Sword Masters
For the most part this is a clunky hodgepodge of old-fashioned warrior tropes, awkward humor, five-alarm melodrama and CGI-dependent 21st century action filmmaking This nostalgic nod to the Chinese magic-and-martial arts genre known as wuxia mixes love story and clan war with equal amounts of silliness and heart.
The emphasis is on deep-focus 3-D spectacle, not psychology. Is it kind of silly?
Sword Masters LLC
That goes almost without saying. Was I grinning from ear to ear throughout? Sword Master will hypnotise viewers new to the genre who are easily distracted by shiny things, and Yiyan Jiang's performance is almost worth the price of admission on it own, but martial arts aficionados are likely to be disappointed.
It's a great big, colourful, campy extravaganza in which often fake-looking CGI backgrounds don't detract from the enjoyment. Bringing it all back to basics is a laudable goal, but it should never feel this boring. Despite the best efforts of Derek Yee and Tsui Hark, Sword Master is a bloated action film with mediocre visuals and a cast that takes itself far more seriously than everyone else will. Once the real story emerges, Sword Master 3D settles into an impressive display of action choreography.
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Sword Master is easily one of the best Chinese-language remakes in recent times. There are no featured reviews for Sword Master at this time. More Top Movies Trailers. DC's Legends of Tomorrow: So keen is the greatsword's edge, and so enduring are the enchantments woven into its blade, that its sharpness is never dulled, no matter how many helms or skulls are cloven by its strikes.
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For the most part this is a clunky hodgepodge of old-fashioned warrior tropes, awkward humor, five-alarm melodrama and CGI-dependent 21st century action filmmaking This nostalgic nod to the Chinese magic-and-martial arts genre known as wuxia mixes love story and clan war with equal amounts of silliness and heart. The emphasis is on deep-focus 3-D spectacle, not psychology. Is it kind of silly?
Sword Master - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
That goes almost without saying. Was I grinning from ear to ear throughout? Sword Master will hypnotise viewers new to the genre who are easily distracted by shiny things, and Yiyan Jiang's performance is almost worth the price of admission on it own, but martial arts aficionados are likely to be disappointed.
It's a great big, colourful, campy extravaganza in which often fake-looking CGI backgrounds don't detract from the enjoyment. Bringing it all back to basics is a laudable goal, but it should never feel this boring.
On Dvd & Streaming
Despite the best efforts of Derek Yee and Tsui Hark, Sword Master is a bloated action film with mediocre visuals and a cast that takes itself far more seriously than everyone else will. Once the real story emerges, Sword Master 3D settles into an impressive display of action choreography. Sword Master is easily one of the best Chinese-language remakes in recent times.