LEGO®-Roboter II - Inventor-Bot: Neue Modelle bauen mit LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT 2.0 (German Edition)
The requirements of the PTB stipulate the admissible limits for effects of numerous influencing factors and other properties of the equipment and tolerances of calibration and handling. Gedanken zur Konzeption und Entwicklung spielbasierter digitaler Lernumgebung. Full Text Available Computerspiele sind heute aus der digitalen Medienwelt nicht mehr wegzudenken. Auf diesem Gebiet besteht Forschungsbedarf: Magnetic resonance imaging of pulmonary perfusion.
Technical requirements and diagnostic impact; MRT der Lungenperfusion. Technische Voraussetzungen und diagnostischer Stellenwert. With technical improvements in gradient hardware and the implementation of innovative k-space sampling techniques, such as parallel imaging, the feasibility of pulmonary perfusion MRI could be demonstrated in several studies.
Dynamic contrast-enhanced 3D gradient echo sequences as used for time-resolved MR angiography have been established as the preferred pulse sequences for lung perfusion MRI. With these techniques perfusion of the entire lung can be visualized with a sufficiently high temporal and spatial resolution. In several trials in patients with acute pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension and airway diseases, the clinical benefit and good correlation with perfusion scintigraphy have been demonstrated.
The following review article describes the technical prerequisites, current post-processing techniques and the clinical indications for MR pulmonary perfusion imaging using MRI. In der Praxis haben sich dynamische kontrastverstaerkte 3D-Gradientenechosequenzen, wie sie fuer zeitaufgeloeste MR-Angiographien verwendet werden, fuer die Bildgebung der Lungenperfusion etabliert. Hiermit ist es moeglich, die Perfusion der gesamten Lunge mit ausreichend hoher zeitlicher und raeumlicher Aufloesung zu visualisieren.
In mehren klinischen Studien konnte bei Patienten mit Lungenembolie, pulmonaler Hypertonie sowie Erkrankungen der Atemwege und des Lungenparenchyms der klinische Nutzen der Lungenperfusions-MRT und die gute Uebereinstimmung mit der Lungenperfusionsszintigraphie nachgewiesen werden. Der folgende Uebersichtsartikel beschreibt die technische Durchfuehrung, Bildnachverarbeitung und die klinischen Anwendungsgebiete der MRT zur Untersuchung der Lungenperfusion. Measurement of extrapolation curves for the secondary pattern of beta radiation Nr.
The following report has as objective to present the obtained results of measuring - with a camera of extrapolation of variable electrodes CE - the dose speed absorbed in equivalent fabric given by the group of sources of the secondary pattern of radiation Beta Nr. Market segmentation end-consumers of domotica and technical control of behavior. Management summary; Marktsegmentatie eindgebruikers domotica en technische gedragssturing.
A qualitative and a quantitative study on the title subject were carried out. The quantitative study is based on the third measurement of the multi-client study in which attention is paid to attitudes and use of energy en the interest for domotica. The results are correlated with different types of communities. In the qualitative study attention is paid to motives to purchase domotica applications.
In deze studie wordt specifiek gekeken naar de attitude van verschillende deelsegmenten consumenten inzake energie en de potentieale interesse voor domotica en technische gedragsturing, teneinde energiebesparing te realiseren. Motivaction heeft de studie, die bestaat uit een kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve fase, uitgevoerd. Voor het kwantitatieve deel is gebruik gemaakt van het multiclientonderzoek Socioconsult; gegevens daaruit op het gebied van energie en domotica zijn gekoppeld aan woonbelevingsgroepen. Vervolgens is een aantal domotica concepten voorgelegd aan en getoetst bij individuele consumenten in vier aparte groepsessies.
Die Einzelergebnisse bieten eine gute Orientierung; auf der theoretischen und konzeptionellen Ebene der Geschlechterforschung und der Geschlechterpolitik in der Hochschule ist jedoch kritisch anzumerken, dass unterschiedlichen Traditionen folgende Genderbegriffe und politische Strategien unvermittelt zusammengestellt werden, ohne deren Genealogien und politischen Kontexte zu reflektieren.
Dies trifft besonders auf das Konzept des Gender Diversity Managements zu. This anthology contains articles about three main topics: The individual findings offer a good orientation; however, regarding the theoretical and conceptual level of gender research and gender politics at the universities, it has to be noted critically that gender concepts and political strategies from varying traditions are put together abruptly without reflecting on their genealogies and political contexts.
This is particularly true for the concept of gender diversity management. Furthermore, the international state of research regarding new forms of regulation in university and science, particularly considering processes of doing gender, is. Risicoleerlingen bij technisch lezen. Dit project laat zien, dat verbetering van leesprestaties haalbaar is. Men zou de vraag kunnen stellen of die verbetering stand houdt, ook als de begeleiding ophoudt. Om daar zicht op te krijgen is evaluatieonderzoek noodzakelijk. Stenting und technische Stentumgebung. Die KHK war im Jahre mit Was ein Wort bedeutet, kann ein Satz nicht sagen: Full Text Available Einleitung: Kritische Analyse und Betrachtung.
Neben den terminologischen Grundbegriffen Begriff, Benennung und Gegenstand werden vor allem die Definition als Begriffsbeschreibung sowie die Kriterien zur Bildung von Benennungen untersucht. Investigation and modelling of fuel utilisation in the zone near the burner of technical combustion systems. Final report; Untersuchung und Modellierung der Brennstoffumsetzung im Brennernahbereich technischer Verbrennungssysteme. Optimisation and development of technical combustion systems in order to generate energy efficiently and reduce pollution is an ever-increasing challenge.
Mathematical and numerical simulations play a very important role in this context. This project was dedicated to the implementation and improvement of mathematical models and subsequent verification of the modelling concepts. Verification used data measured by the university department for combined cyle turbines. The focal point of interest was the reaction zone near the burner. Further points of interest: Simulating the combustion chamber of the combined cycle turbines was prioritised. Bei der technologischen Umsetzung dieses Ziels kommt der mathematisch-numerischen Simulation eine immer groessere Bedeutung zu.
