Reclaiming the Streets: Surveillance, Social Control and the City
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Reclaiming the Streets: Surveillance, Social Control and the City by Roy Coleman (Hardback, 2004)
In response, Coleman suggests that we need a material analysis of social control that looks at the role of the state in organizing ideologies, norms, and sovereign territorial structures of control that are situated in a specific political economic context. Coleman describes this as a form of entrepreneurial urbanism in which local governments coordinate with local businesses to maximize their competitive advantages relative to other cities both nationally and internationally.
In order for this expansion to be successful, the city center had to be made safe for visitors and CCTV was conceived as a way to accomplish this. Coleman uses extensive interviews with local political, police, and business leaders to point out that they found the CCTV system appealing because it meshed with the growing emphasis on managing the impact of social problems rather than solving social problems.
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Coleman describes this as a process of risk management that is characteristic of neoliberal statecraft in that local governments no longer think they can eliminate homelessness, shoplifting, youth gangs, and other disorderly behavior so they attempt instead to manage them in ways that prevent them from interfering with their economic development strategies. The result of this process is the creation of new kind of sociospatial order and a new neoliberal urban subjectivity. In the case of Liverpool, the local state is using its authority in conjunction with business to intensify a process of unequal economic development that favors a core retail district over the rest of the city.
It is also creating a citizenry divided into two camps based on their risk to society.