Etoiles dans la nuit des temps (Eurasie) (French Edition)
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We will contact you if necessary. To learn more about Copies Direct watch this short online video. How do I find a book? This version evoked numerous debates in the society at large at Aigine has conducted a series of workshops on mitigating contention points between male and female practitioners. One of the main objectives of the School was to revitalize and enhance traditional mentor-apprentice system that has been lost.
Over the course of the project, nine young epic reciters were recruited out of more than thirty applicants from all over Kyrgyzstan. This School gave the young manaschys a unique opportunity to meet with and learn from recognized epic chanters during few-day-long workshops three times a year.
In , Aigine implemented a project called En Belgi on promoting traditional musical heritage. En Belgi is music note system developed by a prominent traditional musician — Nurak Abdrakhmanov, which facilitates learning to play komuz, the folk musical instrument. The system builds on intangible traditional cultural elements such as traditional mentorship, values and practices. In , Aigine introduced the En Belgi system in formal education. Senior researchers at Aigine hold advanced degrees in humanities and social sciences. Both senior and junior researchers constantly thrive to improve their research skills and expertise by combining academic research and education with applied projects.
Since , Aigine CRC has been using PAR — participatory action research in order to preserve and promote the phenomena of intangible cultural heritage related to Kyrgyz epics, folk music, sacred sites, practices related to weather and environment, and many others. By its essence PAR demands involvement of all stakeholders, but in the first turn it requires putting practitioners, bearers and custodians in the center of a problem solving process.
Aigne has been successful in building fruitful and meaningful cooperation with traditional practitioners and local communities. For instance, a series of national and international level gatherings with the epic chanters in allowed conceiving and implementing the idea of creating a video compilation of the Manas. Aigine thrives to build trust-based and long term cooperation with all its partners and prioritizes interests and needs of local communities, traditional practitioners and knowledge holders.
This approach proved effectives since it fosters self-organization and strong horizontal ties among stakeholders. For example, the community of the epic reciters took a lead in identifying the list of core episodes for the video compilation and the epic chanters who were to recite each episode. The epic chanters were directly involved in video-shooting and editing of the final version.
Strong ties allow Aigine to update information on sacred sites on a regular basis. For example, trust-based and mutually respectful cooperation between Aigine and the informal network of the sacred site guardians resulted in joint attempts to lobby and advocate legal recognition of sacred sites and related intangible cultural elements. Il a donc une valeur nationale et universelle.
Ainsi, le peuple fait entendre sa voix par le biais de Nasreddin Hodja. Cela se passe tous les ans ainsi: Du 5 au10 juillet, concernant le programme du Festival: On appelle Nasreddin Hodja qui vient parmi nous. Nous organisons ainsi les concours de caricatures, d'histoires humoristiques, photographies, d'affiches de Festival. Bien que les Ahis constituent une organisation professionnelle surtout les artisans , qui avaient des us et coutumes ainsi que des secrets.
On les nomme souvent par erreur les tziganes. In partnership with local communities, AIHC researches on, documents and promotes tangible and intangible indigenous cultural heritage with a view to highlighting African thought, worldview and philosophy that live behind local cultural practices and rituals.
Through participatory cultural activities, AIHC develops and enriches the consciousness of the people about their cultural heritage and fosters respect for cultural identities. Regular inter-cultural exchange programs by AIHC serve to cultivate cultural exchange and give indigenous culture international prominence.
Through working bays for crafts production and a craft shop, AIHC develops skills and knowledge relating to traditional crafts and facilitates establishment of market linkages. Working through traditional leaders, AIHC researches and documents cultural elements in local communities for purposes of developing an inventory of cultural elements residing in the local communities and feed these into national inventory.
AIHC has peformance spaces which serve as a platform for identification and nurturing of rural based performance artists.
Through cultivating cultural exchanges, AIHC gives indigenous culture international prominence in a manner that supports sustainable development of rural communities in Zimbabwe. AIHC cooperates with public and private cultural institutions and interested bodies for the purpose of highlighting indigenous thought, worldview and philosophy. The organisation uses both traditional and new media to facilitate documentation and promotion of threteaned elements of intangible culural heritage.
