Fifteenth Summer
But Chelsea knows her days with Josh are numbered. Or will it be the summer of her broken heart? Michelle Dalton is a pseudonym, for Elizabeth Lenhard, who has written the Chicks with Sticks series, as well as several other ghostwritten projects, including the Charmed and Spy Kids series.
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They were really talking about boys. The boys of Bluepointe. Two of them in particular. She propped her feet on the hump in the middle of the backseat, even though that was clearly my personal space. We saw him at the beach at least four times, and the last two, he definitely noticed me. Now, which one was yours? She did most things impatiently. That boy could shelve. What was his name? Then she frowned and clicked one of her short, unpainted fingernails against her front teeth. It was definitely John or James or. No one ever forgets the name Horatio. She even laughs at some of them.
That and the fact that my mom is super-practical with money, which is very romantic to an accountant. All it meant to me was that I had to babysit to earn every paltry dollar of my spending money. I sighed and glanced at the novel in my lap. That book—the latest dystopian bestseller—was torturing me.
I was dying to read it, but every time I did, I got carsick. I was still feeling a little green after reading two irresistible pages two words: Texting with my best friend, Emma, made me feel slightly less queasy.
Parents say
And why do I always get the middle seat? Are you texting with Ethan right now?!? I can tell your palms are sweaty. Plus there are the long delays. All spring Emma had talked about nothing else. But then Ethan Mack asked Emma to fast dance at our spring semiformal, and everything changed. Kids say No reviews yet Add your rating.
Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Get it now on Searching for streaming and purchasing options A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this book. One "ass" and one "butt," but neither are used to describe a body part. What parents need to know Parents need to know that Fifteenth Summer is a summer romance and as such features lots of kissing.
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For kids who love stories with love and romance. Lola and the Boy Next Door. Winning romance between quirky neighbors is funny, clever. They went on super cute dates all the time, and always called each other at night. Chelsea also found a job right next to where he worked, and she was making a lot of money. When it was time to leave both of the kids were super sad, and they said their goodbyes.
At the end they said they would never forget that summer when they first fell in love. I would recommend this book to ages 14 and up, because the characters in the book are all in high school. I would highly recommend this book to girls, because it is about a love story! I think all girls that are in a relationship would love this book. In this book at the beginning the character of Chelsea is super shy and self conscious of herself. Throughout the book Josh helps her to come out of her shell. She becomes a peppy and happy child, and you can tell by when she waitresses.
- Fifteenth Summer by Michelle Dalton Book Reviews?
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At the end of the book she is confident with everything and is very outgoing. Great way to kick off summer as well. May 23, Michelle Wrona rated it liked it Recommends it for: Lovers of Sixteenth and Seventeenth Summer—same stuff. This review can also be found on A Thousand Lives Lived, check it out for more reviews!
Really, small-town girl romance summer love stuff is so not for me. Without even reading or threading a wink at the pages, you can probably tell what this is already about. But what about the long-distance thing? What about their families? And what I can tell you is that this book was memorable to the minimum.
Oh yeah, it was Josh. I mean, I was able to stand it, unlike some romances. This was a fairly short read. And because it was so easy to read and concentrate on, it was even more easier. I loved her to death—especially since she was a bookworm. Like, that was the perfect way to find your loved one, especially if you guys can understand each other. They were a definite ship. The funniest thing was that she actually came to look for something better but she really got nervous around Josh and ended up having to get one of the cheesiest and cheapest books in the store.
With a fantastic protagonist and a quick read, Fifteenth Summer was okay. Sep 26, Miranda added it. I've always liked reading romantic books. They keep me very interested and wanting to read more. The more i read them, the more I like reading. Her grandmother had recently passed away and her parents thought it would be a good idea to go there.
FIFTEENTH SUMMER by Michelle Dalton | Kirkus Reviews
The lake house was in Bluepointe, where her sisters had met these guys. They were excited to see them and all Chelsea was worried about was getting there and out of the car. When they reached the lake house, Chelsea and her sisters fought about who sleeps where. Chelsea decided to take a walk around town and she found this bookstore that she thought looked interesting. When she was in the bookstore something caught her eye, a boy. After wandering around for a couple minutes, she bumped into him.
