White Wolf (A White Wolf Story Series Book 1)
There are wonderfully tender moments of redemption, forgiveness, and learning to trust God. Overall, this book has some really wonderful things going for it; great characters, a rich historical backdrop, and well-illustrated themes with beautiful Scripture sprinkled throughout. It is born from a place of hurt and triumph, tears and laughter.
And I respect her for pouring so much of herself into this novel and being vulnerable with certain aspects of her life. There were quite a few things which I thought could have been done better, but I have to say that I am not sorry that I read this book. It has not become an instant favorite and I am still undecided whether or not to read the forthcoming sequel, but I am glad I read this one. And I will probably pick it up again at some point and re-read at least the latter half. I would recommend this for mid-teens and up. There was not a single thing that I thought was inappropriate, in terms of content.
Jul 22, Erika Mathews rated it really liked it. This is an enjoyable read. The plot was slow-paced, but I found that relaxing and enjoyable to process at the slower pace. The characters were unique and vivid. At first, I found the first person present tense POV a bit distracting, but I quickly got used it - and it even helped me distinguish when something was a flashback. Her limited knowledge of what was going on lent an air of mystery to the story.
Her journ This is an enjoyable read. Her journey was well-portrayed and the emotions were realistic. I loved the wolf as well. I would highly recommend this book to those who like a deep read with a hint of mystery and a blend of many elements. Feb 04, Josie rated it liked it Shelves: The plot and pacing are slow, but that makes it a nice, relaxing read.
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I adored Jonathan, Izzy, and Miss Margaret, and they were fun to follow. Plus, the Christian themes were done well and were believable. There was minor violence possibly more that I didn't notice; I don't have the best attention span , but no language. Read the entire post and my interview with the author here! Feb 08, Chloe aka Crystal rated it it was amazing Shelves: Previously posted on Purely by Faith Reviews.
I tried my hardest to keep spoilers out, but I think some may have slipped in. Read at your own risk xD For the first hundred pages, I was on a roller-coaster ride of emotions! I felt like I'm under-qualified to write this review because the words were not coming - literally. I feel bad because I was supposed to finish this earlier today, but it took me longer to read it since the last couple of days have been wacky, with my dad and sister ou Previously posted on Purely by Faith Reviews.
I feel bad because I was supposed to finish this earlier today, but it took me longer to read it since the last couple of days have been wacky, with my dad and sister out of town and trying to handle my little baby sister with my mom as well as my siblings. It really took me a bit to figure out what I wanted to say about this wonderful book and how to say it. Hopefully I was able to express my love for it the way I wanted to.
- Die Sonne war der ganze Himmel: Roman (German Edition).
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- White Wolf (Sons of Rome, #1) by Lauren Gilley.
- White Wolf and the Ash Princess (White Wolf, #1) by Tammy Lash.
- All reviews for: Skilgannon the Damned.
So, this is a forgiveness story, and although Izzy eventually learns to trust God, the book does not come off as preachy at all although I am fond of those most of the time and would be something great to read for those who prefer books like this. The story was really intriguing.
Like, I did not expect the twists and turns. I figured out what character was going to die way before it happened but the effect it had on me still made me nearly cry , because I couldn't cry in front of my siblings. I kind of like Izzy, but I really didn't like how she treated Jonathan. It ends up making sense later when I realized this was like a forgiveness story, but still. Anyways, it was really cool to see her character change, and see her grow closer to the Lord.
It was really interesting to discover more information about her past, and about herself. It's really hard not to spoil anything about her.. I had a love-hate relationship with him at first. I had some assumptions in the beginning about him, ones that weren't good, and I'm glad everything turned out all right with him.
I really enjoyed reading about him as the story went on and he's probably a favorite character of mine. I really got attached to Miss Margaret because she was the mother figure. Although she sometimes annoyed me, most of the time I was just wanting to give her this big hug. Like, I really my eyes watered and it was just really emotional. Tubs was just my favorite character and I just fell in love with him not literally though. I was fond of him from the beginning and I'm still upset about what happened I really liked it when we finally found out his real name. It was kind of a funny twist on the whole thing.
