Puppet of the Fates (Strange Curses #1)
Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Series by Kay Glass. Kay is Currently Reading. Kay Glass rated a book it was amazing. Year One Chronicles of the One, 1. Kay Glass entered a giveaway. Dec 14, Dec 10, Dec 07, Dec 02, Kay Glass has completed the Reading Challenge. Kay Glass has completed her goal of reading books for the Reading Challenge!
Nov 29, Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, Natalie Gibson author of Ishtar Bound. She was later incapacitated by the real Araya when he pulled out her heart from behind. However she did not die as Araya kept her in a frozen state, he decapitated her head by ripping her head from her body and stored it in a jar. Araya handed the head to Alba. As Alba was about to leave, he saw Mikiya and, believing him to be her apprentice, attempted to torture him and cursed Touko's head.
The puppet who awakened after Cornelius killed Touko disobeyed her own rule of "begin activity after constructing a puppet" and went straight for Alba bringing along her familiar 'Sealed Box'. Cornelius was devoured by Touko's 'sealed box' after calling her by her nickname, "Scarred Red".
After Alba death, Touko provided first aid for Mikiya. Araya was peeking at Touko, asking if she wants to resume the fight but Touko claims its foolish to fight him again inside the building even if she has chance of winning with her Sealed Box. Touko laughs at Araya, for his mistake to imprison Shiki within a barrier isolated from space rather than locking her physically. She revealed to Araya that Shiki can cut down his barrier to escape which caused him to suffer pain from inside as the Ogawa Apartment is linked to his body.
As the Apartment crumbling down, Touko grabbed Mikiya and evacuated straight away. After Araya's defeat by the hands of Shiki, Touko and Araya had their last conversion together. Touko expresses that his downfall was caused by Enjou Tomoe 's love for his family as well as his breaking out of the cycle created by Araya. Touko revealed that his name is the same thing he detest before he died. In the epilogue, Mikiya revealed that Touko dispose of the corpsed found in the ruins in the Ogawa Apartment.
Shiki and Azaka found an old photo of her when she was a student, much to their amusement. In February , Touko talks to Mikiya about the recent murders and their connection with Shiki. She allowed Mikiya to take some time off from work to learn the truth. She called Daisuke Akimi about the recent homicide case; Touko went to investigate the crime scene and agrees with Daisuke that the recent murder and the case 4 years ago are related. After Lio Shirazumi leaves Mikiya and warns him not to approach him again.
Mikiya asked Touko if she will be able to help Lio. She reveals details about origins and that it is impossible to help Lio in his current state. As Mikiya went to search for Shiki, Touko wishes him well and hopes fate allows them to meet again. Azaka barges in complaining about Mikiya's relationship with Shiki and wishes him to cut his ties with her.
Touko realized that she stayed too long and she's planning on leaving. After Leaving Mifune City , not much is known but she ends up working as some kind of doctor in an orbiting satellite. Touko attends to the social gathering for Iselma 's Golden and Silver Princesses. Touko warns Maio Brishisan Clynelles not to touch Trimmau , as touching someone else's Mystic Code would potentially cause someone's death.
She introduces herself to Reines El-Melloi Archisorte. Touko tried to touch Gray 's face until the two princesses arrived. Touko's personality switched as she analyze the Iselma family princesses. She leaves with Maio. Norwich informs Leiv about his guest who refers to herself as Miss Aozaki. He was happy purely because a friend with similar thoughts, skills was visiting and he had not heard about her in years.
Leiv thought he would never see her again. He was restless because he was looking forward to discussing magecraft with her in great length and details. Leiv had no experience to comprehend such luxuries as love. When he meets Miss Aozaki, it turns out it was Aoko. Meanwhile, the real Touko also receives a mysterious letter but she visit the Clock Tower eleventh street Rocks Road in a certain Autumn noon. In order to deceive pursuers from the Clock Tower, she disguised herself with a long-haired wig and a flashy sunglasses.
Aoko also enters for her own reasons, and the two reside in the chapel of Tsukumihara Academy. She has since claimed that her reason for being there is to keep Aoko from accidentally killing someone. They bitterly put up with one another, dealing with the Masters by offering Alteration of the Soul. Differing in status from the Masters, the chapel is an area cut off from the system of SE. PH and the rest of the world. Upon meeting Hakuno Kishinami , she seems to recognize them, but cannot recall the details.
She mentions that she cannot remember the last time she forgot something. While she could greatly help Masters and Servants , she claims to be too busy attending to other tasks and work given to her by Kokutou to help with Alterations even though she is better than Aoko by a factor of ten. She instead only displays interest in watching the various test subjects. After the first round is completed, she mentions that it is good that Hakuno is used to Alterations, and tells them to strengthen their Servant as soon as possible.
