
Hunting (The Hunting Saga Book 1)

Extremely poor grammar, characters copied straight out of the Vampire Diaries books, down to the tempers of the Salvatore brothers and generally horrid storytelling. The Witch Hunter by Nicole R. Taylor is the story of four friends, Zac, Sam, Liz, and Gabby, who happen to be three vampires and a witch. Zac has a knack for getting himself into trouble and dragging his friends along with him.

After Gabby calls on Aya, the Witch Hunter, for help getting Zac out of some trouble, things really get interesting. As for the characters, my favorite was…Zac. Yes, I know he's kind of a jerk sometimes, but…hey, who doesn't like the bad boy? Sam is way too goody-goody for my taste, and Liz and him fit together perfectly.

I also really like Gabby. She was not so sure of herself at the beginning of the story, but she was definitely finding her place towards the end. Aya, of course, was pretty awesome. I love a girl who can kick some butt. There was a lot going on in this book. Vampires, witches, werewolves, you name it! Add them all together, and you have a fun, action packed story. I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Jun 21, J. Dear God, I tried. I picked this book up and read a chapter and put it down so many times that I honestly almost finished it by giving up on it so many times.

Other than the names and the Aya character, there really is not an original thought in this book. If you want to not read this book, just go watch the first season or two of The Vampire Diaries, and you'll get the gist of the plot for the novel. It was the exact same to me. There you go, in a nut shell. The first chapter is so verbatim from the television show that I almost screamed out "Plagiarism!

Two guys that died in the Civil War era - yep, Vampire Diaries. I could not read the drivel for more than ten pages at a time, and I would just go turn on The Vampire Diaries instead. I can't decide whether I'm mad enough about that cliffhanger to go down to three stars. I am assuming it's a cliffhanger and not an ending or that would just be bullshit. I am OK with some open ended books when you know it's gonna be a trilogy or whatever because there should be an overarching plot throughout the series, but You're going to kill the main effen character!

I did like it. Something about the jumping between 5 different characters and a few extras here and there , although off-putting at first, worked because it was more well-rounded. And I could enjoy the story for itself while still disliking people. Liz was annoying, for example. Sam and Gabby were kinda And Zac really was was a selfish, immature prick. But it worked, and I would have like to see where things could have gone once he started coming around, but I guess I'll have to wait till the next book for that.

And I know he was kind of an ass, but they were all kind of assholes to him especially the girls and I had a hard time figuring out if they were even friends. He could be a jerk but I wish they developed a little more of a relationship between him and the others, but maybe that was the point? A few details that bothered me.

I'm OK with Aya adapting quickly, especially with strong powers of observation and reading a lot. But screw reading, unless she crammed in hours of television and movies her language skills would not have been so blatantly 21st century in just a few days. And I just felt like they wasted a lot of time at the end during the big climax. I didn't get a huge sense of urgency. Gabby went to talk to her parents and wasted time even though they knew it probably wouldn't work, and even though Liz compelled them to forget she didn't even double check and ask them the info they went there for?!

And I just didn't feel like they investigated all their options thoroughly view spoiler [they did the scrying, fine, but why couldn't they just summon her back?! Aya had been summoned away, they had the grimore now. So I just wish they had explained a little more. But definitely a good urban fantasy with some different ideas that I haven't seen before.

There was a lot left unanswered view spoiler [why dies Zac's "blood sing to her"? Will be keeping an eye out for number 2. Book provided for free from the author in exchange for an honest, unbiased review, as a part of R2R read to review in Lovers Of Paranormal Group. All thoughts and opinions are my own. What a nice and different take on the paranormal world. I really liked that the story felt very real and the situations seemed believable. I also really liked the relationships between all the characters, most of the conversations were either really witty and funny or stop and make you think deeper into the story to find the hidden meaning.

The story had me gripping my kindle, not wanting to put it down bec I luckily received this book as a R2R from the Lovers of Paranormal Group Stars: The story had me gripping my kindle, not wanting to put it down because of all the action and forbidden "romance". My favorite character was Gabby, i can't wait to see where the story takes her on this crazy adventure. I highly recommend this book and this would be a good book to see turned into a movie.