My only issue with him was that, although he was thirteen years old, he acted a bit younger for his age. Now I know guys can be goofy, because I've seen it with my own eyes at my youth group in the past, but it just was a little weird for me. The writing was a little confusing at times and the way things were worded also confused me. I didn't get a huge historical feel from the book until way later, but that's not a bad thing at least for me. The only issues I had were when Jared mentioned himself being a cannibal.
I understand he was the villain, but it was really unnecessary. The romance was a bit uncomfortable, a snuggle scene in bed, but otherwise clean. The cover partially doesn't make sense to me since I thought Izzy had darker skin? I'm rating this book five stars because I see no need to deduct any for the few content warnings.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I think anyone looking for a new forgiveness read that does not come off as preachy should pick this up. A couple kisses between a husband and wife that were semi-detailed; same husband and wife snuggles a bit. Again, a character mentions himself being a cannibal. Death, some violence gunshots, injuries ,etc. A character reappears as an angel, telling the main character it was not her time to go I didn't really have a problem with this, but others might. I received a copy of this ebook from the author thanks, Victoria and Tammy!
I was not obligated to write a positive one. When I first received this book, I had no real idea of what to expect. Not even the genre of it! Having read it, I'm so glad that I didn't, because I wouldn't normally pick up a historical fiction book and this one would be a shame to miss out on.
Tammy Lash has done a beautiful job, breathing life into her characters that had me wishing I could hug them one time and another time wanting to grab them by the shoulders and shake them! I thoroughly savored the richness of her world. Her writing is When I first received this book, I had no real idea of what to expect. Her writing is so vivid that every time I opened it, it felt like I'd stepped through a time portal to a place that I could taste, smell, and touch.
Familiar, but so deliciously new. The author's love for the will-not-be-named-because-it'd-be-a-spoiler culture really shines through. This is one book that made me not care that the clock read three am, I just had to read one more chapter! I loved this book and I'm eager to read the sequel. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good historical fiction or is looking for something new to try. For me, this one definitely did not disappoint.
That's all the words I have for this. Jul 11, S. Willoughby rated it liked it. More than one person has asked me what I thought about this book and I still don't know. This book reminds me of a dusty library The pacing is so different from my life Sometimes the pace changes and time jumps threw me off, but I can't actually come up with a reason as to why I wouldn't like it The book is unique More than one person has asked me what I thought about this book and I still don't know. The book is unique and that called for unique style and choices on how to write it.
Another way it reminded me of a dusty library was the scenes Some made me squirm with how real they were, and others made me scan the page again looking for more details to help me picture what was going on. This was also an emotional rollercoaster. It wasn't what I was hoping for, but it was beautiful in its own way. You can tell that the author put a lot of her heart into it. The few parts that I struggled with as a reader made sense as soon as I read the author's note at the end of the book.
Like a character's death. I think the biggest strength of this book was the characters. They each had a distinctly different feel and voice, and I became very attached to many of them. And the character arcs were strong. I think that the biggest thing that bothered me negatively was the excess of hinted secrets. I get it, Izzy didn't know what was going on. But eventually, I got rather disgruntled that Jonathan was keeping so many secrets But when I realized exactly his part in Izzy's past it made a bit more sense.
It did drive me a little crazy as a reader in that first bit, though. Maybe that's why Cook is one of my favorite characters, The book did take a little while to get going, but if you hang in there it does draw you in a little more and the plot speeds up anyway for the most part. There were also a few loose ends at the end of the book that didn't get tied up, but nothing too major. And perhaps the sequel hinted at at the end of the book will help some of those. Nov 06, Aria rated it really liked it. Jan 29, A. It took me awhile to get into the book which lead to it taking me longer to get through the book, but that might have just been due to me being sick and not readin 4.
It took me awhile to get into the book which lead to it taking me longer to get through the book, but that might have just been due to me being sick and not reading at all… The characters and the story are so vivid, the story flows to life. You can feel the emotion. In terms of accessibility, it's an easy read, and extremely well paced. And the characters are memorable, and lifelike. The author has created a masterpiece that keeps on giving until the final paragraph!
Anyone who's a fan of Historical Fiction, Dramas, or who's simply looking for a good read, should consider White Wolf! This is a great read. It has romance, adventure, and faith all mixed in to create one of the best reads I've had. A lot of Christian Faith book are over the top pushing faith. However, this one is perfect. I loved the historical flow with this. Jun 14, Julian Daventry rated it it was amazing Shelves: Yet another ebook that I bought and then waited a month or two before reading.