Touko apparently does not speak with "lowly" Masters often, and Aoko calls that the oddest action in a world of oddities. She blames it on the lack of coffee and tobacco, as she only has "e-cigs" to calm herself. She wishes to leave as soon as possible, claiming only someone insane could enjoy being trapped there.
She recreated it into a Saber figure, Caster starts worshipping Touko as a "teacher" and Ryuunosuke calls it cool. She does not appear in Tsukihime. However, she is a key figure in Kara no Kyoukai , which intersects with Tsukihime. The glasses Shiki Tohno wears were originally belonged to her. They relieved him of the unbearable sight of Death, and allowed him to live normally again. After Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald had sustained great physical injuries. He used the El-Melloi clan contacts to call the famous puppet-maker in secret.
He exchanged an astonishing sum of money in gratitude to make a deal with Touko. They sold the books at the Matou house to obtain a body left by a famous puppet maker, but it has some problems because it was obtained used. It is still the best one out of all those they tried, so they wish to look for her to obtain one that matches him.
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They note that it will be hard to find the creator because she is marked with a Sealing Designation and on the run from the Mage's Association. She ended up in her current body because Touko had previously destroyed her bodies. When the higher-rank Government wanted to hire Touko, Francesca was strongly against it, partly because of Francesca's personal feelings.
However Francesca believes Touko would've turned them down, she only takes jobs that suit her tastes. Apparently her family values interest over money. She might have cooperated if they asked her to make a puppet that incarnates Heroic Spirits. She makes a brief cameo appearance in the last episode of Carnival Phantasm where she stares at Aoko. Touko is one of the most powerful magi in the world, and while she does not have as many Magic Circuits as Cornelius Alba , she is a genius with talents that are independent of her lineage.
In terms of quality, her Magic Circuits are among the best in the world. She wished to get the color Blue, but that title was instead given to her sister Aoko. Although powerful by modern standards, she is still incapable of facing a serious Caster. During the events of Mahou Tsukai no Yoru , it was revealed that she is capable of utilizing the Magic Crests of other mages as compensation for her lack of her family's own crest.
She is capable of doing so by kidnapping mages and keeping them within a relatively well-kept facility.
Seinen manga
Because it is pointless to try to copy a magic crest onto one's own magic circuits, she instead has them float behind her taking on the appearance of golden wings. Because the crests are not physically connected to her body, she does not feel the pain usually associated with crest usage, but an extra step must be taken if she is to cast a spell from her crests.
According to Aoko, the original users of the crests must be kept alive for them to work because the only ones who could use Magic Crests are the inheritors themselves. It is noted by Alice that what she thinks what Touko's doing is meaningless because it must have taken a lot of work to steal crests and modify them for her own use and that it would have been more efficient if she just used them as ingredients to make replicas of them and that it would have been possible for Touko to use them to create a powerful puppet. While she jokes half-seriously about only being able to fly with a broom , she actually patented a new type of flight most commonly called "Touko Travel.
She is an expert on Mystic Eyes. Although she was born with Mystic Eyes of Enchantment , she created a new set of Mystic Eyes of Enchantment inside her eyes so that they reflect off of each other like mirrors. As a result, she has essentially an infinite number of Mystic Eyes of Enchantment to indefinitely bind the opponent.
Touko poured an obscene amount of money into constructing Ryougi Shiki's Mystic Eyes Killers, but Shiki shoved them back saying "Why should I do it to please you? She possesses a variety of runes that can display a variety of effects, but her most notable are the three replicas of a Primeval Rune. These runes, indestructible by magecraft, are able to amplify the curses of her other runes by tens of millions of times.
All three were destroyed by Aoko using the Fifth Magic. She is able to create a "Runic Protection" that creates a Bounded Field around Shiki's hospital room with the help of a rune stone, which prevents the entry of spirits. She is also proficient in using rune-based thaumaturgy. One of her rune spells, Ansuz can kill a human easily by burning the heart but it's ineffective against dead people.
Touko is an expert puppet maker. She has even received a Sealing Designation because she was able to create a puppet body identical to her own body. This causes her to seek out Touko even with the difficulty of finding her due to the Sealing Designation because she believes only Touko can provide a compatible body. She also crafts a puppet arm for Shiki Ryougi.
She's able to reproduce parts of a body that can be used instead of the lost part. While this would be nothing special, she can reproduce the part in such a perfect way that it is indistinguishable from the real one. Puppets are normally either greater or lesser than human bodies in some way. While they may have greater strength and move as would a human, some flaw in their creation will expose them at some point.