AIHC's vision is to be a centre of excellence in the documentation, preservation and promotion of Zimbabwe's cultural heritage. An annual competition motivates women to paint their homesteads thus preserving the art form. Resident Dance Group - AIHC has a resident dance group whose members are women, men and youths from the local community. The group specialises in performing the wosana traditional dance which is a rain making dance unique to Matobo District. Members of the local community and researchers use the group to understand the dance routine and dancers' black attire.
Community Inventorying - With technical support from AIHC, members of the local Matobo community are doing write ups about the nature, rationale and signifance of social practices such as lobola pride price and sacred spaces. Cultural Policy and Strategy Formulation - AIHC is currently supporting four Rural District Councils in Zimbabwe to craft cultural policies and strategies so as to build local level institutional capacity to preserve and promote various elements of indigenous cultural heritage.
Project mainstreams indigenous cultural heritage in service delivery. Botanical Garden - The botanical section of AIHC has various indigenous tree species supplied by members of the local community. Medicinal and nutritional value of the trees and shrubs is shared with visitors to the Centre. The spirituality of the paintings and the shrine is interpreted thus raising awareness on local traditional religion. Promotion of Craftsmanship - AIHC supports communities in Matobo with training in basketry, pottery, leather tanning and wood carving. AIHC also has working space for craft persons and a craft shop to promote market linkages.
Inter-generational transmission of craft skills is done through discussions and trainings between the elderly and the young at AIHC. Traditional Food and Beverages Expo - The Expo is a platform for the local Matobo community to learn about traditional food and beverages. The role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in the agriculture value chain is shared so as to enhance food security and household nutrition.
Tour of Murals - The perimeter wall at AIHC has murals which were conceptualised by members of the local community and depict the pre-colonial way of life of the local Ndebel people. The murals are used as learning aids when primary, secondary and tertiary institutions visit AIHC to learn about intangible cultural heritage such as beer brewing, corn threshing and interpreting of decorative motifs. Book Publishing - AIHC has a book publishing unit, Amagugu Publishers, whose mandate is to publish texts that document various elements of local intangible cultural heritage.
Over 12 texts have been published to date and these are being used by both teachers and students in primary and secondary schools. Film Screenings - Film screenings are used as an informal method of learning particularly for members of the local Matobo community who have no access to national television. Film screenings often share information on Zimbabwe's social practices and rituals. Storytelling sessions - Working with a network of elderly women, young children receive at AIHC invaluable social teachings through storytelling sessions.
Assemblées générales
AIHC is a self-contained multi-purpose institution strategically located within a communal land in the confines of the Matobo World Heritage Site. Annual Traditional Food Expo empowers women to showcase their culinary skills and sell farm produce. Project on traditional hut painting using natural pigments works through a local committee made up of traditional leaders and villagers.
Local committee does adjudication. Two gazebos at AIHC provide local dance groups with access to free rehearsal space. Local groups also perform at events organised by AIHC. A music and dance exchange program was launched in and entails established groups sharing knowledge and skills with emerging youthful groups so as to foster intergenerational transmission of ICH. In order to strengthen viability of traditional craftsmanship in Matobo, there are working bays at AIHC where local youths are taught by the elderly the skill of crafts making in the realms of basketry, pottery and leather tanning.
AIHC also has a craft shop where locals deposit their artefacts which are sold to visitors. Matobo crafts are promoted to the public at fora such as the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair where selected craft persons have been supported to attend and exhibit. Workshops have also been conducted for craft persons with the view to initiate and sustain financial literacy.
An annual face painting competition for women is held and seeks to revitalise the waning art of face painting using natural pigments. Local elderly women are responsible for adjudication of this project. Tour guides at AIHC are members of the Matobo community and this has ensured that intangible cultural heritage is shared in the most effective manner.
AIHC's ward and district level assemblies of creative practitioners are a systematic approach to ensuring ease of access to individuals and groups knowledgeable about the five domains of ICH. Assemblies are self-regulating and meet annually at AIHC. Groups from the various schools in the locality visit AIHC where they are taught various elements of ICH as part of intergenerational transmission of knowledge and skills.