Okay, so this was like Like, something about a library, and traveling to a fantasy world? Don't ask me how I got that assumption, but that's what I thought the book was about Me, a number of chapters in: Okay, now I see what's going on, and this is pretty cool. Me, finishing the book: He really was the best part of the book.
His character, so heroic and brave, with flaws, with mistakes. I dunno, but I instantly liked him, and I was just hoping the whole time that he was good. On their own, I don't think I really cared for them. Tubs was cute as a young whippersnapper and very well written , but considering I have a number of young boys who live next door and visit frequently, I was like "oh, look, another little boy Maybe because I am an adventurous soul and she really wasn't? I did enjoy her later on, as she grew throughout the story.
They are so adorable together!!! Kinda confusing at first perhaps because I thought the story was something different, lol , and there were times where I was like "wait, what's going on, what?? By the end of the book everything fell into place and everything was resolved. Like, I really was not expecting that. Not in the least. And once I got over my initial surprise, I was like "Oh, yeah, this is epic!!
But it was such a fun read not to mention nice and long!!! I'm pretty sure I'll be reading it again, too. Feb 09, Melissa rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Izzy, the main character, leaps off the page with her quirks, insecurities, and inner voice. I can relate to her insecurities, her feeling weak and helpless. She grows considerably over the course of the book, however--maybe a bit unbelievable at times, but inspiring. Miss Margaret is straight-laced but kind, and hides a different side. She is a mother-figure to Izzy, who does not remember her birth mother.
Jonathan is a sweetheart; though a bit over-protective and secretive, he lov Where to start? Jonathan is a sweetheart; though a bit over-protective and secretive, he loves and gives time after time. He has a temper, as does Izzy, and that's where it threw me a bit. Tubs is also a fun and sweet character: He pulls her into the mystery surrounding Jonathan, but he has no evil motives.
I love the old castle and all that it contains! I wish this section went on longer. The inventions of Jonathan are fascinating. The story shifts gears midway and American Indians are introduced, as well as people from Jonathan's past. Izzy journeys because it is required of her and to find belonging. There are wild animals, cold waters, snow, legends.
The writing itself is first-person present tense and a sometimes wordy and confusing, but also often lyrical and delightful, such as comparing a man's sideburns to two bushy squirrel tails. There are several typos and misspellings, but hopefully these will be corrected in the final version I read the ARC. The first setting in England seems slightly out of its time period, and occasionally the present tense awkwardly shifts to past tense, but for a first novel, it's well-done, and truly a moving story of complexity and character.
Dec 01, Becca rated it really liked it Shelves: I must say, this book was a pleasant surprise. It's an independently published debut novel. Yet, besides some typos and slight roughness in the flow of the story, it was as good or better than much contemporary historical fiction. Gems like this are the reason I read so many indie books. Maybe we're just seeing other sides of him in the previous book and this one! I love how he offered advice and genuinely seemed to want to help the newly bitten loupe garous but his hands were somewhat tied being on another alpha's territory.
I have a feeling we may see these characters as a cameo at least in other books as I think they'll be staying in touch with Leidolf to garner his advice as they progress, although they will have some aide seeing as one of Cameron's friends has mated or will mate with a born loupe garou so they will have someone to teach them! Great book and honestly, I wish I'd started this series sooner as each book I read in it is every bit as good if not better then the last!
Mar 26, Bernadette rated it liked it Shelves: The book is well written with virtually no spelling or grammar mistakes which are far too common with ebooks.
Legend of the White Wolf (Heart of the Wolf, #4) by Terry Spear
The romance in this book is between Faith and Cameron. Cameron is a P I which is on a mission to find his missing business partners. After their unusual first meeting, they meet up again when Faith discovers a dead body in the offices of Back Country Tours….. It quickly becomes apparent that they both have questions to put to the owners of Back Country Tours and that they are travelling to the same destination. Apr 12, Sheila rated it really liked it Shelves: I guess that would be a given, since I love dogs so much. A worthy addition to the series, I thoroughly enjoyed this from start to finish.
