Sunny Days, Rainy Days
Wanna transform your household? Start with my Soul Survey - sign up now! Today may be mild and sunny. Living in Northern California, I know that shortly the chilly winter rains could begin. It is a normal part of life to experience wind, rain, sun, heat waves, snow and even the occasional earthquake! Yesterday, I was dragging and was aware that the witching hour was quickly approaching — also known as dinnertime in my household. Today was not the day for a new recipe or complicated meal.
Dinner turned out to be gluten free spaghetti, organic sauce from a jar and a simple green salad for my family. I told my family it was made for them with incredible LOVE and that the home cooking would be back another day! My body was having a rainy day. I exercise, work, cook, take the kids on adventures and make those around me laugh. I do enjoy sunny days but nothing gives me more pleasure than rainy days What about everyone else? Which do you prefer?
Sunny Days, Rainy Days
Report 3 years ago 2. Sunny days of course!! Why would anyone prefer rainy days! Rain messes up my suits, it creates a gloomy atmosphere and it's usually quite cold as well.
I LOVE sunny days, especially when the sun is high up in the clear sky and it's scorching hot, love that it's amazing. Posted from TSR Mobile. Report 3 years ago 3. Report 3 years ago 4. Report 3 years ago 5. I like rainy days, I get sunburnt so easily and the rain is relaxing. Report Thread starter 3 years ago 6. Original post by Juicy J Sunny days of course!!
Report 3 years ago 7. Sunny days, my mood lifts and I feel like I can do anything.
Sunny Days, Rainy Days - Ashlee Craft's World
There's more opportunity to do things, even just leaning against a tree by the river and reading. I love the sound of rain when I'm indoors though.

Report Thread starter 3 years ago 8. Original post by channies I like rainy days, I get sunburnt so easily and the rain is relaxing. Report 3 years ago 9. Sunny days and rainy nights. I feel all happy and carefree when I'm out in the sun during the day but at night I love being all cosy and warm in my flat find hearing rain or hailstones very relaxing while I'm snuggled up. Feel awful for any people or animals out in it though. During this same period in downtown Seattle, only 4 of 92 days were mostly sunny, with 19 dreary days.
It is important to note that during this period, there were stretches of days where there was "not place to run, no place to hide". For example, January in Sequim was particularly bad, with only4 mostly sunny days, and 20 out of 31 days cloudy or dreary.
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- Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days? - The Student Room!
But right on the heals of January, the rain shadow really kicked into gear during the early spring months of February through April, In Sequim, 63 of 89 days were at least partly sunny. March in particular was a very stormy and dark month in Seattle, with 18 of 31 days cloudy, while Sequim recorded only 8 such days. Total mostly sunny days were close to equivalent in Sequim and Seattle, at 43 and 44 respectively.
Still, even in the dry months, there were some stormy periods, especially in July and September, and the rain shadow produced 13 rain shadow days during this period. While this report focuses on Sequim vs. However there were some seasonal differences between the two locations.
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For more detail, see our page on Port Angeles Sunshine. The Olympic rain shadow has a dramatic impact in the amount of incident light and number of sunny days recorded in locations like Sequim when compared to downtown Seattle. The weather differences are most pronounced during the winter and spring seasons.
Port Angeles also benefits strongly from the rain shadow, as do likely other areas such as Victoria, the southern San Juan Islands, and western Whidbey Island. While this study focused on downtown Seattle, it is highly likely, if not certain, that many suburban areas of Seattle, especially those to the east, are even more dramatically less sunny than Olympic rain shadow areas during the winter and early spring.
We also have archived monthly rain shadow climate summaries and individual monthly reports with daily sunshine charts and radiation plots. Study Methodologies, Weather Stations, etc. The studies and live sunshine conditions on this website are based on examining incident solar radiation. Solar radiation is directly related to illuminance, a measure of how much light falls on a given area. Live sunshine conditions are calculated as follows: The website uses data from four different weather stations.