The Alpha Male Guide: Philosophy For Studs
I love the narrator, I thought he was witty and funny in his performance. The advice was nothing new; I was expecting some old timey wisdom from the age of those philosophers, which is probably what it was, but I was expecting it to be more aged, I guess. Great wisdom it was worth it.

He brought both his balls on the in your face tough love advice and slapped you in the face with the language. Would you listen to The Alpha Male Guide again?
Yes so much useful tips on how to live. What other book might you compare The Alpha Male Guide to and why? Which scene was your favorite? Very good book the reading is great I just love it. Excellent guide, I will be listen again. I bought this book after listening to the sample thinking it was a parody of the pick up artists mentality but it is not. It takes itself very seriously. A philosophy book that starts off with the notion that we are alive to feel pleasure shows you just how misguided this philosophy is. What did you like most about The Alpha Male Guide? Alec Sands reading and tone of voice is so fresh!
Many audiobooks are read in the same boring tone of voice, but "The Alpha Male Guide" will really strike a chord with you! Paul Beck does not beat around the bush - He is clear, direct, and blunt which makes the read both funny and bold! My only complaint is that it seems to be a little cut short. Don't get me wrong, it's a good few hours, but there is not closure or ending to it, as if it continues in another part? What did you like best about this story? I loved the pacing of the book. He covers lots of topics, and knows just the right time to change topics without it getting boring or predictable, thus keeping the grand quality intact.
Your body knows all about pleasure. Mother nature has built her genius into your very cells, for in a few seconds you will want to take another life giving breath, and your body and mind will revel in pleasure. Still holding your breath? Now in a few more seconds some basic pleasure giving functions will kick in and you will be forced to take another breath. It will happen involuntarily. This in an example of some basic hard wiring that is built into your machine, into your system, and it works very well.
If you are still holding your breath, you are starting to suffer from hypoxia, the technical term 1 Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet. Fraternity houses like to name themselves with Greek letters.
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Delta house comes to mind. The Greek alphabet goes alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon etc. Your nervous system is frantically signaling your brain that it is in need of oxygen. Every cell in your body is shouting for it.
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Now go ahead and take that breath. Ahhh, That's good stuff. Every cell in your body revels in it. Every cell in your body is now experiencing pleasure. It's as simple as that. We have just witnessed your basic functions teaching us a valuable lesson. There are ways of existing, of behaving that bring you pain, that is holding your breath, and there are ways facets of existence that bring you pleasure, and that is taking a breath.
Now these are the basic hard wired functions that you must subscribe to in order to survive. But now we have to deal with the rest of your brain. We have to deal with what we like to call you higher functions. These are the things that separate you from the bulk of the species on the planet, these aspects of existence are generated by your oversized brain.
Philosophy for Studs: The Alpha Male Guide
And with that brain comes the ability to think, feel, and reason. When it comes to oxygen, there are ways of behaving and living that will bring you pain, holding your breath and there are ways of behaving and living that will bring you pleasure taking a breath. These are very simple concepts, pleasure and pain, good and evil, vice and virtue, black and white. If you stick your hand in a fire, you will feel pain.
A nice meal after a period of time without food will bring you pleasure. Likewise when you are dealing with your higher functions, there are certain behavioral codes and ways of conduct that will bring you pleasure. If you drive your car on the left side of the road, it will bring you pain. If you are nice to other people, it will bring you pleasure.
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Finding ways to derive pleasure from your higher functions will bring you clear cut results. Figuring out how to attain that pleasure is as simple as sticking your hand in the fire, or taking a breath after holding it. The amc that is the alpha male club has come up with a collection of principles and rules and a behavioral system that will allow you to derive as much pleasure from life as is possible, and thereby live the better life.
Which brings us to precept number two, cardinal rule number two: He who derives more pleasure from life, lives the better life. Your brains higher functions have a right to be here as well. Trees derive pleasure from sunlight and mineral nutrients, aquatic life derives pleasure from plankton. Being an animal with a larger cerebral cortex, that's a brain means that we as humans can derive pleasure and feed the soul from a number of other activities as well.
But learning how to feed the soul is not something which is inherent. It is not hard wired into your brain like the need for oxygen.
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In order that he flourish, mother nature in her genius has made sure that man be a social animal. How do you make an organism into a social animal? An animal which functions within a group? You give it the ability to learn, to emulate to copy. Which brings us to precept number three: One must learn to derive pleasure from the world. How do we do this? How do we best derive pleasure from the world?
Let's go all the way back to ancient Greece and meet a member of the amc, a dude called Epicurus. A little bit of background about Epicurus and his time.
Philosophy for Studs- The Alpha Male Guide Anthony Leccisi Book | eBay
Epicurus was born in bc. These were happening times for ancient Greece, a few of the characters and events that will ring a bell for you about ancient Greece are Alexander the great, the Parthenon, temples, Greek vases, homer, the odyssey and the Iliad, troy, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato. This is the sort of world we're dealing with right now, where most of what we define as what is western culture was born. You might have heard epicurus's name before.
A person devoted to sensuous pleasure and luxurious living. It was quite a popular system and these colonies thrived for many years after his death. History has misled us about epicureans and Epicurus's philosophies. They were not big drinkers and partiers, in fact they were the opposite, quite frugal, and had very modest lifestyles.
Epicurus's famous quote goes like this: Goodness and virtue are two very Greek concepts that we will wrestle with a little more later, but suffice to say right now that the opposite of virtue is vice, the opposite of good is evil. Evil is represented by darth vader, virtue by Luke Skywalker. Pleasure and pain, good and evil, two very simple concepts, heroes and villains.
Heroes derive more pleasure from life than villains. You have to learn to be a hero. Cardinal rule three states: If you extrapolate on that what it really means, is that you have to learn become virtuous. You have to learn to act like a 15 hero, not a villain. Card carrying members of the amc act like heroes, not like villains.
Because heroes derive more pleasure from life. Ask someone to name three things that bring them pleasure. A very common list follows: How do you know when too much pleasure will bring you pain? The three things here balance themselves out. So that will cut out your sex. So it's not worth eating too much. Too much sex a bad thing?
Well, the more sex you have with different partners, the higher your risk of contracting a disease. That will effect your health. Have sex with a whole bunch of girls and not let any one else have them? No one is going to want to be your friend. That cancels out pleasure as well. So to recap this section; we have discussed the three cardinal rules to which Alpha males, member of the amc, the alpha male club subscribe to and are governed by.
And they are as follows: How To Derive Pleasure From The World- The Three Things 16 All human activity can be divided into three categories, therefore there are three ways with which to derive pleasure from the world. Any sport that is a team sport is an athletic endeavor as well as a social event. Only an activity such as mathematics practiced all alone can qualify as a purely intellectual endeavor.