In diesem Projekt sollte die Implementierung und Verbesserung von mathematischen Modellierungsansaetzen sowie die anschliessende Verifikation der Modellierungskonzepte anhand der Messdaten des Lehrstuhls fuer Dampf- und Gasturbinen LDuG durchgefuehrt werden. Der Schwerpunkt lag in der brennernahen Reaktionszone. Konkrete Arbeitsschwerpunkte waren die Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung der Modellansaetze fuer Zweiphaseneffekte, Brennstoffumsatz und Turbulenzinteraktion sowie die Weiterentwicklung der Methodik der numerischen Simulation.
Technical and economic practicability of novel flywheel mass storage systems in electricity supply networks; Technisch -wirtschaftliche Realisierbarkeit von neuartigen Schwungmassenspeicher-Systemen SMSS in elektrischen Netzen. Efficient storage of electrical energy is an increasing need. According to a first assessment, these systems may provide energy to the supply grid in a range of seconds and thus ensure frequency maintenance and compensation of short interruptions.
The authors present first results of a preliminary study preparatory to a feasibility study on the technical and economic practicability of flywheel mass storage systems. Nach einer ersten Einschaetzung eignen sich solche Anlagen, um im Sekundenbereich Energie in das Netz abzugeben und somit zur Frequenzstuetzung und zur Kompensation von Kurzunterbrechungen beizutragen. Praesentiert werden erste Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung zur Vorbereitung einer Machbarkeitsstudie ueber die technisch -wirtschaftliche Realisierbarkeit von Schwungmassenspeicher-Systemen.
Technical and economical optimization of wood gasification in a circulating fluidized bed. Final report; Technische und wirtschaftliche Optimierung der Vergasung von Holz in der zirkulierenden Wirbelschicht. Prozessautomatisierung und das Verbesserungspotenzial hinsichtlich Abgasemissionen am Motor. Darueber hinaus wurde eine detaillierte vergleichende betriebswirtschaftliche Bewertung des Verfahrens vorgenommen. Dabei stellte sich das neue technische Verfahren positiver als etablierte Techniken dar. Technische inpassing en economische haalbaarheid. Een 'representatieve' tuinder of een tuinder met een 'gemiddelde' energiebehoefte is daarom moeilijk vast te stellen.
Voor elke situatie geldt een eigen economische rentabiliteit. De uitkomsten van deze studie kunnen daarom niet zonder meer worden overgenomen voor andere projecten. Technisch is er veel mogelijk, zo blijkt uit de ingediende offertes. Van de zestien leveranciers bieden er drie een vergasser met warmtekrachtkoppeling WKK aan die, onder bepaalde randvoorwaarden, naast hout tevens laagwaardige reststromen aankan. Het voordeel van laagwaardige reststromen zoals bermgras, riet en miscanthus is een gunstigere prijs ten opzichte van hout.
Een lage biomassaprijs heeft een positief effect op de exploitatiekosten, en daarmee op de economische rentabiliteit van de relatief kostbare installaties. De investering voor een complete vergasserWKK-installatie ligt 5 tot 10 keer hoger dan die voor een gangbare gasWKK-installatie. Ook het CO2 -gebruik heeft invloed op de economische rentabiliteit.
De inkoop van CO2 is een kostbare aangelegenheid. Onderzocht is of er zowel technisch als economisch beschikbare CO2 -winning uit rookgas mogelijk is. Hiervoor zijn twee CO2 -winninginstallaties bekeken: CO2 -inkoop of -opwekking middels de bestaande aardgasgestookte ketel ligt daarom meer voor de hand. Uit de technisch -economische haalbaarheidsstudie blijkt dat door de relatief hoge investerings- en onderhoudskosten, investeren in een vergasserWKK-installatie niet rendabel is.
CO2 -behoefte en de onzekerheid van de biomassaprijzen spelen daarbij parten. A detailed technical description of the test facility SUCOT is given, in which the natural circulation driven two-phase flow within the reactor sump and relevant phenomena such as flow boiling, disperse bubbly flow with and without mass transfer, and geysering are investigated.
The major components of the test facility, the three-loop system and the instrumentation are described. Finally, a perspective for future application of the gained knowledge is given. Das Konzept sieht eine stabile Ausbreitung der Kernschmelze im Reaktorsumpf und deren Kuehlung von oben mit Sumpfwasser vor. This research aims to apprehend: This research used quantitative and qualitative; paper and pencil test and interview. The former was conducted in the form of test containing objective test instrument.
Superconducting electron accelerator in operation. This pioneer continuous-wave c. Thermodynamik grundlagen und technische anwendungen. Darauf aufbauend wird die Thermodynamik der Gemische und der chemischen Reaktionen entwickelt. Auch die thermodynamischen Aspekte wichtiger energie- und verfahrenstechnischer Anwendungen werden praxisnah behandelt: Selection of compressors and drives for natural gas storage and transport - technical and economic aspects; Auswahl von Verdichtern und Antriebsmaschinen fuer die Erdgasspeicherung und den Erdgastransport - technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte.
The contribution presents a comparison of the available systems. Unter Beruecksichtigung des Marktes werden die Varianten Verdichter-Antriebskombinationen definiert und in einem technischen Vergleich Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Alternativen gegenuebergestellt und bewertet. Das Ergebnis der vergleichenden Bewertung der Varianten kann eine neue Definition der Varianten oder der Anforderungen notwendig machen.
In competition for the best energy-plus building. German teams score at Solar Decathlon Europe with architecture, engineering and marketing opportunities; Im Wettkampf um das beste Plusenergiehaus. For the competition, 18 interdisciplinary student teams from all over the world developed and built houses that generate at least as much energy - using solar systems - as they consume. They were supported by their universities, researchers and companies. Whereas the design from Constance has perfected a modular construction system, with the Aachen team the focus is on recycling.
Were also present from the Directorate: Elias, Johannes; Schouls, Leo M. Multiplication of annual incidence rates 3.
