Marcus Marius Cornelius
Are you then so happy, someone will say, for having a teacher to show you how to write a maxim more deftly, more clearly, more tersely, more elegantly? No, that is not my reason for calling myself happy. What, then, is it?
Sulla - Wikipedia
It is that I learn from you to speak the truth. Farewell, my good master, my best of masters. I rejoice, best of orators, that you have so become my friend. If any sleep comes back to you after the wakeful nights of which you complain, I beseech you write to me and, above all, I beseech you take care of your health. Then hide somewhere and bury that "axe of Tenedos" [proverb for unflinching justice], which you hold over us, and do not, whatever you do, give up your intention of pleading cases, or along with yours let all lips be dumb. Farewell, breath of my life.
Should I not burn with love of you, who have written to me as you have!
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What shall I do? Last year it befell me in this very place, and at this very time, to be consumed with a passionate longing for my mother.
Marcus Licinius Crassus
This year you inflame that my longing. My Lady greets you. But if the present treatise [ A Discourse on Love , composed by Fronto in Greek] seems to you to be longer than those which were previously sent through Lysias and Plato, let this be a proof to you that I can claim in fair words to be at no loss for words. But you must consider now whether my words are no less true than new.
No doubt, O Boy, you will wish to know at the very beginning of my discourse how it is that I, who am not in love, long with such eagerness for the very same things as lovers. I will tell you, therefore, first of all how this is.
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He who is ever so much a lover is, by Zeus, gifted with no keener sight than I who am no lover, but I can discern your beauty as well as anyone else, aye, far more accurately, I might say, even than your lover. But, just as we see in the case of fever patients, and those who have taken right good exercise in the gymnasium, the same result proceeds from different causes.
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They are both thirsty, the one from his malady, the other from his exercise. It has been my lot also to suffer some such malady from love. Money given by me you would be right in calling a gift, but given by a lover a quittance. And the children of prophets say that to gods also is the thank-offering among sacrifices more acceptable than the sin-offering, for the one is offered by the prosperous for the preservation and possession of their goods, the other by the wretched for the averting of ills.
Let this suffice to be said on what is expedient and beneficial both to you and to him. But if it is right that he should receive aid from you. Consequently the generality of the citizens call you the man's darling; but I shall keep your name unsullied and inviolate. For as far as I am concerned you shall be called Beautiful , not Darling [ kalos , not ephebos ]. Your lover, too, as they say, composes some amatory writings about you in the hope of enticing you with this bait, if with no other, and attracting you to himself and catching you; but such things are a disgrace and an insult and a sort of licentious cry, the outcome of stinging lust, such as those of wild beasts and fed cattle, that from sexual desire bellow or neigh or low or howl.
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He won another praetorship, but was not allowed to be consul. After Sulla's victory he was cruelly killed by his brother-in-law Catiline at the tomb of Catulus 1 at the request of Q. Personal use only; commercial use is strictly prohibited for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice. Publications Pages Publications Pages.
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