The Sensual Slave Girl
No Down Payment The Secret of Santa Vittoria A Bucket of Blood Creatures the World Forgot In prehistoric times, two brothers fight each other for the leadership of their tribe. Edit Cast Complete credited cast: First Amazon Sydney Bromley Colonel Hammond Mary Hignett Head Boy Bari Jonson High Priest Danny Daniels Edit Storyline Jungle guide David Marchand is kidnapped by a tribe of natives who want to sacrifice him to their white rhino god.
Edit Details Official Sites: Edit Did You Know? Goofs Although it appeared some of the women had lipstick on, it is hardly likely they would have access to a cosmetics store in prehistoric times. It is the sign of the sacred white rhino.
It guards the entry to the land of the Pu'naka. Well, we haven't gone this far to be turned back by a primitive tree carving! But, here, the devils of darkness are all about us! The devils of what? The spirits of the past - that protect their holy shrine, from the desecration of the lure of the ice. Add the first question. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report this. Audible Download Audio Books. Then one day a young prince shows up who claims to know of her people, and Nimia has to make a decision…live the safe life as a slave and concubine, or be free to find her past as a fugitive on the run.
I do not know much about the Roman Empire or the language of the time the book is set it, but to my uncultured mind, the writing in this book seemed to fit. The story flowed smoothly with beautiful imagery, and the plot was intriguing enough to leave me wanting more. This is the first installment of the story, and I will be looking for part two, hopefully soon!
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Jul 15, Jannelle rated it liked it Shelves: Overall, Slave girl was OK. I'm sorry because I hate saying that about a book. To me, "OK" just means that it had its ups and it had its downs and I'm not better or worse for reading it.
I enjoyed the story - it seemed to be a bit original for the erotica genre and it reminded me a bit of the Sleeping Beauty trilogy by A. I felt as if the story felt a bit rushed - view spoiler [you're explained at the beginning of the novel that the protagonist is a virgin and trying to save herse Overall, Slave girl was OK.
I felt as if the story felt a bit rushed - view spoiler [you're explained at the beginning of the novel that the protagonist is a virgin and trying to save herself for her master and then she just ups and gives it up like it's alright, just waited my whole life for this, but you will do just fine! Aug 03, Jillyn rated it it was ok Shelves: I got this book because I love two things featured in it: I'm a Classics minor, and I have an obsession with things that are in any way Greek or Roman in nature.
Plus an erotica on top of it? Unfortunately, I didn't like this nearly as much as I wanted to. That beings said, it did have some high points going for it in some aspects. I really, really like the concept of this book. A man has been training his slave for years, getting her ready so that he can take her virgin I got this book because I love two things featured in it: A man has been training his slave for years, getting her ready so that he can take her virginity.
Only, she gives it to someone else against his orders, someone not even of the same side in politics. I really liked the world Cach created as well. The outfits were well described, as were the people and the places around them. It was really easy to place yourself in the story. But then things got a bit worse. This is partially to do with me.
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If the anatomical words in an erotica don't make it a steamier story, than it is hard for me to get into it. Such was the case with Slave Girl. The fact that the girl's nether-regions I am purposely being clean here, folks were referred to as a "cunny" just really rubbed me wrong.

It made it hard for me not to laugh, which effectively killed the sexual vibe the author wanted. Sexual, but not romantic. Granted, this is a novella serial, so feelings may develop later, but if you're looking for immediate romance with your sex, this isn't the read for you. I was also kind of off put by the melding of Greek and Roman. My love of Rome made me do it. But then, about halfway in, too much started to happen at once. It got really sexual and political and conniving out of nowhere, and it became rushed and a bit hard to follow.
I mentioned that the word "cunny" killed my sexy feelings towards this book.
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Well, that was furthered later on in the book. I don't want to give too many spoilers on details, but she has a trick to restore her "bits" so that she feels like a virgin again, and it involves animal organs and blood. I like my sex without that in it, please. I get that it's probably historically accurate, but that does not make it not kill the mood. While this novella did have some good parts, I couldn't get past some of my issues. Some of them may be solved in the next installment, but I won't be reading on to find out. This is an erotica, so it does of course contain sex. If word choice isn't an issue for you, maybe you'll like it better than I did.
Thanks to Netgalley and Pocket Star for my copy in exchange for my honest review. This review can also be found on my blog, Bitches n Prose. While it is quite apparent from the outset that Nimia's status as a slave leaves her subject to the whims and folly of her master, King Sygarius. A great number of her master's wishes concerning her go unheeded for much of the read. The No Touching Rule King Sygarius has decreed that no one is to touch Nimia except him, but we are not out of the first chapter before she is Erotic Nights is a read that presents readers with quite the quandary for a rather large number of reasons.
The No Touching Rule King Sygarius has decreed that no one is to touch Nimia except him, but we are not out of the first chapter before she is being fondled by none other than the king's wife. Said fondling is apparently just the start down the slippery slope to unsanctioned "deflowerment" for an all too eager Nimia. It is, in fact Nimia herself who thumbs her nose at the "no touching" rule in the most flagrant sense; when she gives herself to the young barbarian prince, Clovis, just days before she is to be bedded by her king.
But one cannot hold her entirely responsible for her lapse given the fact that she had been ordered to "get close to Clovis' father in the hopes that she might glean information that would prove useful to King Sygarius during negotiations.
Slave girls
Don't worry, it gets worse. Not only do we find Nimia embroiled in the beginnings of an espionage type situation; there is also the search for her lost heritage to deal with. This story is one of those that starts off as a very directed novella and quickly morphs into the unfinished beginnings of a much larger saga. This turn of events direction-wise wouldn't be such a shock to the system if it did not mean a complete abandonment of the erotic side of things. Given the fact that this is the first book in a serial novella; one would expect there to he more care given to character introduction, and repartee building, than the incessant hopping from plot element to plot element that we witness here.
Before you throw in the towel on this read however, remember that this is only the first installment, and therefore leaves much room for growth, focus, and improvement.
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Jun 21, Kelly rated it it was ok. Slave Girl is the first part in a series. It's only 90 pages and should be read quickly but it took me a while for me to finish it. I was losing interest but the story picked up after that. The main character is a young slave named Nimia. She's owned by Sygarius, her master for nine years. She has been trained and raised knowing that someday when she'll be ready, Sygarius will be the first man touc Slave Girl is the first part in a series. She has been trained and raised knowing that someday when she'll be ready, Sygarius will be the first man touching her.
The only things she wants is to be free and to find her family again, but she would be risking safety and her own life by trying to escape or be with another man. Clovis is a young and arrogant prince who charmed Nimia into having sex. Nimia is a little naive and happens what was supposed to happens Things don't go smoothly afterward and she has to find a way out before Sygarius learns her betrayal. I am having a hard time to know what to think of the different characters.
Terix is probably the only character I liked, he was really sweet and nice. He's always here to help her and considere her as family. I was really disappointed by Clovis and a little irritated by him. Overall, it was okay even if I wasn't hooked. I've never read a book with a similar story.
Dec 26, Christine rated it liked it Shelves: Just when I got into the story, it ended. When I first started I was not sure what the story was about. Nimia is a virgin who is saved until she is of the proper age for Sygarius. Nimia does not remember much of her life b Just when I got into the story, it ended.
Nimia does not remember much of her life before she became a slave, she knows there is more out there. Stay in her safe haven as a slave or take a risk and leave where she does not know what dangers are behind the wall. The synopsis sounds simple, but reading it was anything but and that is why I think I had a hard time enjoying it. It is a short read, an intro to the series. I was hoping for something else when I started reading this so was a little disappointed. A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Jul 02, Beach Mama rated it really liked it Shelves: I don't typical read a lot of historical romances, but this one caught my eye because the concept of concubine and sexual slave to royalty is intriguing to me. I can only imagine the sexual tension and frustration that she must feel after so many years of her body not even belonging to herself in preparation for giving her virginity and body to her ruler. She isn't even aloud to touch her own "cunny"!
Slave girl @ Sensual Mothers
So is it such a shock that when a sexy prince shows up that she is consumed with lust? Add in he I don't typical read a lot of historical romances, but this one caught my eye because the concept of concubine and sexual slave to royalty is intriguing to me. Add in her supernatural ability to have visions of the future and you are left with an action packed story.
Her best friend is funny and loyal and I loved his part in her story. The ceremonies revolving around the loss of her virginity are pretty intense, yet sexy as sin. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this book. It is a quick read at only 90 pages, but the preview for the next book looks promising and I will definitely keep it on my to-read and coming-soon shelves. Jul 19, Preethi rated it liked it. The first thing I want to bring to notice is that the sex was not appreciated. In fact, it kind of creeped me out.
I'm not a huge fan of sex in books in the first place, and this novella had some really I think the author was trying to make the sex seem really intense, but most of the time I was just disgusted, and kind of shocked. The descriptions were irregular, and the wording and sexual innuendos the slaves used were unpleasant.
I can understand why it was done though, to hel The first thing I want to bring to notice is that the sex was not appreciated. I can understand why it was done though, to help make the different time period more prominent. Still, throughout the book, I tried to skim through the sex as quickly as possible; sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.