The Centre provides local children and adults with regular edutainment through film screenings that address chosen ICH themes. Its institutional mission is to contribute to the safeguarding of traditional craftwork and to improve the living standards and self-esteem of their practitioners in areas of Brazil with low human development indices.
The decision to prioritise families whose income often falls below the poverty line implies that ArteSol has contributed to safeguard several craftwork expressions at risk of disappearing. With the support of several partners, sponsors, volunteers and donors, ArteSol has developed projects supporting traditional producers of pottery, weaving, lace and embroidery work, wooden and clay sculptures, musical instruments and toys, among other artefacts made primarily by women.
These projects have benefited approximately 5, people, considering artisans and their family members, in 96 localities of various regions of the country, distributed as follows: The actions developed by ArteSol set out from the principle that intangible cultural heritage in general, and traditional craftwork in particular, are resources of special significance in terms of the history, worldviews and ways of life of their practitioners.
These resources are potentially available to most, if not all, members of cultural communities, allowing for differences in gender, age and other forms of social differentiation. They are often an important component of family income. For such economic and socio-psychological reasons, their safeguarding and development, when sustainable, can contribute decisively to improve their living conditions, boost their self-esteem and promote access to citizenship rights.
The social technology developed by ArteSol includes the identification of groups of traditional craft-workers living in poverty; the understanding of their activity as an integral part of social life, worldview and family budget; interpretation of the values attributed to their work and products by the wider public; elaboration of specific safeguarding plans, implementation and continuous evaluation of the project performance.
One of the first priorities of action plans are to contribute to the formation of associations; to understand consumer needs and tastes; to redesign products where necessary, respecting traditional taste and techniques; to help in price formation and in establishing as direct as possible relations with the market. A key objective has been to strengthen the autonomy of the artisans in the sale of their products and advise them on how to market in line with fair trade principles.
ArteSol has effectively contributed to safeguarding expressions of intangible cultural heritage at risk in Brazil. In addition, this approach contributes significantly to projects of regional sustainable development like those taking place in Polo Veredas Minas Gerais State , for example. Individuals and institutional partners have contributed a variety of financial, intellectual, technical and political resources, at various levels, to the continuity and development of the projects and actions developed by ArteSol.
ArteSol still implements this approach with communities included more recently its programs. However, its main goal since has been to build the ArteSol Network, focusing mainly on the communities that have participated in activities developed by ArteSol since Goiabeiras earthenware cooking dishes Espirito Santo State , in Divina Pastora Irish Style Lacemaking, in In the near future, the Network aims to include gradually stores, support institutions and government support programs through a communication plan that provides ready access to information and contacts.
Rede ArteSol is not a sales site. Its objectives is build relationships and become an effective networking tool for the development of traditional craftwork in Brazil. This initiative has produced already very positive results, encouraging us to continue to work in this direction. The general objectives of the Ashiq Shamshir Public Union is the collection, research, study, publication, protection, promotion of Azerbaijani Ashiq Art and its transmission to the future generation. The Public Union has been involved in the following projects and events related to the safeguarding, promotion and transmission of intangible cultural heritage of Azerbaijan.
The samples of the forgotten folk art genres, especially the family-domestic folk plays were gathered, filmed and the educational materials were prepared aiming promotion of these folk arts. The objective of the project is to outline the importance of the masterworks in the education of the young generation and to provide information to the young generation in this regard.
In October , the Public Union has started the execution of a project named: The lecturers presented their works on subjects like the importance of folk arts in the Uzeyir Hacibayli's works and the role of Uzeyir Hajibayli in development of Ashiq Art. The objective of the event was the safeguarding of traditions and folk arts and also emphasizing on the importance of continuation of all actions undertaken in line with this issue.
On 24 March 24 , the Public Union has organized a concert program for the Azerbaijani people in Mainz, Germany within Novruz festival programme. The objective of the conference was to contribute to cultural integration between the nations. The objective of the event was to investigate the role of the outstanding representative of Ashiq - Ozan Art of 20th century, Ashiq Shamshir in this art and its investigation from scientific and theoretical points of view. The Public Union organized an event on 21 December on the occasion of the th anniversary of Hoseyn Javid, an outstanding poet and drama writer.