Gedifferentieerde Risicobeoordeling Technisch -wetenschappelijke mogelijkheden. This document contains an overview of the technical and scientific possibilities for performing a tailored assessment of the environmental risks in the registration of pesticides in the Netherlands. Various components of this environmental assessment were analyzed to show to what extent, for.
technische hochschule aachen: Topics by
Technisch lego met een Duplo-interface. Daedalus is een ontwerpflow op systeemniveau waarmee techneuten snel kunnen experimenteren met verschillende multiprocessorarchitecturen tijdens de vroege stadia van het ontwerptraject. Het is het resultaat van tien jaar onderzoek en ontwikkeling binnen de Progress-projecten Artemis en Artemisia. Techno-economic accompanying research the national competition ''Bioenergy Regions''.
Final report funding measure ; Technisch -oekonomische Begleitforschung des Bundeswettbewerbes ''Bioenergie-Regionen''. This final report describes the results of the techno-economic accompanying research of the competition of bioenergy regions. The aim of the techno-economic accompanying research was to evaluate the project regions regarding the use of bioenergy.
To this end, the bioenergy plants and supply chains of bioenergy as well as the raw materials used were the focus of investigations. Hereby the comparison between the regions and classification of the national average should be made possible. It was also necessary to be able to make statements about the climate protection contribution of funding the project.
Not least the DBFZ supported the office of competition and the regions in answering technical-economic issues. The report is divided into a theoretical part A and the result Part B. After a summary of the results chapter 1 and a brief overview of important and higher-level indicators Chapter 2 the background and objectives of the competition are in Part A, first presented Chapter 3. This is followed by Chapter 4 of the explanation of the methodological approach.
Part B contains the results of the accompanying research project. The individual chapters are based respectively on the specific questions or thematic blocks of techno-economic accompanying research Section The final chapter 9 takes a brief look at the second funding phase from to Study on partitioning and transmutation P and T of high-level waste.
Status of R and D. The main project, where this sub project contributed to, has been structured into two modules: The overall coordination has been carried out by the Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften acatech. The social implications have been evaluated in module B based on the analysis of the scientific and technological aspects in module A. Recommendations for communication and actions to be taken for the future positioning of P and T have been developed. The topic is opened by a short description of reactor systems possible for transmutation. In the following the R and D status of separation technologies, safety technology, accelerator technology, liquid metal technology, spallation target development, transmutation fuel and structural material development, as well as waste conditioning is described.
The topic is completed by the specifics of transmutation systems, the basic physics and core designs, the reactor physics, the simulation tools and the development of Safety Approaches. Additionally, the status of existing irradiation facilities with fast neutron spectrum is described. Based on the current R and D status, the research and technology gaps in the topics: Stand der Grundlagen- und technologischen Forschung. Specification of a technically justified limiting value for sulphur concentrations in heating oil in order to enhance the use of high-efficiency boiler technology in oil heating systems; Ermittlung eines technisch begruendeten Grenzwertes fuer Schwefelgehalte im Heizoel zur Foerderung des Einsatzes von Brennwerttechnologie in Oelheizungsanlagen.
Different oil condensing boilers, which were available on the German market, have been investigated in order to determine the relevant limit for sulphur content in domestic heating oil. Up to now, the condensate from oil condensing boilers has to be neutralized in many cases due to local legislation. Calculations of the total energy consumption came to the result, that primary energy can be saved. The increase of efficiency on the boiler side has more influence than the energy needed for desulphurization. Die Voraussetzung fuer eine Befreiung von der Neutralisationsverpflichtung bei der Verwendung dieser Brennstoffe ist damit aus technischer Sicht gegeben.
Fuer die Entwicklung von neuen, kompakten und preiswerten Oelbrennwertgeraeten wird von der Heizgeraeteindustrie ein Schwefelgehalt von max. Both this agreement and the newly developed ''Work and research program to '' thus clearly define PTB's medium-term guidelines focusing on ''Innovation and industry'', ''Energy and the environment'', ''Humans and health'', ''Legal and international metrology'' as well as ''The new System of Units''. The following topics are dealt with: Quality management, legal metrology, technology transfer, technical cooperation, mechanics and acoustics, chemical physics and explosion protection, optics, manufacturing measurement techniques, ionizing radiation, temperature and synchrotron radiation, medical physics and metrological information techniques.
Auf der Grundlage einer Lehre, die sich am Lernen der Studierenden orientiert, hilft der Didaktik-Coach dabei, elementare Fertigkeiten auszubilden: So macht die Lehre Freude! Leistung und Wettbewerb — Die Entwicklung des schwedischen Hochschul - und Forschungssystems seit Full Text Available This paper analyzes the Swedish system of higher education and research with respect to the allocation of research resources.
The main findings are a considerable expansion of the system since the post war era as well as a strong trend towards decentralization during the last decades. The earlier visible hand of close governance has left power to an invisible hand of market governance. Also, methods of New Public Management have been introduced. Despite an increasing tendency for research evaluations in Sweden the link to funding has so far been weak, however. Even if resources for research to an increasing extent are allocated through short-term project grants rather than long-term block grants a clear tendency towards funding of fewer and larger programmes rather than many small projects can be observed.
Functional description of PreSRM v1. The PreSRM software library is prescribed in The Netherlands by the government to be used in the dispersion modeling of air pollution when evaluating air quality guidelines in outside air. The code is maintained by ECN and needs to be updated annually.
This technical manual describes the use of PreSRM by programmers and documents the update for the current year , including all updated meteorological and air quality background information for the year [Dutch] PreSRM is een software bibliotheek voor rekenmodellen gebruikt bij de beoordeling van luchtkwaliteit. In Nederland schrijft de Regeling Beoordeling Luchtkwaliteit RBL voor onder welke condities welke rekenmethodes gebruikt moeten worden om aan de luchtkwaliteitsnormen te toetsen. Tevens wordt daarin vastgesteld welke invoergegevens gebruikt moeten worden voor emissies, achtergrondconcentraties, meteorologie en terreinruwheid.
Deze gegevens worden jaarlijks geactualiseerd. Dit rapport is een technische handleiding voor de programmeurs en ontwikkelaars van de implementaties van standaard rekenmethoden en systeembeheerders van gebruikers en beschrijft aanpassingen in de huidige versie van de bibliotheek. Solar thermal demonstration projects in public buildings in East Germany - Scientific and technical studies accompanying construction and operation of solar thermal demonstration plants in the states of south western Germany.
Final report; Solarthermie Solarthermische Demonstrationsanlagen fuer oeffentliche Gebaeude mit Schwerpunkt in den neuen Bundeslaendern - Wissenschaftlich- technische Begleitung der solarthermischen Demonstrationsanlagen in den suedwestlichen Bundeslaendern. Exemplary solar thermal power systems with a minimum collector surfaces of square metres are presented, improved and optimized. Their competitive strength is to be improved by reducing the specific system cost and raising the specific useful power generation.
Diese Systemloesungen sollen weiter verbessert und angepasst werden. Zugleich soll erreicht werden, dass die wirtschaftliche Konkurrenzfaehigkeit gesteigert wird, indem durch Reduzierung der spezifischen Systemkosten und Erhoehung des spezifischen Nutzenergieertrages die solaren Nutzwaermekosten gesenkt werden. Persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons PHC - end products and intermediate products of technical synthesis processes in surface water of the Rhine region.
Site profiles of persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons - source-oriented monitoring in aquatic media; Persistente chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe PCKW - End- und Zwischenprodukte technischer Synthesen in Gewaessern der Rheinregion. Band 5 der Reihe: Standortprofile persistenter chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe - ursachenorientiertes Monitoring in aquatischen Medien.
Schwebstoffen, die in 20 zumeist Landesinstitutionen z. Die statistisch verrechneten Einzeldaten wurden zu Streckenprofilen und Zeitreihen verarbeitet, mit dem Ziel, lokale oder regionale Immissionen, Hinweise zu ihrer Entstehung und gegenwaertigen Bedeutung kenntlich zu machen. Hintergrund dieser Bestrebungen ist, dass Fachpublikationen ueber technische Synthesen oder Zwangsanfall der Verbindungen nach Art, Menge und Zeitraum nicht vorliegen, was als Defizit zu betrachten ist. Besonders Tetrachlorbenzen hauptsaechlich das 1,2,4,5-TeCBz und das HCBD konnten als Indikatorsubstanzen fuer historische und rezente technische Synthesen chlororganischer Verbindungen sichtbar gemacht werden.
Fachgebiet Flugantriebe Ingenieria y Sistemas S. Consolidated progress report for on nuclear data activities outside the NDS service area: A consolidated progress report for on nuclear data activities in the following countries and institutes is presented: Cekmece Nuclear Research Center, Istanbul. Neutron scattering Progress-Report January - December The present report summarizes the laboratory's activities in as well as the work performed by external users at the reactor Saphir.
It is intended as an interim description of ongoing research projects and as such may not contain the final conclusions of the analysis. However, the number and quality of the reports reflects very well the standard of experiments performed at the LNS. Aachen users' forum on bioenergy use in cities and rural environment. Bioenergie-Nutzung in Stadt und Region. Main topics of the meetings' lectures were: The Institute for Mining Science I has been associated with the extraction of raw materials for over one hundred years.
The main areas of work of the Institute have always been adapted to current requirements according to general developments in the raw materials sector and in this environment. The work in research and teaching has recently been extended by new fields. Today mining and sustained handling of resources, geotechnics, raw material management and underground disposal of waste are examples of parts of a comprehensive range of competences. The close interlinking of theory and practice allows students to broaden their knowledge in interdisciplinary and international projects. The graduates are thus prepared in an excellent manner for their future tasks.
Schwerpunkte der Arbeiten des Instituts wurden, allgemeinen Entwicklungen in der Rohstoffbranche und in deren Umfeld entsprechend, stets den aktuellen Erfordernissen angepasst. Heute sind Bergbau und nachhaltiger Umfang mit Ressourcen, Geotechnik, Rohstoffwirtschaft sowie untertaegige Abfallentsorgung als Beispiele fuer Teile eines umfassenden Kompetenzspektrums zu nennen. Die enge Verzahnung von Theorie und Praxis ermoeglicht Studierenden, ihre Kenntnisse fruehzeitig in interdisziplinaeren und internationalen Projekten zu vertiefen.
Damit werden die Absolventen auf ihre zukuenftigen Aufgaben in hervorragender Weise vorbereitet. Originally written for students in the field of engineering, this book may also be of use in the engineering practice. The subject is presented with a view to practice. Fundamental theorems of fluid mechanics are presented without going too much into theory. The chapter on supersonic flow has been extended in the fifth edition as this is a field of great importance in engineering.
The new chapter on gas dynamics takes account of these processes in turbine and compressor construction and aeronautical engineering. There is an appendix with material data, characteristic values, flow resistance coefficients, diagrams and two tables with rated pressure loss values for pipeline flow. Technical progress safeguards future. Technischer Fortschritt sichert die Zukunft. In five lectures representatives of the subdivisions of 'VDI' issued their statements from the viewpoints of their special fields.
These lectures were completed by reports on the part of the remaining VDI subdivisions, which are published together with the lectures in this volume. The complex guiding theme is meant to stimulate discussion, which should be conducted also with representatives of other sciences and the public. The volume contains a. For these three contributions separate entries were made. Other presentations relate to: Technische Feuchtgebiete zur Nachreinigung von Abwasser: Ein Sandfilter, ein Sandfilter mit Lehm und The main purpose of this technical documentation is to clearly establish the key ideas and methods used during development of the MEI-model.
This document introduces in this way the technical set-up of the model for application developers and administrators. In describing how MEI version 2 works. The annual report presents general information on the institution's activities and the various departments, and reports on scientific work in the field of metrology and safety engineering. Brief scientific accounts refer to work in the domains of mechanics and acoustics, electricity, heat, optics, industrial metrology, atomic physics, technical and scientific services, collection and disposal of radioactive waste.
Mechanics and acoustics, electricity, chemical physics and explosion protection, optics, manufacturing measureing techniques, ionizing radiation, temperature and synchrotron radiation, medical physics and metrological information techniques, the German calibration service, quality management. Communication of technical building systems. Fundamentals; Kommunikation technischer Gebaeudesysteme. In chapter 17 of the anthology about building control the communication between and with technical building systems is described.
