On The CUTTING EDGE: Retribution

Four months ago Dr. Montague had been listed among the fatalities in a bus crash on her way home from vacation. The other doctors specialized in such diverse topics as drug rehabilitation, hypnosis to cure obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the use of growth hormones. There were three psychiatrists, ten medical doctors, sixteen lab assistants, and six administrative staff. A snort came through the com link. Rafe ignored the gibes of his men.
Like none of them had admired the feminine shape of her legs or the curve of her ass. Out of the handful of female staff, her combination of mature intelligence and sexy grace caught his attention over the perky young lab assistants or the dour senior female scientist. Montague had her arms wrapped around her torso so tightly she was in danger of breaking her own ribs. Even without the binoculars, Rafe continued to stare in the direction of the women.
Unpredictable events always added spice to a mission. Maybe the women were just griping about their boss, or maybe they were planning trouble. Here is a short playlist of songs that are connected to Retribution:. Book 3 in the SSU Series. Your lady sure does get around. Muldovsky focused the glasses, then nodded. Here is a short playlist of songs that are connected to Retribution: The first line pretty much sums it up. Rafe's searching for a way out. Makes me think of Rafe and Gabby's love. Because, you know, Gabby's a scientist.
Because Gabby is a scientist and because she's trying to fix Rafe. Now there is nothing necessarily wrong with that. We are sexual beings after all, and sex in books humanize otherwise fictional characters, it makes us see them as humans. But there are other ways of characterizations. There are other things in life, better things, more tangible things. Trust me, sex is way overrated. Also, never trust anyone who says trust me.
You are all so gullible, hehe. Now quasi-erotica is not a bad thing in itself, it can serve a purpose and might work too. Just the end result here is unintentionally hilarious, the writing really laughable. You look at the author, she seems like a sweet old lady, you wouldn't think she'd be so sex-crazed. I wouldn't want to call her a nymphomaniac, that's derogatory, Kongos's Egomaniac, sure, but not a nymphomaniac. Everyone should be able to express themselves sexually without being shamed for it. Just, the author needs help. The main baddie did something to one of his poor victims, something that years later, I found out had an actual name.
I am not clutching at my pearls, it was just so egregiously shocking and in very poor taste. Not to mention so completely unnecessary that it stood out for me. So when recently, I came across the terminology, its meaning in the Urban Dic and thought to myself, so that's what he did. Like I said, the author needs to see someone. Avoid these safe books, maybe if enough of us did that, the publishers would stop spewing out these low-quality contemporary novels. Last words, final thoughts: Any writer that uses the term "panty creaming good looks" ought to be disbarred from writing. Is what I think.
Der Klappentext klingt ja einfach schon sehr gut und das Buch hat auch so angefangen. Was ich dann aber gar nicht erwartet hatte, war, dass sich die Autorin mehr auf die juristische Seite konzentriert als auf die Ermittlungsarbeit der Detectives. Das hat mich aber einfach total begeistert was war von einer Jurastudentin auch anderes zu erwarten: Dadurch wird auch super auf Probleme eingegangen, die ich bei anderen Thrillern, die sich mehr auf die Ermittlung konzentrieren, teilweise vermisse Der Klappentext klingt ja einfach schon sehr gut und das Buch hat auch so angefangen.
Dadurch wird auch super auf Probleme eingegangen, die ich bei anderen Thrillern, die sich mehr auf die Ermittlung konzentrieren, teilweise vermisse. Leider hat mir aber gerade dieser Teil nicht so gefallen. Der Schreibstil hat mich an einigen Stellen etwas aus dem Lesefluss gerissen, aber sonst konnte man das Buch sehr schnell lesen. Auch war es, bis auf ein paar Seiten im Mittelteil, immer sehr spannend. Aber das war bei dem Fall auch klar. Die Autorin schreibt so erschreckend brutal und gut. Weiter geht es mit 'Morpheus'.
Jan 26, Emily rated it liked it Shelves: Jul 24, Pamela rated it did not like it Shelves: Judging from the other reviews it looks like I'm the only one who did not enjoy this book. I should have learned my lesson after reading her other one. Nor was it suspenseful or thrilling. It revolves around C. Townsend who is a district attorney in the state of Florida. Twelve years earlier while studying in New York she was Judging from the other reviews it looks like I'm the only one who did not enjoy this book.
Twelve years earlier while studying in New York she was violently raped. This is where the story becomes more ridiculous than it already is. As well, throughout the entire plot she just goes on and on about her rape.