Their speech, actions, or appearance will seem wrong or unnatural, and their parts are only mechanisms animated by magecraft and not truly living. Exposing something like blood and muscle sinew from the loss of a limb should reveal the truth. This has led to the saying "Magecraft cannot create an automaton that contains the spark of humanity. Once simply common knowledge, it eventually became a rule of sorts for magi. Within her various experiments, Touko has managed to create a perfect puppet imitation of herself despite that rule. It is no more or less than herself, and despite most magi striving to seek higher plateaus in the field, she feels that is the state of the art of magecraft.
Upon first witnessing her creation, she thought there may no longer be a need for herself, and that it, even after she is killed, going on to act as she did no longer leaves any hope for puppeteers to achieve ascension in their craft. Even if her body is destroyed and her soul is severed, the next Touko simply awakens without issue. Due to the exactness of the puppets, the next Touko will awaken after the death of the previous one. It is possible to stall the awakening by keeping her brain active, even if the rest of her body is destroyed.
Her soul often remembers everything up until the point of death, even the pain of her head being crushed by Alba. It is possible that her full will and goals will not be inherited to the next puppet depending on how far the original is from the puppet. The closer the proximity, the more likely she will inherit the original's will, and the further away, as they are stored all over the world, the greater a blank in her memory proportional to the distance will be formed.
She normally has a rule of "begin activity after constructing a puppet", though her easily roused nature and lack of patience causes her to go after Alba right after waking. The transition between the original and the puppet is very smooth, likened to napping and acting as if she overslept by a few hours. Everything she knows stays with her, and determinism dictates that she should take the same actions as her predecessor. She only knows that she wakes when the previous is dead, so she can no longer tell which version of her is the real Touko, the time when she became like that, or if it even matters at all.
She then may create another puppet for the sole reason of convincing herself that she is the real Touko. The previous version may have been real or it may be dead, but with only one of her, there is no way to distinguish between them, likened to a quantum superposition -like state that makes all any version of her "fake" in her own eyes. Alba finds the explanation mostly inconceivable, from the method to Touko's state of mind, so she simply tells him to think of the previous one as fake. Touko has created an alternate puppet version of herself to stay in the Moon Cell, and she can apparently "ditch it" whenever she wishes after her business there is finished.
Normally a magus is trapped inside SE. PH until they obtain the Holy Grail , and only one can normally survive. She is not a Master , so she is trapped there unless she takes drastic measures. The difference between her and her copies are miniscule, and her body is one that will self-destruct once she is ready to leave. Hakuno notes her resolve is beyond their ability to comprehend. According to Francesca , if these puppets replicate not only Touko's memory but even her soul perfectly, this would mean that she has attained the Third Magic.
Its primary form of offense comes from its ability to extend its limbs like spears to strike its targets, however it does takes some time for it to fully retract its arms. It compensate for this weakness with precise strikes and extra arms. If necessary, the puppet is able to use the retract to its advantage by anchoring the fired arm in place and then ramming its mass into its opponent caught between. Upon physical contact it is able to shock its target and in doing so, place a Magic Crest interference curse on them, preventing them from using magecraft temporarily.
The curse essentially short-circuit the victims own magic circuits via the puppet's circuits. The curse also serves another purpose by providing the puppet with energy, thanks its auto-incant perpetual motion engine, a cursed music box. As victims of curses will inevitably curse their assailant in return; the puppet was made with this concept in mind, allowing it to take advantage of this phenomenon in order to gain unending energy to pursue its target.
As the puppet is constantly chanting curses to power itself, this also creates a cursed self-defense field around it. This in turn, stricken any who comes close with sickness making them easy prey. At full strength, the Finn shots could stop a defenseless person's heart in one hit. Beside the Gandr, the puppet could place barriers over entry points to prevent escape.
Touko's familiars generally act as her trump cards. Even in Kara no Kyoukai , where her runes have weakened, her familiars act as a large part of her battle capability. She has a contract with Lugh Beowulf , which she formed by "offering" her hair. Twenty-years worth of hair is significant to a female magus, and needed to form a contract with a beast of his rank. Hair is a female magus' best possible weapon, ingredient, or item, as it can amplify spells and the like. Its worth is best emphasized in Aoko's fight with the Flat Snark , and as one of the reasons Touko lost to Aoko, as there is no way she can plan a comeback against Aoko because she has exhausted her resources, hair and money alike, already.
It should have been worth it due to her contract with Lugh securing her complete success, which allowed them to go up against a Dead Apostle Ancestor , among other escapades, without being defeated once. This changes after his defeat at the hands of Soujuurou Shizuki. While more valuable than a novice, he will likely lose sight of what makes him special when faced with magic. It is not used as a bag, and it is stuffed with a projector-like mechanism.