Feb 03, Janina rated it liked it Shelves: And even though this book wasn't as good as the others to me, I still enjoyed the story.
White Wolf and the Ash Princess
Cameron was probably my favorite character of them. Like I've said in previous reviews, I always find myself connecting with the male characters. I also really enjoyed the romance between Cameron and Faith. Faith was a strong female, but sometimes I felt as though she was a little too strong minded at times, if that makes any se Ratings: Faith was a strong female, but sometimes I felt as though she was a little too strong minded at times, if that makes any sense.
The book was also filled with tons of action, which I loved. There wasn't a page that didn't have some kind of crazy scene happening. The only thing I didn't really like was that it took me a while to really get into the story in the beginning. But once I got into it, I really enjoyed it and devoured the rest of the book in a day! I stayed up ALL night to finish the book because I couldn't put it down. I can't wait to continue on with the next installment and I definitely recommend this series to those who love shifters and good paranormal romances.
Jan 11, Anna rated it really liked it Shelves: Cameron and Faith separately set out for the wilderness of Maine, both for different reasons. Fate brings them together. But the danger of the wild outdoors and their enemies could tear them apart. Since I haven't read the books previous to this one, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this book. But both the story and the characters pulled me in very early on.
For me the brightest point is the character, Cameron MacPherson. I liked the sexy hero right away. Very charming and commanding, and plus Cameron and Faith separately set out for the wilderness of Maine, both for different reasons. Very charming and commanding, and plus he's a lover of urban fantasy. Really what's not to like? Legend of the White Wolf is a fast paced story with both elements of paranormal and mystery.
One not to be missed. This is the 4th book in Ms. Spear's Werewolf series, but can be read as a stand alone. Aug 04, Vicki rated it it was amazing Shelves: Wish I had re-read the first 2 in series but it is a good stand alone. Cameron is looking for his 2 friends that went to Maine to hunt and didn't come back.
Unknown to him they have been bitten by wolves and are now wolf shifters. Faith's father was in Maine with a group looking for Big Foot but he only pretended to look for big foot he was really doing research paper about people that looked for Big Foot. Only he saw something he shouldn't and wrote about the wolves. Faith's boyfriend Loved it.
Faith's boyfriend steals her father's research paper, hard drive and flash drive and also is in Maine. Then it really get exciting. People are getting murdered. Werewolves are getting murdered. Everybody is getting bitten and seeing things they shouldn't. It was funny and romantic and a who done it. Loved it going to re-read other books in series. Sep 06, Faith Dominguez added it. Well I finally finished it toke longer than excepted its been really crazy over here. But I love this series like I really do its my third favourite, it was very intimate at times but I love that again it has grat mystery with it.
I mean I love it and what I give yo have a werewolf love lol I love faith she is smart and beautiful. I think what I liked a lot was that we got to see and know what everybody was going through , I love that we just didn't get to see faith and Cameron but the whole cha Well I finally finished it toke longer than excepted its been really crazy over here.
I think what I liked a lot was that we got to see and know what everybody was going through , I love that we just didn't get to see faith and Cameron but the whole characters in this book: I also love how terry kept characters. Prior to the other book and that was awesome Shea so gifted in her work and its really great and very blessed she can be a amazing arthor: God Bless With love Violet Feb 10, Gaby rated it liked it.
Legend of the White Wolf is a romance with the added complexity of werewolves. While Faith O'Malley is a smart, beautiful heroine on a mission, when she suddenly faces future as a werewolf, things become markedly more complicated. She draws the attention of the local Alpha but she has her eye on another. Meanwhile Cameron has his own mission - and must help find his missing partners. Cameron discovers and gets on the wrong side of the local werewolves. He must find a way to save his friends and k Legend of the White Wolf is a romance with the added complexity of werewolves.
- Conveyor of the Sayer!
- The White Wolf;
- White Wolf by David Gemmell;
He must find a way to save his friends and keep his newly discovered love. Legend of the White Wolf is part romance, part werewolf adventure and much action. The book is likely to appeal to readers fond of contemporary romance and paranormal adventure. Sourcebooks Casablanca; 1 edition November 3, , pages. Review copy provided by the publisher. Feb 15, Tia rated it really liked it.