Once Aya wakes up the fun begins!! It was really refreshing reading about an ass kicking heroine that beats the shit out of the bad guys and takes names later. This book was fabulous. Aya is what I will a super Vampire! I loved her character she is tough, sassy, and so powerful. Zac and Sam are brother who are like night and day.

Lizzie is the girl who both brothers love but, Sam is with. Gabby is the witch of the story, and Alex is the human friend who finds put about them!! Then there is the evil witch Katrin who ugh I hated her instantly. I was so into this bo This book was fabulous. I was so into this book I looked at clock and it was 2: I was given copy of book by author for an honest review I've been reading through the books in Paranormal 13, a free book that I downloaded with 13 stories from various authors.

Does this sound familiar? Two vampire brothers, one a good boy and the other a bad boy, in love with the same girl. And no, the series was based off of books called The Vampire Diaries. The first book was published in This book was published in so it definitely was the copycat. Then there was the rings, spelled by a witch, that allows them walk in the sunlight which is also something that was original to Vampire Diaries, at least, in all my hundreds of paranormal books that I have read, I have never seen that used…until now.

The Witch Hunter (Witch Hunter Saga #1) by Nicole R. Taylor

These similarities cannot be coincidence. Zachary and Sam Degaud died and became vampires during the Civil War. Sam has always been the good brother, trying to keep Zac out of trouble but Zac always seems to find it anyway. A few years ago, they moved back to their hometown and into the mansion that was once owned by their family during the Civil War. Sam works as a gardener but Zac sits around drinking heavily every day.

They met a girl named Liz who they both had feelings for even though Zac is too much of a bad boy to admit it. A year ago, a vampire attacked Liz and turned her. Sam found her in the woods and thought she was dead but when she woke up, he knew she was a vampire. He helped her through it and they have been together ever since. But Zac secretly pines for her. They all can walk around in the daylight because they found a witch who spelled some rings to allow them to stand the sun. She grew up not knowing that she was a witch but always knew something was strange about herself.

She remembers her grandmother ran away when Gabby was around 10 years old because her grandfather wanted to commit her to a mental hospital. Now, she wants to find her grandmother to help her with her magic. Liz and Gabby also have another childhood friend named Alex but he is just a regular human and has no idea that Liz, Zac and Sam are vampires and Gabby is a witch. He is a gardener just like Sam.

They all hang out at the bar a lot. While at the bar one day, an unknown vampire approaches Zac and asks him if he has seen a dark haired female vampire.

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Zac knows that vampires think you are lying if you look away from them and even though he has not seen this dark haired vampire, he looks away from the ancient vampire anyway. Zac is an ass and just looks for trouble, not caring about the consequences. They end up going into the woods and fighting. A witch named Katrin appears out of nowhere and tells Zac that she will get revenge on him by hurting everyone he cares about and then she disappears.

Come to find out, this witch is actually a ghost witch with a lot of power. Aya is the witch hunter.

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She is over 2, years old and is a vampire but she is more than just a vampire. Her eyes also turn white when she is upset. The author tries to make her mysterious and badass. She wakes up and compels people into giving her clothes and food and whatever else she needs to live. She amazingly gets up to speed on what has happened in the world while she has been asleep by going to a bookstore and reading about it. I have to say that Aya was the only original character in the story. Aya is the only redeeming quality to this book, not that I really liked her that much but because she is the only thing in the book that is original.

She agrees to help the group of friends with their Katrin problem, more because Katrin is also threatening her than because she wants to help out of the goodness of her own heart. Now, I know it is a recurring them in the books of Paranormal Every single book that I have finished is a cliffhanger. This author needs to come up with her own story and stop copying someone else. Very Good This is a good story. I enjoyed the complete personalities of the characters and the depth of the story.

A good plot and descriptive wriing. Lots of "F-Bombs", assholes, etc. I'm not a massive fan of derogatory language, so that was a bit of a downer. I really enjoyed this story, I loved the characters and imagination that was put into it, and that cliff-hanger at the end was a cannot-believe-the-author-did-that moment.