In collaboration with the Baku State University, the Public Union organized an event dedicated to the th anniversary of Mir Jalal Pashayev, the outstanding scholar and writer, in December Awards The Public Union took part in a book festival on 28 May The prize was awarded to the Public Union for its role in development of cultural values, its efforts in line with the promotion of Ashiq art and its support provided to the field of culture.
The Public Union has participated in numerous international conferences, festivals and cultural events. It has as well supported many publications on Ashiq Shamshir. The Public Union has established close relationships with folk experts, musicologists, poets, masters and performers of Ashiq Shamshir as well as with other persons involved or interested in the field of art. Spread the manifestations of the Galician-Portuguese Cultural Heritage.
Foster the conservation and respect for the Cultural Heritage of the Euroregion as an original cultural property in this territory with a presence throughout the world. Foster the relationship among the Galician and Portuguese educational establishments as well as others from different countries in order to strengthen their mutual knowledge.
The promotion of cultural and educational activities in school environments and the spread of activities related to the school radio and the use of new technologies in school. The spread and use of Galician language in relation with Portuguese, as well as the promotion of the common identity of the two territories through an overall perspective of the European integration and the Portuguese-speaking world. Promote the collection and spread of the Intangible Heritage contents in order to be the link of the bearers of knowledge with new generations and, at the same time, enhance the potential of this heritage.
Defend before governments and organisations deemed appropriate, the creation of the Euroregion Living Human Treasures System. Collaborate with other associations, as well as public and private bodies to carry out activities which help to revitalise and keep the expressions of the Galician-Portuguese Cultural Heritage alive. The cultural and pedagogical Association Ponte Its activities began in and continue up to present date.
Galician and Portuguese specialists in pedagogy, philology, anthropology and ethnography collaborate on the Association's projects. The first activities of the Association were focused on achieving, in both sides of the Galician-Portuguese border, a mutual recognition of the Galician-Portuguese Intangible Heritage hereinafter "GPIH". Inter-school communication day" the Association chose its name after this event. Since the proclamation of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in , the Association decided to start a line of work on the Intangible Heritage.
The Inter-school Communication Day has had 20 editions, and saw the participation of more than educational institutions from Spain and Portugal, as well as other educational institutions from America and Africa. The Samples of the Galician-Portuguese Oral Tradition intend to make known, in a single event, examples of the oral Galician-Portuguese tradition by joining oral expression, theater and music together. Since its first edition, 10 samples have taken place in locations in Galicia and the north of Portugal.
For three days, representative expressions of the Galician-Portuguese intangible heritage were shown. The collected samples came with the corresponding technical data sheet and transcription. This was the only contest aimed to the educational institutions of the Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion. Published in Galician, Portuguese, Spanish and English. The Congress's main subjects were education, the heritage, the ICTs and the media.
Interviews and data related to heritage-bearers were collected. The initiative resulted in the creation of a website and the publication of a Book-DVD about the recognition of persons and groups belonging to maritime culture in A Guarda's town council. It takes place in locations in Galicia or in the north of Portugal. XI annual meetings have already been held. It was the first candidature promoted by two educational institutions from two european countries. The process started in and the proposal was developed for two years by team of the Association. Association has been working since towards the documentation, gathering and recognition of several manifestations of the GPIH Galician-Portuguese Intangible Heritage.
This work was always carried out in direct contact with the communities bearing the said heritage. These groups collaborated in many of the Association's activities in order to revitalize this heritage and convey it to the younger generations. During the elaboration of the proposal for the Candidature of the Galician-Portuguese Intangible Cultural Heritage, which began in , the Association contacted the representative communities of the GPIH in both Galicia and the north of Portugal. These communities were representative of the heritage's fields featured in the Candidature: The written consent and the Candidature's documentation were submitted together.