Retribution – Official Website of Vanessa Kier
None of the characters jump out and they have no depth. The blossoming relationship between C. There are way better books out there to read. You might want to do the same. Der Anfang ist dann auch recht vielversprechend: Aber nach der ersten Szene flacht der Spannungsbogen ziemlich ab. Jilliane Hoffman ist dennoch ein ordentlicher Thriller gelungen. May 30, Liz Cee rated it it was amazing. This is classic edge-of-your-seat suspense! I don't want to delve too much into the plot because the twists and turns are what makes this an excellent read.
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- Van Lockens Witch (Wieven).
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- Welcome to the Free Zone (Hesperus Classics).
Chloe Larson is a law student in New York, about to take the bar. One night, she is brutally tortured and raped by a man who, horrifyingly, knows so many intimate details about her. She survives and, 12 years later, is living in Florida and practicing law under a new name and appearance. Her attacker was never captured. We travel with CJ as she This is classic edge-of-your-seat suspense! We travel with CJ as she begins to prosecute the case of "Cupid" a horrific serial murder.
She encounters the familiar and begins to spiral into madness. Despite the typos and the fact that everyone seems to smoke, I am giving this one top marks. The story is so well plotted and the characters are great. The aforementioned twists are superb; this is one scary courtroom thriller.
I recommend this to those who are NOT faint of heart!!!! Jan 16, James Fitzgerald rated it really liked it. Psychological Thriller that I really enjoyed. Kept you into the book from the first to last page. For a new writer and her first book I am envious of the suspense and surprises that she was able to capture in this novel. The character is a law student who is brutally raped. Should she do the right Psychological Thriller that I really enjoyed.
Should she do the right thing and tell her boss that she shouldn't be trying the case and turn the case over to someone who is less capable. Or should she keep quiet and make sure this monster goes to jail.
- Retribution.
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- Retribution (C.J. Townsend #1) by Jilliane Hoffman;
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- Sermon Outlines on the Whole Bible: Romans.
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Very interesting what would you do? I enjoyed this book a lot. It's thrilling to the end with a lot of twists and new revelations etc. I guessed some of the turns, but there were still enough "how" and "am I right? So it definitely didn't get boring: Very nice and hooking book. I loved the first part because the writer has been very good at describing what Chloe goes through. I clicked immediately with her. I will definitely read the second book. Jan 03, Kimberly rated it it was amazing. Great thriller with lots of twists, surprises and turns. Sep 04, Susan rated it really liked it Shelves: Recommended to Michael by: Saw that it was nominated for Anthony Award.
In this fine novel which was nominated for the Anthony Award for the Best First Mystery Novel, a preditor stalks and rapes law student Chole Larson and escapes. A policeman pulls a car over for a traffic offense and when the driver refuses to allow the author to check his trunk, a K-9 unit is called. The dog whiffs something. On popping the trunk, they find a dead girl with a missing heart. William Bangling asks for a lawyer.
He's brought before the court and prosecutor C. Is Bantling the serial killer or a copy cat? Even though it's been 12 years, C. She had moved to Florida, changed her name and passed the Florida bar exam.
She's able to survive with drive and periodic visits to her analyst. This is a wonderful plot driven novel. Townsend is a first rate protagonist, sympathetic yet strong in her resolve. The author adds an interesting but somewhat predictable plot twist at the end which heightened the enjoyment. Film rights have been sold to Warner Brothers and John Wells Productions, the film is currently in development. Dit was een aparte, maar zeer interessante thriller.
Het boek bestaat uit drie delen en elk deel is op een andere manier geschreven. Ik vind het lastig om deze review te schrijven zonder spoilers uit het verhaal te geven, dus sorry als het wat warrig is hihi.
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De intro en het eerste deel waren fantastisch: Het tweede deel beslaat Dit was een aparte, maar zeer interessante thriller. Het tweede deel beslaat wat meer juridische aspecten en ondanks dat dat totaal mijn wereld niet is, bleef het interessant en was ook hier zeker de onderhuidse spanning te voelen, al was dat voor mij wel wat minder dan in het eerste deel.
Het derde en laatste deel staat bol van de plotwendingen en was op bepaalde punten erg verrassend. Ik vond het heel tof dat je schrijfster je laat meedenken, wat is er aan de hand, waarom doet ze zo..? De schrijfstijl was aangenaam en ondanks dat het aardig wat pagina's waren, werd het nooit vervelend. De personages zijn vrijwel allemaal goed uitgewerkt en de rode lijn van ethiek in het verhaal vond ik reuze interessant, het laat je echt meedenken. Leuk om eens een thriller te lezen die zich in Miami afspeelt.
Ik ben zeer nieuwsgierig naar het volgende deel, want het einde is wel zo geschreven, dat je eigenlijk gewoon niets anders kunt dan jezelf afvragen hoe dit verder gaat: This was my first book by Jilliane Hoffman. As a matter of fact I had never heard of her before.