The end was deadly, effective, and has me guaranteed to read the second book. To be honest, the only reasons I kept reading was because it was free, an R2R and because it had gotten good reviews so far. So, I kept going. I am SO glad I did. After the first few chapters, the story really picked up. As soon as Aya who, BTW, is an awesome character, and I won't say much more ;D entered the scene, the story just took off. It was like I had been riding on a tortoise, and then suddenly found myself upon a race-horse going at a flat-out sprint.

The characters Zac - I found that although he was all asshole-ish and I'm-too-cool-for-you, I could really understand him. I'm probably the only reader who's said that. It's just, I've met guys like him, who are all tough and reserved and suspicious, but it's only because they've either never been given a chance, or they're not sure how to give themselves a chance.

I felt really sorry for him. Even happier when she loved him back: By far my favourite character in the book. Such a bad-ass, responsible, duty-driven gal she is. She was such an awesome gal. Sam - He's alright, I suppose, Didn't get a really good feel of him, much. Has a nice caring personality though, from what I can tell.

Liz - At one point, I wanted to punch her. I know she's all insecure about being a "new" vampire and all that, but seriously woman, get some sense into that undead head of yours. She had a very shallow character, but maybe that will be built upon in the following books. I won't say why I have the impulse to punch her, but read "The Witch Hunter" and all shall be revealed ; Gabby - Liked her well enough, but same as Sam, couldn't get a good grip on her personality.

She seemed loyal and caring, if a little uncertain and vulnerable when it came to her witch powers. Alex - An epic, human gardener. Notice the "human" inserted there. A human completely oblivious to the supernatural world. But, a pretty damn good human none-the-less. Overall, it was an enjoyable read. It lost it's final star from the rather boring start, but that might just be me.

One of the things that Jeremy Robinson excels at is writing characters that you can both believe in and care about, making it really easy to get involved in the lives and battles of the people and creatures found on the pages of this book. Filled with both grand adventure and heart-stopping terror Solomon's story hooked me right from the start and wouldn't let go. I'm glad I waited for this collected The Last Hunter Saga is a non-stop, action packed thrill ride into a subteranian hell and back.

I'm glad I waited for this collected edition because waiting for the next part of the story would have been unbearable. The addition of the artwork, and interview are great but the exclusive short story was fantastic because it gave me hope that I might get to have more fantastic adventures in Antarktos.

I can't recommend this terrific 5 star read enough! May 16, Wesley L rated it it was amazing. Review of entire series providing reader with information so they can decide if they feel it would be appropriate or enjoyable. None to speak of. Lots of violence, including descriptions of pain torture and death.

Brief references mentioning the shape of female body. Brief sections of short kisses and mild caressing. Teenage crush and development to love and marriage. Mai Review of entire series providing reader with information so they can decide if they feel it would be appropriate or enjoyable. Main protagonist becomes mostly pacifist in the taking of human life but later decides it can be necessary in times of war to protect the innocent. Definite references to the Bible and other Christian books. Also mythology and characters from many mythologies are a major part of the storyline.

Mostly happy, where good overcomes evil and almost all loose ends are wrapped up in a happy way. Very enjoyable; Action, suspense, likeable characters, and bad villains. I think it would be a great series for teens and adults. Jan 15, Jerome rated it it was amazing. A great read from start to finish. I initially read Antarktos Rising and searched everywhere for this series. This series begins 20 years before Antarktos Rising and blends the story lines in perfectly. Hopefully there will be more in this series. May 05, Alex Clark rated it it was amazing. Excellent story and world building.

Very hard to put down. Great characters in a compelling story. I cannot wait to read the next book. May 28, Janice rated it it was amazing. I loved this book collection. It kept my interest from start to finish. Jeremy Robinson is one of my favorite authors. I hope there are more Antarktos books in the future. Mar 24, Tammy Chambers rated it it was amazing. Wonderful keeps you on your toes with anticipation Love Jeremy and all his books.

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He took this story and gave a non reader as myself a book that I never wanted to put down, I couldn't get enough! Feb 14, Jamey Goodyear rated it it was amazing. I had gotten the Collected Edition that had all 5 The Last Hunter books in 1 volume so I started with the first book in the series. This is the story of Solomon Ull Vincent, the only human born on Antarctica and the last hunter.

But of course, you already knew that. But there are civilizations living under the ice and snow! The underground has rivers, waterfalls, forests, and creatures. Solomon calls Antarctica, Antarktos. It seems fitting to call the land something different. The civilizations underground are ruled by the Nephilim, half humans, half demons.

They are giants, the gods of myths and legends that are evil and delight in pain. Humans have become slaves to them. Humans stolen as babies, young children, even adults. The humans are their teachers, keeping them up-to-date with what is happening in the world as well as hunters. The Nephilim are planning to attack the earth and wipe out the humans as soon as their leader, Nephil, is restored. He has been exiled to a place of torment, Tartarus. Solomon, being born on Antarctica, has a connection to the land, a supernatural connection.

The Nephilim want him to become the vessel for their exiled leader. We follow Solomon as he is captured and escapes. He spends time in Tartarus learning about forgiveness, letting go of burdens, and forgiving himself. He surprises the hunters and Nephilim by leaving Tartarus. Solomon rallies many hunters to fight against the Nephilim. These hunters call him king. At the end of book 2, the poles on earth shift, causing Antarktos to be aligned along the new equator.

Much of what was populated areas of the earth are now covered in ice and snow. Billions of people died. Because of this, the surviving countries race to claim possession of Antarctica. That story is told in the book Antarktos Rising, by Jeremy and is well worth reading.

When the Nephilim come to the surface they find themselves battling armies from many countries. Solomon aligns himself with the armies, becoming their leader because of his abilities, knowledge of the Nephilim, and connection to the land. Throughout the story threads the theme of forgiveness. Solomon teaches the hunters about forgiveness and the strength it can give them. He also teaches them about letting go the burden of all the evil they did as broken hunters serving the Nephilim, forgiving themselves.

The continuity between the books in the series and Antarktos Rising is spot on. In fact I was quite surprised and pleased. May 12, Angela rated it it was amazing. The story takes place in Antarctica. Solomon, a child born there returns on his twelfth birthday and is abducted. He endures loss, hardship, blood and tears, yet becomes determined to learn and survive, which serves him well, as he eventually leads his followers from the bowls of Antarctica to the outside world.

Solomon frees them from the tyranny of biblical beasts that have enslaved and used for thousands of years to satisfy their own despicable desires. This does not please them at all. I became part of young Solomon's plight as a child whom eventually grew into a man. He faced monstrous creatures that only Jeremy Robinson could portray in such frightening detail.

I could feel their presence as if these beasts were in my room while I was reading shivers. They also follow the warrior code, a set of rules established in order to keep the clans as civil factions. There are currently six sub-series, each containing six books, and a seventh sub-series has already been announced. The first, Warriors later re-titled as Warriors: The Prophecies Begin , was published from to The New Prophecy , published from to , follows the first sub-series, chronicling the Clans as they move to a new home.

The third story arc, Warriors: Power of Three , was published from to The fourth sub-series, Warriors: Omen of the Stars , was published from to and continued where the third story arc left off. The fifth sub-series Warriors: Dawn of the Clans , was published from to The sub-series acts as a prequel series, detailing the formation of the Clans.

The sixth and most recent sub-series, Warriors: The first book of the sixth series, The Apprentice's Quest , was released on 15 March , and the second book, Thunder and Shadow , was released on 6 September A Vision of Shadows follows Warriors: Omen of the Stars, and Bramblestar's Storm. The seventh sub-series, Warriors: The Broken Code, has been announced. The first book in the seventh series, Lost Stars will release on 9 April These e-book novels have also been published in four print compilations, with three stories each: Tales from the Clans , Warriors: The Untold Stories , Warriors: Shadows of the Clans , and Warriors: Legends of the Clans.

