To adopt or support willingly or eagerly: To avail oneself of: An act of holding close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection; a hug. An enclosure or encirclement: Switch to new thesaurus. To put one's arms around affectionately: To have as a part: To receive something given or offered willingly and gladly: To take, as another's idea, and make one's own: Victoria Winters comes to Collinwood, an isolated mansion in Maine, to work as a governess, but soon finds herself drawn into a strange world of vampires, ghosts and curses.
Young vampires are taken in by a boarding school that also houses mortal teens. Problems face both sets of students, incl. Prof Murdoch is on hand to help, but he has problems of his own. Michael Colefield is unwillingly thrust into the nightmarish world of vampires when he discovers a secret government organisation operating undercover within the police when his friend Jack Colonists, crash-landed on an alien planet, begin the long trek to their originally designated landing place, facing both alien and human threats.
Julian Luna, prince of several disparate vampire, or kindred, clans in San Francisco, has his job cut out for him as he must try to keep a tenuous peace among them while not being afraid to apply ruthless justice against those who would break kindred rules. Infractions that merit "final death" include the taking of human life and changing humans into vampires who have not volunteered for the transformation. After seeing someone else's comments who was quite happy to insult the roleplaying game in which this show was based on, I felt I had to cast a rebuttal as a fan of the roleplaying game.
A game which spawned numerous other games for White-Wolf, card games, and a computer game, as well help to create a new roleplaying market, the live-action roleplaying game.
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As well revitalized the roleplaying gaming industry almost single-handedly, by bringing in new players and capturing the imagination of 'old-guard' gamers alike; also attracting the attention of players who would have never been interested in roleplaying, or those who had played before and didn't like it. These aren't suppose to be Dracula-like vampires, or Buffy-Like vampires. These are the movers and the shakers of the world who hide in shadows controlling the media, the press, the government, the police, and anything else that holds their interest.
Not mindless blood-suckers who are hell-bent on destruction and evil. Don't get me wrong, being alive for a few hundred years can make some vampires very evil and twisted creatures, but enough of that The series was rather poorly done simply because they didn't even try to delve into culture that the game created.
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The structure of the kindred politics is a league called the Camarilla, who consists of seven clans who work together under a set of laws known as the Traditions to uphold something they refer to as the Masquerade. As well as two others I'll mention below. I found the show was more about the human cop, and reporter who the Prince takes a personal interest in, as well as the relationships of the 'Primogens' the heads of each of the clans than it was about what I think would have made the show more interesting and marketable, the culture, history and politics, and the abilities of the kindred themselves.
As well as the multitude of arch-types of characters that each clan creates by their own attitudes and ideals.

Another fault of the show was, the fact that it seemed that all the vampires had the same powers and abilities. The Primogen of the Toreador, Lily, was able to turn herself into a wolf, an ability which is usually only reserved for the older and more powerful members of the Gangrel.
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Or the prince, Julian, was able to 'Earth-Meld', again, an ability only the Gangrel subscribe to. They should have had a stronger division between the clans, explained that each clan has their own philosophies and ideals, as well as abilities and powers.
Not to mention, two of the most interesting clans weren't even included in the show. The Malkavians, a clan of insane vampires who also have moments of sheer genius, insight and enlightenment. Or the Tremere, a tight-knit conspiratorial clan who are able to cast magic spells through the use of vampiric blood. The show should have been about a group of newly embraced the term used for being turned into a vampire vampire childer, the relationships they developed with their sires, each other, and their exploration into the world of the kindred.
As the newly embraced kindred learn about their respective clans and abilities, and politics, so do the audience. Who are these Primogen?
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Why do they control the clans? Who is the Prince of the city? Why does he call himself the prince? What is the Camarilla?
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Why do they want to destroy the Camarilla? Questions that would have kept the audience wondering, as well as the character guessing about. It would have made the show more interesting in my opinion. As well, there is a rich culture and history behind each of the clans that make up the Camarilla. This information was poorly utilitized in the show, and they displayed some of this information rather matter-a-factly.
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