They ended up having a little conversation, his name was Josh. After their little conversation was over, he invited her to stop into the store anytime. The next day, the family had taken a trip to the beach.
They enjoyed their day until a couple hours later, they left to go into town and got ice cream. Chelsea saw Josh again. She was terrified that she looked horrible and that Josh wouldn't show any interest in her. He seemed to like her more and more just as much as she did.
She walked into the store with her sisters. Her sister, Hannah, went into the back as soon as she saw the guy she liked. As Hannah was in the back talking to her guy, Chelsea and Josh were making conversation. She was still terrified she looked bad but she had forgotten about it when Josh told her she looked beautiful and that he liked the look of her hair after she gets done swimming.
As Chelsea was ranting to him, she was stopped by the touch of his lips against hers. They met up everyday. More and more they fell in love with each other. One day, Chelsea was talking about finding a job so she could afford a book. Josh recommended that she became a waitress for the resturaunt right next to his bookstore. She went and got interviewed. She ended up getting the job. Josh didn't seem too happy when she told him she got it. He ended up getting used to it after going to see her on her breaks or her going to see him on his breaks.
No matter what, they got together everyday some how. Finally, July 4th came around, her family planned on going to the beach together. So did Josh's family. Chelsea and Josh made a plan that they would both go to dinner with their families and after they would get together for the fireworks. That was their first date, the second one was when they went in a canoe together. Josh insisted that he would paddle. He told Chelsea to relax, so she did. As the days counted down for when she had to go back to L.
She tried spending every moment with him. When she met Josh she completely changed. She became all about him. She left her family behind and Josh was her first priority. Someone who likes romance because thats all this book is about. Its a very interesting book it keeps you wanting to read. Oct 18, Taylor Peters rated it liked it. Personal Response I think the book Fifteenth Summer was an okay book.
It is a good book if you're looking for a short sweet love story but is a book a young kid would read. I think I would read some other books in the series to see if they get any better. I was worried that the book would be sad because of their grandmother's death, but it wasn't. I liked the storyline, but I wish the author would make things a little more mature, and make the characters more rebellious.
Plot Summary This book is about a girl named Chelsea, and her family. They travel to Lake Michigan every summer, and stay at their grandma's house with her. This year is different now that their grandmother has passed away. Chelsea is a girl who loves books and one day after being overwhelmed with her grandmother's passing, she goes to the bookstore in town. She meets a boy and 'falls in love at first sight'.
Throughout the summer they grow in 'love', and have many adventures. Characterization Throughout reading the book I saw the maturity go up in Chelsea. I also realized how much she cares about people and things that are important to others. Her sisters also grow up and realize what things are actually important. Recommendation I would recommend this book to anyone who would want to read a short, sweet, love story.
It doesn't have a lot of action, but certain things keep the book interesting. I would think teen girls would enjoy this book most because it is based on a 15 year old girl. Apr 13, Sapir rated it liked it Shelves: For more of my reviews visit my blog: I'm going to start with the good things. This book is the sweetest YA summer romance book I've ever read!!
It was so cute and adorkable I love this word. It is a very short book, only pages I think and I was just flying through the pages, eager to get more of this great, light feel of su For more of my reviews visit my blog: It is a very short book, only pages I think and I was just flying through the pages, eager to get more of this great, light feel of summer. It got me into a great mood, too. I felt like she was me. Yes, she was that realistic. First of all, she was exactly my age - 15, and that's quite a rare age for a main character in YA books.
I really don't understand why. Second, she was a book nerd and a self-proclaimed dork. She was a shy avid reader who lived her life through books and was waiting for her own adventure to start. This was just like me!!

I was amazed to find out that I'm not the only one who's waiting for her real-life Peeta Mellark At the beginning she was very insecure. She hated the way she looked with those wild red curls and freckled skin, but she grew up during the book and learned to love herself and to feel more confident in her own body. I loved reading about the transformation she made. This book talked a lot about book love and about reading for pleasure, what made it even more enjoyeble for me.
Chelsea and Josh met in the best bookstore in the world too bad it's fictional. I wish I could visit there in real life. Chelsea and Josh started to get closer to each other by reading and laughing about a terrible book together, and that is a great proof that reading can help your love life!! My favorite parts were always the ones that were set in the bookstore, or when Chelsea talked about the novels she read.