In all of the GPIH's fields, the bearing communities and gathering groups of this heritage in Galicia and North of Portugal collaborated with the Association, thus providing equipment and performing conveying activities in formal learning as well as in public events. Once the Candidature was presented before the UNESCO in , and as it was being assessed by the international jury, communities and bearers performed activities to spread the common heritage throughout the Galicia-North of Portugal Euroregion.
Due to its territorial involvement and the number of involved communities, we wish to highlight the role of the Galician Federation for Maritime and Fluvial Culture Galician initials: FGCMF , which groups together with important bonds the maritime communities of the Galician and Portuguese coastline that protect the manifestations of the Galician-Portuguese maritime culture. Since its creation in , Teje Teje is committed through its field work to the strengthening of the cultural identity and traditional expressions of indigenous peoples and other groups too.
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Connected concerns for the achievement of this goal are the preservation of the environment, the fostering of sustainable development, and the support to children education and traditional leaders' capacity building. In this manner Teje Teje contributes in the safeguarding of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, the implementation of formal, informal and non-formal education processes. As a consequence, it cares for the individual and collective cultural growth of the communities as well as for the preservation of the environment.
Its work is focused in the restauration of traditional knowledge and production in land production, environmental management, sacred and ritual centers, gastronomy, healing, spirituality, artifact, looking at these various elements of individual and collective life with an holistic approach. Travels around the sacred sites of the Ette Ennaka indigenous population for cultural strengthening current, Magdalena and Cesar Beneficiaries: Workshops with the Zenu indigenous population on their intangible cultural heritage , Cordoba and Sucre Beneficiaries: Cultural Characterization of territorial affections of the Ette Ennaka People for land restitution process Travels around the sacred sites of the Black Line boundaries of the ancestral Arhuaco, Wiwa, Kogi and Kankuamo territory with the indigenous shamans for cultural strengthening , , , Magdalena, Cesar Guajira, and Atlantico Beneficiaries: Ritual Territory", "Ritual and Thought" distributed in indigenous schools for culture strengthening Compliling of Ette Ennaka's oral tradition on territory and settlement with the elders, for cultural strengthening , Magdalena Beneficiaries: Kitchen, dining room, Ette Taara lessons guaranteed.
Recuperation and construction of traditional home orchards Kaaria for food sustainability and cultural strengthening and , Magdalena and Cesar beneficiaries: Wayuu, Arhuaco, Kogi and Kankuamo, on issues such as traditional design, quality and marketing. Recovery of traditional designs and improvement of their income. Teje Teje seeks to preserve indigenous cultures".
Since Teje Teje has made alliances with women weavers of the following indigenous peoples communities: Kankuamo in Atanquez, Wayuu in Manaure and Arhuaco in Jimain, aiming to support the preservation of their traditional handcrafts. In addition, Teje Teje promoted the creation of the Ette Ennakas Women Weavers Association in which today provides indigenous women with incomes to help support their families.
In and - Teje Teje worked in alliance with the Ette Ennakas "Cabildo" Authorities in the strengthening of their traditional practices associated to food production, political organization, and cultural heritage around issues such as weaving and handcrafts, music, dance, ethno medicine and self-government, benefitting families. Since early , Teje Teje has worked in association with the Ministry of Culture, with the accredited NGO to the Convention, Traditions for Tomorrow, and with the Ette Ennaka "cabildo" on a project that aims tore vitalize its cultural identity considering the conservation of sacred sites, knowledge of medicinal plants and the word of the elders.
With the Zenu Indigenous population, Teje Teje is currently working with the indigenous authorities to encourage the creation of a group of people committee that will manage cultural heritage based on the Special Safeguards Plan of the cultural expression "Handcrafts as the heart of Zenu Identity". This program prepares grants a scholarships especially for this programmed for M. Participants are young lecturers from various universities around Indonesia.
After completing their studies are expected to return home to teach at various universities This program also to train and prepare a number of scholars for research and fieldwork on endangered languages and cultural activities in different areas all over Indonesia. Primarily it is necessary to conduct a general survey to understand the present situation of intangible cultural heritage in Indonesia, and to plan a strategy of protecting the most endangered species. As matter of fact, the "spearhead" of the ATL's success is the speakers or storytellers, the shamans, the syeh teachers ofIslam , the datuk the elders , and tribal elders from various regions in Indonesia.