A projection machine that perjures a magical creature of shadow. It appeared in Kara no Kyoukai: A suitcase with a projector installed inside. It shapes Ether Clump in the form of a monstrous cat that cannot be destroyed unless the suitcase is destroyed. It also has the ability to heal Touko by enveloping her. Upon being opened, it contains a dark mass that remains untouched by the light and peers out with two shining eyes. It has numerous thorn-like tendrils to grab the target and one thousand small mouths to slowly devour them in chunks while dragging them back toward the box.
Eating them alive, they are completely dragged inside and devoured. It can potentially devour the entirety of the Ogawa Apartment Complex, but Touko refrains from doing so because the Mage's Association would discover her and start chasing her down again. She states that she does this so that she can never be taken by surprise should she be ambushed. Touko has went under many design changes over the years.
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She had short blue hair and lavender colour eyes in the original illustrations of the Kara no Kyoukai novels, but Takashi Takeuchi changed her character design during the production of the films. He thought of the correct design for her by harmonizing her more with a relatively ordinary living, beautiful big sister-type who's good at her work rather than a magi who gives the impression of separating herself from this transient world. The reason why her hair was so short in the original design stems from the shorter hairstyle she wears in Mahou Tsukai no Yoru due to her contract with Lugh Beowulf.
The age difference between Aoko and Touko was a two-year difference in Character material. But it was written in Character Material that she was strictly raised by her grandfather and did not go to school up to when she was Kinoko Nasu commented that it was something of a gamble to feature Honda Takako calm voice in the Garden of sinners as Touko since she's famous for dubbing foreign actors, but she was simply amazing.
Nasu considers Honda Takako 's acting as Touko impeccable every time. Touko is the least realistic of the characters, and yet she played her as a grounded person. In Chapter 3 Remaining Sense of Pain, the scene with the most unexpected impact for Nasu is when we got to see Touko with her hair down because she didn't think she'd have any more visitors that night. Both their acting and their lines were just incredible. She got the feeling that we'd have a really tight ending for this series.
This is just a sudden thought, but is there anybody that Touko likes? Or maybe, somebody that she liked in the past? At the very least, Kinoko loves Touko. Somebody needs to hurry up and invent the Matrix. Though it seems that when she was still living in Misaki there was one guy she might have been really interested in. Touko is an academy graduate now, but when she was still a student how were her grades and conduct? With her bright and cheerful personality, excellent grades, and ability to deftly handle both serious matters and American jokes, she was one of the three shining stars of the dorm.
Now I want to know about the other two stars…. Please tell me a bit of the legend of Touko's time as a student. One time, she caused a hurricane just by winking. One time, she made a pitcher shit himself by standing in the on-deck circle! Touko Aozaki [Person's name] Aoko's older sister. She studied sorcery under her grandfather, but murdered him over the shock of having the Aozaki inheritance usurped by her younger sister and fled to the Association.
Unlike Aoko, her abilities as a magus are top class. She has even received a sealing designation due to her status as the world's greatest puppet master. However, she is a key figure in Kara no Kyoukai, which intersects with Tsukihime. Tohno Shiki's mystic eye sealing glasses originally belonged to her. In retaliation for having her prized mystic eye killers stolen from her, she's been making an effort to buy as much stuff as she can under Aoko's name.
Then, even the Association has entered the era of e-commerce? Geez, Touko, you should try to be a little more mature. Is she secretly trying to win the prize for perfect attendance? Aozaki [Person's name] The name that briefly appeared in this story. It was the name of the mage house that managed the greatest "Spiritual Land" in Japan. In the mage world, the name had become synonymous with trouble.
The Aozakis were an ancient house, but were by no means prestigious. Because of the "Path" opened by the previous Heads, the current Head of the Aozakis had a greater chance of becoming a "Magician". The current heirs were a pair of sisters whom were thought to be ominous. After a battle for the right of inheritance, the younger sister became heir of the "Magician" title. The older sister traveled to London and made quite a name for herself, but quickly withdrew from the Association due to being problematic. During the Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, the older sister was busy hiding her tracks, while the younger sister was roaming around the country.
Although the younger sister was good at nothing but destroying things, the older sister was truly a polymath. Fate might had a little to do with the older sister. What kind of relationship did Touko and Araya have in the past? They were students under the same master. They took interest in each other as fellow countrymen… or not. Actually, it started off with them exchanging views as two people with similar ideals.
Though their paths differed, their relationship was that of rivals aiming toward the same goal. Did Alba have a thing for Touko? Before that, though, he probably wanted to be acknowledged. What an annoying personality…! According to Touko, making them for Alba was the biggest mistake of her life. Touko Aozaki [Person's name] She looks like a woman in her late 20s. Touko is the guide in this tale, yet at the same time she is an outsider. The owner of the Workshop, Garen no Dou. She is one of the magi that appear in this tale, and makes a living by crafting puppets. Touko is an individual with dual personalities, and the switch is made by putting on and taking off her glasses.
