Lord Dragoners Wife
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Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Lord Dragoner's Wife , please sign up. Lists with This Book. At the age of twenty-two, Charles Everett, heir to the Earl of Dragoner was sold into marriage with the daughter of a wealthy merchant in order to repair the family finances. On the morning of his wedding, he discovered that his parents had absconded with the money and left him to it — so he got rollicking drunk, got married, bedded his bride and abandoned her the following morning, At the age of twenty-two, Charles Everett, heir to the Earl of Dragoner was sold into marriage with the daughter of a wealthy merchant in order to repair the family finances.
On the morning of his wedding, he discovered that his parents had absconded with the money and left him to it — so he got rollicking drunk, got married, bedded his bride and abandoned her the following morning, leaving England in order to purchase a commission in the army. He has not returned since, serving on the peninsula in various capacities and building rather an unsavoury reputation.
Rumour has it that he is a coward and a libertine; and when he is publicly disgraced — by the Duke of Wellington, no less — he finds he has no alternative but to return to British shores. His wife, Delilah, has carried a torch for him ever since she first laid eyes on him, but rather than moping dejectedly at his desertion, she has spent his absence shepherding his finances and turning her dowry into a substantial fortune. He wants his freedom — and to give her hers — and has come to her so that they can start divorce proceedings. But he has been living in France where divorce is easier and has reckoned without the harsher English laws which make it very difficult for a wife to divorce her husband as he has planned.
Instead, he will have to divorce her on grounds of adultery which will cause a great deal of scandal and unpleasantness for her. But despite everything, Delilah still dares to hope and she makes one last request of him. Dragoner knows this is a reasonable request and in the short time they have known each other, he has come to respect and admire his wife. He also finds her attractive and would have no qualms about taking her to bed — but she is not the reason for his reluctance.
It soon emerges that Dragoner believes himself to be absolutely the wrong choice for her — or for any woman. The job, of course, being that of an undercover agent for the British army. The public hostility between him and Wellington was something they engineered between them to enable Wellington to plant his spy in the midst of society and ensure that Dragoner is regarded as a traitor and a good prospect for recruitment to any anti-British cause.
Delilah is a wonderful character — intelligent, endearing and determined without being sharp or bossy; and Charles is a man in need of rescuing from his demons and from his past. So he pushes away anyone who shows signs of becoming attached to him by presenting the worst of himself — smug, flippant and unpleasant — until they leave him alone. Even Delilah - tenacious, intuitive Delilah - is almost fooled by his devil-may-care insouciance — but fortunately for Charles, she puts her tenacity to use in his favour.
His growing affection and her quiet devotion are beautifully written, and while the pair never progress beyond a kiss on the page, Ms Kerstan conveys a real depth of emotion and understanding between them that leaves us in no doubt as to their future happiness. With thanks to Belle Books and NetGalley for the review copy.
Lord Dragoner's Wife
View all 3 comments. I thoroughly enjoyed this romance with a touch of intrigue. Lord Dragoner is truly awful, and he doesn't become any better until very near the end. Delilah is wonderful, strong-minded but sweet, who's prepared to give Dragoner the divorce he wants even though she loves him.
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The reader learns quite a bit about how awful the law treated married women in the early 19th century. Lynn Kerstan has a nice writing style, but there was an awful lot of action here that was told -- literally I thoroughly enjoyed this romance with a touch of intrigue. Lynn Kerstan has a nice writing style, but there was an awful lot of action here that was told -- literally -- rather than shown.
View all 5 comments. Jun 12, Ana T. Six years previously Delilah, a tradesman daughter, and the present Lord Dragoner were married. He appeared on church drunk and disappeared right after the wedding night. For five years, Delilah has waited for him to come back so they can form a relationship but when he returns is to speak of a divorce. While Dragoner believes theirs was only a marriage of convenience, trading a title for money that his parents immediately managed to spend Delilah had in fact examined several candidates and decided to choose him because she was attracted to him.
When he sees it is not so he lets Delilah persuade him to postpone a decision. While he goes back to France where he performs undercover work for Wellington she decides to follow him and see if his bad reputation is well deserved and if she should indeed forget him and any chances of saving their wedding.
What follows is Dragoner still trying to do his job as a spy but finding his wife in the middle of the action. Delilah is quite a strong and determined woman in her own way and tries her best to help him even if some wrong assumptions do lead to some funny and unexpected scenes. A very enjoyable story where my only complaint is that Delilah was a bit too good, too kind, too intelligent, a business genious… but I still liked it very much! Sep 14, Shauni rated it liked it Shelves: Lord Dragoner's Wife by Lynn Kerstan, is a story about a woman who dared dream big.

And when the dreams shattered about her feet, she dared to dream again. Delilah fell in love with Charles Everett from afar. Even though she was a merchant's daughter she had the power and the money to ensure a good catch and she wanted Charles Everett. And she got him, sort of. Immediately after consummating the marriage, Charles bought his commission and went to war. Leaving Delilah a war widow.. Alone for six years, Delilah did everything in her power to bring his family fortune back. Investing funds and rebuilding the family estate.