Nevertheless, we have to express our gratitude to the researchers and resource persons who helped ATL in designing and carrying out our revitalization and accompanying programs i. Hum Jakarta , Dr. Tabir Sitepu Medan , Prof. Suripan Sadi Hutomo Surabaya , Dr. Aminuddin Malang , Prof. Mursal Esten Padang Panjang. In addition, we would like to express our most sincere gratitude to cultural experts and artists, such as the late B.
The objective of the organization is mainly the study of the Fallas Festival, urban festival from Valencia and others cities through the region. It is linked to European Carnival festivities, has important components of popular satire, festive sociability, artistic expression, artisan practices and singular techniques. It is also felt by the community involved as an importart signal of its identity. Likewise, are also an important objective for the association to publicize and promote the heritage aspects of the festivities related to the use and rituals of fire, promote the research related to them and create opportunities for reflecting on the importance of heritage management in popular festivals.
The activities of the association address in different ways to safeguard the tangible and intangible heritage generated by the festival of Las Fallas, as an example of a popular celebration of wide dissemination and social and identity implications. Without being exhaustive, we highlight the following activities: Journal meets the scientific standards at the reception and approval of articles. Design and implementation in of the Center for Documentation of Fallas festival with the City Council of Valencia for the collection of written, audiovisual and intangible documentation catalogue and archive for the free access and consult of researchers.
Ephimeral Heritage on the European Carnival Rituals carnval. Design and development of thematic exhibitions on the creative and technical aspects of the Fallas "Falles i art: Organization of "Les falles a la Nau" discussion sessions, since in collaboration with University of Valencia, where different agents involved in the Festival come together to reflect on interesting issues, especially on heritage, promotion, protection and enhancement.
Since the association awards the best article of reflection and disclosure of Fallas festival: The Enric Soler i Godes Award. Organization ot the Mostra de Llibrets de la Comunitat Valenciana to promote the Llibrets de falla, native publications edited by fallas comittes, to implement synergies between the different agents implied and to work in the consolidation of this cultural field.
Transmission and formal or non-formal education: Organization, in collaboration with the Secretary of Tourism of the Generalitat Valenciana regional government , of several editions of a training course on the Fallas festival and its intangible cultural heritage for official tour guides.
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Realization of different divulgation talks and lectures on the history of the Fallas festival in collaboration with festive and cultural associations. Participation in seminars and scientific meetings offering unpublished works on social and heritage importance of the different elements of the festival. Retrieval and update, in collaboration with the Valencia City Council, of ancient festive events like "Cavalcada del foc" a parade of fireworks that connects with the festive tradition of mediterranean fire and had ceased to be held in The association is made up of sociologists, linguists, journalists, cultural managers, museum and tourism management professionals, art historians and artisans and artists, all of them with a personal and professional involvement with the cultural heritage.
Les rubriques du site: Conte moi la francophonie: Infolien 14 avril Infolien 8 juin Infolien 14 octobre Document mis en ligne en mars Ateliers de pratiques photographiques. Extrait des Chroniques de Jehan Froissart: Infolien 12 juin Consultation aussi par un index des artistes. Infolien 14 novembre Le cas du Canada. Tutoriel pour proposer un monument Informations libres de droit, mais demande de mention des sources pour toute utilisation.
Images sous licence Creative Commons. Archives photographiques de salles de classe. Les programmes et infrastructures. Infolien 17 juillet Infolien 17 janvier Des cours, des exercices, des TP: A subi depuis plusieurs remaniements. Plan en fichier pdf. Infolien 24 janvier Sur le site Infosuicide. Guide de 17 pages en. Infolien 10 octobre Une initiative de service public. Infolien 8 janvier Vous pouvez vous inscrire au wiki. Infolien 9 novembre Infolien 10 mai Coup de coeur 16 novembre Plusieurs rubriques structurent le site: Cartes ID, quiz, booktrailers, nuages de mots.