With her glasses on, Touko is objective and ruthless; yet without her glasses, she is subjective and emotional. Which one is the real Aozaki Touko, even Touko herself does not really know.

Emotional or not, Touko is fundamentally a romanticist. Touko loves new things, and will tinker restlessly with things that she is interested in. She is also a speed demon. Although Kara no Kyoukai will not be a story without Touko, she does not constitute the body of the tale.
Touko hates her name, yet she has a habit of always wearing one piece of orange-coloured accessory. Even though Touko has a younger sister, their relationship is extremely bad. Since Mystic Eyes are a power derived from the oculus, Mystic Eyes Killers are commonly made into glasses. The glasses Touko wore are also Mystic Eyes Kilers. As a side note, Touko poured an obscene amount of money into constructing Ryougi Shiki's Mystic Eyes Killers, but Shiki shoved them back saying "Why should I do it to please you? As a result of thinking again in my own special way of a correct design for Touko, I harmonized more with a relatively ordinary living, beautiful big sister-type who's good at her work, than a magician who gives the impression of separating herself from this transient world.
By the way, I think you will understand the reason why her hair was short in the doujin version, if you'll be able to see Mahoutsukai no Yoru. While wearing her glasses, her facial expression is calm and kind. When she's taking them of, her facial expression is very cruel. Touko "offered" her long hair to Lugh Beowulf to be able to form a contract with a beast of his rank.
This should have secured a complete success until Soujuurou beat the hell out of this werewolf. Also, year-worth of hair is significant. The worth of a female magus' hair was emphasized during Aoko's fight with the Snark. This is why should Touko lose in her fight with Aoko in which she did lose , there's no way she can plan a comeback because she has exhausted her resources already. If she put on sunglasses, what kind of personality would she have?
I never thought of that. Here, Shiki, take this! I never thought of that either. We saw that Touko is a certified speech therapist, but does she have any other certifications in addition to that? Ah, certifications… certifications… haha… He has a faraway look in his eyes. In short, all of her certifications are forgeries. How many cars does Touko own? And does she really have an ATV…?
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In her underground garage, she has four cars, two motorcycles, and what looks to be an honest-to-god reciprocating engine propeller plane. Of course, the original ending involved using that plane to escape after defeating the Demon God. But hey, devils never cry, right?
Where does Touko go to buy tools related to magecraft? She orders everything from Dark Amazon, the giant organization seeking a monopoly on distribution in the magic world. And the way they gather so much personal information on magi that shop with them is pretty nasty, too. By using a pendulum with the board, it supposedly allows you to magically converse with the dead.
So did Touko actually intend to have fun trying to talk to spirits? Nah, she mostly just bought it because she thought it would look good in her office. Basically, Shiki is satisfied as long as she gets to at least temporarily sate her murderous impulse. When that happens, Touko will usually give her an upgrade to her artificial arm, or maybe a rare knife to stop her sulking. The murderous impulse she felt that day? I just stepped on a land mine! If Touko can learn the concept of yandere, you might have a slim chance.
Event Flag Set Nasu: She was traveling all over Japan looking for a comfortable hideout. Although the majority of the jobs were puppet-making, if Touko was interested, all sorts of jobs were accepted. It even produced anime. Almost no one approached the Garan no Dou because a Boundary Field was deployed over the workshop. People who had no business there avoided it subconsciously.
It appeared to be an abandoned building, and it really was an abandoned building. Touko purchased this building which was abandoned mid-construction and insisted on calling it her office. The first floor was just ruins. The second and third floors were where Touko worked. The fourth floor was the office.
Mikiya and Shiki had only seen the fourth floor. But, Touko and Azaka had already met before then. Though at that stage, probably neither of them would have guessed that they would eventually become master and apprentice! Hey, hey, is it really okay if you go and spoil things like that?
Curse of the Puppet Master | Revolvy
As far as theme, think Edogawa or Yokomizo. So she found Azaka in a lake, upside down with her legs sticking out of the water. Wha… I guessed right!? Do you have any plans of telling the story of how Azaka and Touko met? Ah, what's with these toxic loaded questions To be honest I do have plans to write a short story like Outside of the Universe, when I have the time. However, I just don't have that kind of time. By the way, Tsukiji will appear as well. Did something that happened tug at her heartstrings?