In addition to the books, the authors have also written several short stories and two plays. The series has also been translated into several languages. In addition, the series has a website featuring games, promotional videos, quizzes, and news. The official message boards closed on 12 August Major themes in the series deal with adventure, forbidden love, the concept of nature vs. The authors draw inspiration from several natural locations and other authors such as J.

Rowling , and William Shakespeare.

The Hunting Series

Warriors has received mostly positive reviews, but it has also been criticised for being confusing due to its large number of characters. Critics have compared it to the Redwall series, though one reviewer commented that the series is less elegantly written. Although nominated for several awards, Warriors has yet to receive any major literary prizes.

The series first began when publisher HarperCollins asked Victoria Holmes to write a fantasy series about feral cats. Initially, Holmes was not very enthusiastic, since she "couldn't imagine coming up with enough ideas". She worked with the concept, however, expanding the storyline with elements of war, politics, revenge, doomed love, and religious conflict. The authors have named several other authors as sources of inspiration when writing the novels.

In an online author chat, Cherith Baldry listed the authors that inspire her as including Tolkien , Ursula K. Le Guin , and Shakespeare. Rowling are some of the authors that inspire her. The New Forest in southern England was the base for the forest where the original series took place. Nicholas Culpeper , a physician who used materials occurring in the natural world as medicine, also had an influence on the Warriors series.

His book, Culpeper's Herbal , is used as a source by the authors for the herbal remedies that the cats use in the books. In addition, the authors suggested that they may use some fan-created names in future books. In the Warriors universe, a large group of feral cats has settled into a forest, and claimed it for their own.

The cats are split into four smaller Clans: SkyClan, a fifth group, also used to be a part of this system, but was forced to flee when their territory was destroyed to make human houses. Each Clan has adapted to their own terrain; RiverClan, for example, will swim in the river to catch fish, whilst the majority of cats from the other Clans fear and avoid bodies of water. Relationships between different Clans are tense and they often come into conflict with one another. Each Clans is taught signature battle moves in order to protect their territory. Border skirmishes are the most common source of battle; they are often short-lived and cause no real damage to either side.

Bigger and more brutal battles can occur, which can result in casualties. The Clans can also show concern for each other; the idea of one Clan being destroyed causes deep distress, and will prompt urgent action on behalf of all four Clans. On the night of every full moon, the Clans will meet at a designated spot in order to share stories and news in peace. This is known as a 'Gathering', and fighting is prohibited. Cats who live outside of the Clans are split into three groups.

Housecats , known as 'kittypets', are often sneered at by the Clan cats for their cozy and lazy life. Occasionally a curious kittypet will wander into the forest to explore; at this point, they are chased away, but will rarely come to harm. As a result, kittypets often warn each other not to enter the forest. Although regarded by the Clans with suspicion, they do not cause the forest cats any trouble, and so are free to wander outside of the borders in peace. Similar to loners are 'rogues', who differ only because they intentionally try to cause the Clans harm. It is not unusual for a rogue to be a former Clan cat looking for revenge.

For a kittypet, loner or rogue to join a Clan is rare, but not unheard of. Often, these newcomers have to prove themselves in order to be regarded with trust by the rest of the community. Beyond the Clans' territories lies a mountain range, inhabited by the Tribe of Rushing Water. The Tribe is shown to be similar to the Clans, yet follows a different set of ancestors: The Tribe has a Healer, cave-guards, and prey-hunters, who each serve a different function in the Tribe.

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The Healer leads the Tribe, heals the ill and wounded, and communicates with the Tribe of Endless Hunting; the cave-guards defend the Tribe, and the prey-hunters hunt. The Tribe was formed by the Ancients when they left the lake to live in the mountains. In turn, cats from the Tribe moved to the forest of the original series and formed the Clans. StarClan is a group of the Clans' deceased ancestors who give guidance to the Clans. After death, most Clan cats join StarClan.

StarClan is said to be represented by Silverpelt, and each individual star represents the spirit of a single dead warrior. Upon joining StarClan, the cats' spirits take the form in which they were most happy while living i. StarClan Warriors, elders, deputies, queens, and kits keep watch over the Clans, usually watching the Clan they lived in while alive.

They provide guidance to the Clans, often through dreams and other signs like omens. Often, this occurs when medicine cats go to the Moonstone, a large piece of quartz in an abandoned mine , which is used in the forest territory to communicate with the medicine and leader cats ' ancestors every half-moon. This is later replaced by the Moonpool, a small body of water from which cats can drink from in order to communicate with StarClan.

In an author chat, Hunter said that StarClan can "just get glimpses of" the future, which they occasionally pass on, although these visions tend to be convoluted and difficult to understand. StarClan cats are often described as being transparent and silver in color , with stars sparkling around their paws. In the manga , their eyes are portrayed as blank and empty.

On very rare occasions, a StarClan cat will interact with the world of the living, mainly to take a recently deceased cat to their place of resting. When a StarClan cat is forgotten by all living memory, or is killed in battle , they will fade away-it is unknown what happens to them after this. The spirits of traitors who cause great pain and suffering to others during their lives reside there in order to pay for their sins. As the name suggests, it takes the form of a never-ending forest, forcing its residents to forever walk alone.

Although cats of the Dark Forest are meant to be isolated as punishment, they later learn how to walk in the dreams of living cats. Like StarClan cats, Dark Forest residents will fade away if they are forgotten, or killed in battle. A unique aspect is that if a living cat dies whilst visiting the Dark Forest in their dreams, they will automatically become a spirit of the Dark Forest themselves.

In addition, it is possible for StarClan cats to become lost within the forest if they stay there for too long, hence why the majority avoid it. The original Warriors series, later re-titled Warriors: The Prophecies Begin , [11] was released from to and consists of six books: He rises through the clan hierarchy and becomes the leader of ThunderClan by the end of the series. The second series, Warriors: The New Prophecy , was released from to , and consists of six books: The third series, Warriors: Power of Three , was released from to and consists of six books: The fourth series, Warriors: Omen of the Stars , was released from to and consists of six books: Power of Three , wherein Hollyleaf dies and Dovewing replaces her.

The fifth series, Warriors: Dawn of the Clans , was released from 5 March to 1 September and consists of six books: In The Sun Trail , prey is scarce in the mountain home of the Tribe of Pointed Stones, so a cat named Gray Wing and his companions must leave to find more food and a better home. Once they reach their new forest home Gray Wing falls in love with a rogue cat there named Storm. The Tribe cats start to live in the forest and take in rogue cats.

Once she meets Clear Sky, however, she falls in love with him. Gray Wing discovers that Storm is pregnant by Clear Sky and that she is going to live with him, breaking Gray Wing's heart. When he finds Storm, she is dead along with two of her three kits. Storm had left Clear Sky after he banished his own brother Jagged Peak who was barely an adult because he had fallen out of a tree and broken his leg.

Clear Sky banished all cats who couldn't look after themselves. Sad and angry with his brother, Gray Wing adopts Thunder as his own kin. Turtle Tail returns to Gray Wing's group pregnant by an aggressive kittypet tomcat named Tom, and becomes Gray Wing's mate. A fire breaks out in the forest, forcing Clear Sky's group to take shelter with Gray Wing. While taking shelter with Gray Wing, Clear Sky realizes that he was wrong about Thunder and invites him to join his group. Thunder quickly accepts the offer, but soon realizes that his father is too power-hungry and concentrated on the needs of the group over the individual and leaves.

Gray Wing tries to make peace, but Clear Sky is ambitious and wants more territory. Tom arrives to look for Bumble another housecat and Turtle Tail. He steals Turtle Tail's kits and brings them to live with him. Cats from Gray Wing's group go to look for and bring them back, but they find Turtle Tail dead by a road. The cats manage to rescue the kittens from Tom, who swears revenge. At the end, Gray Wing's cats fight Clear Sky's. Many cats die, such as the following: The battle ends in a stalemate.

The ghosts of the fallen cats known as 'spirit cats' return to tell the fighting cats to "unite or die". Clear Sky is struck with guilt and grief.