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Infolien 29 janvier Les courses, le tour de France. Historique du genre, de certaines collections, des couvertures. Nombreuses chroniques sur des ouvrages. Les coups de coeur, les perles noires. Les illustrateurs de La Fontaine: Infolien 20 mai Pour chacune de ces rubriques: Infolien 25 juillet Nombreuses galeries de photos avec textes informatifs. Belle mise en ligne de la collection par auteur et pays. Coup de coeur 18 mars Recherche plein texte possible. Infolien 9 juin Moteur de recherche, tags. Blog tenu par Claude Le Nocher: Newsletters avec archives en ligne.
Une rubrique SF jeunesse. Il sera essentiellement question de polars, mais pas seulement. Plusieurs espaces en ligne: A signaler dans la rubrique Documentation professionnelle: Des animations de mise en situation traitent de sujets particuliers: Ces documents de propagande furent un moyen essentiel de communication. Contenus sous licence Creative Commons. Introductions et description des oeuvres en anglais. Moteur de recherche, index. Fils RSS pour certaines parties du site Site qui propose de nombreuses informations et de nombreux hyperliens.
Nombreuses ressources sur ce site. Infolien 1er juin Infolien septembre 12 Sites utiles et outils linguistiques. Plusieurs modes de recherche. Appel aux soutiens et aux dons. Des actions contre les atteintes aux droits humains et aux discriminations: Un dossier sur le mouvement.

Dossier de pages en. Site de Bruno Delacote. Le site propose de nombreuses informations dans ses rubriques. Les objectifs du projet. Infolien 3 octobre MAJ Plusieurs modes de recherche: Administrations et services nationaux: Vous trouverez pour chacun: Portail sur le bouddhisme: Les articles sont accessibles par plusieurs onglets: Le site propose aussi une bibliographie et des liens. On peut aussi utiliser un moteur de recherche, le plan du site , et un nuage de tags.
Sommaires de la revue. Ces guides sont disponibles sur ce site. Site devenu multilingue depuis peu. Infolien du 27 septembre Infolien 30 novembre Mais le site propose aussi des ressources comme une bibliographie sur les logiciels libres, un lexique, un Wiki. Identification de plantes par la forme des feuilles, la morphologie de la fleur, ou la structure du fruit. La forme des feuilles. Les noms des plantes.
Correspondance des noms vernaculaires et scientifiques. Guerres souterraines et innovations techniques. Quatre rubriques organisent le dossier: Un quiz pour tester ses connaissances. Plan du site Outils: Usines, fabriques, abattoirs, halles, grands magasins, banques. Glossaire Moteur de recherche. Site de diffusion des connaissances scientifiques. Infolien 31 janvier Site personnel de Arnaud Frich, photographe-auteur. Infos sur les logiciels de courrier, les services gratuits, les listes de diffusion, les abus et les virus.
Quatre rubriques structurent le site: Collections de cartes postales. Mention du Copyright concernant les photos et textes du site Infolien 9 juillet Focus sur certains artistes. Niveau certes universitaire support de cours, TD.. Site de Jean-Philippe Perrot. Tous les textes rimbaldiens en ligne. Informations sur les produits et les producteurs. Plan du site Glossaire Infolien avril Le photographe Joan Fontcuberta. Deux sujets plus traditionnels: Second axe du site: Infolien 31 mai Petit dictionnaire des faux amis. Histoire de la Commune: Infolien 7 juillet Infolien 21 janvier Liens vers des ressources.
Infolien 23 mai Complet, Infolien septembre Site de Denis Bellemare: Liens avec de nombreux plans.
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La Commission de Topographie des Gaules: Site sous licence Creative Commons. Pour notre formation professionnelle. Infolien 21 avril Les grands journaux satiriques. Dossier philosophique sur Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Informations sur le site de la Dane: Un dossier en images sur les illustrations originales de Huit des voyages extraordinaires de Jules Verne chez Hetzel. Infolien 26 novembre Il regroupe plus de critiques et extraits de livres. Avec pour chacun des titres: Infolien 20 octobre Rubrique aide en construction.
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