Oh, and as for the Sacchin Route, please wait a while longer. Sacchin has nothing to do with this! The page number preceding the English translated text corresponds to the respective page number from the Deluxe Visual Chronicle Book. The original on which it was based, the Garden of sinners, was buried as a "collectors' edition. In my mind, the Garden of sinners had, at that point, gone out of my reach, but years later, thanks to the talent of numerous staff members, it has now come back to life. I hope that you come to see this Blu-ray Disc Box as the same thing as that novel box, and that you continue to love it for many years to come.
As someone who could do no more than watch over the stormy and miraculous production process, that's all I can really say to you. That was truly a stimulating three years for me. Now it's already receded into the past, and all I can do is look back on all the excitement and regrets, but I know that that period of my life will live on in my heart, and never fade away. My heartfelt thanks to this era that I live in, to all staff members, and to you, who offered me moral support.
The three provide insight and introspection to the novels and the theatrical chapters, as well as reflect back upon their experiences during the movies' various production stages. Around the time that the Garden of sinners was written, Nasu had long been involved in a table-talk RPG with his friends, serving as its game-master. He'd been at it practically every week, so I'm sure it was pretty intense. At the time, the Internet was really starting to take off as a medium for releasing new work, and I'd been thinking that I'd like to do something myself.
I thought, "Maybe I can do something with Nasu" and asked him to come aboard. That's what started the ball rolling. I think we both really wanted to do something new. Takeuchi was a man of action, but I was pretty timid about the whole thing. Back then, I really had an aversion to the thought of releasing my work on a website.
For one thing, I wanted people to read my work on paper, and for another, I didn't like the fact that unlike artwork, there were no clear-cut lines regarding copyright. Whatever you wrote could be easily copied and pasted, and there was a risk that your material could show up elsewhere. That really scared me. And so at first I was resistant to the idea, but Takeuchi was so positive about it, telling me, "I hear you, but we've got to do something, or we'll never move forward. Back then, we used to show our work among friends.
We thought that if we ever wanted the public to see it, our only option would be to go professional. But it's just so hard to get your foot in the door as a professional, and it doesn't always work out. So I thought that by releasing our work on the Internet, we could a find a way to get by without going pro, and without confining ourselves to our circle of friends - sort of the middle ground. And I thought it would give Nasu a brand-new outlet for his creativity. But by the time I'd written the third chapter, my focus had shifted from self-gratification; I found myself in a different mode, that is, I was now conscious that this project could very well be the sum of everything I'd done till that point.
And from that moment on, I stopped looking at the project as just something we were uploading to test the waters - I suddenly felt that I had to give it my all, so I started pushing myself to. So you didn't feel that way until midway through the series? When I wrote the third chapter, I felt as if I'd achieved a kind of balance. There was still that element of me doing it for my own amusement until the second chapter. But when I got to the third chapter, I thought, "This is something I can probably recommend to others with confidence.
If I can keep this up until the very end, then it will probably become meaningful in some way. Takcuchi, did you sometimes take on the role of editor for what Mr. Were there times when you had to ask him, "What's the meaning of this scene? Before we launched the project, I did make certain suggestions, such as "Since we're having people read it on the web, let's try to release something on a somewhat regular basis. Once we'd settled on that, I would say things like, "If the storyline's too heavy, it won't be easy to read, so let's keep it short.
And the thing is, even though I'd told him to keep it short, what he turned in was of epic proportions, right from Chapter One! It was like a one-man show featuring the talents of the novelist Kinoko Nasu. Still, you can't get around the fact that print media doesn't fare well on the Internet. You can have 10 visitors, but nine of them won't read your story. I know that for Takeuchi, that was a source of frustration. So after the web series ended, he said to me, "If we can't get any accolades after having written something this good, then let's go where we'll get some recognition.
It was a lot tougher than we'd thought to get people to read a novel on the Internet, and not being able to overcome those barriers made the whole venture a bitter failure for us. We did end up producing it as a physical book at comic markets and events like Comitia, but I couldn't shrug off the feeling that far more people should be reading it. There are so many different kinds of talent in this world, but the talent for creating something and the talent for making people appreciate those creations are two different things. And I probably lacked the latter.
Or maybe I should say that I wasn't focusing on that aspect. I was just being stubborn, rationalizing that: Puppet Master turned out to be a huge hit for Full Moon. Series creator Charles Band took inspiration from team up comics he read as a child. The named was coined by film podcast Double Feature during their "Killapalooza" episode highlighting the Puppet Master franchise. This is a list of all films produced by Full Moon Features.
Note that this does not include any films that were produced by Charles Band prior to the creation of Full Moon, even though Full Moon now distributes some of them, such as Trancers. For a list of these pre-Full Moon productions, see Empire Pictures filmography. Subspecies II Dollman vs. Demonic Toys Invisible: When Puppets and Dolls Attack! Clips The box set includes the clips from the following movies: It is the eighth film in the Puppet Master franchise, the sequel to 's Puppet Master 5: Most of the movie is made of flashbacks, that are actually scenes recycled from all the previous movies in the Puppet Master franchise.
