
GMAT Math Prep Course eBook

Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This book is great if your math is rusty and you need a more in depth refresher. It only covers more basic GMAT math so don't expect to master the most difficult math problems after using this book.

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The book's main shortcoming was the lack of tricks and shortcuts. There simply isn't time to fully solve every problem fully on the GMAT and sometimes I knew of easier methods to find the answer quickly with skills I learned with the Kaplan book. I'm only in the first chapter and in the first ten questions alone there have been two errors that render the question invalid. The answer explanations have the typos fixed so you can see what the questions were supposed to ask, but it is still super frustrating. Who edits this stuff? Obviously no one because the misprints in this book are horrible.

It's difficult enough to go through the different equations and understand the explanations while having to pick out all the misprints in each equation. This is pathetic, Nova.

I have the copyright edition I'm surprised there aren't more complaints about this in the review section. As for the general content of the study guide, it is marginal. I would give it 3 stars, but explanations for how to solve certain problems are not very detailed and could be stronger. Buy at your own risk I bought mine used at least. One person found this helpful. First off, this is a great little book that I'd absolutely recommend to anybody that is looking to brush up on the quant part of the test. It goes into all the topics in great detail, includes simple and easily remembered tips for eliminating answer choices on the harder questions, and gives you small equations which while unnecessary can really help you come test day.

The reason I give the Kindle version four stars instead of five is it has a few problems. The big thing is typos. I don't know how these came about, probably from the use of scanning in lieu of actually taking the time to enter in the data and tables, but the book has a lot of typos in the question sections, some of which make the question ask something completely different than what it's actually asking. The only other things I could complain about: Some of the difficulty levels seem to be off, with some medium questions being hard and hard questions being painfully easy.

The books favors long solution explanations. In a lot of ways, this is an extremely good thing because it's almost impossible to get lost in their explanation. Unfortunately, on the actual test you have time limits so you can't afford to do the extremely drawn out solutions the book favors.

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  7. GMAT Math Prep Course: Jeff Kolby: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books.

I wish they would have occasionally taken the time to show how you would do the problem quickly. It takes under 30 seconds to do this problem. Instead, they do this gigantic, vastly overcomplicated solution when a normal person would just say "1. I just wish the publisher would fix the typos, fix the difficulty levels, and give guidelines for doing the extremely common problems "Machine A takes 5 hours to do something, Machine B takes 3 hours to do the same thing, how long would they take together? Buy it, it's good. The first time I attempted the Gmat i studied on the cracking the gmat and placed in 45th percentile in math.

The problems are slighly different from the ones on the test but the difficulty is similar. It covers more aspects than the cracking the gmat book. Half of the pages have all of the text blacked out. Is there something wrong with our timer? I'll try it now. Key Strategies to Master This is the most inexpensive and attractive price in the market. Get the course now! Attend this webinar to learn how to leverage Meaning and Logic to solve the most challenging Sentence Correction Questions.

GMAT Prep Course - McGill Library

Originally posted by bb on Mar 02, Last edited by bb on Nov 02, 4: Additional materials to consider: Math Revolution's Question Bank 3. Hello bb Great compilation. I am stuck at Q Should I buy the manhattan guides only or any other book? I decided to study again Math of the high school, Arithmetic, Algebra, Probability and Statistic and I wonder is there any book specialized for giving lessons, rules, examples and an answered exercises for that mission please Many thanks for your replies, Kind regards, Oussama EM.

Posted from my mobile device. The books are fine - but the mathematical formatting of the online question bank is a mess and it's impossible to read many of the questions. I notified their team - they responded to say that they are aware of the problem and are working on it.

It's been weeks, I've followed up numerous times and the problem has still not been resolved. Where to get easiest questions on probability topic say level uestions? Display posts from previous: All posts 1 day 7 days 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Sort by Author Post time Subject Ascending Descending.

Nova’s GMAT Prep Course (with Online Course) ebook

Nov 02, 4: The Little Purple Probability Book: Number Theory and Algebra. Solutions to the Real Argument Topics. How to write a great review.

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