Krankenhausmanagement mit Zukunft: Orientierungswissen und Anregungen von Experten (German Edition)
Thermophysics of Spacecraft and Planetary Bodies: Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases: Accelerating Change in Schools: Implications from the South Pacific Region Volume Social and Environmental Accounting in Brazil Volume 6. Advancing Research Methodology in the African Context: Techniques, Methods, and Designs Volume Issues in Institutional Design Volume Analyzing Gender, Intersectionality, and Multiple Inequalities: Global, Transnational and Local Contexts Volume Annual Review of Health Care Management: As the World Turns: Issues and Implications for the 21st Century Volume Assessing Teachers for Professional Certification: Beyond the Rural-Urban Divide: Behind the Professional Mask: Impacts on Patients, Providers and Policy Volume Celebrating the James Partridge Award: Commercial Diplomacy and International Business: A Conceptual and Empirical Exploration Volume 9.
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Healthcare in Germany - Wikipedia
Operations Research for Libraries and Information Agencies: Organizational Transformation and Scientific Change: Performance Measurement and Management Control: Behavioral Implications and Human Actions Volume Towards a New Economic Paradigm Volume Positive Design and Appreciative Construction: Practical Transformations and Transformational Practices: Production, Consumption, Business and the Economy: Structural Ideals and Moral Realities Volume Recent Developments in Alternative Finance: Empirical Assessments and Economic Implications Volume Rethinking Agricultural Policy Regimes: Perspectives from Different Voices Volume 8.
Socially Responsible Investment in the 21st Century: Does it Make a Difference for Society? Spanning Boundaries and Disciplines: Special Education International Perspectives: Biopsychosocial, Cultural, and Disability Aspects Volume Immigration, Citizenship, and the Constitution of Legality Volume Sraffa and Althusser Reconsidered: Social welfare beneficiaries are also enrolled in statutory health insurance, and municipalities pay contributions on behalf of them. Most civil servants benefit from a tax-funded government employee benefit scheme covering a percentage of the costs, and cover the rest of the costs with a private insurance contract.
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Recently, private insurers provide various types of supplementary coverage as an add upon of the SHI benefit package e. Health insurance in Germany is split in several parts. All wage workers pay a health-insurance contribution based on their salary if they are enrolled in the public subsystem whereas private insurers charge risk-related contributions.
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This may result in substantial savings for younger individuals in good health. With age, private contributions tend to rise and a number of insurees formerly cancelled their private insurance plan in order to return to statutory health insurance; this option is now only possible for beneficiaries under 55 years. Reimbursement for outpatient care was on a fee-for-service basis but has changed into basic capitation according to the number of patients seen during one quarter, with a capped overall spending for outpatient treatments and region.
Moreover, regional panel physician associations regulate number of physicians allowed to accept Statutory Health Insurance in a given area. Co-payments, which exist for medicines and other items are relatively low compared to other countries. Germany has a universal multi-payer system with two main types of health insurance.
Germans are offered three mandatory health benefits, which are co-financed by employer and employee: Accident insurance for working accidents Arbeitsunfallversicherung is covered by the employer and basically covers all risks for commuting to work and at the workplace. Long-term care Pflegeversicherung is covered half and half by employer and employee and covers cases in which a person is not able to manage his or her daily routine provision of food, cleaning of apartment, personal hygiene, etc.
There are two separate types of health insurance: Both systems struggle with the increasing cost of medical treatment and the changing demography. In a state funded private care insurance was introduced "Private Pflegeversicherung".
It is expected that the number of contracts will grow from , by end of to over a million within the next few years. The German legislature has reduced the number of public health insurance organisations from in down to in As long as a person has the right to choose his or her health insurance, he or she can join any insurance that is willing to include the individual.
Regular salaried employees must have public health insurance. Only public officers, self-employed people and employees with a large income, above c. For persons who have opted out of the public health insurance system to get private health insurance, it can prove difficult to subsequently go back to the public system, since this is only possible under certain circumstances, for example if they are not yet 55 years of age and their income drops below the level required for private selection.
Since private health insurance is usually more expensive than public health insurance [ citation needed ] , the higher premiums must then be paid out of a lower income. During the last twenty years [ when? In Germany, all privately financed products and services for health are assigned as part of the 'second health market'.
Patients with public health insurance paid privately about 1. The 'second health market' in Germany is compared to the United States still relatively small, but is growing continuously. Health economics in Germany can be considered as a collective term for all activities that have anything to do with health in this country.
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Around it is located wholesale and supplier sector with pharmaceutical industry , medical technology , healthcare, and wholesale trade of medical products. Health-related margins are the fitness and spa facilities, assisted living , and health tourism. According to this basic idea, an almost totally regulated health care market like in the UK were not very productive, but also a largely deregulated market in the United States would not be optimal.
Both systems would suffer concerning sustainable and comprehensive patient care. Only a hybrid of social well-balanced and competitive market conditions created a relevant optimum. Health care in Germany, including its industry and all services, is one of the largest sectors of the German economy. Direct inpatient and outpatient care equivalent to just about a quarter of the entire 'market' - depending on the perspective.
The pharmaceutical industry plays within and beyond direct health care a major role in Germany. Expenditure on pharmaceutical drugs is almost half as high as those for the entire hospital sector. Pharmaceutical drug expenditure grew by an annual average of 4. Such developments caused since the s numerous health care reforms. An actual example of and First time since the drug expenditure fell from That was caused by restructuring the Social Security Code: In a sample of 13 developed countries Germany was seventh in its population weighted usage of medication in 14 classes in and tenth in The study noted considerable difficulties in cross border comparison of medication use.
In the top diagnosis for male patients released from the hospital was heart disease , followed by alcohol-related disorders and hernias. For women, the top diagnoses related to pregnancies, breast cancer, and heart disease. The average length of hospital stay in Germany has decreased in recent [ when? According to several sources from the past decade, waiting times in Germany remain low for appointments and surgery, although a minority of elective surgery patients face longer waits.
In , a study by Fleming et al. Both Social Health Insurance SHI and privately insured patient experienced low waits, but privately insured patients' waits were even lower. Germany has a large hospital sector capacity measured in beds. High capacity on top of significant day surgery outside of hospitals especially for ophthalmology and othopaedic surgery with doctors paid fee-for-service for activity performed are likely factors preventing long waits, despite hospital budget limitations.
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This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. List of hospitals in Germany. Germany portal European Union portal. A century of lessons for development strategy" PDF.