Lord Dragoner's Wife
The First Dornish War lasted nine years, and knew many deaths and tragedies. One of these tragedies was the capture and mutilation of Aegon's friend and Hand of the King , Orys Baratheon. Following his release from the two-year captivity, Orys returned home lacking a swordhand — as did the men who had been taken captive with him. Aegon, intend on revenge, released his dragons and burned the castles of the defiant dornish lords. Yet the greatest loss Aegon faced was the death of Queen Rhaenys Targaryen at Hellholt in 10 AC , when her dragon Meraxes fell from the sky with Rhaenys upon her back when a shot from a scorpion took her in the eye.
Aegon and Visenya placed bounties on the heads of Dornish lords after Rhaenys's death and in turn the Dornish put bounties on the Targaryens. Aegon and Visenya were assaulted on the streets of King's Landing and if not for Visenya and Dark Sister they would have been killed. This attack led to the forming of the elite royal bodyguard known as the Kingsguard in 10 AC. Visenya personally chose the men herself. She brought the skull of Meraxes and a letter with her, which was given to Aegon. After reading the letter, Aegon flew on Balerion to Dragonstone.
He returned the next day, and agreed to a peace between Dorne and his kingdom. Aegon would keep up good relations with Princess Deria, and is known to have visited Sunspear together with his eldest son, Aenys , in 23 AC to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the peace between the Iron Throne and Dorne. The remaining twenty-four years of Aegon's reign were peaceful. He spent much of his time consolidating his power by traveling throughout the Seven Kingdoms and building his capital at King's Landing.
King's Landing initially lacked walls, and the likely reason is that the Targaryens likely believed no one would attack a city which housed dragons. However, when he learned about a pirate fleet sacking Tall Trees Town in the Summer Isles in 19 AC , Aegon came to the realization that he and Visenya were not always in the city. As such, he ordered the construction of massive walls to be built around the city. Construction began in 20 AC , and was completed in 26 AC. After Aegon celebrated his sixtieth name day in 33 AC , the royal progresses continued, but were now made by his son Aenys and his wife Alyssa, while the aging king remained at home.
By this point late in his reign, Aegon decided that the ramshackle Aegonfort was not a suitable seat for a king, so the structure was torn to the ground in 35 AC. Aegon moved his family and court back to Dragonstone, while he commanded the construction of what would later be called the Red Keep. Visenya was placed in charge of the building of the Red Keep, and it was rumored that Aegon had done this so that he would not have to suffer her presence on Dragonstone. In 7 AC , Aegon became a father for the first time, when his younger sister-wife Rhaenys gave birth to a son: However, Aenys was a sickly boy, and Rhaenys's death in 10 AC shattered him.
Aegon grew desperate, and there were worries about whether or not Aenys would even live. As Aenys had troubled health, there were rumors that he had been fathered by a singer instead of Aegon. However, when Aenys bonded with his dragon Quicksilver , his health improved, and the rumors faded away.
As Visenya by then had not gotten pregnant yet, some believed she was barren, and during the times when Aenys's health was still troubled it was rumored at court that Aegon might take another wife. Although Aegon refused to speak his mind on the matter, many lord and knights brought their young daughters to court. Aegon raised Aenys at King's Landing, and took him with him on his progressions. Occasionally, he let Aenys train with his Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre. Lacking daughters, he married Aenys to a cousin, Lady Alyssa Velaryon , the daughter of his master of ships , in 22 AC.
Lord Dragoner's Wife by Lynn Kerstan
Aenys would have six children with Alyssa, five of whom were born during Aegon's reign. In 33 AC , Aegon made his final progress throughout Westeros, [13] during which he visited Winterfell. In 37 AC on Dragonstone , while telling his two eldest grandsons Aegon and Viserys the tales of his conquest at the Painted Table , Aegon died from a stroke at the age of sixty-four. Others wanted vengeance for the deaths of their loved ones in wars, and yet others saw the Targaryens as abominations. Product details File Size: Amber Muse November 7, Publication Date: November 7, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers.
Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention story line good read next book dragons errors grammatical. Showing of 19 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I enjoyed the read.
Many errors and spelling that were not caught, but I must say that when an author writes a story he should make the full story available. I went looking for the next book and found myself buying another series thinking it was a continuation of this series. Left hanging it only made me disappointed in the author.
Good read and wonderful characters wanted to keep reading did not want to put it down. One person found this helpful. It was a great story. The language was a little harsh for younger readers. I am looking forward to the next book. Can't wait for the next one! The story is intriguing and I found myself getting emotionally attached to the characters. The book is very poorly written. Either needed a professional editor or one that was actually good at their job. Time and time again you catch grammatical errors that force you to go back and re-read a sentence just because it doesn't make sense.
The series continues in an epic fashion. It is an action packed and fast paced. It could still use a once over to fix a few minor grammatical and spelling issues. However, it doesn't detract much from such a great story line. It's a very very good read.