In the fifth book of this series, it finally mixes it up a wee bit. I hope the next are going to be this good and this is where the flip happened from boringish to amazing! Faith is a beautiful, funny and smart woman on a mission when she is suddenly attacked by werewolves and change. Now that she is a werewolf, she has drawn an Alpha to her attention but has her eyes on another!
Together Faith and Cameron are great together. I smiled every time I read about them. Feb 05, Bridget rated it it was amazing. Cameron's friends went hunting but they should have been back by now. When Cameron decides to search for them, he encounters something unbelievable. Faith's father told stories of "man-wolves" and Faith is determined to find out the truth. Is her father off his rocker or do they really exist?
Cameron and Faith meet and the sparks fly. While searching, they find a group of people who want to slaughter the werewolves. The problem is, Cameron and Faith are part of the werewolf species. Will the wolve Cameron's friends went hunting but they should have been back by now. Will the wolves be able escape the hunters or will werewolves be added to the endangered species list?
I really enjoyed reading this book and I'm adding Terry to my favorite authors list. Jun 11, Sian rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved that both of the main characters of this story were both fully human. I loved how Faith was on a return mission to get her dad's research back from the ex who used her to steal it, and I also liked that Cameron was on a mission to find out what happened to his friends and colleagues. I liked how Faith and Cameron were instantly attracted to each other and I liked how they both ended up in the same place. I also liked that throughout the story Faith and Cameron were able loved this one!!!
I also liked that throughout the story Faith and Cameron were able to stick together and help each other even when they were both accidentally turned. I liked that the enemy for both of them ended up being the same and by the end of the book I liked that every loose end was tired up and there was an all round happy ending.
Aug 17, Trina added it. This was a great read.
White Wolf Publishing
I started the book back in August and got distracted from reading it by too many things going on. When I picked it up the other day I couldn't put it down. Finished it in 2 days and loved that I was reading it during the firt snowfall in our area. My favorite thing about the main characters was that Cameron the hero knew from the first moment that he wanted the heroine Faith.
What I loved about Faith was she was a "Kick butt, independant, free-thinker". I would have li This was a great read. I would have liked to see a couple of the other character's a little more developed and maybe their stories will come later in the wolf series. Mar 28, Lynn Aoude rated it really liked it. Another great book in the Heart of the Wolf series.
I just love how Spear mixes the romance and the actions in her books. Even her characters are lovable. You can't help liking them, at least the good ones. As for this book, I love how Faith had a real tenacious and bad-ass personality. And Cameron was swoon-worthy. The hint of vulnerability he showed was even more endearing. You can say that the action and the romance are quite balanced in this book. And there wasn't a boring moment in the plot. A Another great book in the Heart of the Wolf series.
All in all, it's a great book that hooks you from the very beginning and doesn't let go until the very end. Jan 26, Kim rated it really liked it. Legend of the White Wolf was harder for me to get into.

It was good, but I couldn't get into the beginning. Once the story picked up though it was quite good. I was kind of hoping the idea of dream-mating was going to continue, but no such luck. The Estorean Conquord has stood for years. Its Advocate, Herine Del Aglios, knows that she presides over the greatest civilisation in history. But she wants more. A score of years after he first walked into the histories of Men, Anasurimbor Kellhus rules all the Three Seas, the first true Aspect-Emperor in a thousand years.
Chronicles of the Raven James Barclay 9. The Raven have fought together for years, six men carving out a living as swords for hire in the war that has torn Balaia apart, loyal only to themselves and their code. Prince of Nothing R Scott Bakker 9. A score of centuries has passed since the First Apocalypse and the thoughts of men have turned, inevitably, to more worldly concerns A veteran sorcerer and spy seeks new David Gemmell was born in in West London, England.
His school life ended at the age of sixteen when he was expelled for his part in an organized gambling syndicate. Brilliant, heroic and brutal. One for the Gemmell-fans. Write a reader review Thank you for taking the time to write a review on this book, it really makes a difference and helps readers to find their perfect book. First name Country where you live Book Your rating out of 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Your review. More about David Gemmell Lion of Macedon 8. Ghost King Stones of Power: Legend The Drenai Novels: Waylander The Drenai Novels: