Star Trek - Rezeptionsverhalten bei einem Fernsehphänomen (German Edition)
The girl started doing little concerts in the bathroom for her stuffed animals [6] and clearly loved performing on stage when the otherwise shy girl suddenly turned extrovert [7]. At that time, when Britney was about seven and had just won her first talent contest [8] , her family had some serious financial struggles [9] but decided for Britney to get all the lessons she needed to possibly succeed [10]. So her mother, despite her heavy doubts, decided to trust her little girl and to allow her to quit gymnastics and focus on singing and dancing.
She wanted very bad to be casted and gave her best, but even though the jury was all excited about her, they were convinced that she was too young. The family decided that Lynne Spears would move to New York with her daughters, even though Jamie Lynn was just a baby. At the end of the summer, the Spears women were forced to go back to Louisiana without having had a big success. Nancy promised to look for other auditions Britney could go to, but the financial problems were big [16]. She was made understudy for the main role. The Spears family decided that it was best for Lynne to move to the Big Apple with Britney and baby Jamie Lynn for the time the show ran.
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At first Britney had much fun at the show but as time passed and she rarely got to play but had to attend every show, she got bored [18]. At that time she also got to participate in Star Search , a major talent show in the early 90s. She got really far into the show but in the end the winner was another boy. The competition was tough, as there were other, nowadays famous, back then already very talented kids in the race.
- Una stanza tutta per gli altri (La memoria) (Italian Edition).
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But Britney became a member of the cast and thereby a dream came true for her. The Mouseketeers were like a family. All the actors had apartments near the Disney Studios in Orlando, Florida, where the show was recorded. There were some older kids on the show who had been there for a longer time and were idols for the new members of the cast. The children had to attend classes; Disney was very strict when it came to their academic efforts [21]. The kids were very close and many of them remained friends, even years after the show was cancelled in [22]. But when Britney was 13 he started drinking again and this time Lynne insisted on seeking help.
Britney and Justin had known each other since the old Mickey Mouse Club days and Britney even had her first kiss with Justin [25]. The public made a very big deal about whether Britney was still a virgin or not and she was forced to deny that she had ever had sex by her management [27] although her mother later wrote in her book that Britney lost her virginity at age 14 [28].
In , the two young stars announced their relationship in public [29] and got engaged in [30]. Spears, Britney and Lynne: Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, p. Politics - International Politics - Region: Communications - Broadcast and entertainment. Sociology - Media, Art, Music. Anglistik - Kultur und Landeskunde. Near East, Near Orient. Soziologie - Methodologie und Methoden. Politics - International Politics - General and Theories. American Studies - Culture and Applied Geography. The show just had the good luck to start at the end of the 80s. Deanna Troi with the classic big hair, and Dr.
Crusher with the feathered brush back. All pretty classic 80s looks. Then they straighten out and go more classic for a while, which is also pretty much what happened in the 90s. Many syndicated film prints that got bicycled around over the years were treated badly by incompetent TV projectionists and then stored badly so the colors would begin to fade the fading usually the result of inferior film stocks used to reprint the shows for tv.
These areas were mainly agricultural, with the exception of Upper Silesia which was the second largest centre of German heavy industry. Kinder, Anchor Atlas of World History: The Germans were in shock over the idea that they had lost the war. Remember, they came closer to victory in than they did in By , they had knocked the Russians out of the war something that they did not do the second time around and won enormous economic and territorial concessions in the the East cf the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
To many Germans, it seemed that the War was already won in Hence, the shock of the November armistice: I thought that we had just won! The shock of WW2 was quite different. Even worse, the regime that ruled the nation from to became the very symbol of evil in the eyes of the world. They have a lot more to do with the midth West than with Ancient Rome. He gets assigned to space patrol, starting the series. The real s did not begin until around when Ronald Reagan started running for a second term for president.
You still saw traces of the s in the very early s. The Farrah Fawcett hairstyle is from the s but the girl was sporting it in UFO is a fantastic example. They got the beige and turtlenecks right. I remember lots of beige and taupe back then. Some of the men also wear a sort of jumpsuit that looks like what my father wore to cross-country ski circa So apart from the moon base and the purple wigs, I think they were chillingly prescient. SF attracts a lot of young folk, especially boys, and American elementary school libraries stocked a lot of juvenile SF Rocketship Galileo type stuff:.
