When God Wept
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After all, even though she is broken and shaken, Mary does believe that Jesus possesses the power to have saved Lazarus. And then comes the response of Jesus. Jesus is standing there and he sees the shattered heart of Mary, and he hears the weeping cries of both her and all the Jews that had followed her.
First Presbyterian Church: Normal, IL > In the Storm: "When God Wept"
And what do we learn? That Jesus was deeply moved in his spirit, and that he was troubled. Remember when I said that we notice when someone cries? That it is a part of our humanity? The same is true for our Savior. He notices the tears of those before him, and it moves his heart. And in that sorrowful restlessness that we might be familiar with, he asks to be taken to where Lazarus is buried. And when he arrives, we receive what should be one of the single most meaningful, inspiring, comforting displays of Jesus, in all of Scripture.
The eternal Son of God. The one who was present for all creation. The man who had fed the hungry, healed the blind, calmed the storm, and defeated demons…cried. The moment when God wept. And even how Jesus wept is telling. When we read this account in English, we read that Mary and the Jews wept and then Jesus wept. The one used for Mary and the Jews describes a loud wailing.
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The word used to describe the lament of Christ is used instead, for a soft, private shedding of tears. It describes a deep grieving. And in this case, it describes the deep grieving of Jesus. Our Savior and the Son of God. This is the shortest verse in all of the Bible, but it is saturated with powerful, personal truth.
For as long as humanity has considered the Almighty, we have also contemplated the presence of the Divinity within the despair of life. Catastrophe, disaster, suffering, loss. As it is here, those are moments when God wept.
When God Wept
Our God stands at the fallout, by the graveside, in the hospital room, amidst the pain, and in all of those times and places…God weeps. This is the mistake I think so many of us make, that I made: I was in 9 th grade when my mom passed away.

I was still trying to figure out who I was and how geometry worked when I had to say goodbye to one of my parents. The only thing I understood less than geometry, was God. And I became upset, confused, angry, and bitter.
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Or so I reasoned to myself. But I was wrong. God did do something. That was a moment when God wept. Over the pain my mother had felt. Over the heartbreak of my Dad losing his spouse. Over two children who would never get another moment with their mother. We sing songs that declare it. We read verse after verse that affirms it. We gather on a weekly basis with others who believe it. We call that faith. Faith is the single most difficult thing to hang onto in the worst moments of our life. Everything, literally everything, around us urges us to give it up.
That was my experience when I was in 9 th grade. All of us have moments that threaten to shatter us at our core. The circumstances are different. Instead of your mother, maybe it was a friend or a child who was taken far too young. Instead of the loss of life, it might be the loss of a relationship or a career.
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It could be poverty, depression, addiction, abuse, fear. It could be a single moment or an experience that seems to stretch on for decades. The sting of loss and heartbreak, the dark night of the soul, has affected every human being, and that includes the Son of God as he stood at the grave of his friend, and had tears fall from his eyes. Friends, I said this when we began this series. I have no easy answers for you. Instead, what I have is a testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in a Savior that knew he would raise Lazarus from the dead, and still wept at the loss of his friend.
And from that soil, I am confident God has done much and will do more. My encouragement to you is this: Our lapse is to place time restrictions on the miracle. This text, this rare moment of vulnerability in Christ, is proof of the exact opposite. Yes, we have a God of power and might. Afflicted by an insidious apathy, he no longer cares or feels compassion for others. Upon getting divorced, he reassesses the events that constitute his life, and throughout the course of one day, becomes horrified by his exi Chicago psychologist, Dr.
Upon getting divorced, he reassesses the events that constitute his life, and throughout the course of one day, becomes horrified by his existence. Depicting the toils of human existence within the decay of modern society, this novel is a journey into the human soul, examining the greater questions of authenticity, life and death, immortality, and the personal power of transcendence.
Jesus wept
Published September 28th by Humanist Press first published December 3rd To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about When God Wept , please sign up.
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- Jesus wept - Wikipedia.
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jun 10, Alec Toller rated it did not like it. This book is one of the most remarkably awful books I've had the misfortune of reading. It's like the author is an angsty teenager with a thesaurus. Why use the word "facticity" when "fact" will do?! David Burns rated it really liked it Jul 12, Merrill Miller rated it it was amazing Sep 28, Kevin rated it really liked it Dec 13, Jessica Pershick rated it liked it May 02, Thomas Burkett marked it as to-read Dec 13,