The following aspects are discussed: In diesem Zusammenhang werden folgende Themen angesprochen: Aachen international mining symposia: International symposium on roofbolting in mining. The authors of the symposium report on the following topics: Welche Organisationsformen produzieren Wissenschaft? Expansion, Vielfalt und Kooperation im deutschen Hochschul - und Wissenschaftssystem im globalen Kontext, Already the title of my dissertation manifests an approach that examines the topic of the development of scientific productivity in the German higher education and science landscape from different perspectives: Deriving from and contribut Full Text Available Unfavorable job market conditions and the related increase in pressure to legitimate the social sciences and humanities have drawn attention within these disciplines to approaches which have turned their own academic considerations into a starting point for practical concepts.
In this sense, the following approach out of the field of applied discourse analysis attempts to develop application-oriented suggestions based on the analysis of authentic oral examinations at the university level. Beginning with an analysis of observable communicative behavior on behalf of oral examination participants, the following didactic suggestions aim to develop solid advice for instructors and students. Both the analysis and the practical suggestions aim to establish the scopes and limits concerning communication in institutionally organized exam situations.
The aim of this approach is to support examination participants in recognizing and utilizing the given range of communicative possibilities. Josef Frank and the history of architecture: A Survey of Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Introductory papers 3 papers ; Collision processes 4 papers ; Waves and beams in plasmas 6 papers ; Surface phenomena 3 papers ; Lasers 3 papers ; Low pressure discharges 1 paper ; Selected topics in plasma physics 2 papers ; High pressure discharges 3 papers ; Probe techniques and theory 4 papers ; Basic data and fundamental plasma processes 4 papers ; Summary 1 paper.
Each paper is in its original language 20 English, 3 French, 9 Russian and 2 German and is preceded by an abstract in English, with a second one in the original language if this is not English. ICSAT is the state-of-the-art conference in the field of new technologies for transportation. The book brings together the work of international researchers and practitioners under the following interrelated headings: The book provides a very good overview of research and development activities focused on new technologies and approaches capable of meeting the challenges to sustainable mobility.
Technische universiteiten en duurzame ontwikkeling in Afrika: Een interfacultair studenten onderzoeksproject voor het 33e lustrumsymposium van de Technische Universiteit Delft. In , Delft University of Technology celebrates its th birthday. This unique occasion is celebrated with several activities revolving around the subject "Sustainable Solutions, with a focus on Africa". For the interdisciplinary course "Technical Universities and Sustainable development of. B36a Sp , M. Fundamental knowledge of microscopic anatomy and pathology has always been an essential part in medical education.
The traditional didactic concept comprises theoretical and practical lessons using a light microscope and glass slides. High-speed Internet connections and technical improvement in whole-slide digital microscopy commonly termed "virtual microscopy" provide a new and attractive approach for both teachers and students. High picture quality and unlimited temporal and spatial availability of histology samples from different fields are key advantages of web-based digital microscopy.
In this report we discuss the technical requirements, system efficiency, optical resolution and didactic concept.
Furthermore, we present a review of the experience gained in the course of one year based on an analysis of student acceptance. Three groups with a total of students between the 3rd and 5th year of medical studies attending the practical courses of general and advanced histopathology had access to both glass-mounted and digitalized slides. Prior to exams, students were asked to answer an anonymous questionnaire. The results of the study reflect the high acceptance and intensive use of the web-based digital histology by students, thus encouraging the development of further Web-based learning strategies for the teaching of histology and pathology.
Leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover: The practical experience report deals with the incoming routines from the data-collection to the calculation of the funds. Profitability and value-adding analyses for university IT and load balancing of renewable energies; Wirtschaftlichkeits- und Wertbeitragsanalysen fuer Hochschul -IT und Lastbalancierung erneuerbarer Energien. Subject of the interdisciplinary work are the following priorities: Discussion and results of the economic opportunities and risks as well as sociotechnological relationships in the use of a campus management system CMS under strong college complex organizational structures.
Various stages in the life cycle of a software solution are affected. The main focus lies in the context of the underlying themes on the selection, integration and migration of CMS. In particular, the research results of a complex process model for the creation of an economic analysis to integrate CMS solutions form the major focus. Investigation of the status quo of external funding and its IT-based management at German universities. Characterization of the actual situation, development of science-based target concepts and derivation of possible implications and relevant recommendations for action for the organizational and process-oriented re design of IT support.
Green Business GB as a global enterprise framework to increase sustainability in supply chains for the purposes of corporate governance. IT serves as an operative trigger to the strategic sustainability goals of companies. Fluctuations caused by renewable energy RE , endanger the stability in the European energy network and lead to inefficient compensation and balancing power. In-depth investigations show two main approaches to increase network stability: All these research activities have this in common: For the organizational- and project-success, however, the choice of investment volume, the design of appropriate systems and process orientation is an essential guarantee.
All the investigated sub-areas of this work take that same approach into account by investigating concrete scenarios. In addition, attention is drawn to a mismatch between the status quo of research and practice. The identified open problems lead to answers of research questions which address scientific rigor and relevance. The work operates in all topics with methodologically found, qualitatively and empirically validated results. In addition, relevant national, especially international literature sources make a central foundation.
The CERN Library has a large collection of documents in online or printed format in all disciplines needed by physicists, engineers and technicians. Just fill in the online form or email us. We will then locate the document in other institutions and order it for you free of charge. Thanks to our network and our expertise in document search, most requests are satisfied in record time: It is possible to ask for all types of documents suc Photon and electron dosimetry at the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig. The PTB is charged by the government to prepare the legal control for dosimeters used in radiotherapy and radiation protection by setting up requirements for type approvals and by developing the technical prerequisites for performing type tests.
Based on international recommendations, the change of units had to be connected with a change of quantities. The exposure had to be changed either to kerma or to absorbed dose or to dose equivalent. Annual report on research and development of the Institut fuer Technische Physik. Progress of the following working areas of the institute is reported: Additional methods include energy-dependent measurements Bragg edges for the identification of different elements and phases as well as soon phase gratings for linear phase contrast.
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In drie delen wordt in deze thesis enerzijds de lezer meer informatie verschaft over de methodes en manieren van funderingsaanzet van houtskeletbouw en anderzijds ook een idee gegeven van de impact van het kleiner eigengewicht van deze constructie. Hiertoe worden in deel 1 de mogelijke manieren en materialen van het aanzetten van HSB elementen besproken. Dit wordt gedaan aan de hand van wrijvingsproeven, uittrekproeven en berekeningen. Ook wordt gecontroleerd of de bouwknopen EPB-aanvaard zij Results of research and development work in of the Institut fuer Technische Physik.
The works in the Institute for Technical Physics ITP concentrated in upon the application of high current superconductivity in the fields of energy engineering and fusion. Moreover, the magnet technology for use in other fields of research and technology is advanced. Fundamental investigations on cryogenics and superconductors as well as studies go along with the technical research program. The magnetic fields of stationary and quasi-stationary fusion reactors with magnetic confinement have to be produced by superconductivity.
The aim of the magnet developments in the KfK is therefore to make available the technology of superconductivity for large-scale experiments in plasma physics and the later fusion reactors, which is performed in co-operation with industry as part of the European fusion program. Technical safety ingas supply - prevention of manipulations; Technische Sicherheit in der Gasversorgung - Manipulationsabwehr. Most accidents in gas supply are gas explosions wilfully caused for the purpose of suicide, killing, stealing gas, or causing damage to property.
The gas industry attempts to minimize these manipulations by means of practicable technical, organisational and communicative measures. Dem Gasfach kommt damit noch staerker als bisher die Aufgabenstellung zu, mit praktikablen technischen und eventuell organisatorischen wie auch kommunikativen Moeglichkeiten diese Manipulationsfaelle auf ein Mindestmass zu reduzieren. The demand for lightweight constructions and light weight materials is probably as old as the transportation of people and goods.
The aspiration in gaining even better light weight materials with increased mechanical properties is an old, but still actual topic. At this point magnesium alloys can be applied to fullfill this demand. Actually available commercial alloys have to be improved regarding their mechanical properties, especially for increased temperatures. This work aims to gain a bet Technical measurement of pressure and force; 2. The methods used in the field of technical measurement of pressure and force which employ an electric, pressure-proportional output signal have been increasingly applied over the last years.
Methods with inductive and capacitative transducers or wire strain gauge transducers have been continuously further developed and perfected. Transducers which use piezoelectrical or piezoresistive methods are also widely applied. This book describes a large number of typical applications and solutions to problems in the fields of research, development, manufacturing and project development. So sind die Verfahren mit induktiven und kapazitiven Aufnehmern ebenso wie die mit Dehnungsmessstreifen-Aufnehmern staendig weiterentwickelt und vervollkommnet worden.
Daneben haben auch die Messwertaufnehmer, die nach dem piezoelektrischen oder dem piezoresistiven Verfahren arbeiten, starke Verbreitung gefunden. Ausserdem werden Ausfuehrungen fuer spezielle industrielle Einsatzfaelle dargestellt. Besonderes Gewicht wird bei den einzelnen Beitraegen auf die Darstellung von typischen Anwendungsbeispielen und Problemloesungen in Forschung, Entwicklung, Fertigung und Projektierung gelegt.
Prenzlau geothermal heat exchanger - technical concept and performance; Erdwaermetiefensonde Prenzlau - technisches Konzept und Betriebserfahrungen. The geothermal heat exchanger transfers heat geothermal heat through the metal wall of the outer pipe to the circulating water. The clean water heats up on its way down and is then pumped up again through the insulated inner riser pipe. The heated water is used for district heating. Drilling started on 26 March , and the system was commissioned on 10 November Today, it supplies heat and warm water to about apartments.
Das eingeleitete saubere Wasser erwaermt sich an der aeusseren Rohrwandung auf dem Weg nach unten und wird dann im inneren waermeisolierten Steigrohr an die Oberflaeche befoerdert. Das erwaermte Waser wird in Prenzlau ueber eine Waermepumpe zu Fernwaermezwecken benutzt. Die Sonde gestattet Spitzenleistungen im Stundenbereich von mehr als kW. A safer road environment for cyclists.
This thesis focuses on the question of how the road environment road design and network characteristics affects road safety for cyclists through effects on risk and exposure to risk. Fundamentals - products - framework conditions; Technische Biooele. Grundlagen - Produkte - Rahmenbedingungen. The Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. The contribution under consideration consists of the following chapters: Fundamentals, technical properties, applications, environmental aspects, legal framework conditions, funding measures; market of biological lubricants, economic operation with biological lubricants.
A short report is given about the routine methods of standardization of radionuclides. The equipments used and the procedures of source preparation are described. District heating service connections. The fourth edition of the 'Technical regulations - district heating service connections' constitutes a completely revised version answering to the considerable developments and changes the house service sector experienced between and Analyses and practical experiences have proved to show that precision thermostats which, depending on the mode of lines and layout of the service system allow to spare central temperature control systems, still have a decisive influence on the design of district heating service stations.
The revised chapter on steam line service connections focuses on problems concerning the metering of condensates and the connection of secondary water heating networks to steam lines. An introduction into its bases and technical applications. Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen. Baehr, Hans Dieter [Hannover Univ. The actualized 14th edition covers now a further chapter on energy conversion: Furtheron practical application on combustion processes, thermal power plants, carbon dioxide and power generation, heating systems and refrigerating machinery are completed.
The concepts of exergy and energy are introduced by postulates instead of being constructed on the basis of certain theorems; this is to give the students easier access to the fundamental balance equations which are the basic elements in the quantitative statements of the two basic laws of thermodynamics and are indispensable for their application. The balance equations are expressed in as general a form as possible taking account also of transient processes of open systems and of the special case of steady flow processes.
Auflage des bewaehrten Lehrbuchs der Technischen Thermodynamik wurde das Kapitel ueber Waermekraftanlagen gruendlich bearbeitet und durch einen Abschnitt zur Energiewandlung ergaenzt: Die Energiebedarfsstruktur von Deutschland wird erlaeutert, und die moeglichen Energiewandlungspfade werden diskutiert. Schwerpunkt des Buches ist die ausfuehrliche und auch dem Anfaenger verstaendliche Darstellung der Grundlagen der Thermodynamik mit der sorgfaeltigen Einfuehrung der thermodynamischen Begriffe und den fundamentalen Bilanzgleichungen fuer Energie, Entropie und Exergie.
Die thermodynamischen Eigenschaften reiner Fluide und fluider Gemische werden eingehend erlaeutert. Technical Scientific Attaches and domotics. A special issue; Technisch Wetenschappelijk Attaches en domotica. In this special issue attaches in the different countries present information on developments and trends with respect to domotics, building automation, home networks, etc.
Physical and technical aspects of cryomedicine. Physikalische und technische Aspekte der Kryomedizin. Medizinische Akademie, Dresden Germany. Some of the functional principles of cryomedical device engineering, the special features of heat transmission at the tissue surface and a model for calculating treatment parameters are presented for a discussion of focal cold application dosed according to indication. The elaboration of the physico-technical basics of cryotherapy has contributed to the development of this originally empirically oriented method to a safe and widely accepted therapeutic procedure.
Technical, ethical and social aspects. Technische , ethische und soziale Aspekte. Legal, psychological and political aspects of the problem were examined, but the emphasis was placed on ethical aspects. The effects which are examined in conventional risk analyses can be considered as a part of the ethical and social aspects involved, and in turn, the consideration of ethical and social aspects can be viewed as an extension of the conventional form of risk analysis. In any case, among risk experts, the significance of ethical and social factors is uncontested, especially as regards activities which can have far-reaching repurcussions.
Some objective difficulties interfere with this goal, however: Under certain circumstances, generalizations which are made for complete technological systems can lead to completely different conclusions. One contribution deals with integral views of the risks of atomic energy from an ethical and social perspective. Production and technical fields of application; Biokohle. Erzeugung und technische Einsatzmoeglichkeiten.
Although it is a familiar subject, biochar is highly topical. The reasons are climate protection measures and the security of resources. Both the energy-intensive primary industries, such as steel, cement- and lime plants, as well as the operators of fossil-fueled power plants, particularly coal-fired power stations, have a fundamental and economically motivated interest in climate-neutral and competitively priced energy resources.
For economical causes and in relevance to the climate, the focus of biochar production should be on the use of biogenic waste material. In principle, two different methods are applied to produce biochar. One is through pyrolysis, meaning heating and devolatilization of the material under the exclusion of air, and the other one is through hydrothermal treatment of biomasses in aqueous phase under high pressure and elevated temperatures.
Basically, biochar with high carbon content and a low amount of volatile matter is suitable for almost every industrial process, in which coal or coke are used as reducing agents, e. In order to use biochar as a fuel, a lower level of quality is sufficient. In this case, the main aim of the thermal treatment is to increase the energy density of biomass.
Full Text Available In the s and s two new approaches to an evolutionary explanation of technology emerged: This evolution of technology seemed able to explain multi-causal coherences in the genesis of technology applicably by using allegedly simple rules. KWL Lingen nuclear plant. The technical annual report for KWL Lingen nuclear plant covers the following sections: Grondwatereffecten aan de oppervlakte gebracht: Deze rapportage bevat de beschrijving van de afzonderlijke modellen en is om die reden opgebouwd uit 5 delen. Deel I beschrijft de totstandkoming van de geo hydro logie van de ondergrond.
Daarbij wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen Pleistoceen en Holoceen waarbij het Holoceen zowel regionaal als ook in. The history of food self-service shops in the Netherlands has only recently been linked explicitly to the field of history of technology. The main question posed in this research is how food self-service shops arose in the Netherlands, how they developed and what explanations could be given for.
ASG werkt samen met een breed scala aan partijen aan de ontwikkeling en toepassing van nieuwe generaties draadloze sensornetwerken. Interfaces, protocols and solutions; Kommunikation technischer Gebaeudesysteme. Schnittstellen, Protokolle und Loesungen. In chapter 18 of the anthology about building control the communication between and with technical building systems is described. After the basics have been explained in the previous chapter interfaces, protocols and solutions are presented in this part.
The set includes sensors that detect touch, light, sound and ultrasonic waves, with several others being sold separately, including an RFID reader. There are also several unofficial programs and compatible programming languages that have been made to work with the brick, and many books have been written to support this community. The earliest is Botball, a national U. FLL uses Lego-based robots to complete tasks. FLL participants build models out of Lego elements. In its season, there were 16, FLL teams in over 55 countries. In its season, there were 2, Jr. The international RoboCup Junior football competition involves extensive use of Lego Mindstorms equipment which is often pushed to its extreme limits.
Designs for these Lego prosthetics allow everything from mechanical diggers to laser-firing spaceships to be screwed on to the end of a child's limb. Iko is the work of the Chicago-based Colombian designer Carlos Arturo Torres, and is a modular system that allows children to customise their own prosthetics with the ease of clicking together plastic bricks. Designed with Lego's Future Lab, the Danish toy company's experimental research department, and Cirec, a Colombian foundation for physical rehabilitation, the modular prosthetic incorporates myoelectric sensors that register the activity of the muscle in the stump and send a signal to control movement in the attachment.
A processing unit in the body of the prosthetic contains an engine compatible with Lego Mindstorms, the company's robotics line, which lets the wearer build an extensive range of customised, programmable limbs. Lego cloneThe definitive shape of the Lego bricks, with the inner tubes, was patented by the Lego Group in CoCo was ordered to cease manufacture of the products, publish a formal apology and pay damages. There are also moderated message boards that were founded in The website has a built in inbox which allows users to send pre written messages to one another.
The Lego Network includes automated non-player characters within called 'Networkers', who are able to do things which normal users cannot do, sending custom messages, and selling masterpieces and blueprints. The site also has modules which are set up on the user's page that give the user items, or that display picture compositions. Before My Lego Network, there were Lego Club Pages, which essentially held the same purpose, although the design lacked complex interaction.
Two Legoland Discovery Centres opened in The opening of each store is celebrated with weekend-long event in which a Master Model Builder creates, with the help of volunteers—most of whom are children—a larger-than-life Lego statue, which is then displayed at the new store for several weeks. Lego Serious PlaySince around , the Lego Group has been promoting 'Lego Serious Play', a form of business consultancy fostering creative thinking, in which team members build metaphors of their organizational identities and experiences using Lego bricks.
Participants work through imaginary scenarios using visual three-dimensional Lego constructions, imaginatively exploring possibilities in a serious form of play.
List of Lego video gamesLego branched out into the video game market in by founding Lego Media International Limited, and Lego Island was released that year by Mindscape. Lego board gamesLego Games launched in , was a series of Lego-themed board games designed by Cephas Howard and Reiner Knizia[76][77] in which the players usually build the playing board out of Lego bricks and then play with Lego-style players.
Examples of the games include 'Minotaurus', in which players roll dice to move characters within a brick-build labyrinth, 'Creationary', in which players must build something which appears on a card, or 'Ramses Pyramid', in which players collect gems and climb up a customizable pyramid. Like many board games, the games use dice. In Lego Games, the dice are Lego, with Lego squares with symbols on Lego studs on the dice, surrounded by rubber. The games vary from simple to complex, some are similar to 'traditional' board games, while others are completely different.

Masters of Spinjitzu began in , and another based on Legends of Chima began in A television series of Lego City has also been announced. The first was 'The Ultimate Lego Book', published in A celebration of 30 years of the LEGO minifigure, a smaller book focused on the minifigure. In , a revised edition was published. The Visual Dictionary and a range of Lego-based sticker books. Bionicle comics, also written by Farshtey, are compiled into graphic novels and were released by Papercutz.
This series ended in , after nine years. The clothes are for boys and girls from 0 to 12 years old and the partnership also ties in with other Lego products such as 'Ninjago', 'Hero Factory' and the new 'Friends' theme for girls. How to pronounce Lego in Danish'. Archived from the original on 5 September Retrieved 6 September Archived from the original on 26 November Retrieved 20 February Retrieved 17 July Archived from the original on 31 January Retrieved 28 January Archived from the original on 6 September Archived from the original on 26 July Retrieved 2 May Made Of Spare Parts'.
Archived from the original on 3 May Archived from the original on 3 June Retrieved 24 May Archived from the original on 25 April Retrieved 3 September Archived from the original on 14 February National Toy Hall of Fame. Archived from the original on 25 September University of Copenhagen Faculty of Science.
Archived from the original on 2 April Retrieved 29 March Archived from the original PDF on 11 May Archived from the original on 23 August Retrieved 3 October Archived from the original on 3 April Archived from the original on 29 March Archived from the original on 24 January Retrieved 21 May Archived from the original on 19 April Retrieved 29 May Archived from the original on 15 May Retrieved 13 May Archived from the original on 10 September Retrieved 26 September Archived from the original on 9 August Retrieved 28 July Archived from the original on 4 November Archived from the original on 4 December Retrieved 4 December The average maximum force the bricks can stand is 4,N.
That's equivalent to a mass of kg lbs. If you divide that by the mass of a single brick, which is 1. So, , bricks towering 3. Archived from the original on 28 March Lego kan samles og adskilles over Archived from the original on 14 September Retrieved 25 August Archived from the original on 23 May Archived from the original on 28 August Archived from the original on 31 August Archived from the original on 3 October Archived from the original on 23 July Retrieved 23 July The New York Times. Retrieved 9 March Archived from the original on 7 July Retrieved 20 August Archived from the original on 19 September Retrieved 7 September Archived from the original on 1 October Archived from the original on 1 February Archived from the original on 23 January Archived from the original on 2 November Retrieved 6 March Archived from the original on 24 May Archived from the original on 27 May Archived from the original on 7 August Retrieved 1 January Archived from the original on 24 July Archived from the original on 12 September Archived from the original on 17 September Archived from the original on 26 August Archived from the original on 10 July Retrieved 1 November Interview with Cephas Howard'.
Archived from the original on 18 August Retrieved 24 August Archived from the original on 17 August Archived from the original on 15 September Archived from the original on 4 June Sets dates for the Lego Movie'. Archived from the original on 24 September Archived from the original on 13 May Archived from the original on 27 December Archived from the original on 31 December Archived from the original on 2 February Retrieved 25 January Archived from the original on 4 July Retrieved 10 July Archived from the original on 16 March Retrieved 26 August Archived from the original on 22 August Retrieved 8 August Building Robots with Java Brains.
McKee, Jacob H The Ultimate Tool for Mindstorms Maniacs. Pilegaard, Ulrik; Dooley, Mike James May's Toy Stories. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Vermutungen, der Name sei vom lateinischen lego ich lese, ich sammle hergeleitet, werden vom Hersteller bestritten. Dieses Kupplungsprinzip wurde am Januar zum Patent angemeldet[4], das auslief.
Dagegen gingen mehrere Wettbewerber vor. Entsprechend urteilte am Diese Bauweise setzte sich durch und wird noch immer verwendet. Es gibt auch Lego-Uhren, die mit den Grundsteinen kombinierbar sind. Seit wird Lego Castle hergestellt. Piraten-Sets wurden von bis produziert. Eine weitere Serie kam und unter dem Namen Pirates in den Handel. Seit April sind neue Pirates Sets im Handel.
Western wurde nur und produziert, dann aber mangels Erfolg wieder eingestellt. Das Wikinger-Thema wurde von bis vermarktet. Die Anlage wurde von einem Netztrafo versorgt. Die Montage der Gleise gestaltet sich damit wesentlich einfacher, allerdings sind sie zum Volt-System nicht mehr voll kompatibel.
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Dazu brachte Lego neue Gleise auf den Markt, die aus kleinen Abschnitten bestehen. Jeder Abschnitt besteht aus zwei Teilen, die sich zueinander in einem Winkel von einigen Grad verdrehen lassen. Tron, Mars Mission etc. Zum Start des Kinofilms Star Wars: Wenn ein Vorschlag bei der Gemeinschaft mehr als Neben den Standardfiguren von Lego Technic sind sie die beweglichsten jemals produzierten Lego-Figuren. Insgesamt sind etwa verschiedene Bionicle-Sets erschienen. Anfang erschienen die letzten Bionicle-Sets, die Bionicle Stars.