, processi e interrogatori nella lotta al terrorismo ed una maggiore trasparenza sulle prassi applicate in passato relativamente a queste politiche, come pure l'eliminazione dei centri di detenzione segreti.
L'UE ha fornito un contribuito alle task force per il riesame delle politiche in materia di detenzione, interrogatori e trasferimento una lettera a nome del Consiglio al segretario di Stato e al segretario della difesa, copresidenti, e un briefing del coordinatore antiterrorismo dell'UE per garantire il rispetto dei suddetti principi nell'attuazione delle politiche USA.
Quanto alle garanzie volte ad assicurare il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali, le istituzioni, gli organi e gli organismi dell'UE sono tenuti a rispettare la Carta dei diritti fondamentali. Il medesimo obbligo si applica agli Stati membri quando attuano il diritto dell'Unione. In many of these countries, the rule of law is weak or nonexistent, such as in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Malaysia and Somalia. But even more alarming is the collusion of full-fledged democracies such as Belgium, Finland and Denmark, which, according to the report, have allowed their airports and airspace to be used for flights associated with CIA rendition operations.
Moreover, the report states that Britain, Italy, Germany and Australia have helped interrogate one or more suspects and either allowed or actively aided in their transfers to countries known for torturing prisoners. Parliament has on many occasions reiterated its condemnation of the practices of extraordinary rendition, secret prisons and torture.
Is the Council willing to propose safeguards so as to guarantee respect for human rights in intelligence-sharing activities, and a strict delimitation of roles between intelligence and law-enforcement activities so that intelligence agencies are not permitted to assume powers of arrest and detention? The Council has stated on a number of occasions that the fight against terrorism has to take place in full respect of international law, including human rights law, international humanitarian law and refugee law, and that the existence of secret detention facilities where detained persons are kept in a legal vacuum is not in conformity with international law.
There is a regular dialogue between EU and US legal advisers on the international law aspects of the fight against terrorism, where questions such as the arrest, detention, interrogation and transfer of terrorist suspects are discussed. Both sides welcomed the determination of the United States of America to close the facility together with other steps taken, including the intensive review of its detention, transfer, trial and interrogation policies in the fight against terrorism and increased transparency about past practices in regard to these policies, as well as the elimination of secret detention facilities.
As for safeguards aimed at guaranteeing respect for fundamental rights, EU institutions, offices and bodies are required to comply with the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The same obligation applies to the Member States when they implement Union law. All national acts, including those carried out by the intelligence services, are subject to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights, which is competent to declare whether such acts do or do not respect the fundamental rights and freedoms recognised in that Convention.
Secondo dati raccolti dal database del governo britannico per il controllo delle esportazioni strategiche dal CAAT Campagna contro il commercio di armi , il governo britannico sta vendendo armi di piccolo calibro e munizioni per milioni di sterline allo Sri Lanka, nonostante la disastrosa situazione dei diritti umani nel paese. Infatti, le statistiche tratte dal database mostrano che l'anno scorso sono stati venduti al governo dello Sri Lanka articoli che vanno da fucili d'assalto e fucili a canna liscia a congegni di mira, fino a pistole e munizioni.
Moreover, in a December update, the Foreign Office said that the human rights situation there had been marked by negative developments. However, the arms export licences granted by the Member States have to be assessed against the eight criteria laid down in the Common Position and Member States have to take into account possible denials issued by other Member States for similar transactions.
A number of issues have been identified for further improving the implementation of the Common Position, and these are currently being discussed by the relevant Council bodies.
Números em texto integral
Politiche comunitarie per i disabili e gli ipovedenti. Facendo riferimento alla circolare UICI n. Quali sono i metodi attraverso i quali la Commissione intende promuovere l'attuazione dei suddetti obiettivi? Europe shall introduce a new plan for employment, growth and the social inclusion of people with disabilities — new strategies for resolving the crisis. Europe shall ensure that financial support will be used primarily to take care of the most deprived citizens in the European Union and will not create greater social exclusion.