Plot The film begins with a rogue agent, Maclain, in one of the rooms in the Bodega Bay Inn, reading Toulon's diary, hoping to find some secret to the formula. The diary bursts into flames. As Maclain enters the basement, she finds a man named Eric Weiss talking to the last Toulon puppets: Eric explains that h A list of horror films released in Richard Howard Band born December 28, is an American composer of film music.
Life and career Band was born in Los Angeles, California. His first notable score was for 's Laserblast, which he co-composed with Joel Goldsmith. It includes made for television films. See the talk page for the method of indexing used. Your Cat Is Dead P. Patrick Thomas born February 21, is an American actor and voice actor.
Thomas has had roles in several different TV shows and movies. He has also done voice acting. Selected filmography Television roles 3rd Rock from the Sun - Customer 1 ep. Frozen Dick Family Affair - Eddie ep. Bride of Frankenbeans Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy - Red Shark voice ep. Shark Attack Power Rangers: Wild Force - Juggelo voice ep. Jason-Shane Scott born December 29, is an American actor.
Life and career Scott was born in Southern California. At the age of two he moved to Reno, Nevada with his mother and older sister while making frequent trips to Los Angeles to visit his father. Scott attended Wooster High School and excelled at sports, playing baseball, basketball and football.
His football talent earned him particular recognition; his team won the state championship and Scott himself was offered numerous football scholarships. Upon graduation, Scott chose to pursue an acting career and moved back to Los Angeles. Enrolled in acting classes, he began studying intensely.
He also took up modeling and spent several months in Europe. In he tested for and won the role of troubled teenager W Career He has worked professionally in the movie business since he was 18 years old. He got his start through Roger Corman, who hired him in as a production assistant at New World Pictures. In , DeCoteau directed and produced his first feature film for Charles Band. He has said of his working methods, "I always wanted to make what I could sell. So I just promised myself that I would not be set in my ways. He resides in British Columbia and L This list is for film series with a number of films between eleven and nineteen in the series.
This film, television or video-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it with reliably sourced additions. It tells the story of Aldo, a man who becomes an hideous monster after being dumped by his girlfriend Bedelia, and his evil servant Giuda Judas. Aldo's history Everything starts at school where Aldo meets and falls in love with Bedelia, a schoolmate of his who has had an affair with almost every boy at school, but him.
He tries many approaches, failing miserabily, til Bedelia accepts his court in order to win a bet. So Aldo, full of joy, decides to buy her, as a present for her birthday, a carillon with a dancing puppet. The salesman offers him, for free, a cursed carillon warning him: Directed by Dennis Petersen and Devin Hamilton. Plot On a cold night, two men are dressed up as a nun and a hooker. The man dressed as a hooker is brutally murdered, while his girlfriend Julie Strain , who was waiting for him, is soon killed as well.
The story shifts to Shawn Danny Wolske at his new job. Maddy Debbie Rochon is interviewed by Shawn and gets the job. That night, while Maddy is having dinner at her apartment, she appears to be talking to imaginary people and seemingly receives a letter from her parents, whom she previously claimed were dead, congratulating her on her new job. When she goes to sleep, she dreams of two deaths and awakens in fear. Shawn and Maddy get closer, go on a date, and end up having sex.
In the morning Shawn invites Maddy to a pool party, to which she agrees. Rowling's Harry Potter series, magic is depicted as a supernatural force that can be used to override the usual laws of nature. Many fictional magical creatures exist in the series, while ordinary creatures also sometimes exhibit magical properties. The small number of humans who are able to perform magic witches and wizards refer to the rest of the population, oblivious to the existence of magic, as "Muggles" in the United Kingdom and "No-Maj" in the United States.
In humans, magic or the lack thereof is an inborn attribute. It is inherited, carried on "dominant resilient genes". While Muggle-borns are quite common, Squibs are extremely rare. David Schmoeller born December 8, is an American film director, producer and screenwriter. He is notable for directing several full-length theatrical horror films including Tourist Trap , The Seduction , Puppet Master , Catacombs , Netherworld and Crawlspace starring Klaus Kinski. Life and career Schmoeller was born in Louisville, Kentucky, and was raised and educated in Texas.
He spent six months as an intern with writer-director Peter Hyams on the film Capricorn One,[1] before writing and directing his first theatrical feature, Tourist Trap Although this story is vastly different from Kazuhiro Fujita's previous title, Ushio and Tora, it inherits many themes from his previous work. Themes such as a boy with sense of justice willing to go against great odds to save others, a man chose to become a demon to fight great evil, and as well as a tiger puppet featured in volume The most recognizable similarity between the two titles is the curse brought by the ultimate weapon against the evil.
The wielder of the Spear of the Beast inherits not only a great power, but also the creator's hatred and killing intent. Drinkers of the water of Life obtain eternal life but also the hatred toward auto-mannequins. This leads to the cursing the user of both items to spend the rest of their life to carry on the original creator It is defined in RFC , and its type code is Record format A SRV record has the form: A relative weight for records with the same priority, higher value means more preferred.
Brockton McKinney is an American comic book writer, short story author and horror film screenwriter. Psycho Hero for American Shark Pictures. It was composed in —11 and revised in Igor Stravinsky composed the music, and, with Alexandre Benois, fashioned the libretto. Michel Fokine choreographed the ballet; Benois designed the sets and costumes. Petrushka loves the Ballerina, but she rejects him. She prefers the Moor.
Petrushka is angry and hurt, and challenges the Moor. The Moor kills him with his scimitar. Petrushka's ghost rises above the puppet theatre as night falls. He shakes his fist at the He is notably characterized for his frequent tendency to lie, which causes his nose to grow. As one of the most reimagined characters in children's literature, his story has been adapted into other media, notably the Disney film Pinocchio. Pinocchio is a puppet; Pinocchio's maker is Geppetto; and Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies.
In the original tale, Coll This film-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. A list of American films released in Highest-grossing films International and U. Ted Elliott born July 4, is an American screenwriter and film producer. Along with his writing partner Terry Rossio, Elliott has written some of the most successful American films of the past 30 years, including Aladdin , Shrek and the Pirates of the Caribbean series In , he was elected to the Board of Directors of the Writers Guild of America; his term on the board ended in In , Elliott ran for president of the Writers Guild of America, west, but lost to animation writer and historical figurine maker Patric Verrone.
Verrone received votes; Elliott received Draco Lucius Malfoy is a character in J. Rowling's Harry Potter series. He is a student in Harry Potter's year belonging in the Slytherin house. He is frequently accompanied by his two cronies, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, who act as henchmen. Draco is characterised as a cowardly bully who manipulates and hurts people to get what he wants; nevertheless, he is a cunning user of magic. He was played by Tom Felton in the Harry Potter film series.
Character development Draco serves as a foil to the hero, Harry Potter and is loosely based on bullies Rowling encountered during her school days. Rowling uses the Malfoys to introduce themes of intolerance and bigotry into a setting where people are often judged solely by their blood lineage rather than their good charact It is one of several fictional countries in Eastern Europe created for Marvel Comics. The country is presented as mainly Slavic, with a Muslim minority in the western province Romani. President Russoff was a Secret Police Official in the communist era.
Wundagore is where Chthon is imprisoned, and where the men of the Russoff line were afflicted with the curse of lycanthropy. It is used as the birthplace of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. It is the base of operations for the High Evolutionary, and the source of the "radioactive clay" used by the Puppet Master.
Listed below are characters from all of the Castlevania video games in the order of their introduction and the game's release. With a few exceptions, Dracula has been the villain of every title. Originally named Mathias Cronqvist, Dracula is a former mortal turned wicked following the death of his wife. His lust for vengeance turned him into an immortal vampire. He desires to wage war against humanity for having killed his second wife, who was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake, and take the world under his possession, but has been foiled by the Belmonts in every generation of his immortal life.
The only known B Sofia the First is an American computer-animated television series that incorporates characters from the Disney Princess franchise. On April 14, , the series was renewed for a fourth season by Disney Junior, which released on April 28, Both of them have b For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts.
As part of his backstory, it is revealed that he is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation dedicated to fighting Lord Voldemort. Jude Law portrayed Dumbledore in the prequel film Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. This is a list of films that showcase stop motion animation, and is divided into three sections: Animated features, Live action features, and Animated shorts.
For films made using puppetry in other words, using puppets but not animation , please see Category: This list includes films that are not exclusively stop motion. The show focuses on three young monsters: Ickis, Oblina and Krumm, who attend an institute for monsters under a city dump to learn how to frighten humans. Little do they know, Nicky, the human that Ickis scared the night before, dressed up as Ickis for Halloween, resulting in Oblina and Krumm thinking that N When he does not have Ukon with him, he is a very timid, humble young boy.
However, once he places Ukon on his hand, he develops a careful, quiet, observant and calculating personality. He is displayed as a brilliant young m The following is an alphabetical list of horror film villains Note that this list is not restricted to original film characters, and villains featured in cinematic adaptations of other horror media are also included herein.