In the 80s and 90s, the Japanese were buying up America. We believed that they were going to take over. As a result, we did not want to offend our future masters by mentioning the Pacific war. This seems to be the case today. We also need to make a remake of God is my co-pilot for a younger generation. Speaking of Alien, a cool aesthetic analysis of its typography: Balance of Terror is an intentional rifacimento of the submarine combat film, The Enemy Below. It was repeated on August 3, The episode is a science-fiction version of a submarine film; writer Paul Schneider drew on the film The Enemy Below, casting the Enterprise as the American destroyer and the Romulan vessel as the German submarine.
The color film itself was capable of excellent sharpness and vividness, although the experienced eye can usually correctly tell a Technicolor three film camera print from Kodachrome from camera originals printed out. Color video , though, was nowhere near that level. Monochrome video was capable of a better level of detail than color well into the eighties.
Both the original Macintosh and the original NeXT computers were monochrome for that very reason. Along with a detestation of cooling fans and their noise, Steve Jobs felt that good monochrome was better than almost as good color. The market had said otherwise twice before with the Apple IIgs and the Macintosh but Steve did not care what other people thought.
In all those cases, color followed shortly, and although the NeXT slabs were offered in color and mono versions to the end of NeXT hardware production, of course color outsold mono many to one. It is also worth noting that the color NeXTstations had very, very good color and detail, their displays were much better than PCs of the day. When he did color, he did it well. You could get like by resolution in color but something like by resolution in mono with a Hercules? But it turned out that everybody at work had to have color.
Actually, the real tragedy is that had she lived another four or five years, they really MIGHT have had Marilyn Monroe, who would have filled out the Starfleet female uniform better than any actress that ever actually did wear it. All saved from the dumpster through out and out fraud. PC video was lousy until well after the first VGA machines. But in the mids, the gamers drove the video card industry and in four or five years the top PC cards allowed a user running Linux to rival a high end Sun or SGI box at a fraction of the price.
Even fuzziness can add drama. Like the first moon walk: In its later forms, the franchise became a video comic book filled with makeup gimmicks and nerdy FX. The opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympics on July 28, was one moment when it became clear that the Seventies were definitively over. Speaking of cheesy German soundtracks, consider the National Socialist roots of the Muppet Show theme. WW2 basically restored Germany to the pre status quo of being a fragmented economic power with little political or military power projection heavily dependent on allies, a condition that has been true of most German states for most of European history.
The period is the real anomaly. England, France and Russia are historically the nations with Messiah complexes, not Germany. That sounds a lot more like the American experience in the Pacific than the War in Europe. Note how the Romulans have a tradition of honorable suicide. Their ships carry atomic bombs so that they can destroy themselves, and the Romulan Commander chooses death over surrender.
Again, this seems to be echoing concerns over Japanese-American loyalty in WW2. The authors note that the film contains a similar plot thread of an officer longing for vengeance, as well as the tactic of releasing wreckage and bodies from a damaged vessel in order to mislead the opposing ship. Spielberg has commented that his decision to make The Pacific was influenced by the fact that his father and uncle both fought in the Pacific in WW My father and my uncle, who both fought in the Pacific, had the same idea, and after Saving Private Ryan came out and Band of Brothers played on HBO, they asked, What about the boys on the other side of the Atlantic?
We did something too! We also got many letters from veterans congratulating us on those projects, but asking for recognition for their efforts, too. Interesting because it seems like they were consciously avoiding a mere extrapolation of into the future. In fact it looks like something from earlier in the s. So kind of dated by the standards of its own time but now harder to pin down just by watching it.
After WWII… all those trends and attitudes that had been brewing some for many centuries died permanently, and the tremors might also mark the death stroke for several other western ethnies psyches maybe even leading to the demise of the ethnies themselves , not just the Germans but especially them.
Klingons always struck me as a Soviet-Japanese hybrid belligerent expansionary power and Cold War foe and all that honor and blade weaponry obsession. They had the heart of their industrial region occupied by their traditional hate foe and suffered the Depression subsequently, in which savings of the ordinary people and the properties of the upper classes became worthless overnight.
Much of it had to do with the larger process of industrialization, urbanization, and socialization leading to much social tumult. But the sudden, unexpected defeat magnified the psychological shock. It is true that the defeat in World War II brought about a total ruin, materially of a much more immense destruction than that after World War I. The Drang nach Osten was pretty much a matter of peaceful immigration at the invitation of the local lords.
Pretty much like the Jewish settlement of Eastern Europe; in fact they were parts of the same process. The end result was a region of heavily German and Jewish cities with a Baltic and Slavic peasantry. The Unz Review - Mobile. An Alternative Media Selection.