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Though this book is erotica, I'm not sure if all erotica fans will like the book. The main character wasn't the worse, but I definitely had a problem with her. She was a slave who hadn't always been a slave. Nimia was a spoil of war, and was separated from her mother during the same war. She doesn't know what became of her mother, and who her father was.
The thing I liked about Nimia was even though disobeying her master would mean death, she still does everything in her power to chases whatever clues she can to find her family. I also kind of loved the fact that she was a seer; it made things much more interesting, and that's probably the only reason I continued reading the novella.
What I didn't like about Nimia was that even though she was a slave girl who was forbidden to be touched until her initiation, she actually looked forward to her sex-filled initiation. Sure, I'm sure a young girl would be curious, but the way she thought about it I'd think she should be more worried about escaping the palace instead of wanting to stay there.
Nimia did say she wanted freedom several times throughout the novel, but I recall more times that she said she wanted to have sex with either her master or Clovis, the Barbarian Prince. Nimia's master was king of the palace, so of course I didn't want Nimia to desire to be his slave, but I didn't despise Nimia for seeing something in Clovis.
He seemed mysterious, and according to Nimia, he was very handsome. And even better, he apparently met Nimia's father before. What I'm trying to say is he started out as a great character. Then, as the novella went on, I started disliking him more and more. He was bossy, untrusting, and I came to the conclusion that Nimia should stay as far away from Clovis as possible.
But of course, she instead falls in love with him. Then Clovis does something unmentionably terrible, and that made me simultaneously angry and sad. I kind of want to continue reading the series if just to find out what happens between Clovis and Nimia. While I'm glad there was romance, I really wish there had been no sex. That was the only part of the novella that kept it from its full potential. What I enjoyed most about the story was the plot.
In fact, that's one of the only reasons I want to read the next installment is because I want to know if Nimia finds her family, I want to know if she'll get caught, I want to know if she will stop being crazy about sex, and most of all, I want to see if she'll find someone worthy of her love. Bu I'll say it again, I wish 'Slave Girl' wasn't an erotic romance. Readers who like high fantasy and won't mind the unusual sex scenes may consider giving this novella a try.
It may not have been the best read, but it's so much better than I had expected when looking at the cover and synopsis. Aug 23, Babel rated it it was amazing Shelves: It's my first foray into a serial that comes packed with historical background, dangerous intrigue and delights of the flesh. And with that elegant prose, it's a winner!
I truly enjoyed the first episode for all those reasons. Let me tell you more. Nimia has been a powerful Roman's slave for nine years. She's been prepared to lay with him for the first time, and the lessons have awakened her female desires. Though fate intervenes in the form of a barbarian price who entices a new world of dangerou It's my first foray into a serial that comes packed with historical background, dangerous intrigue and delights of the flesh.
Though fate intervenes in the form of a barbarian price who entices a new world of dangerous and forbidden longings in the mysterious slave. Beautifully laid out scenes that surprise, entertain and arouse in the most delicious way. The author's narrative weaves a delicate balance between slow-burning eroticism and brutal, well-researched historical atmosphere.
I enjoyed every moment of the lessons in the art of physical love that Nimia partly endures, partly anticipates. It was exhilarating to be constantly running on the edge of fear. Nimia is in a precarious position as a slave. Her master is not ordinary man, always testing her limits, teasing her unknown cravings, pushing her to spying for min and obeying his boundaries on the threat of punishment. But I suppose you mean that young wolf with the hungry eyes and the fox fur cape over his shoulders.
It was an overwhelming premonition of a future both terrifying and ecstatic. This man, something within me said. This man will take my soul. I could feel coils of fate wrapping around me, squeezing the breath from my body. My heart raced, a cold sweat breaking out over my skin.
Did he feel it? Did he, too, know? The corner of his mouth quirked in the hint of a smile and he winked at me, broke our gaze, and joined the other men as they passed through the gateway into the living quarters of the villa. I drew in a quaking breath, my muscles weak from the power of the premonition, my thoughts disjointed and echoing like lost voices in the fog.
I was no more than another female slave, of no import beyond the possibility of a quick toss in a shadowed corner. You know who that belongs to. It was crafted in the style of the long-conquered Celts from whom I was partially descended, of a hollow tube of gold as thick as my thumb, encircling my neck and ending with dual caps at the center of my collarbone. It was meant as a warning to any man who might forget his manners and make use of this particular slave without asking; but it was also meant to remind me that my body was not mine to share. It was our private joke, a reversal of what a scullery maid, jealous of an old gown Lady Lydia had given me, had once sneered.