Forest Spirit
Up to four players compete to acquire the most spirit symbols, as they score nature points for having the majority of each spirit. The winner is the player with the most nature points at the end of the game. For the Italian version of the game, please pledge towards our partner, GateOnGames! It is a challenge to create a game, manufacture it and then ship to the warehouse, but the most important of all, fulfill our backers.
After what we learnt from our first three projects, specially Tao Long, we feel confident and prepared to manage this project in the best way possible. To avoid any delays, we decided to prepare the game before the campaign. All the assets are already in hands of our manufacturer and we should receive a final pre-production copy of the Deluxe Edition during the campaign. The retail edition is already in our hands and ready to be printed.
We will make sure to start mass-production as soon as the campaign is over. These are our fulfillment partners for this campaign: We are consistently monitoring the project and working hard to remove as much risk as we can from you and bear with it ourselves, If you have any questions about the project development please don't hesitate to ask. We are striving to be as transparent as possible. Questions about this project?
List of nature deities - Wikipedia
Foraging for food may, in some cases, cause people to ingest psychoactive plants. There are many wild plants with entheogenic properties which can alter perception or even cause hallucinations. Even without this influence, a weary traveler may see something strange through the mist and since it doesn't fit within his lexicon of understanding, he attributes it to something supernatural in nature. Whatever the actual causes may have been, these beings were very real to the people who saw them. The Huldra is a mysterious creature.
She is among those feminine spirits who seem to embody the wildness of nature to lure men astray. Mermaids and sirens come to mind, as representatives of the wild women of the water. The Huldra performs a similar role in folklore of the forests of Scandinavia. Like her watery sisters, the Huldra is said to be exquisitely enchanting. Although men are warned of the dangers she represents, they are still allured by her beauty. She may appear as any other ordinary woman, but for two tells. The Huldra's main defining feature is her long tail, similar to a cow's tail.
She takes great measures to hide her tail, so that men will not be distracted from her seduction. The other give away is that if the Huldra is approached from behind, her body appears hollow!
Do you believe in woodland spirits?
There may be a connection between the Huldra and the German goddess Frau Holle. Holle is known by many names in different German speaking areas, and one of her monikers is "Holda," which is thought to be etymologically related to Huldra. One similarity between Holle and the Huldra is that while both may appear as young and beautiful women, they may also appear as haggard old crones.
Another similarity is their connection to the forest. While Huldra is a forest spirit, Holle was once known as a protectress of the forest, and of wild animals. The Leshy is a forest guardian spirit from Russian and neighboring Slavic regions, where he is known by such similar sounding names as Lesovik, Leshak, etc.
He may have a similar origin as the British Green man, but is also in the vein of the wodewose wild man archetype.
Nature Spirits - Elves and Fairies of the Forest
As protector of the woods, Leshy is the lord of all the animals in the forest. If entering the woods to take necessities from it, such as firewood or game, it was customary to leave an offering of salt, bread, or milk. Accounts of Leshy's appearance vary somewhat. Some say that he has a pale greenish skin, others say that his skin is blue or grey toned.
But, he is always described with wild green hair and a beard. It is also often said that he wears his shoes on the wrong feet, and he casts no shadow.
The Leshy is a shape-shifter and he can miraculously appear as a mortal man to confuse and mislead trespassers in his glen. Travelers are warned to stay close to the path for the Leshy may seek vengeance by leading them deeper and deeper into the wood only to abandon them and disappear laughing! He could also change his size to be as tall as the tallest tree or as tiny as a blade of grass.
Though he is connected to all wild animals in his forest, bears were the beasts most associated with Leshy. This may be partly due to their fearsome strength, but also because they hibernate in the winter.

The Leshy and his kin fall into slumber when the leaves fall off the trees in autumn and do not reawaken until the new leaves bud in spring. The turbulent weather seen in springtime was said to be the Leshies expressing their rage at having been suppressed throughout the winter. Very bad storms happened when two or more Leshies quarreled with one another. Although the Leshy was a fearsome creature, he was not so harsh that he did not have a sweetheart.
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In fact, the Leshy was married to a Lesovikha and together they had children, the Leshonki. The Moss Folk come to us from the forests of Germany where they are known as Moosleute or wilde Leute wild people , but they can be found in the folklore of the neighboring central European countries of Poland and the Czech Republic as well.
They sometimes are known by other names such as Forest Folk or Wood Folk. Most of the Moss Folk are female, so they are also referred to as Wood Wives. No matter what they are called, these creatures are always highly identified with trees and considered to be the trees' guardian spirits.
In appearance, the Moss People are typically short in stature and appear elderly; but this does not imply frailty, rather an image of aged wisdom. Moss covers their face, their hair is like grey lichen hanging from their heads, and their limbs are like knotted Maple bark. These Wood Women also weave moss to dress the roots of the Maple trees. Unlike the Leshy, the Moss Folk are generally helpful to humans so long as their forests are respected.
Befriending a Moss Woman may result in her sharing the secrets of her forest, such as which plants to use for healing. If one of their saplings is carelessly crushed underfoot, however, they will chase the offender out of the forest! As stated above, Moss People women are sometimes referred to as Wood Wives.
But there is apparently an alternate version of this being. Sometimes the Wood Wife appears young and beautiful. So, here we see another creature who possesses traits similar with the Huldra and Frau Holle, both of whom might appear as a young seductress or a withered crone. In this youthful incarnation, the Wood Wives may also be referred to as Moss Maidens. Another association between this creature and Frau Holle is her association with the Wild Hunt.
This fantastical event was both fabulous and frightening as a large host of wild spirits were thought to fly through the night sky. In parts of Germany, Frau Holle was believed to ride with Odin. In some regions, it was said that Holle lead the Wild Hunt herself. Wood Wives and Moss Maidens are found in folklore surrounding the Wild Hunt, however they are not to be found participating voluntarily.
Rather, it is said that the "Wild Huntsman" chased these poor beings as they scrambled for their lives. There is also a theory that when old trees are cut, blood could come forth from them. In Aogashima in the Izu Islands , shrines are created at the base of large sugi trees in the mountains and are worshipped to under the name "kidama-sama" and "kodama-sama," and thus the vestiges of belief in tree spirits can be seen.
On Okinawa , tree spirits are called "kiinushii," and whenever a tree is cut down, one would first pray to kiinushii and then cut it. Also, when there is an echoing noise of what sounds like a fallen tree at the dead of night, even though there are no actual fallen trees, it is said to be the anguishing voice of kiinushii, and it is said that in times like these, the tree would then wither several days later. They occasionally speak, and can especially be heard when a person dies.
In modern times, cutting down a tree which houses a kodama is thought to bring misfortune, and such trees are often marked with shimenawa rope. Kodama are prominently featured in Hayao Miyazaki's anime film Princess Mononoke. They are portrayed as small, white humanoids with large, rattling heads and mask-like features, with asymmetrical black dots for eyes and mouth and move similar to bobbleheads.