All None Exclude Blogs. Recently from Author "In a World Hide Comments Leave a Comment. January 10, at 4: January 10, at 5: The German version is like Star Trek but with bad techno music and weird bondage sex scenes. For one thing,the country wasn't occupied and split in two Cloud of Probable Matricide says: Dave Pinsen The difference is that in the original Star Trek and in this German show, and in the women had '60s hairdos and '60s-influenced costumes.
They were largely successful in avoiding most of the superficial stuff. Touchscreens just became ubiquitous in the last decade, so they don't look hopelessly old fashioned to us. They didn't put too many technologies in TNG that have already been surpassed in real life. They didn't get everything right. Gene Roddenberry's anti-capitalist ideology is written into several lines of dialog in the first season that seem wildly out of place still not as out of place as finding a planet where the people are trying and failing to live up to the literal Constitution of the United States, but whatever.
What about Alien , the way that film looks, the way crew looks - it holds up very well I think. And many Tulsans know that Oral also cheaped out on these buildings' construction, so that they have needed constant, expensive maintenance over the years to stay presentable and safe to use.
Britney Spears. Rise and Fall of a Star
January 10, at 6: Steve Sailer I don't think the music is from , but I could be wrong about that. The look and feel of the original Star Trek aged really quickly in the 's, with the women's ridiculous miniskirts, big hair, push up bras and go-go boots going out of fashion. That aesthetic disintegrated in the early '70s perhaps the nadir of Western Civilization. The shift in styles since the late '80s , in contrast, has been less abrupt, more evolutionary in character.
Jean Cocteausten Lots of buildings from the 60s have "that Jetsons look". SF gives us the present's vision of the future, while HF gives the present's vision of the past. Similarly, Kubrick's Spartacus is a take on ancient Rome. Science fiction is usually the fastest aging genre.
"Raumpatrouille Orion:" the German "Star Trek", by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review
Interesting how Steampunk takes that weakness and turns it into a genre Lenina Crowne has jumped out of the novel's pages and into the pickup scene of the real world. January 10, at 7: Tomorrowland in the Disney parks. January 10, at 8: Hal The Starship Enterprise should have had a lounge where the crew would engage in futuristic folk dancing.
The Starship Enterprise should have had Angie Dickinson, too, but they didn't do that either. January 10, at 9: Bobbala German "exploration" was still uncool January 10, at Just preliminary, but it looks like the latest "NAACP bombing" that some leftists have been touting as proof those evil white racists are right around the corner might turn out to be another UVA style hoax.
SFG Just followed the link--thanks, Syon. It's really just the old 'hotshot pilot who can't get along with his superiors' routine you see in scifi all the time--not particularly German.
William Shatner, garbed as Gestapo, gabbing in German … reels the mind. January 10, at 1: A Brit series called UFO has to get a mention here: It's a TV show set in That's only ten years in the future, but it still manages to completely fail at accurately predicting clothes, fashions, hairstyles, etc.
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Can you get this with subtitles somewhere? Francis Maybe, but I'm still driving a '78 diesel in almost cherry condition January 10, at 2: Speaking of not planning ahead for changing ideas about the look of "the future," if you ever come to Tulsa and have some time, take a look at the god-awful 's Jetsons'-style architecture of Oral Roberts University. January 10, at 3: Interesting how Steampunk takes that weakness and turns it into a genre….. Alien occupies the sweet spot between the '70s and the '80s.
Had it been made circa , we would have been in deep '80s territory. To see what a difference a few years can make, just compare Jane Badler's hair in the the V miniseries to her hair in the series. By that point, she had '80s-style big hair. Yes, but those were pivotal ten years. The original soundtrack for the TV show can be found here: Didn't seem to hurt. Peter Akuleyev WW1 was much less damaging to the German psyche. No, but two million ethnic Germans were arbitrarily assigned to a new state ruled by ethnic Czechs, several major industrial cities were handed over to Poland, one of Prussia's main ports was declared a "free city", the Alsace was given to France, the Rheinland was occupied by French soldiers, and all overseas colonies were lost.
The German version of "Space, the final frontier": Add that to the fact that Germany was occupied by foreign troops and dismembered As for population losses: And the overseas colonies were recent acquisitions and of little economic value This in a country that had come up aces in every previous major challenge for the previous hundred years, and seemed on a clear path to major power status in Germany already had major power status in Here there could be no illusions of victory, of defeat coming from a "stab in the back.
It's a good film, but even a quick glance would be enough for someone to tell that it was made in the late '5os-early '60s.