And that was actually the main problem I had with the book. Josh was hot and cold in a terrible way. For one second he was the ideal boyfriend, all sweet and loving, and then, at the next one, he became all cold and distant and even tried to avoid Chelsea.
That annoyed the hell out of me!! I mean, what was his problem? What kind of a boyfriend was he, and how could Chelsea stand him!? I mean, that's right, he could be extremely cute when he wanted to, but you could never trust him. He was very unstable and inconsiderate and just so SO annoying.
Overall this book was very enjoyable and sweet. It was all about first love and the imperfections of it that make it so cute and naive I highly recommend in to teen girls, especially to 14 or year-olds. It is also perfect as a quick beach read for all ages!! I received a electronic ARC from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for my honest review.
I was not obligated to write a good review nor am I receiving any compensation for writing this review. The opinions expressed within this review are my own. An Overview of the Novel: Chelsea is less than thrilled to be going back to the family cottage in Bluepointe. This is the first year her grandmother won't be there; she died and Chelsea is having a really h My Rating: This is the first year her grandmother won't be there; she died and Chelsea is having a really hard time dealing with that. Her grandmother wasn't supposed to die, at least not until she was old.
Now everything has changed. Chelsea takes refuge in the bookstore and meets Josh. She can't tell if he likes her or not and has no clue how to read the signals he's giving her. Until suddenly she does.
Fifteenth Summer
Finally, Chelsea seems to have met somebody who likes her as much as she likes him. But they only have the summer? After that, who knows. Her parents could sell the cottage and never return. Is it worth it when one summer is all you might have? I started this novel without really knowing what to expect. Honestly, I asked to read this book because I loved the cover and because I tend to really enjoy summer reads. However, the fact that they were only 15 was a little bit of a turn-off at first. This book was beautifully written and had me grinning from page one to the very last page.
Dalton's writing was engaging and her talent for story-telling was incredible. She created characters who caught my attention from the first page. Chelsea faced a lot of insecurity. Her oldest sister was the braniac, her second oldest sister was the athlete, and she was Her two older sisters were gorgeous and she had what she thought was hideous red hair.
Basically, she had no clue how she fit in. Chelsea wasn't a whiny character or one that was so insecure that you wanted to smack her, but she was dealing with a lot of uncertainty and grew a lot in the book. I also really loved Josh. He was such a great guy. The pacing of the novel, the plot, the characters—they were all brilliantly crafted. This novel was a beautiful, fun, engaging, light-hearted read that I really enjoyed. So why 4 out of 5 stars?
It was beautifully written. It lacked the depth of my favorite novels, and yet it was still really enjoyable and one of the best I've read in awhile. An engaging, cute summer read that is brilliantly written and centered on fabulous characters that readers will adore. I'm glad I took a chance and read this novel. It was way better than I thought it would be and ended up being a really enjoyable read. I'd recommend this to fans of young adult novels or fans of cute, summer reads. Nov 07, Sarah rated it liked it Shelves: I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis.
Thanks to Simon Pulse and Edelweiss. How does Josh feel about Chelsea? Can Chelsea ever see herself as beautiful? And what happens at the end of the summer? This was quite a light, summery read, nothing too taxing, probably suited to readers age 12 and up. Chelsea was a likeable character, but Josh was very difficult to get a feel for. I liked how Chelsea tried to keep up traditions from when her family had previously visited the lake house, and I liked how she tried to keep things that were important to her grandma alive.
It was nice how he immediately felt something for Chelsea, but their interactions tended to be quite light rather than flirty. The romance between the couple was light, it was more like they were friends who kissed occasionally than boyfriend-girlfriend a lot of the time. It took a very long time for anything to really happen between Chelsea and Josh, and it never went past a kiss or hand holding, making this ideal for younger readers. I did like the storyline overall, but it was quite slowly paced, and not a lot happened between the couple, which is why I think this book would be more suited to a younger audience.
The ending of this book was a little disappointing, but I suppose summer love is just that — only for the summer.
Overall; a light, summery, younger teen read. Jun 17, Jana rated it really liked it Shelves: