PREVIEW: The Girl of the Foxhole Dreams
Boy, do I get it now. I always felt it had a slightly negative connotation. Rabbits like to zig and zag as they run off confusing preditors-chasing rabbits down a hole means you too have to zig and zag getting dizzy -rabbits have a well developed inner ear balance and you become a dizzy fool falling down a hole running after your ambitions. Carolyn Foote on December 14, at 8: You are commenting using your WordPress.
You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. What happens when a group of insightful 10th grade students explore Alice's journey into Wonderland? Many characters have unsettling dreams either psychic or PTSD-induced but this trope is never played straight outside a single occasion where it is strange enough to be remarked.
The Big Bang Theory: In an episode in the first season, Leonard and Sheldon and Raj and Wolowitz buy the original time machine, from the movie The Time Machine. After a commercial break, we see Sheldon in the machine, in a steamy jungle, as Morlocs close on him. He wakes up, in the apartment, screaming, in the time machine. Leonard comes out, they have a short discussion about getting rid of the machine, and Leonard calls in some movers Morlocs wearing jumpsuits that say "Hungry Morlocs" Sheldon awakens again, in his bed this time, and starts screaming, sitting upright rather stiffly as is his manner.
Sheldon also has a catapult nightmare about turning into Gollum — this was during an argument about a replica Ring and its ownership. Leonard once has a Sheldon-style rude awakening — he dreams that Sheldon really did reproduce asexually, like an amoeba. Cue Sheldon sitting upright in bed screaming. Bones , season 5 episode "The Boy with the Answer". In the opening, Brennan has a classic Catapult Nightmare after a very disturbing dream inspired by the memories of the Gravedigger, and the stress from having to face the Serial Killer at trial. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow, when startled awake from a nap, practically shouts "Don't warn the tadpoles!
In season seven, Spike jerks awake with a shout of "I'm drowning in footwear! Averted with Buffy's very first appearance in the very first episode: Actually averted with most of Buffy's nightmares — a notable exception is when she dreams of Angel's death in "Surprise". Averted in Criminal Minds where Reid had a creepy nightmare but was very calm about it when he woke up.
But played straight with Rossi in another situation. A preview photo shows Ballard doing this in the upcoming Dollhouse episode "Needs". In the earlier episode "Divided We Stand", Trapper does this when Radar wakes him up in the middle of the night.
Considering Hawkeye's laughter immediately after, he probably just did it to screw with Radar. The "Eurosong" episode of Father Ted. Most of the times, though, she wakes up normally. Of course, considering who we're taking about , it's entirely possible she was trained to wake ready to fight. She also does so in the movie , first into another dream, finally into full waking. Whedon didn't want to use the dream within a dream cliche, but actress Summer Glau gave him two very good performances and he wanted to use them both.
Done all the time on Forever Knight , to the point that the poor main character can't seem to wake without it. Paul Slippery at the beginning of the third episode of Fortysomething in his second Dream Within a Dream awakening. He just jerks his head up and gasps the first time.
In the Kitten Kong episode, Tim returns home determined to wreck vengeance on Twinkles the kitten after his disastrous attempt to walk the over-active purrball. Graham and Bill caution him that it's not a very good idea, then open the door to reveal that thanks to Graham's growth formula the kitten has grown to enormous size. Tim screams hysterically, and then wakes up in bed crying: People on TV wake up from nightmares the same way immortals on Highlander wake up from being dead. This is a frequently Averted Trope on House.
Usually, we cut to an extreme close-up of the character dreaming and see their eyes snap open, sometimes to a shhff sound-effect.
Same for hallucinations, when we cut to other characters reacting to the "out of it" character. In both cases, the character is usually House himself. Jane does this in Jane the Virgin She does this every time she wakes up from one of her recurring Bad Dreams reliving the night when she found her husband Michael bleeding out on the floor. She also has nightmares of her son Mateo being kidnapped again after his kidnapping in the series 1 finale. Kate does this in the season 4 finale. The series averts this in the first season: Charlotte thrashes around and hurts herself, but does not sit bolt upright.
Many episodes of Medium. One of the show's ads turned them into a Fully Automatic Clip Show. Averted surprisingly often, however. Many times she'd just wake up dramatically opening her eyes with a gasp. Happens several times to Morgana in Merlin. Example of a Phlebotinum-assisted Catapult Nightmare: Not only does he bolt up in bed, he does so while screaming his head off.
I forgot the liquor stores close at 8! Gonzo bolts upright after waking from a Noah's Ark nightmare. Unfortunately, Rizzo is sleeping in a hammock directly above him. Rizzo himself getting catapulted out the the window. Equestria Chronicles has a few of these. Most notably, Clockwork set one up about a foal being brutally murdered The House on Gryphon Hill.
At the beginning of the module, the PCs each have a terrible nightmare, then wake up sitting bolt upright in bed, screaming and covered in cold sweat. After the Creature first appears to the Alchemist in a dream, most of the possible results have the Alchemist bolting upright in bed when he wakes up. Dungeon magazine 31 adventure "Bane of the Shadowborn". When the PCs are taken by the Mists to Ravenloft, one of them has a nightmare in which they are killed without any chance to save themselves.
When they wake up from the nightmare, they sit up while screaming, their body drenched in sweat. Chris does this upon wakening from his nightmare about Kim. Kim herself often does this depending on the actress after her nightmare about how she and Chris were separated during the fall of Saigon. Unfortunately for Yuko, her nightmare is actually real when a monster comes at her window Combined with a Repeat Cut in Haunting Ground , when Fiona wakes up in the castle bedroom after Riccardo the housekeeper informs her of the car accident that killed her parents.
Happens constantly in the Chzo Mythos series. Happens about three times in 5 Days a Stranger, twice in 7 Days a Skeptic, and is scripted to happen twice in 6 Days, but it also happens if you die — your death inexplicably becomes a dream, and you just wake up quickly in your bed with a minor scare note. Happens to Thrall in the opening cutscene of Warcraft 3. Sims do this on rare occasions, usually when something traumatic has recently happened.
There exists at least one hack to trigger it on command. In The Sims 4 following the June update, child Sims who have had an encounter with the Monster Under the Bed have a higher chance of waking up this way. Zero is prone to these in Mega Man X due to his Dark and Troubled Past and apparently sleeps with his capsule open to facilitate them. Used in one of the endings of Ao Oni: Shepard starts having these during Mass Effect 3.
However, it's more of an aversion, as Shepard doesn't catapult so much as simply gasp and jerk awake. Final Fantasy X , Tidus's nightmare concerning his dad during his stay in the Beside Island town hut, screaming "I hate you! After Sora awakes from his Dive to the Heart, he sits upright Then he lies back down to find Kairi standing over him, and then he shoots bolt upright with a yell.
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Lampshaded in one Evil Josh And Billy episode. Evil Josh at first does this, but then notes that nobody wakes up like that in real life, then realizes that this is also a dream. Sure enough, he's right. Unfortunately he was asleep in the middle of driving a car and immediately crashes after he wakes up. He was about to score with a Female White until the White tells him that he is just a servant. Trope was used to indicate that was all in 's head.
Bee from Bee and Puppycat does this in the first episode after waking up from a bizarre nightmare.

The Order of the Stick: Vaarsuvius gets one in the strip "Running Away". Ash has a scare in Misfile. DiDi suffers one when her over-active conscience notices her interest in Gary. January 12, , strip 96, NSFW. Yuki has two regarding "Garii". Zii has one actually two, in a Dream Within a Dream after Peggy comprehensively messed with her head. February 06, , strip , NSFW. This guy wakes up from a simply strange dream this way. After a tech support call gone right. There's a damn good reason why Karkat ordered everyone to not to go to after their dreamselves died. Then, it happens again.
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He actually does it earlier in when he dreams about a satanic Cat Girl Monster Clown. El Goonish Shive Averted in two strips. Tedd has a dream that startles him but is unable to sit up because Grace is sleeping on him although it's possible that he wouldn't have sat up anyway , and Justin has a dream that wakes him up but doesn't make him sit up immediately.
Dan's squirrel boy avatar wakes up from a nightmare about a sleazy guy hitting on him while he's in his female squirrel girl avatar form. In the strip for March 18th, , after waking up from a nightmare Grace bolts upright and screams. The Perry Bible Fellowship: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal has an unending sequence of these. Happens to Ness when he is told he can never fly and tries to fly off a building in his dream.
It's happened twice so far in Crankrats. In The Phoenix Requiem Jonas wakes up like this after being haunted by his late wife. In Consolers , Sony has one after a nightmare. Lamar starts off the fifth chapter of We Are The Wyrecats waking up from a flashback dream in this manner. The dream in question isn't especially nightmarish, but it plays on his guilt and inner conflict, putting him in an unsettled state when he wakes. In Damaged , Emily has one in episode 3, "Recycling Day". In Justice League , "Fearful Symmetry", Supergirl wakes up from a nightmare in which she cruelly hunts down and kills a citizen, to find she burned holes in the ceiling with her heat vision.
The Simpsons , frequently. Subverted in the second Treehouse of Horror special, where Homer didn't catapult awake because he had a nightmare, but rather because Bart bit him. Also humorously played straight at the end of Bart's nightmare in the same special, not because anything generally scary happened, but to Bart it's a wonderful dream, until Homer kisses him, which causes him to wake up screaming long and loud complete with the camera zooming into his screaming black mouth.
He then says, "hmmm, that's funny. That usually ends the dream. Lampshaded on a commentary, where they ask if it's even possible to sit bolt upright. It is, but you'd have to be a little fitter than Homer. One of the funniest comes from "Moaning Lisa" in which Homer dreams that he and Bart turn into the characters from the video game "Super Slugfest" and Bart is about to beat him to death, Homer wakes up screaming then almost immediately falls back to sleep.
Played with in the episode "The Sweetest Apu". After Homer stumbled on Apu cheating on Manjula with the Squishee girl, he ends dreaming that Apu brings out the Squishee girl in the typical harem room environment, and then tells the eunuch Homer to avert his eyes before making love with the Squishee girl. Homer then bolts up and screams, then wonders what an "eunuch" is, consulting to the dictionary, and then screams again when he learns what the definition of an eunuch is.
The second scream is what wakes Marge up. Lampshaded at the end of nightmare in "Bart Sells His Soul": Sherri and Terri and their respective souls: Marge, I think I hate No wait, I find him informative and witty. Actually he sings pretty good and is a noble guy. Creo que odio a Michael Jackson! La verdad es que canta bien y es noble. Did we get captured again? That's what you think! Bill [in Dipper's mind]: Hey, wanna hear my impression of you in about three seconds? Certain people will react this way, most notably to dreams that feel real dreams where you are in your bed for instance.
Will often wake up kicking, punching, or screaming. Waking from a dream that there is a snake in your bed is a pretty strong justification for leaping from the bed and hitting the light switch. Some people actually feel pain from perceived injuries sustained during dreams , so a nightmare where one is experiencing some form of injury, the pain will jolt them awake, sort of like the polar opposite of a sexual dream. As mentioned, night terrors , also known as sleep terrors, also known as pavor nocturnus , are often a specific example of this.
While bolting upright doesn't always happen, it's a common occurrence and is usually accompanied by hysterical screaming and an inability to be comforted until the episode passes. That said, night terrors themselves are a very rare occurrence. I'm not a huge fan of his, though, so that doesn't make me upset. He's in some good movies, but he isn't one of those actors that I'd go to see a movie based solely around the fact that he's in it, you know?
She was the director's assistant and said otherwise. Needless to say, she was very disappointed. Still, I enjoy him in movies. I'll just remember not to say hi to him if I see him in person. I've been watching the show for a couple of years, my ex gf loved it and I used to make fun of her for watching it. I moved out, caught an episode with John Lithgow and was like yep, I'm hooked. Having said that, I think Batista has always been my favorite character.
I was actually thinking that last night watching Sundays episode I recorded. As far as "divas" go, the only outburst I saw was from Desmond Harrington Quinn during filming of episode 9.
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We didn't wrap until 3: The director wasn't happy with a few of Desmond's lines and there was some delay due to the big action scene. After a dozen or so takes of a single line of his, he yelled something along the lines of "Come on! It's fucking 3 in the morning! We all want to go home. That was not a very fun day on set Jennifer Carpenter Deb - Very pretty but shorter than I imagined.
I never got to speak with her but she was very friendly with others. Hall - Very reserved, doesn't make unnecessary conversation, fairly stoic and quiet. I met him at craft services, said hi and asked how his day was going. He glanced up with a slight smile, said "Hi" and "Fine". I imagine he's used to fans flipping out around him so he's probably a little hesitant to talk to extras. I'm not sure if he's a method actor persae but he definitely had a lot of similarities to Dexter the few times I was around him.
Quinn - Always in character, focused on his lines and blocking, not too interested in conversation. Jason Gedrick Novikov - Super flirtatious. I first met him outside of the hair and makeup trailer on my first day and he came over, introduced himself, and said "I'm your boss" in a slightly suggestive way he's the manager of the Foxhole on the show. He always made a point to flirt with me a little on set. He has three young sons late teens, early 20's who he brought to set one day and it seemed the only reason was to let them see all of the topless dancers.
Ray Stevenson Sirko - All I can say is hot damn that man is sexy! We first met in the hair and makeup trailer when he came and sat in the chair next to me to get all done up. I had a hard time not staring. Or drooling for that matter God damn she is. She wasn't in any of the club scenes so I didn't get to meet her. I probably would've drooled all over her though so I think that's a good thing.
My cousins loved Chuck, so I see her as her blonde American character from that first, but Miranda is definitely a close second.
the foxhole court – Sprinkles of Dreams
Only once or twice during dinner they would feed the whole cast and crew inside the police offices which was actually the exit of the stripclub. We never met but whomever he was talking to was always laughing up a storm. Terrible location to build your strip club. No wonder they're always putting the squeeze on it. Holy shit, I watched Rome 5 years ago and never put it together that was Titus Pullo! I loved that character! Rome is still my favorite HBO series.
Thanks for pointing this out. I wouldn't say that. I didn't find him creepy since he wasn't that forward, he's just a very charming guy. His style is so good. Thanks for doing this AMA! I was technically an extra, although I received higher pay than the general extras such as the club patrons since I was cast in a specific-type role. I got time and a half after 10 hours, double time after 12 hours, and my day rate per hour after 15 hours. The longest day I ever worked was There was one day where I only worked 3 hours but other than that, it was always hours per day.
I was only able to watch the first 3 episodes of the series damn you Netflix Instant! It's an awesome show, you're lucky to have gotten to be on it and meet everyone. I guess you've probably already had plenty spoiled from being around some scenes, and certain characters not being present, but the more surprises left, the better.
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I'm sure they were pretty strict about taking photos on set; but do you have anything else you can share? It was very strict. One extra even got banned from the show after selling a plot secret to a fan site. As strict as they were, toward the end of the day some of the crew gets stoned and lets us do things we're not really supposed to. Here are some pics on set:.
With the air conditioner in Dexter's "house". These are with some of the dancers and another waitress on the lot at around 2AM while on a break from shooting: Did this include Michael C. I can't imagine Dexter stoned He'd probably kill someone for a container of chees puffs. Does he seem like the type of guy that likes to be alone? Thanks for doing this AMA btw! Michael C was born to play Dexter imo lol. From the few times I was around him I think you could say that. He just seems very serious about his job and I think he's probably a little guarded being around a ton of extras that could easily be crazed superfans.
And no, I'm not breaking any rules since the season has already wrapped and I'm not giving away any spoilers. Yes they were very strict on that. We were only allowed to say that it was a stripclub called The Foxhole, what our role was, and that a good portion of the plot takes place there.
We weren't allowed to reveal anything specific or take pictures. Did you interact with Michael c hall at all? I'd bet he's almost as odd as the characters he's played. No killings took place in the stripclub that I'm aware of, so no. I would have loved to be an extra in the ice cream scene though. Where the people on set fun to be around or was it all very serious? Thanks for doing the AMA: It was a ton of fun! Morale was always super high and it was the most playful, nicest crew I had ever worked with.
I've been modeling on and off since I was a kid but really kicked things into high gear in when I moved to LA to pursue it. Aside from Dexter I've done quite a bit of extra work, I was in the season of Bones, am in the ads that will be coming out soon for Eva Longoria's new show Ready For Love, I've fronted a few smaller campaigns like Papaya and Nina Canacci.
I've also been in a few fashion shows, lookbooks, and have done some private work for a few well-known photographers not what you think, I promise. Dream all you want: That's what the internet's for, right? I've actually just left the entertainment industry to live a fuller life in Oregon and its one of the best decisions I've ever made.
I had a great time in the business but its so much more difficult than anyone gives you credit for. Not in Portland, I'm in the Eastern part of the state. Not exactly retired since I'm starting a business from scratch, but geez it feels good to have the city-load off my shoulders. Not unless you are a female with a passion for humane childbirth and willing to move to a very isolated rural town. Haha well there are plenty of great little towns out there, you just have to give them a chance: Best of luck in your search for a better life!
You seem like you have a really good head on your shoulders. I don't have anything to ask, but I just want you to know that I think you're awesome. Well, I hope your fuller life in Oregon is better for you than your life in the business. Best of luck to you, foxholewaitress. I grew up in California and had only visited the snow so this is my first time living in it. Between that and the fall color, I've seriously been missing out!
Allan Wilford Howerton
Now if I could just fatten up a bit I'd be a little less shivery! Model bodies don't do well in less than 60 degrees: Besides starring at Sirko, did you get to talk to him? What was he like on set? He was one of my favorite characters this season. The strippers in the club who are giving lapdances, etc; are they professional strippers or are they actors? Have always wondered this about tv shows that feature strippers, especially the ones who seem to be able to do pole dancing work.
They're models and actors. Most of us got the job through the same agency which is sort of a "hot babes" specialty agency. When they put out the casting call they asked for girls to play waitresses and dancers. The dancers don't have to do it professionally, they just need to make it look real.
Some of them did dance on the side but none of them were strippers primarily. Do you have an idea what happens in the end of the season? I really hope that bitch LaGuerta gets what she has coming. You call her a bitch but she's trying to catch the worst murderer ever and she's right in all of her suspicions. Sounds pretty decent to me. Seriously, though, I don't want her to die yet, because that last season would be boring as shit without her as an antagonist.