Europe shall guarantee political support for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. What methods does the Commission intend to use to promote the implementation of the above objectives? Specifically, what actions does the Commission intend to take to improve the living conditions of persons with disabilities in the EU? The regulatory package on European Structural and Investment Funds for , as proposed by the Commission, identifies several fields of intervention addressing the needs of disabled people.
Vervolgvragen subsidieverlening aan Egypte. In dat kader de volgende vervolgvragen:. Wie zijn de begunstigden die dit geld gaan ontvangen? Het is niet aan de Raad om commentaar te leveren op antwoorden op parlementaire vragen die door de voorzitter van een andere instelling zijn gegeven. Who are the beneficiaries who will receive this money? Does the Council believe that it was a wise decision to make so much money available to Egypt, given the fact that the situation in relation to the rule of law in that country has been increasingly dismal over recent months?
It is not for the Council to comment on replies to parliamentary questions given by the President of another institution. Schade tot dan toe: In dat kader de volgende vragen:. Waarom heeft de Europese Rekenkamer dit weer moeten ontdekken en is er op geen enkele wijze eerder informatie hieromtrent naar buiten gekomen vanuit de Europese Scholen zelf of de Commissie? De Europese Scholen ES worden beheerd door een intergouvernementele organisatie. In deze organisatie heeft de Commissie slechts 1 van de 28 stemmen. Aangezien de Commissie niet de ordonnateur van de ES is, gaat het secretariaat-generaal van de ES onafhankelijk contracten voor haar eigen IT-instrumenten aan.
De volgende informatie kon worden verkregen:. De laatste tranche is in december uitbetaald, maar aanpassingen aan het nieuwe regelgevende kader die moesten worden opgenomen, zorgden voor extra kosten. In werd duidelijk dat verdere aanpassingen te veel zouden kosten en is besloten om het contract op te zeggen. De laatste twee tranches zijn sinds ingehouden. In dit stadium is er nog geen definitief besluit genomen. De Commissie zal de kwestie aan de orde stellen in de vergadering van de Raad van Bestuur van april If not, why not?
Why did the European Court of Auditors have to discover this once again and did neither the European Schools nor the Commission provide any prior information about this in any way?

Does the Commission agree with the Dutch Freedom Party PVV that there has been a serious failure of even the most basic financial supervision in this case? Does the Commission intend to call the management, especially the Supervisory Board of the European Schools, to account on this matter? The European Schools ES are managed by an intergovernmental organisation in which the Commission has only one vote out of But the following information could be obtained:. In , it became clear that further adaptations would be too costly and therefore the contract was terminated.
The last two instalments have been held back since The ES have been seeking legal advice to terminate the contract for wrongful improper performance. No final decision has been taken yet at this stage. Until the recycling of drinks packaging in Finland was based mainly on reusable glass and plastic bottles. In the reusable plastic bottles were replaced with soft PET bottles, the material of which can be recycled. The recycling of both the reusable bottles and the drinks packaging made from recyclable material is managed by the firm of Suomen Palautuspakkaus Oy Palpa , half of which is owned by retail chains and the other half by breweries.
Palpa pays handling and transport compensation to the drinks trade and breweries, which are its owners. The move from reusable bottles to bottles and cans of which only the material is recycled was driven by the big commercial chains, as it reduces handling costs in shops. Because the retail firms own a significant share in Palpa, its activity is close to a vertical monopoly in which the owner of the recycling system can influence the market position of the various packaging forms in a way which is not necessarily better for the environment, and also discriminates against smaller operators.
If not, what measures does the Commission propose to take? According to this Article these systems shall be open to the participation of the economic operators of the sectors concerned. They shall apply to imported products under non-discriminatory conditions, including the detailed arrangements and any tariffs imposed for access to the systems, and shall be designed so as to avoid barriers to trade or distortions of competition in conformity with the Treaty. In the case of Palpa, the information available to the Commission does not indicate such an abuse in Finland.
The Commission will not hesitate to take action should new evidence come into its possession indicating such abuse.